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Chapter 3: Freefall

Releasing a loud sigh, I can see my breath due to the cold air surrounding me.

Crouching down on top of the needle of the Evangelist, I am barely able to make out the lights of the city below. It makes it look like the clouds are softly glowing.

With another sigh I stand up and and pull my arms above my head to stretch, the cold air making my muscles a little bit tight.

Checking my watch, it is almost 6 am. The sun should be coming up in a few moments.

Watching the sun come up is the only thing that gets me through night patrol.


Soon enough the sky becomes dyed in beautiful hues of red and orange.

I closely watch the time, as soon as it hits 6:00, I can feel my face stretch into a huge grin.

"Yes!" is squealed in delight as I throw my hands into the air. I can feel gravity pulling me backwards, and I let it.

Diving backwards off the Evangelist I can feel the rough wind trying to cut against my wings as I fall back down to earth.

Closing my eyes I expand my wings to their full extent and laugh. I love free falling.

Soon I feel the sharp mist of the clouds as I fall through them.

That's my cue! My eyes burst open and I spin around facing the ground while closing my wings and pressing them down as close to my body as possible so I can nosedive faster.

I am still thousands of feet in the air and I can see the entire city below me after passing through the clouds.

The city is waking up. Adults are heading to work and parents are getting their children ready for school.

Buses are starting to run while cars fill up the freeways.

When thousands of feet turns into only hundreds I can feel myself speeding up, my skin feels like it is burning the faster I go.

I am in love with the rush, but as the tops of buildings become fatally close I open up my wings and glide just over the city's skyline.

People look up as I fly over and wave at me. I start to wave back when my ear piece comes back to life.

"Hey Alex, it's time to head back in!"

"Copy that! See you in 10, Mr. Heartbreaker!"

"Don't call me that!" the voice over my ear piece starts to whine.

I simply laugh and head over to our new headquarters.

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