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Chapter 2: Focus

At 17 summers now Taloc was a man standing over six heads and weighing just over 20 stone equal to even the largest of stature, constantly training with a reputation of being a man of his word but most of all one never to be trifled with .His greatswords bringing a fearsome presence alone but, it could be said with or without his weaponry he was a deadly force. Building quite the reputation over the years of his ventures becoming something of a local legend with stories of feats such as One time being said he had taken on a troll hand to hand after losing his weapons on a bounty in a deep cave, how true this is hard to say but nobody was willing to test it. Out of the little that was known of him the one thing that was always said is he was searching for something or possibly someone constantly and some say frantically searching,this continued on for two years until he got word of a wizard causing unease in the area. Usually Taloc wouldn't think twice on such banter but what caught his attention was the wizard had a scar across his eye which the eye itself was as red as blood. Traveling to the area Taloc asked questions about the wizard but the wizard was even more mysterious than he was, with the only information about him is that people would disappear into his castle and never show again. After a bunch of loose ends he gave up on gathering information and headed to the cursed castle. Nearing the entrance he noticed the front gate was open and the overall state of the castle was in shambles probably attributing to the cursed persona of the venue. The main courtyard was unkept ,in one time this might of been a mighty hold but now in its dilapidated state the same could not be said. Then he realized it was quiet devoid of life it seemed even.Taloc stopped walking and thought about investigating the area or to investigate the main entrance into the castle itself but, then he saw movement the front door shifted and as he faced the giant doors he noticed slight movement on the walls just out if his view. All of a sudden the once quiet castle burst into mayhem as small winged impish creatures swarmed him from all angles as he began to hack and slash he realized the were not strong but there sheer numbers would eventually wear him down so ,looking for an escape route he found going into the castle his only option being the way he entered was being swarmed along with them Piling from all sides making his decision he stepped into the belly of the beast. Immediately he tried slamming the doors but the imps were  trying to enter nothing a few strokes of his sword in his offhand couldn't fix,after wrestling the door close and barring it he realized it wouldn't hold for long. He made a quick survey of the room finding it only dilapidated he trudged on deeper as the shouts of the imps faded with distance he started noticing strange drawings and ancient runes it appeared to be, for he wasn't learned in the ancient arts and linguistics. After half an hour or so of exploring he came to a giant chamber littered with candles and runes seeming to be the site of a ritual, out of all the new curios sites what struck him hardest at being odd was in the middle of the chamber was a door standing lonesome."Now why would you be here?" he said to himself as he walked to the other side confirming it was a door by itself leading nowhere. Curios still he slowly approached the door something drawing him to it almost a euphoria maybe even the same driving force that made him stumble upon the chamber. Looking around for traps and any movement he reached for the handle and slowly started to turn,starting to push he heard a loud explosion directly behind him releasing the door and spinning on a dime he faced the source of the noise , although not ready for what he was to see. There before him was the cursed wizard and a legion of the shadowy imps,"I see you have found my humble abode...sorry about the mess we have been busy lately hard at work on projects of the upmost importance" he cackled menacingly. Rage swelled deeply inside of  Taloc drawing his blades he charged at the wizard shortly being consumed by the overwhelming numbers of the feral imps. Hacking and slashing it went on until Taloc could feel he was standing in a puddle of ichor being the best way to describe it not quiet blood ,but to no avail he was bombarded with wave after wave. In a last ditch effort he spun wildly with his swords amongst the chaos and saw a brilliant flash appearing to be lighting and all he could do was raise his swords in a defense measure as a wave of force hit him shattering his blades and sending him flying back 10 feet crashing into the lonesome door. In a stupor not sure if his eyes were open or closed just knowing he was in darkness he heard a noise *creak ....rrrr... *"Could that be the door"he thought hazily to himself,when all of a sudden a voice popped into his head but it seemed all around him. It saying "Is power what you seek?","wha...what,Who are you?" "Who I am is not important just know I've been waiting for you for a long time and that I can help you in your time of need so is power what you seek tell me your desire?". " yes power.... The power of destruction and the power to defend  and protect." "So be it" the voice said as it faded away. Just like that his vision was back quickly looking around he was still surrounded but he turned and saw the door..or doorway? It would appear for what should of been open air was pure inky blackness , fearing this he turned to face his enemies "GET AWAY FROM MY WORK!" the wizard shouted , confused and scared Taloc looked for an escape route but of course trapped by the fiends he was at their mercy. When they fell upon him he thought if only I had my swords but the were destroyed by the attack,when a large and particularly ugly imp lunged he swung his arm instinctively even though he had no weapon but, something connected with a satisfying *squllllsssh* the imp tumbled on the ground devoid of all its previous vigor, looking down at his hand was a semi long rod of sorts in the darkest shade of well the best way to describe the color was dried blood marbled with white. It wasn't a greatsword but it was better than nothing,that's until he swung it, looking like just a rod but it did unfathomable damage and it felt as if it was an extension of his own arm. Then another flash manifested ,this time he was ready for it preparing for the explosion slicing the rod up but instead of taking the crash it split it in two which flew behind him killing dozens of the imps. "You asked for power and that's what I gave you", confused Taloc looked around it seemed to be the same voice as before but there was still no source. Responding as best as he could "that's true I am grateful for that but when do I meet you?"  He retorted in between hacks it already second nature to him. "I'm already with you","what?I don't see you", "you feel me the voice boomed". With that Taloc looked down at his hand and wondered about the rod,"yes im part of the rod you bear in your hand", "what do you mean part?". "You're questions will be answered later for now we must escape,make use of that door"."The one all by itself you have to be crazy that's a magic door to darkness","at the time being that's your only option". With that our hero who seemed to of fallen into a frenzy of hacking and slashing looked around and took in his surroundings,he was surrounded with no hope enemies falling from the cracks in the ceiling  it seemed at this point with that Taloc ran to the doorway unsure what to do next almost a pang of fear it felt walking through an unknown magical darkness quickly surveying for another option he locked eyes with the wizard who had a sinister smile upon his lips boomed out" the pieces have been set in motion and in the end darkness will rule"with that another ball of light started to emulate though this one much larger than the rest deciding the door of abyss was a better option than the ball of death he stepped through

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