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Chapter 9: The Send Off, Part Six

"Ellington," Alex asked shocked. Roswald looked at him and pushed up his spectacles, "... Alex Mooring, it is nice to meet you again. I doubt you remember me." Alex raised his sword, "Who are you?" "Oh, I haven't introduced myself. Terribly sorry, sir, my name is Roswald. I am a servant dedicated to the Ellington family, and more specifically my young master in front of you." 

He gestured to the man, "He's an Ellington, here?" Roswald nodded, "Yes, I would gain nothing from lying to you." Alex agreed, but it's not like a defecting member could hurt their reputation anymore then it already has been. Roswald bowed, "I am terribly sorry to ask of you this, but is there any chance you could forgive the young master and heal his injuries?" Alex was thrown off already, "...Fine, but I want answers after." Roswald raised his head, "And I shall answer to the best of my abilities." 

Grace and Flint had already dismounted. "Ellington, why is a member of their house all the way down here?" Flint shrugged, "No idea. After the war the Family disappeared, the chance we met one is… unbelievable." Alex walked to Ellington under the watchful eyes of Roswald. Something about the butler through Alex for a loop, but he couldn't figure out why, and he also couldn't remember meeting him anywhere.

Alex sighed, the entire situation was messed up. Why is there an Ellington playing Bandit leader right under the shadow of the Capital city. He supposed he would get his answer. Roswald laid Ellington on the ground as he growled from the pain. Alex waved his hand over his body, "This is going to hurt, fixing bones is still an experimental magic." He growled, "I know, just...just try and be quick." He waved his hands over his chest and the magic began to heal his wounds. 

He growled in pain, and flailed. Roswald held his arms down, "You mustn't move, it will make it more painful." After multiple minutes of concentration Alex was done. Ellington breathed heavily, "That… That was no regular magic, was it?" Alex frowned, "You're not the one asking the questions." He nodded and Roswald helped him up. "Fine, but why is a Noble, a Mooring, traveling the road at night with Innkeepers?"

Roswald answered for him, "Too put simply, Master, you are not the only one who dislikes the life you were born into." He shook his head, "So what do you need to know?" Alex crossed his arms, "What are you doing here of all places?" He looked down, "I was hoping to increase my standing a little." Alex raised an eyebrow, "By becoming a bandit leader." He shook his hands, "No no no, I was just taking the place of their leader. You see, I'm a Universal mage. I'll revert back." He backed up and raised both hands and started making hand signs. After a few of these signs his body shined white and then changed. In the bandit leader's place was a kid no older than Alex. 

He had blond hair and pale skin with a slim figure, but most notable was a black mark on his neck. Alex didn't recognise it and shrugged it off as a tattoo. "See, I was planning to betray the bandits by leading them into an ambush, but I needed to gain their trust, " he looked down, "But now it seems my plans are a bust."

"And what about all the people you've robbed?" He shook his head, "I know what you're thinking, but I've let everyone we robbed walk away. I also sent Roswald to reimburse them afterwards, if it weren't for me alot more people would have gotten hurt." "Why didn't you bring it to the guards attention and get their help." He looked down, "No one would believe me, more chose to run me off threatening jail time for just being near them." 

Alex rubbed his chin. He knew the Gaurds have been acting strangely, but refusing to do anything about bandits just because a defiled noble brang it to their attention didn't seem right. Alex was reminded what the worker had told them before they left. "How long have you been following the Bandits?" "About a week, but I know there activities have been going on longer." Alex could begin making out a pattern here.

You turned to check on Flint and Grace, they were tired. Alex looked back, "It's too late to discuss anything further, do you know where the Send Off is." He looked at Alex, "You mean the Inn? Does that mean, "He looked at Grace, "... You're the lady who made that great Pie!" Grace looked at him and smiled. He ran up and bowed, "I am so sorry about this. Truly I was going to send Rawswald after I found out I swear." She smiled awkwardly, "O-Oh, it's fine, as long as your heart was in the right place." 

He turned around, "If we were leaving, we had better get going quick." Alex frowned, "Why?" "Well, the bandit's will probably come back with reinforcements, it's what they did last time." Flint huffed, "Not a bad reason. Wait, Last time?" He looked over, "You think I got the job of Boss just by signing up." Alex rubbed his shoulder, "I don't contest that."  Alex picked up the Axe and handed it to him, "Then let's get out of here then." 

Ellington took it and as soon as it touched his hand it shined and refined back into its original form of a silver dagger. "Of course, by the way, my name's John." He held out his hand to Alex. He looked at it and grinned, "I'm Alex." He took his hand and shook it.

Grace walked over to Alex, taje off your Jacket, J need to see those wounds. Alex raised his arms up, "I'm fine Grace I-" She interupted him, "No buts. Mage or no, I'm looking. Off!" he gulped and pulled off his jacket and revealed his bloody shirt. It was cut down the shoulder and abdomen as well as a bloody hole on the other shoulder.

Grace looked at him, "The shirt is ruined, you might as well take it off." Alex shook his head, "My wounds have already healed I s-" she looked at him menacingly. And he had no choice but to lift it off. Grace gasped as his scars were revealed. "Oh Alex, im sorry ill make it quick."

His wounds have already healed and turned into scars themselves. Grace ran her eyes over them and shook her head, "So, this is what magic can do." She gave him back his jacket and he put it on quickly. He didn't like people seeing his scars.

Ellington looked over, "Where did you get so many scars?" Alex buttned the Jacket up, "There mostly from the war." "Mostly," he asked. Alex felt no inclination to answer that question so he kept quiet. Grace looked over, "So, do you need rides, or?" John smiled, "Oh, we don't need one." John looked over at Roswald and he nodded his head. "Watch this."

John picked up two branches off the ground and made some single handed signs. The branches shined bright blue and he threw them to the ground. Before their eyes the two branches began to morph and grow. Eventually they turned into horses, "Good job Master." The horses were made out of sticks and twigs, more akin to an effigy then a real horse. One stood on its hind legs and whined while John looked at them with a satisfied smile. 

Alex was quite impressed by it, magic constructs were a challenge for him. It was a challenge just to create a creature from Magic, moreso was implementing its characteristics like John had done. The best he's ever done were simple golems which moved only when ordered. These horses trotted over to John and sniffed and butted him. You could hear the branches shift on top of one another as they beat their hooves against the road.

He smiled and rubbed their wooden snouts, "Shall we be off."

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