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Chapter 12: You and I Are Not So Different - Chapter 12


I've got La Signora and Childe's standing there, not frozen, but definitely not going anywhere either.

(Mizu as Gojo) : I hit 'em with the question, lean in a bit for effect, "So, my Fair Lady and student of heretic knowledge, what're you both doing here?" Expecting some sort of grand confession or at least a tiny slip, but nah, they're tight-lipped.

Silence. That's all they're giving me. But it's cool, I'm patient. I can wait them out.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Seeing they weren't about to chat, I shrugged. "Alright, playing the silent game. Cool, cool." So, I strolled over to Signora, who's pretty much like a sculpture at this point, and spotted the Geo Gnosis in her hand.

She couldn't fight back or anything, so snagging the Gnosis was a piece of cake.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Guess I'll be taking this," I said, pocketing the prize. She couldn't do much about it, really. It was almost too easy.

(La Signora) : But her sudden outburst caught me off-guard. "You! Who are you?! Why can't I move?!" She shouted, sounding pretty flustered.

(Mizu as Gojo) : I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, now you're talking?" I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

Here she was, all helpless, and now she decides to join the conversation. Timing's a bit off, if you ask me.

(La Signora) : "If you dare to touch me, the Fatui organization will spread news that the Geo Archon is still alive!" Her smirk had a sharp edge to it as she threw her threat into the mix.

She seemed pretty confident that would shake things up. And I gotta admit, it did catch Zhongli off guard.

Even I saw him flinch a bit. It was like watching someone accidentally step on a cat's tail—the instant regret and "oh no" moment written all over his face.

Interesting how quickly the tables can turn with just a few words, huh?

But honestly, her threats? They didn't get under my skin as she hoped.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "All barks and no bite," I sighed out. You know, it's one of those moments when you're so over the drama, you could practically yawn.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "You see, I don't care if you spread the news or anything. Yeah, sure, go ahead, broadcast it to the world for all I care. But have you stopped to think, even for a second, that your currently miserable life could easily be taken by me?" Dropping those words felt like dropping a bombshell—it was heavy, loaded, and I could practically see the impact ripple through her.

It's not about being cruel or anything; it's just laying down the facts, straight and simple.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Let me introduce myself to you again, my Fair Lady. I'm Gojo Satoru, coming straight from Snezhnaya. Now, I've heard the Fatui aren't exactly clueless, especially when they've got their sights set on something, or someone," I lean in, a smirk playing along my lips, loving the intrigue pooling in her eyes.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "How is it then," I continue, the question hanging in the air like the perfect cliffhanger, "that your organization, with all its spies and secrets, doesn't have a whisper about me?" The look on her face? Priceless.

It was that perfect mix of curiosity and bewilderment that I was aiming for.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "I mean, come on, I'm a man with white hair, blindfolded and wearing all black! How can you miss that? It's funny, actually." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

Just picturing myself from their point of view, I could see how I might stand out just a tad in a crowd.

It's not every day you run across someone who looks like he stepped out of a particularly eccentric fashion catalogue, blindfold and all.

Yet here I am, somehow flying under their radar.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Now, have you told Tsaritsa, the Cryo Archon, the owner of Fatui, that you failed to get Venti's Gnosis? Ah~ But I know that you didn't tell her because I made a small interference to your plans, right?" Watching her reaction was priceless. The shock on her face spoke volumes.

How I knew about her little secret of her mission failure, must've seemed like a mystery to unravel.

I had my ways, of course, Observation Haki here, a Rikugan there, and the puzzle pieces just fell into place.

But her astonishment? That was the real cherry on top. She must've been racking her brain, trying to figure out how I got wind of her keeping such critical information under wraps.

(La Signora) : She was visibly shaken, her composure were crumbling. Still, she managed to stammer out, "W-we will have our revenge.. It's not over.." Her eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

Oh, how she must've cursed her slip of the tongue and the position she found herself in.

Leaning back, I couldn't help but let a smile tug at the corner of my mouth. Her fiery gaze met mine, but all I could do was chuckle lightly under my breath.

(Mizu as Gojo) : It was almost endearing, her tenacity. So, in a tone laced with amusement, I quipped, "Oh yeah, you and what army?"

The question hung in the air between us, a challenge she wasn't prepared to answer.

Her rage was palpable, yes, but so was her realization that she was caught in a game far bigger than she'd anticipated.

It was a delicious moment, seeing her trying to think for a comeback, racing her mind for a retort that never came.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Alright, let's wrap this up fast. If you even think about spilling the beans on Zhongli's real deal, I'll make sure your little club crumbles to dust. Now scram, and keep your noses out of Mondstadt and Liyue," I warned them, flicking my hand to zap them back to their Fatui clubhouse.

Glancing at the Geo Gnosis snug in my grip, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Another Archon's Gnosis safe and sound.

(Zhongli) : Zhongli hit me with that polite questioning of his, "Who exactly are you, Gojo?" Lumine and Paimon were just as curious, both of them giving me those expectant looks, clearly waiting for some sort of reveal.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Honestly, I couldn't help but crack a smile. "Me? I'm just a guy trying to keep the balance. Think of me as a friend who's really good at handling trouble," I said, shrugging lightly. "But, between us, let's just say I enjoy a good challenge." Their curious gazes didn't waver, but hey, a little mystery never hurts, right?


Madara found himself surrounded by a rowdy bunch of bandits. Just as he was about to reach for his Gunbai, ready to show them who's boss, someone else jumped into the fray.

This new person charged at the bandits, throwing punches left and right, each hit sending out bursts of flames.

(Leader) : As soon as the punches started flying, the leader of the bandit, wide-eyed and practically tripping over his own feet, yelled out, "R-run away! It's the Flame-mane!" That was all it took; the bandits scattered like leaves in a storm.

The person they were fleeing from, the so-called Flame-mane, stood confidently amidst the chaos.

She has a striking figure, her lightly tanned skin glowing under the Sumeru sun, sky-blue eyes with unique yellow 'cat-eye' pupils scanning the area, and her dark brown hair, accented with dusky blonde, flowing behind her as if it harbored its own flame.

(???) : "Yo!" she shouted, closing the distance with an energetic stride. "I saw a group of bandits surrounding you! Are you alright... Mister? You have long hair, don't you?" She wasn't trying to be rude or anything; the question about his hair popping out honestly, without any filter.

(Madara) : "Yeah, I'm doing fine," he replied, his voice as calm as the breeze. He started brushing off the dirt on his crimson armor, an action that seemed practiced, almost habitual. "And don't pay much attention to it," he added, seemingly unfazed despite the chaos that just happened.

(???) : "So, who are you, mister? What's the deal with the armor? And that weapon on your back—it looks massive. Doesn't all that weight get to you?" She bombarded him with questions, curiosity painting her features.

(Madara) : "My name is Uchiha Madara," he finally said, his voice steady. "I'm from Natlan, so all of this," he gestured to his armor and the big Gunbai slung across his back, "is nothing."

The armor didn't just look heavy; it seemed like it should have been a burden for any ordinary man.

But Madara? He carried it as if it were no heavier than a cloak, his posture relaxed and utterly at ease.

The Gunbai, too, was a behemoth of a thing that could easily be mistaken for a shield.

Yet, there was something about the way he mentioned Natlan, a tone of pride mixed with a touch of nonchalance, that made it all make sense.

In a place filled with dangers, a place like Natlan could forge individuals who saw heavy armor and colossal weapons as mere accessories rather than necessities.

(Dehya) : "Madara, huh?" she echoed, her tone laced with a mix of curiosity. "Name's Dehya, but you might also catch wind of me as Flame-mane," she continued, her words carrying the weight of her reputation like a badge of honor.

(Dehya) : "If you're sitting on a bit of Mora and need some muscle or anything that requires getting your hands dirty," she said, her voice now dipped in the raw, unpolished honesty common to those in her line of work, "I'm the mercenary for the job. No task too big, no trouble too messy." Her eyes sparkled with the unspoken challenge.

(Madara) : Madara reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter, extending it towards Dehya. "So you're Dehya, huh? Here, Nilou sent this to you," he said, offering the envelope with a nod.

(Dehya) : Dehya's expression softened at the mention of Nilou, her smile widening. "Oh, Nilou did? That's kind of her," she remarked, her tone filled with genuine warmth.

She reached out, taking the letter from Madara with a gracious gesture.

Curiosity flickered in her eyes as she flipped the envelope, evidently touched by the unexpected connection from Nilou.

Before Madara could finish his thought, already turning to leave with a sense of his task being completed, Dehya's voice cut through the air, stopping him mid-stride.

(Dehya) : "Wait a minute..." She began, her attention fully on the letter she was unfolding. Her eyes quickly scanned the contents, a hint of surprise in her tone. "In this letter, she said that you're a great warrior from Natlan. No wonder that's the deal with you, with the armor and that thing on your back." A mix of realization and amazement washing over her.

(Dehya) : She suddenly noticed something in the letter. "Ghost of Uchiha? What's with that title? Sounds cool though," she genuinely asked him.

(Madara) : "Ah, that is..." The question caught Madara off-guard. It's like memories came flooding back at the mention of the title, each one carrying the weight of past battles, victories and losses.

The title "Ghost of Uchiha" wasn't just a name—it was a reminder of everything he had endured and overcome.

For a moment, he seemed lost in his thoughts, reflecting on the significance of the name, a title that carried both respect and fear.

(Madara) : Madara brushed it off with a simple, "That is just a title. Nothing more, nothing less." His voice carried a weight, the kind that's earned, not given.

(Dehya) : She nodded, her understanding deeper than the words spoken. "Well, I understand. Knowing that you're from a land with a war that never ends and all," she said, her tone soft, tinged with empathy.

She got it, really. With Madara hailing from a land where war was as common as sunrises, such a title made sense.

It wasn't just about the battles fought; it was about the resilience, the constant presence of conflict, and how one emerges amidst it all.

She understood Madara's feelings. In a place where war never ends, a title become more than just a name; it's a story, legacy, and sometimes, a burden.

(Madara) : "My job is done. I'm going to Liyue. Send my regards to Nilou." As Madara began to walk away, declaring his intention to head to Liyue, Dehya wasn't quite ready to let the moment end.

(Dehya) : "Hey, wait a moment.." She quickly moved to block his path, a spark of challenge lighting up her eyes. She flashed a smile, the kind that said she was up for a bit of fun. "I want to see your strength. After all, why not increase my fighting experience?"

She was curious, clearly. Meeting someone of Madara's caliber wasn't an everyday occurrence, and Dehya seemed to relish the thought of testing her skills against his.

It wasn't just about proving who was stronger; it was about the thrill of the fight, the chance to learn and grow.

Plus, how could she resist the opportunity to spar with a warrior from Natlan, someone with stories etched into every move?

Madara, momentarily taken aback by the sudden challenge, took a moment to weigh her idea.

There was a curious gleam in his eye, one that hinted he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea.

After all, a true warrior never shies away from a chance to gauge his own strength, especially against an opponent that dares to challenge.

Madara smiled in excitement, pulling out his Gunbai on his back, a weapon that had been in countless battles.

(Madara) : "Alright, Flame-mane, let's see what you've got," he said, his voice carrying the thrill of an upcoming challenge.

Dehya wasn't one to back down either. With a determined glint in her eyes, she transformed her claymore into a pair of gloves, each fist meeting with a satisfying clank.

(Dehya) : "I'll not lose easily!" She declared, ready to prove her worth against the Ghost of Uchiha.


Over in Mondstadt, Welt was out and about, just soaking in the sights and vibes of the place.

Dressed to impress without even trying, he was just strolling through the streets, taking it all easy but impossible to miss.

His style had a way of catching eyes, especially those of the ladies passing by.

There was something about him — maybe it was the way he carried himself or just how dashing he looked — that made heads turn.

People couldn't help but sneak second glances, and the murmurs of admiration followed him like a subtle, flattering breeze.

He had passed the word to a few of the guards to set up a meeting with Acting Grand Master Jean, but it seemed like it was going to be a bit late due to regulation before that happened.

So, instead of just standing there, he decided to take a little walkabout.

It seemed like a good opportunity to stretch his legs and get to know Mondstadt a bit better while he had some time to kill.

Then, out of nowhere, someone bumped into him from the back. Turning around, he saw it was Venti, again.

The bard was unmistakably drunk, wobbling on his feet with a lopsided grin plastered on his face.

(Venti) : "Oh, it's you again, dashing mister! Hic!" Venti exclaimed, seeming both surprised and delighted to stumble upon Welt once more.

(Welt) : "You.." He couldn't help but sigh. "Don't you have anything better to do besides being drunk?" He asked, a hint of exasperation lacing his voice.

Yet Venti, ever the spirited one, wasn't the least bit discouraged by the question.

(Venti) : "Don't worry! Hic! I am the greatest bard ever! There's no song that I do not know of! Be it from the past, the present, or the future! Hic!" He proclaimed, puffing out his chest in pride.

There he stood, tottering slightly, yet ready to defend his title as the ultimate bard, even if the only audience to his grand claim was Welt.

He had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time—or perhaps the right one, depending on how one looked at it.

(Welt) : "Come on, let's sit down. If you're a famous bard, why don't you tell me some stories?" Welt suggested, leading the way to a nearest bench.

He half-expected Venti to refuse or perhaps wander off in his drunken state, but to his surprise, Venti trailed closely behind, a wide grin plastered on his face.

He wasn't really sure what to expect from Venti at this point, but if nothing else, it promised to be entertaining.

(Venti) : "Oh? Sure! I'll tell you some since you're so cool and dashing!" Venti exclaimed, his words slurred but genuine in enthusiasm. He followed Welt like a puppy, ready to share his tales.

(Welt) : Welt just threw a smirk at Venti, leaning back with all the confidence in the world. "You give me a collection of tales, and in return, I'll share with you something special. A story so unique, so enthralling, it's worth all of yours combined."

(Venti) : Venti huffed, crossing his arms in frustration. "That doesn't sound like a fair trade at all!" There was a pout in his voice, almost like a little kid who was told he had to share his favorite toy. "How can one of your tales be worth all of mine? That's just... That's just…"

(Welt) : "Brilliant?" Welt offered with a teasing smile. It was clear he was enjoying this, the back and forth, the challenge of negotiation.

(Venti) : "No!" Venti snapped, though with a hint of amusement in his tone.

Despite his complaints, it was evident he was intrigued by Welt's proposal. The idea that a single story could hold such value was both baffling and intriguing to him.

(Venti) : "It's outrageous! But…" he trailed off, curiosity winning over. "But, okay, fine. You've got my attention. What makes your story so special, huh?"

(Welt) : "Ah, but that would be spoiling it," he said with a mischievous wag of his finger. "First, I listen. Then, I speak. Those are the terms."

Venti let out an exaggerated sigh, the kind that screamed he was giving in but wanted to make sure Welt knew he was making a huge concession.

(Venti) : "Alright, alright. You win. But this better be the best story ever, Welt. Or else, I'll..." He trailed off, struggling to come up with a suitable threat but eventually just shook his head, defeated.

(Welt) : "Or else, you'll have to admit that sometimes, just sometimes, quality trumps quantity," Welt stated, not missing a beat.

(Venti) : With a roll of his eyes, Venti nodded, accepting the challenge. "Fine, deal. But you're on, dashing mister! Prepare to be amazed by my collection of stories. And then, we'll see if yours holds up."

The exchange was set. Venti, with his arsenal of tales, versus Welt and his singular, supposedly monumental story.

It was an unconventional trade, but in the world of storytelling, such challenges were the spice of life.

And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, they'd both come out richer in tales by the end of it.

MochiGreenTea MochiGreenTea

Lately, I've been reading a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh Fanficton. Some are great and some are bad.

I'll think about it, if I want to write. By the way, read my other Fanficton please~! It's called, "I Have Time Manipulation Ability in Another World!"

By the way, please leave some comments. Those are my batteries to move on! More than Power Stones even though they're more valuable. TwT

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