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Chapter 30: Chapter 30

That evening, adhering to his routine, Mike exited the Room of Requirement after an extensive late-night practice session, feeling utterly drained. Discovering the Room of Requirement had been a turning point for Mike, compelling him to spend any available moment there for training. The incorporation of meditation into his practice regimen only intensified his exhaustion, leaving him zombie-like after each session.

Navigating the corridor, Mike relied on the wall for support as he made his way into the secret passage leading to Ravenclaw Tower. This passage, defying logic, bridged the considerable distance between the Room of Requirement and the Ravenclaw Tower in mere seconds. Initially met with skepticism, Mike had grown to appreciate this magical shortcut, now eager only for the comfort of his bed.

The passage was shrouded in darkness, with only the occasional glimmer of light guiding his steps moving forward.

A minute into his journey, Mike felt uneasy. Normally, at his pace, the exit would have been visible by now, yet he was greeted by unending darkness.

Summoning his resolve, Mike speculated that he might have activated some mechanism, altering the passage's usual route.

Eventually, the exit appeared, though Mike approached it with caution rather than haste.

Located near the well-lit Owlery, the Ravenclaw Tower was usually visible from the passage's end, even at night. However, the light filtering through this exit suggested a different destination.

Mike snuffed out the light he had conjured and edged towards the exit, the wall at his side.

He emerged into a vast, seemingly abandoned classroom, its corners filled with desks and chairs cloaked in dust.

At the center, where one might expect a teacher's desk, stood an incongruous item: a towering full-length mirror, its surface casting back the moonlight in a spectral dance.

With cautious steps, Mike left the secret passageway. As he did, the entrance vanished without a trace from the classroom wall. Despite his efforts to locate a trigger or mechanism along the wall, Mike found nothing, a realization that made his heart sink.

Thankfully, the classroom door remained ajar, sparing Mike the concern of being trapped within its confines.

After observing the classroom and confirming he was alone, Mike's attention was drawn to the room's sole anomaly, a grand full-length mirror.

Upon closer inspection, Mike was struck by the mirror's impressive size, towering up to the ceiling with a golden frame adorned with exquisite wood carvings. Engraved at the top were words in a language unknown to him, marking it as no ordinary mirror.

Mike realized in astonishment that he was looking at the Mirror of Erised. It had arrived at Hogwarts earlier than he expected; in the original narrative, Harry didn't discover it until after Christmas.

The Mirror of Erised, known in legend as the mirror that shows the deepest desires of one's heart, has ensnared many great figures throughout history with its enchantment, perhaps even the renowned Merlin.

Aware of the risk of becoming entrapped by the illusions it created, Mike couldn't resist looking into it. He was curious about his deepest desires, acknowledging that most people live unaware of what they truly want, merely following their instincts. Understanding one's deepest aspirations is a trait of greatness.

In the mirror, Mike saw a reflection that, although vastly different from his current appearance, he recognized immediately as himself from a previous life—a middle-aged man with a less-than-flattering appearance.

Surrounding this figure were people from his past life—relatives and friends.

His wife, Amanda, clad in a wedding dress, embraced him tightly. The mirror's Amanda retained the radiant beauty of her youth, unlike the aged appearance she had when Mike last saw her. Mike swore she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Behind them stood three figures: his eldest daughter Tracy in a stunning evening gown, looking like a princess from a fairy tale; his younger son Jimmy in a graduation robe, holding a diploma tied with a red ribbon—a clear symbol of his achievements; and a bit further away, a slightly balding man holding a wine bottle, smiling at the family scene and occasionally taking a sip.

Staring into the mirror, tears unknowingly wet Mike's cheeks.

He reached out to touch Amanda's face, but instead of the warmth of her skin, he felt the cold, smooth surface of the mirror.

Having spent nearly a year in the world of Harry Potter, Mike had used rigorous practice to numb the longing for his family and friends. However, the suppressed emotions finally erupted that night.

Mike's facade crumbled, and he collapsed in front of the Mirror of Erised, sobbing uncontrollably.

Mike had always considered himself a carefree rogue, believing family and friends to be dispensable. Yet, to his surprise, they were what mattered to him the most in the end.

From the shadows of the classroom, Dumbledore watched Mike's breakdown. Dumbledore was not unfamiliar with such reactions; he had experienced the same upon his first encounter with the Mirror of Erised.

Seeing Mike, Dumbledore saw a reflection of his younger self. He sighed silently, his figure fading away, eventually disappearing.

Dumbledore had intentionally led Mike to this abandoned classroom to test him with the Mirror of Erised, planning to intervene and impart a lesson on love should Mike become ensnared by the mirror's illusions.

However, such intervention seemed unnecessary now. Mike's reaction exceeded Dumbledore's expectations, demonstrating exceptional character.

Unlike Voldemort, who harbored only desire and hatred, Mike's heart was filled with love for his family and friends.

Such a person could never become the next Voldemort.

Delvogen Delvogen

Please let me know if anything is wrong with this chapter. Also, I've been slacking lately because I've been very sick and laid up in bed reading fan fiction. :)

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