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Chapter 8: Monster in a Garden

"We're not in a rush, I can follow you for the time being. Or you guys can come with me, and I will send someone to pick up your things." Agent really wasn't trying to rush them into choosing, as far as he was concerned now that he was with them the number of people stupid enough to screw with Eisen or his family could be counted on two hands. Obviously they wouldn't publicize the information that they had in their hands. They weren't trying to make Eisen's life any more difficult than it already would be. They would protect him from the shadows, and if his family chose to come with him they would spare no expense in training him to the best of their ability.

"We'll decide in a few days. Right now we have no intention of running off to a base to hide while Eisen gets training in everything you can teach him. As far as I'm concerned you can just be Eisen's crazy Uncle that teaches him dangerous fun things. If it weren't for my family issues I would never hide Eisen away from the world. If he has the potential to be as strong as you claim he can be, that would only hurt him. He has to be well adjusted, and that includes some of the more tedious and painful things life has to offer. He can't just be a sissy and run from all his problems because it's difficult." Mark had very definite ideas about how men in general should behave, and would never allow his son to become some wall flower. Even if he ended up gay, he would still be able to protect himself.

Lydia herself wasn't too sure about which way to go either. She was in the same boat as Mark, in that if Mark's family wasn't sure to pursue the death of Eisen she would never hide him away. However, Mark's family was sure to try and kill Eisen, after everything she heard she wasn't scared for Eisen's safety however she was scared he'd end up twisted in some pursuit of vengeance. Especially if Mark's family succeeded in killing Mark or herself.

Agent wasn't sure what they were talking about, but sensed that now was not the time, nor place to speak of such things. He tended to roll with the flow of things anyways, he never did understand people who were so set on getting their way that they pushed right by everything for an end goal. After all he couldn't tell how many people he knew personally who had ended up entirely off track in what they were pursuing as a direct result of their tunnel vision. He thought it was better to have a even temperament and wide perspective rather than overwhelming drive to succeed.

"Well, if you're going to live with us what should we call you. Agent is just kinda creepy if I'm being honest." Mark still thought it was stupid for an Agent to name themselves Agent, and honestly couldn't understand why someone would do that.

"I don't have a name, when we take our vows in Private Government we give them up. I have a number, however I'm sure that would be just as uncomfortable for you. Just call me Silver. I'm sure it'll work for now."

Lydia and Mark shared a look of exasperation and were saved another awkward silence when the doctor came in with the discharge papers personally. "You're free to go, all of Eisen's personal information has been logged and verified. Everything has been sent to the Bureau of Statistics and Social Security. You should receive Eisen's permanent wrist band by courier in 2 business days. We already gave him the temporary identification pill. Just a reminder, it will last for five days before dissolving. If it has not linked and registered with the permanent bracelet before then an alarm will go off somewhere and police will show up fairly quickly. I suggest not forgetting. It is rather troublesome to deal with the paperwork on our end if that happens."

Lydia of course wouldn't forget. She had to get many special permits and take a few courses just to have Eisen by live birth, if she ever wanted to have another child she'd have to rely on those permits and classes. If she forgot she could never have another live birth child with out ending up in prison for it. There were many positives living in an advanced society. Freedom of choice and privacy were not one of them. You could believe that everywhere you were, and every point in time someone somewhere knew exactly where you were, even if it was just a computer monitoring for distressed civilians.

Eisen was still taking his nap when the family plus one pulled up to the house. Most people lived in apartment complexes these days. With skyscrapers running as high as the eye could see, and special designs in the moulding acted as wind funnels and breaks. Effectively producing a light breeze anywhere in the city at any time, it was almost impossible to get rained on inside the city. With the buildings being higher than the clouds in some case, and everything being interconnected there was almost no chance for rain to even occur. The best most people got was dew, not that they complained. It made things very simple. The Gins however lived on a small property just outside of the city limits. A little more than 5 acres, their 2 story house had a wide veranda wrap around porch. In the area one could see a few small ponds with a bubbling brook interconnected with each one. Fronds, day lillies, dragon snaps, lavender, and other flora and fauna lived in and around the ponds, looking very natural and not at all forced. It was almost as if the house was planted in the field, it brought a feeling of peace that was almost impossible to communicate in any real meaningful manner.

Near each pond was a small sitting area designed after many different cultures, including eastern Asian styles, Greek styles, and one that didn't so much resemble any style at all and looked like it just grew out of nature in some unexpected way. If one wasn't up close they wouldn't even see a sitting area, it would simply appear as if some trees overhung a few bigger boulders. Everything everywhere one may look was covered in moss and vines as if it had been untouched by human hands for millennium and each time one walked through, it would be as if one was discovering the place for the first time.

Silver was very impressed with the place and said as much. It was obvious that the Gins where not nouveau riche, everything hung about like a mist on water in the fall. One wasn't sure if they were traveling through a mystical land or if it was simply an illusion there one second but gone the next. "I was not aware you were affiliated with the Gins. I rushed here as soon as I could and did not have the time to prepare an in depth personal debriefing. Was your family aware of Eisen? I imagine it brought no small deal of trouble." Silver was aware that old families would never willingly allow their offspring to have inferior genes. And seeing as how they had no idea about the abilities of natural born children of modified parents… well not much needed to be said on the subject.

"We are not of the Gins, they disowned me before Eisen was born. And tried to kill myself and Lydia no less than three times that we know of. Not that I'll ever be able to prove it." Mark griped, he was still naive, he believed in the best of his family and was proud to be associated, with them. It wasn't until he was engaged to Lydia that he became aware of his families beliefs. Poor and weak people were to be helped, they were not to be associated with. Lydia's family came from a poor background and it incensed his family to no end that he became involved with her. 'Beautiful though she may be, she is not of our world. Not able to stand behind let alone besides us. She is not worthy.' He remembered the night his mother struck him, in rage and fury. He excitedly told her the 'good news' only to have her lash out at him, as if he were dragging and dirty, muddy, smelly dog into the house to praise it. No, it was worse than that, if it were only that his mother would've just had the servants clean the stupid animal. She never would've lost her composure over a beast. That was the night he left his home, for the first time he never intended to return.

Lydia was aware of the situation, however she felt she had no place to interfere in the situation. Mark shielded her from everything, including his family, she felt it was not her place to make things worse for him by adding onto it. She loved him deeply and wanted him to be at rest and peace. She didn't want to add to the vendetta he no doubt harbored on her behalf.

"I was unaware of the situation, do you need help settling the matter? I can tell you that you are allowed to tell only one person from each of your families about Eisen's circumstances, and I don't recommend telling Lydia's family at all. And; just to be clear you are only allowed to tell them about Eisen being 'unlimited' if anyone outside of this unit finds out about Eisen being a 'balance', their entire family will be purged. No questions asked, no extenuating circumstances. All information about that part of Eisen has been erased. Even the Private government has been black listed and a few people have either gone through memory modification or personal vows of silence to prevent all information being disseminated. There is no benefit to Lydia's family knowing and can only bring them harm. However if you where to tell your father Mark, he might understand and change his position. It might not fix everything, but it may allow for closure or a fresh start. At least they wouldn't be sending assassins after the best thing that has happened to their family since the beginning of the entire Family Name." Silver gave Mark and Lydia the best and most impartial advice he could. After all his concern was Eisen, not Mark, Lydia, or the Gins.

"I'm not sure what I will do about my family. Thank you for alerting me to the rules regarding informing my family, I will think on it. For now our house is your house. There is a martial area underground accessible from the basement, and a room on the second floor that you may use for as long as you stay with us. If there is anything special you need let me know and I will provide it for you to the best of my ability." Mark truly felt thankful, he could feel how many times more powerful Silver was than himself and the thought of him protecting Eisen, even if only Eisen; was something he was grateful for.

"That won't be necessary, the Government will provide everything for not only my training, but yours, Lydia's, and Eisen's as well. Consider it a perk for raising a natural born Monster. If you'll excuse the term, afterall it is really the only thing that is applicable. I'm sure in the following days you'll understand. I wouldn't be surprised if he understands everything we're saying right now, and could even be talking by the end of this week, if not walking as well."

"Silver, don't fuck with me. I may appreciate everything you're doing and will do for Eisen, but I don't like being lied to. How could an infant understand us, let alone talk and walk one week after birth!" Silver wasn't mad at Mark's outburst, he fully understood. He wouldn't know what to do if his child turned out to be a genius among genius` to the point where monster was the only applicable noun used to describe him. He just shook his head and chuckled "We shall see."

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