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Chapter 2: The New Quest

" I hardly had any sleep after that,

I stayed up all night searching for answers on my phone

I found nothing, i wonder who made these glasses

well at least i can use them as normal glasses

i stop and look at my school building

i haven't even entered yet

And i already want to leave"

I walk in to my class and sat down .

A few minutes later the class teacher walks in and starts talking

"as you know this will be the last day of your time in middle school , and even though we are about to enter the summer holidays

You still have to study for your high school entrance exams"

"i hardly hear what she is saying , not to brag but ever since i started school

I learned a skill that let's me filter whatever comes out of their mouths

All i hear is , blah blah last week of school blah blah summer holiday blah blah blah"

A Random girl ,"i don't think any of us will have time to relax this holiday , since everyone here is aiming for that high school"

Her friend responded

"i know right lol",

if some of you are confused the school she is talking about is

called Sono Jo high , and that school used to belong to my parents

until they died at least ,

well am not planning to join i..."

a notification from the glasses popped up

# new quest path unlocked #

Click to enter white room and view it

"huh, what?"

I clicked on It and entered the white room

"a new quest path huh"

Well it's to be expected , am almost done with middle school

# new quest: HIGHSCHOOL unlocked

Choose the location of the quest

"so i can choose which high school i would like to join, let me check the options"

'# saiko high

# keito high

# sono-jo high

" so it's an option after all

I don't want to join It ,

let me look at the other options"

i went through the other options, trying to find the one i would want to join

"Wow i can see almost everything about the school"

I wonder what to choose,

well I might as well check it out"

I clicked on sono jo high

# sono jo high

School created by Kiyoshi ito in the year ...

" i don't remember the last time i said that name

I wonder what happens when i click on his name"

Kiyoshi ito ,

wife: Hana Ito

son : Ren Ito and Ito

Daughter: Ito

Created Sono Jo high

Died 2020 , in an car accident with his wife

Due to the breaks being tampered by a co-worker

"with his wife due to the breaks being tampered by a co-worker?

they said the brakes failed, they didn´t mention anything about it being tampered with

is this really true , all information on the glasses so far have been right ,

isn't there more info on it"

( he clicks on the word co-worker)

# no more information , due to not having high favorability with the target#

" what do they mean by high favorability "

I clicked on the word

# the higher the favorability , the more information can be shown#

"So i must become friends with the guy who killed my parents

To know his identity"

"how the hell do you expect me to do that,

there is no way i could do that

but if the system is saying the truth ,then there is only one way to get more information

as much as i hate to say it ,

system ,

set quest location as

Sono Jo High ,

Damn it , i could have just gone to other schools where no one knows me and my past

But no , instead i have to go to a school where i will probably be disliked again to find the bastard who killed my parents , what an ideal high school life

# quest location set #

"okay , system logout"

I returned and looked at the clock

"wow so time really stops when am in there,

If only i could stop time in real life too ,

I can only imagine what i would do , "

"and don't act like you don't know what am talking about"

The class bell rings

"okay time for lunch"

I walked to the cafeteria and sat down to eat

And two girls walked into the cafeteria

One of them said

"its so crowded i don't think we can eat here "

Her friend replies "no look there that table is mostly free" ,

She point towards my table

"no , don't you know him"

" no"

"He is that weird kid that everyone avoids"

"Oh he is the son of the former director of

Sono Jo high , right ?"

"Yeah , the one who got caught taking school funds and tried to run away but got in an accident"

"i heard in his first yeah he also ...."

"that's right so we better avoid him too"

" great now we have too walk all the way back to class "

they walked away

well to be honest there is no need to complain , walking off a little calories

Might help those pigs lose weight,

kids of this day have no manners back in my days , we at least had the modesty of keeping our voice down ,

now that i think about it , the guy who tampered with the car , was probably the one who started the rumour those pigs mentioned

its one of the reasons i am being hated

But to think they would believe such stupid rumours

not only did he kill my parents , he also made sure i would be bullied by these pigs

, he could have at least made the rumour ,something only pretty girls would dare bully me for ,but no ,

Now i have the outmost pleasure of being looked down by bunch of brainless pigs

Just you wait ,i will get my revenge on you

and just for the heck of it, i will use this glasses to destroy the rest of the school by climbing up the High school social rank , i will tear them apart from the inside out , it will be easy ,if i use this glasses the right way,

I mean who can stop me

"Haa ha ha ha ha"

Two random boys saw me and said

"what a weirdo"

"He is probably delusional "

Let's just ignore him

Do they think i can't hear them

I will remember that , you guys will be my first target,

I will definitely remember you

i will carve your faces into my ....

Wait what do they look like again


No! i can't remember , how much of a mob character could you be

damn it , my first targets will get away

Wait, i can use these glasses outside too ,right,

system on

# activating system...

#system activated

the glasses started showing me the details of everyone in the cafeteria

wow , this is so cool

Wait, the targets , they are almost gone

Luckily the range of these abilities is as far as my eye can see

Now let's see their names ,

# random student #

Name : random student

Age : random

Favourability towards Ren : 1/10

..for more info click here

# random student 2#

Name : random student 2

Age : random

Favourability towards Ren: 1/10

..for more info click here



At this point they are way past being a mob character ,they don't even have proper names

I guess they have suffered enough

No need to target them ,

I can´t imagine how hard it most be ,it's like as soon as they were born in the hospital their parents were like ,

Random students mom: Honey , what should we name him

Random students dad: I have the perfect name

" Random student "

Other patient : OHH what a wonderful idea

Maybe i should name my son random student 2.

They most have suffered ,

tears started coming out of my eyes

"you damn lazy writer , why can't you at least give them names"


random student 2: HEY that weird kid is staring at us and crying

random student : Don't look back , he might be contagious

the bell rang

Well time to go back to class .

After today , i won't have to come back to this hell hole any longer

as soon as i reach home , i will create the perfect plan ,

To use these glasses to find that bastard and ruin everyone's school life , just a little taste of their own medicine

And I will call it ...


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