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Chapter 1: Hidden Friend

In a small village called Suri in the northwest of the empire of Nannu, three children run, laughing and carrying things on their backs, the two little ones carried water jars and the oldest a large bundle of wood. Upon arriving at the entrance to their house, a woman taking care of the animals calls them and says.

"Kal, Sin and Inala, it's time for school. Come in quickly, eat and go. Get ready, Kal, today is your test day!"

Immediately after hearing their mother, the children enter playing and saying yes loudly to their mother outside. It was Ella who, a few years after what happened in the kingdom of Tenai, found a beautiful and humble place, met a good man, married and had two children, in addition to the young Kal whom she treated as one of her legitimate sons. Ella had two children of her own, Sin, a studious and determined young man and Inala a beautiful cheerful and brave little girl. Kal, now 12 years old, had pale skin, silvery hair and large bright yellow eyes, and unlike his brothers he had a somewhat subdued personality, he spoke what was necessary and had few friends besides his brothers and mother. His brothers, Sin and Inala, had the appearance of their father, they had brown hair, dark skin and large brown eyes. That would be Kal's first day in the young students' class, while his brothers would still be in the children's class. The vocational school for young people in the kingdom of Nannu separated the children according to their greatest aptitude, to better guide them in choosing their future and help the kingdom grow. Kal says goodbye to his brothers and sets off for the Elhim Vocational School.

"Where can I take the vocational exam ma'am?" - Asked Kal to the secretary who was attending him. 

"You can go to the left, in the big room at the back." - Replied the secretary noticing the poor clothes Kal was wearing.

At that moment an arrogant rich boy enters and wanting to be attended immediately, orders his servant to remove Kal from his path.

"Oka, remove this commoner from my way!" - Exclaimed the rich boy

"Immediately, young master!" - Said Oka moving towards Kal

Approaching and grabbing Kal's shoulder forcefully, Oka pushes the young man to the floor so that his master can be attended. Kal, who did not express any deep emotion, gets up and remembers his mother's words not to get upset, after all she wanted to keep him safe. Indicating the side where the nobles would have to go, the rich boy and his servant withdraw.

"Be careful messing with the Umbridges, boy!" - Warned the secretary. 

"I know!" - said Kal getting up and cleaning the dirt off himself.

Arriving in the testing room, Kal sits waiting, and a man begins to explain the nature of the tests. There would be a total of 4 tests, the first related to intellectual aptitude, the student would have to answer questions about geography, science, math, medicine and history. The second related to physical aptitude, the student would participate in simulated combat with examiners. The third would consist of a magic aptitude test, the student would go through a battery of tests to identify mana levels and elemental or arcane aptitude. The fourth and final test would be a spirit test, the spirit test was last because the spirit was the main source of growth and experience for a living being. The limit of the spirit is how far a living being can go in their life.

"I need to succeed!" - Thinks Kal, with his eyes shining like the sun.

While Kal waited his turn, a hooded person passing by slips and falls in front of him. Kal immediately helps them up, noticing they are trembling, he asks:

"Why are you trembling? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Thank you for helping me, I have to go now," the person replies before turning to leave.

However, before they could leave, Kal grabs their arm. Looking at Kal's face, the person notes his eyes shining more intensely, and Kal whispers:

"Heroes fear no terror!" - he said, thinking of what his father had told him and his brothers.

A very mature counsel from a mere 12-year-old child - it was very strange, but incredibly the person felt courage returning to their spirit. Nodding in agreement, they return to their place but first remove their hood, saying:

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Morin, what is yours?"

"My name is Kal, nice to meet you!" replied Kal, noticing this young man seemed well-mannered for a commoner.

So the young Morin sits next to Kal to motivate him to continue. Morin was a boy with very pale white skin, short blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore clothes of good quality and seemed a little older than Kal.

The two chatted until ten more boys were called for the tests, including Kal and Morin.

Sitting to take the first test, they paid attention as the examiner explained they would have only 30 minutes to complete all parts of the intellectual test.

"These questions are terribly difficult," thought Morin looking at his exam.

"Kal must be doing very well!" thought Morin, glancing at Kal.

Looking at Kal, Morin noticed he was focused intently on his exam with a serious, challenging look - the same Kal who had given him a great boost of courage before. Seeing Kal, Morin felt motivated. He turned to face his own exam with more seriousness. Meanwhile, Kal thought:

"I don't know anything!" with a look of idiocy.

After 30 minutes, they had to return their tests and were directed to the second room for the physical aptitude test. As Kal's class arrived at the testing hall, those before them had already finished - many failing, defeated on the floor, and few emerging victorious. It was natural, as this side of the school only had commoners who were usually more clumsy and had no training.

The 10 students from Kal's group were positioned in different closed spaces with different examiners, who gave them each a wooden sword to prepare.

"Lucky for me, my father taught me a little about swords," thought Kal.

Kal's examiner was a strange man with long hair in his eyes and an unkempt beard. He signaled Kal to prepare for the start. When the signal came, he attacked Kal ferociously, who could do nothing but hold his sword against his body as the examiner struck him more and more.

"This guy is really strong," thought Kal about the examiner.

Kal attempted a desperate lunge, stretching out his wooden sword to try and strike the teacher. But his attack was so slow that the examiner removed the sword from his hand, throwing it to the ground and striking Kal's head. As Kal fell, he accidentally stepped on his sword, making it slide and hit the examiner's foot, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground. This gave Kal time to get up and grab his wooden sword from the floor.

Still on the ground and intrigued, the examiner thought the lucky hit was very strange. He stood up and began striking Kal mercilessly again. Once more he knocked the sword from Kal's hand, but this time Kal lifted the hilt, sending it flying high in the air. As the examiner again knocked Kal to the floor, the sword came down, hitting his head.

Intrigued, the examiner handed the sword back to Kal, saying "You'll hide behind your luck, weak boy."

The examiner faced Kal as he stood up, eyes shining brighter than the sun, smiling with strange maturity.

"It's not luck, I'm just counting to three," replied Kal, taking his sword.

Wanting to end it, the examiner charged at Kal, imbuing mana into his sword to hit the boy harder this time. As he was strongly attacked, Kal shifted his body to the left side of the examiner, where he'd been knocked down by a hit to the foot before. Realizing Kal went left, the examiner turned his torso and neck quickly, feeling dizzy from the head blow. Trying to support his left foot more firmly, he slipped from the pain and fell for the third time, with Kal pointing his sword at the examiner's neck, impressing him.

"So this is you, very good boy - you pass!" said the examiner.

Kal celebrated, then Morin appeared, saying he'd passed too. They touched hands and moved to the next testing room. From afar, a woman approached the examiner, asking...

"What was that, Alister?"

"The birth of a monster!" responds Alister.

"You know those moves wouldn't actually affect you, right?" asks the woman.

"After examining many young people over these 20 years as an examiner, no one has impressed me as much as him!" said Alister.

"Do you miss the battlefield?" asked the woman.

"Shun, Shun, it's better we go eat, you're paying this time!" exclaims Alister, leaving holding Shun.

Arriving in the third room, a mystical fox woman with a blindfold over her eyes and a mystical amethyst on her table received students one by one in her small tent in the middle of the room to test their magical aptitudes. Apparently she felt their magical capacity and by looking at their magical core, directed students to the elemental or arcane tests, or to the next room for those without magic ability. Kal and Morin were instructed to enter the line and wait their turn with the fox woman.

While waiting, Morin asks Kal, "Do you have any aptitude for magic?"

"I don't know, I've actually never used magic, but I have a younger sister who's a prodigy!" responds Kal.

"And you, are you good with it?" asks Kal.

"Not to brag, but I think this will be the easiest test for me!" replies Morin.

So Morin, who was called first, goes and sits before the fox woman. Before Morin could say anything, the woman grabs his hands and places them in contact with the amethyst, which begins glowing with a blue light. After a few seconds, the woman points Morin toward the elemental magic direction. He leaves smiling proudly at Kal, who was next to test his aptitude.

After Kal sits, the woman grabs his hands but is suddenly paralyzed. A very strange surge attacks the fox woman, who rips off her blindfold, revealing opaque eyes that seem blinded by something. But her eyes begin gaining a reddish color as they fill with tears. The old fox woman looks deeply into Kal and says...

"You can choose what you want to be," she says, pointing in both directions.

Without understanding what had happened, Kal was leaving for the elemental magic room. But before leaving the room, he hears the woman whisper with a smile:

"Finally!" her voice fading until he could hear nothing more.

They proceed to the second stage of the magic aptitude test, where it would be determined which elemental branches they had more affinity for. Morin was waiting for Kal, believing deeply that Kal would have the same magic abilities. Morin was certain they could be friends for life.

When Kal appears in the room, Morin opens a smile. "Why did you take so long?"

"For me it was quite fast," Kal responds, still not understanding.

In the new setting, 10 large open benches were clearly visible to all in the room. At the front, examiners indicated where to line up at each bench. In this new test, students would insert one hand in a specific hole in the center of the bench. A mirror above would then glow with the colors of the student's primary element.

Kal and Morin were placed in distant lines but could still see each other. Morin, however, was in a faster line and would be tested before Kal.

"According to my family annals, my primary element should be water," Morin thinks as his turn approaches.

Beside each bench an examiner wrote students' names and their aptitudes. When Morin places his hand, a faint light nearly fading to blue tones appears reflected in the mirror. At that moment, the examiner says:

"Morin Quid, your elemental affinity is inconsistent and weak, but it seems water is your primary element."

"It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all," Morin thinks after hearing this.

While Morin ponders this, a great noise of amazement fills the room. Looking quickly, Morin notices Kal seated at a bench, the examiner sitting frightened on the floor, and a strange light emanating from the mirror in front.

It's a light unlike any that had passed before. It has no defined colors - instead it shines like deep space, a multitude of lights in a dark background like the farthest reaches of the universe. The colors change inside it, and the longer Kal's hand remains in the hole, the more profound and infinite that immensity becomes, the brighter the lights ascend. As the immensity deepens, Kal's eyes become yellower and brighter.

Frightened, the examiner orders Kal to remove his hand and quickly escorts him to another separated room. As Kal leaves, students and examiners are gradually calming down, though Morin remains more amazed than any by what he saw.

"I think I've seen this somewhere before," Morin thinks, still stunned.

Reaching a room, Kal finds a luxuriously robed mage seated at a large table. Before the examiner speaks, the man rises, saying "So this chaotic magical emanation came from you, my boy."

"It's impossible to identify the source of his mana," the examiner interrupts.

"My name is Tiberius, I am one of the empire's 3 Great Mages. What is your name?"

"My name is Kal, sir" the boy responds, a little frightened.

"I'd like to look at your spirit, Kal. May I have your permission?"

"Did I do something wrong, sir?" Kal asks, not understanding.

"In fact, you've reached the last testing phase - the spirit test!" exclaims the old man.

"Then let's do the last test," says Kal determinedly.

Tiberius places his hand on Kal's chest. His pupils start glittering red as he delves into Kal's spirit's depths. The examiner in the room notes Tiberius' eyes fixing on a specific point. His mouth opens in apparent amazement. Nerves in his eyes swell and blood begins flowing, until his eyeballs explode from his face - yet without a small cry or groan of pain. 

Tiberius withdraws his hand from Kal's chest, collapsing backward as if fainting and losing consciousness. The tests proceed normally with all students that day, indicating they return in 7 days for final results. Kal was in a deep trance and when he woke up, he found himself sitting in Tiberius' chambers with an examiner who said to come back in seven days.

Kal and Morin meet at the exit, greeting each other and promising to reunite at the Elhim Vocational School in 7 days. During this time, while examiners pondered students' futures, Tiberius is treated by the best available healers. Despite excellent care, no one understands what caused such aggression in a 7th circle mage.

Six days pass in this state. Tiberius finally awakens, immediately summoning all the school's examiners to speak about Kal. Still in a catatonic state, he begins the meeting.

"What happened, Tiberius?" an examiner asks.

"He met the prodigy boy" replies Alister.

"Do you think the boy used underhanded means to harm you, master?" asks another.

"Do you really think a 12-year-old boy knows any art that could harm a mage like Tiberius?" Shun says loudly.

"Silence, let the master Tiberius speak," shouts an examiner.

Rising slowly still wearing a magical blindfold, Tiberius says:

"I looked into that boy's spirit, and there are no means yet to describe what I saw!" says Tiberius, intriguing all present.

"I also saw something inexplicable in the brightness of his eyes, Tiberius," relates Alister.

"Tell us more, master," requests the examiner.

"It was like the universe - beautiful and terrible, sublime and monstrous, ordered and chaotic. I felt as if I were looking at nothing and everything. Even as my eyes burned, I couldn't stop looking in wonder. I felt perplexed but also terrified by what I saw. It was the infinite, and the more I looked, the more I felt it looking back at me. Then I felt the smallest of creatures, and only then was my hand calmly withdrawn from the boy's chest."

Tiberius' explanation filled the room with fear. Deathly silence fell over all. Then Tiberius says, "We must send this boy to the capital, where myself and the other two Great Mages, the three Divine Priests, the three Great Generals, and even the Emperor can discover who this boy truly is."

Before ending the meeting, Tiberius adds, "Before losing my sight, I was able to see the boy had received an epithet."

Hearing this, all are amazed once more. "An epithet, you say? Only heroes, lord demons and demigods have epithets engraved in their spirits. No 12-year-old boy could possibly have such a thing," an examiner inquires.

In this world, all experiences lived are engraved in one's spirit. The more grand deeds achieved, the more complete one's spirit becomes. According to one's acts, the great gods engrave epithets so that person will forever be known for their feat - in life and eternity. Only three individuals have received divine epithets in this era. It was unfathomable that a mere 12-year-old child could achieve something so transcendent.

"He Who Returned from Death," says Tiberius before ending the meeting.

At home, after telling his mother and brothers he apparently did well on the tests, his mother Ella, worried for her son's future, says, "I hope you stay right here."

"Of course he will, mom," Sin replies quickly.

"I hope so," says Kal with a small smile.

That night as the children slept, Ella enters her room, kneels by her son's bed and prays:

"God of my help, do not let them take Kal far away. You witnessed his story and know he cannot return from where he came. And God, tell my beloved Laun that I miss him."

Laun, Ella's husband and father to Sin and Inala, had died years ago while soldiering in wars for the Nannu Empire. He was like a father to Kal and cared for them all until being sent back to the front, where he lost his life.

The great day of final results approached. All students returned to Elhim. Kal and Morin reunited with their families, as this ceremony marked adulthood in the Nannu Empire. Whole families would attend to see how their young ones fared. Again outside the school, they clapped hands and entered.

All students and families were led to the grand ceremonial hall, where all examiners including Tiberius had gathered for the final ceremony.

"Rise students," called Tiberius. "We will call names and say where each will be sent within the empire to develop their aptitudes."

Emperor Mordret, having led expansive campaigns for many years, encouraged all empire cities to produce talented men and women suited to any situation. For over 50 years, aptitude tests have been applied to youth aged 12 and up, directing them to positions best serving the empire, precisely and strongly. However, students without talent were left in hometowns, facing great difficulties starting families or even feeding themselves. They took the worst jobs and got less gold than others.

One by one, examiners shouted students' names, then their designated academy:

The Geldorn Spear Academy for those excelling in combat, regardless of weapon.

The Scientific Academy for greatest intellectual potential, to develop scientific studies.

The High Tower Academy for strongest magical aptitude.

The Selerian Religious Academy for highest spiritual potential.

Finally, the Imperial Academy in the capital city of Alnuum, the City of Waters, where most talent was sent. Heroic warriors, legendary mages and great celebrities emerged from there - the academy all wished to attend.

With each name called and location assigned, families rejoiced or grieved. No one wanted exclusion or rejection in the empire.

Gradually all names were called until an examiner yelled, "Kal Launno, Imperial Academy." Commoners without surnames took their father's name with the "-no" suffix for identification.

Kal embraces his family in emotion, greets Morin again. Ella shows joy but inwardly worries more about Kal being discovered and killed as an outsider from Tenai. Sin celebrates while Inala weeps copiously, knowing she'll be long separated from Kal.

He proceeds to the front to receive the recommendation from Chief Rector Tiberius. Despite what happened, Kal was treated like any other receiving his assignment and quickly returned to his place.

But before Kal reaches his place, Tiberius rises, saying "Relon Artal Aquarion, Imperial Academy."

Silence falls. This was the name of the Emperor's son. Eyes search for the prince to stand as Kal smiles holding his recommendation tight. Then Morin rises, approaching the front.

Reaching it, the examiners - even Tiberius - bow. All present follow. Seeing her bow, Kal laughs "It's not that much, mom. I'm just going to the academy, not becoming king." Not comprehending.

In conclusion, Tiberius says all should be in place within a month, again congratulating them before ending the ceremony.

Still unaware of Morin's identity, Kal continues treating him as a commoner friend, saying they'll meet at the Imperial Academy. Relon thought Kal wouldn't want to be friends learning the truth, but is surprised when Kal treats him the same. Extending his hand, Relon says:


Kal immediately firmly shakes his hand, saying "Friends."

Smiling at each other, they part ways until a month passes for their next meeting.

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