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Christabelle Philips lost  her family and on the night she Prologue

Christabelle Philips lost  her family and on the night she original

Prologue Christabelle Philips lost her family and on the night she

Author: DaoistTi24OU

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1.


It happened so suddenly , it took place so swiftly and as fast as the speed of light . It felt like a scary dream,a gruesome nightmare but it was a dangerous reality.My mom, dad, brothers and sister were all gone, i was weeping uncontrollably but i was not willing to give up on life, i had a new goal in mind to hunt my family's killer.

We were chatting and playing with care free attitudes and a family atmosphere,immediately after we had dinner that night, we were all in the living room and then there was a momentary power outage ,it did not even last for thirty seconds but the whole house became ominously and strangely tranquil, i did' nt even have time to dwell in my thoughts before the power was restored.I really wished the power was never restored because, i met a gruesome sight and reality.

My mom, dad, hardin, matt, herman and my baby sister maya were all gone, blood was splattered everywhere and none of them were breathing but come to think of it, how did such unfortunate thing happen in less than a minute ,why did the killer spare me, and why did it have to be my family.

My family members were all peaceful we avoided trouble every possible way we could, we were a kind , generous and peace-making family,just why did it have to be my family ,now they are all gone who will i confide in and communicate with, i am a loner and a super introverted person ,so its only natural to have just my family members as friends but now they are all gone, gone for good,i would not see them again, i am all alone in this cruel world.

I helplessly and hopelessly sat down on the floor weeping profusely and lamenting , i banged my innocent head on the floor severally, i didn't even feel the pain, my senses were all numb-well except one, the ability to feel, i felt so lost and empty , my heart was hurting so badly, it was really difficult to believe or take in, but i had to face reality.

I was still weeping, lamenting and banging my head on the bare tiles when i suddenly heard an ever so gentle voice and it said 'qu ia puer nihil' meaning young miss no.The voice suprisingly spoke a language that i was well acquainted with, it spoke latin. Suprisingly i wasn't even scared and then i retorted in latin 'ostende te' [show yourself] , i could not see the face or body of the person, but i knew it was definitely a guy and he sounded so young. Barely 5 seconds after i asked the peson to show himself , a young guy putting on a black tuxedo showed up, he had shoulder lenght black, smooth, straight and silky hair,his skin was so smooth, white and spotless , he was roughly 6 feets tall with broad shoulders and muscular built body which implied that he worked out tremendiously and regularly, he had dark red eyeballs but they were so enchanting , momentarily i forgot my pains and i was so stunned but i remembered why this so-called god like creature was standing before me, i was disappointed and i was not so charmed with his looks anymore. He looked so cute but he was 'devil in diguise'.

After taking in his appearance, lights in my family's living room started flickering and then the weather changed ominously , i felt cold and wind whooshed into the house from where i didn't even know and pushed me down , cold shivers ran down my spine and i was so terrified , the god like creature before me was emitting a very cold aura not only was the aura cold, it was also dangerous and then his dark red eyes started glowing ,and i saw white and long fangs stained with blood , i thought he was going to come after me , but instead he laughed out loud , i am not gonna lie, his laugh sounded so pleasing to the ear and it brought warmth, strange warmth to my heart. But then i remembered why he was here and then i spoke aloud 'i am 'non paveatis ad conspectum yestrus' [ i am not scared of you] and then i suddenly found myself in my room , once more the calm voice spoke thunderously from the side of my closet, and i saw two red circles that were his eyes and then i saw his sharp-long claws alongside his fangs. I thought i was going to die that instant, but once again the thunderous voice spoke 'mors me ipson' [i am death himself] i could not contain my fear and the cold aura he was emitting anymore and then i felt my heart beating frantically and i was hyperventillating and in no time i passed out.

I woke up in a wide room which was visibly white with strong smell of antiseptics and drips connected to various parts of my body and a heart rate monitor was also visible in the room which meant that i didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that i was in a hospital. After opening my eyes and adapting to the bright light that came in through the curtains, i tried moving sideways but i felt a splitting head-ache and then the memories of the previous night started flooding through my head, i screamed so loudly that it hurt my throat but i didn't care, i disconnected the drips connected to my body and i removed every other thing and technology connected to my body,i ignored the physical pains and once again i started banging my head on the floor, but then a doctor and three nurses came into my ward and were conversing but i ignored them and for a reason unknown to me i kept on banging my head on the floor to vent out my anger, pain and fraustration, the nurses ran to me and tried their best to subdue me but i was strugguling so fiercely to get free from their grip they roughly placed me on the bed and injected me with a substance i couldn't recognise.

When i awoke the second time, my hands were handcuffed to the sides of the bed i laid on my legs were subdued with a rope, so they restrained my movement.Not suprisingly a woman with soft and delicate skin was smiling genuinely at me and if i'm not mistaken she was one of the nurses that attended to me earlier,'how long have i been out' i blurtedout, just 3 days miss philips, she said. What' i asked with a look of disbelief,you mean i have been unconcious for 3 days , this is so unbelievable ,if only mom was here i said and then burst into uncontrollable laughter, the nurses stared at me wierdly as if i had mental disorder, don't you find it funny' i asked, aminute i was witheveryone and the next minute they were all gone wow. After laughing i looked up only to discover that the human being i was talking to was not beside me anymore.

Few minutes later the door to my ward opened and a woman putting on the [FBI] uniform meaning that she was from the federal bureau of investigation, she came in and then trickles of tears ran down my cheeks as i realised that my loved ones were really gone and that this woman was here to asked me questions about my family.

How was i going to make it in life without my family,and then i remembered what that god-like creature told me that made me loose conciousness 'mpors me ipson' its really rediculous right. How could he possibly be death himself, but on a second thought it was possible because no human could wipe out an entire family in less than a minute , but come tyo think of it , why did he spare me now, i have no one to assist me, puu pranks wit and do other fun stuffs with.

and do other fun stuffs with.

And then i was brought back from my world of thoughts[reverie] by a tap from the lady that came inside my ward some moments ago, she introduced herself as agent thompson from the [FBI HOMICIDAL SQUAD] she showed me her identification card and badge but i just stared non-chalantly at her, i knew the reason she came but pretended not to, she asked me some questions but i kept mute and stared at her like a catatonic patient besides, talking to her woulg only aggreviate and intensify my pain because she definitely wont believe me, i felt quite guilty for ignoring her , so i quietly told her to check the security footage at our home, but i was not suprised when she told me that they checked but couldn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary, the only thing they saw was a happy family laughing together , lights going off and turning back on and thwen finally the massacred family. They checked out our electricity connections but there was nothing wrong with it and we were the only people that got the outage

.I felt even more downcasted why, because if the FBI were unable to find anything ,how will i uncover this mystery and hunt down my family's killer.

Agent thompson was such an understanding detective, i refused to open up to her but she uncuffed my hands and loosened the ropew that bound my feets together. She took me in as her own , after every adoption protocols have been duly observed and adhered to.

By the way my name is christabelle philips, i am twelve years old from south carlifornia, sounds really weird and absurd that i can speak latin alone at home and that was how i was able to hear death himself, ever since i lost my family, i have been acting like a wierdo and a partially catatonic patient. Detective thompson resided with her husband and four kids and luckily for me her kids were all girls, emily, lydia, danielle and maddison. Emily was the eldest she was 16 years of age , lydia was 14, danielle and i were age mates , we were two abstract beings, we were the direct opposite of each other despite the fact that we were coincidentally born on the same day and maddison was 10 years of age.

Maddison was literally the only person in their entire house-hold that understood me , i always felt different around her, and it felt like though there was a strange connection and invisible but strong bond between the both of us, i taught her how to speak latin because she was so obsessed with learning latin and under 5 months she almost mastered latin.

After 5 months of stay with agent thompson's family, i eventually opened up to her and told her everything that happened that very night and i also told her what transpired between me and morte , the look she gave me was an obvious look of disbelief , she didn't believe it and she suggested i should get a THERAPIST, she even volunteered to get me one.

I saw agent thompson as a mother figure and hoped to grow up with her , her wonderful family but my hopes were diminished by the thought of 'morte' death himself.

I told my foster siblings about it but they gave me the creepy , annoying and disgusting looktheir mom gave me earlier, i regretted opening up to them it was a mistake, a very terrible mistake i made, maybe i should have just kept it to myself.

After dinner, i was on my bed in my room reminicing on my fast and the amazing times i spent with my family, i was smiling genuinely and i was so engrossed in my world of thoughts till a hard knock on the room door interupted the bitter-sweet memories of mine. I got up and walked towards the door but hesitated a while before opening it, lo and behold maddie stood there, in her p-jamas smiling genuinely at me. I was upset at first when i didn't know who it was at the door but maddie's genuine smile meted my heart and i paved way for her to get in the room before shutting the door.

The words maddison said to me when she sat on my bed shocked me beyond belief , she was like ' i belief everything you said you are not a wierdo or a psycho and i know you didn't make up what you told us about your family'.

Those words brought tears to my eyes because maddie reminded me so much of my baby sister maya and if maya was still alive she would have been maddison's age mate.

We conversed for a while and talked about important things before maddison left my room for her's. Maddie slept off in her room and i slept in mine but i jolted up from my bed when i started to have a creepy and ominous sensation in the house , i felt that something was wrong with maddison and my instincts never lied, i trusted my instincts. I was feeling really uncomfortable and i said a short prayer to god to keep her safe and then i decided to go back to my sleep but then in less than 10 seconds i heard maddie's voice, she was screaming at the top of her lungs , i quickly jerked up from my bed and bolted straight to her room, and to my utmost suprise , immediately i got into the room she jumped off her bed and gave me a tight and bone cracking hug, i expected either of her family members to come to her room but none of 'em did come. I asked her why she was screaming on the top of her voice but the innocent and naive kid hugged me once again which meant that she was really teriffied. She pleaded with me to let her sleep in my room and i took her to my room, i gave her a glass of water and waited for her to recollect her thoughts before asking her the same question for the second time , she just ignored me and slept off on my bed.

It was so unusual for maddie to sleep-talk , because she wasn't a sleeptalker, i thought she was just having a nightmare but then wierdly and stangely enough , i felt a very familiar aura , the aura of 'morte' and i tried really hardto listen to the incoherent words she was muttering and then i discovered that she was speaking latin and morte enjoyed communication with latin. ' i am 'non paveatis ad conspectrum vestrus, paratus sum ' meaning [i am not scared of you i am ready] i woke her up and she gave me a breathsiezing hug and started whimpering.

I saw him , he had dark red glowing eyes , long white and sharp fangs tainted with blood, sharp and long claws , he was calling me and he told me that he was coming for me, i'm so scared , i don't want to go, i stll have dreams to pursue he was chasing after me and giving me a sinister smile he almost caught up with me before you woke me up, she blabbed and ranted without pausing.

Baby calm down, take a breath in and let it out, lets tell mom and dad about this so they will know what to do about it. No, please don't tell mom and dad, they will all blame you for everything, please if you love me like you claim to, just keep it between the both of us. But christabelle can i ask you a question , maddison asked me so innocently. Sure baby feel free to ask me any question and next time don't take permission from me before asking me whatever question you have in mind. What is the meaning of 'ut veniam ad vos' maddison asked me with a slight frown which showed she was confused.

I froze immediately she asked the question, no not again , i am not ready to loose another loved one , the only person that understands and connects with me. Maddison was not really fluent with latin, she was yet to fully master latin so i couldn't blame her for not knowing the meaning, i was still frozen when she asked another question that threw me off balance and made my skin turn ashen and pale.

Christabelle , what exactly is the meaning of 'mors me ipson i got more terrified, it meant i'm coming for you i am death himself.I pulled her into a warm embrace and asked her if that was the only thing he said to her and she kept mute and caught a glimpse of my terrified expression, she read my expression and started weeping profusely , maddie was smarter than her age mates and then she asked me if she was going to die, i quickly refuted and told her that she was not going to die, but i was not so sure of that. I really wanted to talk to her mom about it but she vehemently refused and pleaded with me to not tell her mom, i could not hurt the kid's emotion so i decided to keep everyone out of it.

The next morning , we woke up to recieve the shock of our lives the bread winner of the family mr Thompson was found dead, the federal bureau of investigations was already at our house and i overheard mrs Thompson telling another agent that she heard her husband sleep talk but she could not decipher what he was speaking and then she asked the FBI agent if he could decipher it or recognize the language and then surprisingly she said the exact thing maddison was muttering last night.

There was suddenly a lump in my throat because i knew that if i did not act quickly , maddison thompson was going to loose her life too.

I hastened my footsteps to my room and paced to and fro while thinking deeply and intently on my next course of action, i deliberated on the issue for approximately 3 hours before hesitantly heading to the hospital to get a clue regarding what to do.

I was already feeling so guilty because i felt and believed that i was the cause of everything, maybe if i never came into this family none of these would have occured.I thought about fleeing from home but if i flee it will only make the situation more devastating and fraustrating for mrs thompson and it will also seem really suspicious, the FBI might even link everything to me and then order a search warrant for me.

I roamed aimlessly around the hospital searching for a clue for hours but i could not find any so i decided to head home not until i saw a familiar figure with dark red eyes and black tuxedo , he was walking carefreely behind a stretcher that a girl lay on , the girl was unconscious and she was bleeding profusely as the nurses rolled her stretcher to a hospital ward and then here was the clue i was searching for, i could not go inside the hospital because i was not one of her family members , i waited patiently at the hospital's reception for approximately 5 hours before a woman ran in there with disheveled hair and rough attire claiming to be the mother of a patient that got involved in a car accident some hours ago, the nurse requested for her name and the kid's name ,and she told the nurse her na me which i did not pay attention to and then i payed keen attention to the lady as she told the nurse her daughters name' vanessa ambrose' the nurse told her that her daughters ward was , ward 21a and then i smiled satisfactorily and then headed home to freshen up and change my previous attire.

When i got home, agent thompson was not at home and everyone present was evacuating the house, i was really confused and short of words but a slight tug on my shirt made me turn my head to see maddie staring intently at me with bags under her eyes and i asked her why everyone was evacuating the vicinity, and she told me that was a crime scene and the FBI ordered that it should be evacuated so they could conduct thorough investigation , oh no how was i gonna take my bath and head back to the hospital i was so confused and down casted but then it seemed as though mother luck was on my side today.I was about asking maddie what we were going to do since our house was sealed with yellow tapes with the words' no trespassing written visibly on them'.

Emily came towards me and told me that they wanted to take all of us into custody for thorough interrogation but then their mom refused , she told them that she knew her kid's and her kid's would not hurt their dad , after much argument and deliberation they decided to let us be for a while but promised to come back and interrogate us.

So what are we gonna do now i asked, well mom gave us enough money to lodge into a hotel and get us new clothes untill the investigation is concluded. Wait, and as if a light bulb was suddenly lit inside my brain i remembered that i did not leave the house with my phone , can i go in there to get my phone i asked our big sister emily so innocently. Well, unfortunately you can't because all our electronic gadgets are temporarily confisticated, so baby get used to it , then she walked away to get lydia and danielle.

After getting lydia and danielle we headed straight to the mall to get new clothes and after getting the clothes we needed alongside undies , accessories and shoes, emily paid the cashier with cash , but that was so unusual she usually pays with credit cards .Wait, don't tell me that they also siezed our credit cards , i blurted out unintentionally and then emily stared at me and then told me that i got it right.

I felt so sorry for the kid's they were all so fond of there dad and i could see bags under their swollen eyes, from the mall we headed to the four star hotel and lodged into three VIP rooms.

Emily and maddison took a room, lydia and danielle took a room and i took a room , i was satisfied with the arrangements because i did not need any obstacle or interuptions while conducting any personal investigations, i did not even pay attention to the beauty and luxury before me , i just went straight to the bathroom, i was tempted to go into the bath tub to relax my nerves but i knew that i didn't have the luxury of time, so i just put on the water heater and then took a quick bath under the shower , after taking my bath and brushing my teeth i cvame out of the bathroom and shrieked out of fear so loudly,why.Because maddie was lying comfortably on my bed with all her newly acquired belongings, oh no dont tell me she is gonna share a room with me.

Oh yeah christy i'm sharing your room with you, she blurted out carefreely, wait did i say that out loud, i asked maddie, of course blabber mouth you did. Oh no now maddie is gonna get involved with me i said inwardly after putting on a white thigh lenght flare gown, i put on a pair of black boots and then pack my waist lenght brown hair in a tight and neat bun, i picked up a black puse i just acquired and decided to head out to the hospital, iwanted to wear a perfume but i decided not to, who knew if the scent was going to affect vanessa.

I decided to head out to the hospital but then my stomach rumbled which implied that i was hungry , i met emily in her room eating different dishes, i did not give more attention to it but as if she knew why i was there she gave me eight hundred dollars for me and maddie and told me that it was my daily allowance so we should mind how we use it. On my way out of the hotel i caught a glimpse of a farmiliar figure coming after me , it was maddison.

I don't know where you are heading to but i want to tag along, i did not even try to dissuade her because i know maddie will never take no for an answer, so we hailed a cab and then we got to the hospital's gate, i briefed her regarding the reasons we were here , i told her i saw morte the wierd creature she often see in her dream, following a child inside the hospital, so i wanted to pay the child a visit in the disguise of her classmate and maddie my baby sister.

We alighted from the cab and then walked down to the hospital's reception looking tensed and worried, the nurse stationed there asked us who we were there to see and we told her we were there to see vanessa ambrose. She asked us who we were to vanessa ambrose with a stern look this time, but i was not intimidated by her look, i was about saying classmates and my baby sister but then the little chatterbox beside me said friends, i gave her a fierce glare but the annoying creature just scoffed and rolled her eyeballs but then to my utmost surprise the nurse took our names and signatures and told us that she was currently in ward 21a.Now it's time to face death once again, i was not even sure he was still there but there is no harm in trying.

What was that for , i asked the annoying creature beside me dummy, i thought you were so smart but turns out you are not she retorded, what do you mean maddie, you would have gotten us busted with your blabbermouth, i asked and scolded her slightly agitated, christabelle if you had said you were her classmate and i was your baby sister she would have asked you about the name of vanessa's school which you know nothing about, so you should be thanking me for saving your ass back there she retorted, without even taking a breadth, oh girl you are gonna be the death of me, i said facepalmed myself mentally. After bickering for a while we finally got to ward 21a and then i heard vanessa talking to someone but the person she was talking to did not even give her a reply and it seemed really suspicious.

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