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Chapter 34: Cavalry Battle Results

"Now for the top four teams that passed this event! We have team Hagakure that came in first."

"Next is second place team Todoroki."

"In third place we have team Monoma."

"Finally in fourth place we have team Shinso."

I look at the results and was surprised. The third and fourth place teams I know nothing about, except for Ojiro and Satou that were on Shinso's team. Bakugou was in fifth place and Midoriya's team was in sixth place. I wounder what happened to them that made them fall so far behind.

I know that we stole Bakugou's points but I still expected hin to come in third or at lest fourth. Midoriya I am not surprised that he is so far back to much, but because All Might saw something in him to give his power to him I thought he would have done better like in the first event.

"We will now take an hour's break for lunch before we start the next event." Present Mic announced.

"Good work every one." I said congratulating my team.

"We did it!" Hagahure said all happy.

"We had nice team work." Jirou said.

"Their was no doubt that we would win when I joined the team." Aoyama said.

"Come lets go get lunch and maybe find someone what happened to the other teams. I am really surprised that Bakugou's team didn't make it in the top four." I said.

"Yay knowing Bakugou he should have can start after us when we toke his headband. I wonder what happened to them? They were right after team Todoroki before he made that ice wall." Jirou said.

"Yay that ice wouldn't have stopped him from getting to us." Hagakure said.

"Well we will have to find someone that know what happened to find out." I said.

We then started to head out with everyone else. We all head to the cafeteria to eat, while in there I saw Kirishima. He was on Bakugou's team he should know what happened on the other side of the ice wall. So I headed over to join him after getting some food.

"Hey Kirishima-san, do you mind if I join you?" I asked.

"Sure, no problem." Kirishima said.

Me and Hagakure joined his table. Jirou and Aoyama went off on their own. As we were at his table we just had small talk before I brought up the thing I wanted to know, we were about half way done with our food at that time.

"So Kirishima-san, I was just wondering what happened to your teem to not make it into the top four? After Todoriki's ice wall went up I don't know what happened to the rest of you guys. Knowing Bakugou he should have chased us to the ends of the earth after we took his headband." I said.

"Your right he was pissed that his headband got taken by your team. After Ashido got us out of the ice with her acid Quirk this is what happened." Kirishima said.

(Flash back to cavalry battle)

Kirishima's POV

"We free!" Ashido said.

"Quick after them! We must kill them!" Bakugou shouted.

I started to run after them. On the way we passed Midoryia's team and I saw Bakugou jump of to attack him as we were passing. They were distracted to get out of the ice that they didn't see him until it was to late. Bakugou got Midoriya's headband and Sero pulled him back to us so we could continue to go after Tao's team.

The teams may be named after the rider but we know Tao was the one we have to watch out for. Midoriya was upset that their headband was taken and increased their effort to get out of the ice. We paid no more attention to them as we were after Todoroki's team that was chasing Tao's team.

As we were behind Todoroki's team he put up a ice wall in front of us. That didn't deter Bakugou.

"Keep going I will destroy that ice!" Bakugou yelled.

So I kept on running know Bakugou's explosion Quirk could take down that ice wall. As we were running I didn't notice a team passing behind us. I thought everyone was still frozen to the ground that we were blindsided by them. They managed to take the headband we took from Midoriya.

"Class A is too simple minded" A man with blonde hair said as he took the headband. (Monoma's team)

"He got us!" Mina Ashido said.

"What'd you say, bastard! Give that back, I'll kill you!" Bakugou yelled anger that his headband got stolen twice now.

"Your famous, aren't you? As the victim of the sludge incident! Tell me about it sometime. How it feels to be attack by villains every year." Monoma said.

"Kirishima… change in plans…" Bakugou said with barely restrained fury.

"Monoma, don't provoke him! You'll be the same as him." Kaibara said he had dark brown hair.

"That's right, I wouldn't become a hero. Besides, don't you hear this often about heroes that get done in because of villains that come back for revenge?" Monoma said.

"Bakugou calm down! If you don't calm down, we won't be able to get the points back!" I said trying to calm him down. At this rate we may lose if this keeps happing.

Bakugou made an explosion in his hand and said, "Forward Kirishima! Right now, I am total calm!"

He didn't look calm but I believe in him.

"We're seriously counting on you!" I said to him.

I then started running toward them. As we were passing them Bakugou made to grab the headband but was easily stopped by Monoma by blocking with his are and push Bakugou's are away from him.

Bakugou was surprised that he was stopped so easily. When Bakugou turned around to try again Monoma put his hand in front of Bakugou's face and caused an explosion the same as Bakugou's explosions.

"Wow, what a nice Quirk!" Monoma said.

I closed my eyes because of the explosion and while my eyes were closed I felt something lightly slap my head. I didn't pay it any mind because it didn't hurt.

"That's my…" Bakugou started to say then stopped trying to figure out what was going on.

I recovered and said "Bakugou someone has the same Quirk as you."

Bakugou was upset and attacked again. This time when Monoma blocked the attack he had his arm up and braced with his other arm that looked like it was hardened like my Quirk once we could see him again when the smoke cleared from the explosion.

"Really, such nice Quirks! Mines better though." Monoma said.

"What.. mine?" I said.

I was starting to freak out. How could he have mine and Bakugou's Quirk. Even Tao-san can't do that.

"No! This guy copied them." Bakugou said.

"That's right!" Monoma said all happy.

"Well even an idiot can figure it out, thought" Monoma said making us madder at him.

"Now!" Midoriya said as he passed behind Monoma's team.

Midoriya took some of the headband off of him. Monoma only hand two left. I could see that Midoriya got his headband back as well as a couple of others.

"Wha.." Monoma was surprised that he didn't see them coming.

"After Midoriya!" yelled Bakugou when he saw Midoriya's team making off with some headbands.

I started to run after Midoriya. While we were upset at Monoma Bakugou couldn't see Midoriya do something that he hasn't done yet. So we went after Midoriya.

As we were going after Midoriya, Monoma's team didn't follow us.

"Get back here Deku!" Bakugou yelled as he flew after him again.

Bakugou caused an explosion when he got close to them that was blocked by Tokoyami's Quirk Dark Shadow. It looked like a creature with a bird like head made from shadow that came from Tokoyami's stomach area.

But that was just a distraction, Bakugou managed to get some of the headband from Midoira leaving him with only one. Sero pulled Bakugou back and we made our escape.

"Now for the Ten Million points!" Bakugou said.

We started to head to the iced off area that was far from us at this point with all the running around we have done.

"Count down start!" I heard Present Mic say.

We were to far from the ice area we couldn't make it in time.

"Keep go we can do this!" Bakugou yelled.

So I ran as hard as I could but right as we got to the ice we heard.

"Time's up" We all heard.

"That's the end of the second round!" Present Mic announced the ended of the round.

I turned to look what place we had and saw that we were in fifth place. I was upset, when I saw that Monoma's team got third place I wondered how many point were on those headband that he had left? Did he get anymore when were after Midoriya?

(Back to present time)


"That's about what happened. We ran out of time to get any more point." Kirishima said.

"That's to bad. I wanted to fight you." Hagakure said.

From all the training that we have done, she wanted to fight in close range combat that so she can get better and she how much she has improved.

"Yeah, I am a little upset that I can't move on to the next round with you guys." Kirishima said.

By this time we were done eating. We were going to get ready for the next event.

Author's note:

Some of you may be upset on who won this event. This is how I saw it went down different from cannon. Because Tao's team took Bakugou's headband first it caused a butterfly effect.

Bakugou would definitely take Midoriya's headband when he saw the chance to even when he wants to get his back. When he got stolen from again, because of carelessness by having tunnel vision. I feel he would feel humiliated and go after the recent person that made him feel this way.

While he would what to go after Tao's team he know it would be hard to get the points and with Todoroki's team there as well it would be harder. He would make sure to go after the easier team first to make sure he moves on to the next round.

But when Midoriya enters the picture again he would focus on Midoriya and be distracted for a little bit of time. All this leads up to time being wasted running around that the fifteen minutes of the event would pass before he new it.

Shinso's team needs to pass because I feel that his Quirk is good for hero work and with out passing on to the next round he would go unknown. So his team passes like in cannon.

Monoma's team passes because I feel it was a good team and what to see the different fights. They could get the points they need if Bakugou didn't focus on them the whole time like he did in cannon. With Bakugou going after Midoriya it gave them time to get more points to pass.

But don't worry Bakugou will still make it to the next round. As well as Midoriya because we can't have the hero from cannon not get to it either.

Well I have talked enough. Before you complain and say Bakugou's pride would never let him move on to the next round without it being because he earning it. Find out my reason in the next chapter where I explain it if you do see it now.

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