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Chapter 13: Chimera

Watching the turn of events from a distant cliff was Zaoroma Naberius. As he witnessed the giant fly beast spreading the black poisonous mist across a wide area, he spoke in a trembling voice: "So, this is the power of 'Malebranche' Barbariccia, the power of Skullmillione."

Zaoroma Naberius set his eyes on one particular young man from the Beelzebub family who was included in the list. He had longed for power ever since he had been deeply humiliated after losing twice to two princes he had despised. Zaoroma knew that he would accept this experiment without hesitation.

Zaoroma Naberius prepared one more statue of the 'Malebranche', extracted a part of its power and gave it to the young Beelzebub. The result: after accepting only a small portion of the Malebranche's power, he had become that monstrosity.

The 'Malebranche' ... were living weapons that the Four Great Maou's built using the crystals they found digging on the floating island of Agreas over the domain of Agares. It was said to refer to the making of the "Sacred Gear" made by the God of the Bible. This was the devils' version of the "Sacred Gear" - which possesses body and consciousness. These artefacts were to be feared, but could be used in other ways. That is, like Sacred Gear, they could take the form of a combat gear when worn by the user. Therefore, the Big Four Maou's referred to the 'Malebranche' as "Demonic Weapons". This time, they had only borrowed a small part of its powers, but Zaoroma Naberius spoke to Barbariccia through the magic circle.

"I think I understand how the Maou's must have felt. This power is certainly dangerous... but satisfying." With great joy about his spirit as an investigator, Zaoroma Naberius could not hide his smile.

Barbariccia told him: "However, even in this era, the environment is not ready for us to exercise our full potential. The ones who we really want to fight at this time are the 'Longinus' and their bearers."


In the capital city of Lucifaad, there was a large residential district where the Maou's families lived. Access to this district was only granted to members of the royal families and their affiliates.

There, where vast luxury properties were located, was the gigantic Lucifer Castle. Preparing to move out of the castle was Lucifer's son, Rizevim Livan Lucifer. He was having his servants help him pack his things for the move.

In the midst of this, a visitor arrived at Lucifer's castle. In the great hall on the first floor, Vidreid Varsharn Beelzebub, wearing Beelzebub's black armour, met with Rizevim.

The two had known each other since childhood. However, they were not exactly friends, but as children of the Maou's Lucifer and Beelzebub, they had to relate to each other, whether they liked it or not.

Rizevim smiled and greeted the arrival of Vidreid, who was the current ruler of the Underworld.

"Hey, Vidreid."

"Rizevim. I hear you're leaving Lucifaad." Vidreid said, showing no great emotion.

Rizevim laughed bitterly. "You came all this way to see me? Well, I simply have no interest in this civil war. But you don't seem to have come here to scold me either."

"You're going to lose, you know? Your class, power, land, everything will be taken away. Your pride will be called into question, and you'll end up crying about it, you hear?" Rizevim said with an offensive smile on his face.

Vidreid ironically smiled at him and nodded, "Yes, you're right, I'll probably lose everything."

Rizevim doubted Vidreid's attitude. "Yet you still want to do it. Did you inherit that awful pride from your father?"

Vidreid, without acknowledging or denying it, said to Rizevim: "... Rizevim, if you really wanted to, if your son wanted to, you could defeat the Resistance army, the angels, the fallen angels, even other mythological deities. I know that the evil that resides within you is genuine."

"Why do you have to say such unpleasant things? But... it doesn't sound like you're trying to persuade me with compliments, so... What do you mean?"

"There are devils, by your side, that outnumber the Maou's. Even in the human kingdom, the Sacred Gear system left behind by the God of the Bible continues to work, and Longinus seems to be increasing in number. These things are happening even after the 'Great Existence', as described in the sacred texts, has been destroyed. No one can stop the flow of these events now." Vidreid said, in a rigid tone of voice.

"In the distant future, even if you were to exercise your full power, that flow will probably defeat you."

"Hahaha, what is it? I have no idea if you're warning me or threatening me. After all, I do own the only Sacred Gear Canceller. If anyone can defeat me, it's my own son."

His conversation ended there, and Vidreid turned his back on him and left the building.

Then Rizevim shouted a few last words behind Vidreid's back: "Well, I hope you enjoy a senseless death!"

This was just a brief conversation that took place in the capital city of Lucifaad.

Meanwhile, the civil war between the government of the Maou's families and the Resistance was approaching its final phase.


The battle between the royal army and the Resistance army that was taking place in the former domain of Valafar was getting out of control due to the sudden appearance of the mysterious fly-shaped chimera. The dark, poisonous mist that the beast was generating from its body was gradually spreading across the battlefield, raining down on the soldiers fighting there.



Those who inhaled or came into contact with the poison instantly began to drown, and then blood poured from every hole in their bodies until they finally disintegrated. The disintegrated bodies of those who breathed in the poison also became deadly poison, contaminating the vast battlefield at an alarming rate. The chimera fly only had to move and breathe for the poison to spread.

If someone attacked, their flesh would burst and blood would splatter - the blood itself would also become poison. The chimera fly was spreading its deadly venom among the troops on both sides, causing mass destruction.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs Gremory went to withdraw his troops while Razevan took the unconscious Euclid Lucifuge and entered one of the front line bases of the royal army on the old Valafar front, the base of Lucifuge's army.

"It's Lord Lucifer! We're saved!"

The arrival of Lucifer's grandson in the army had shocked the troops of the royal army, who were not expecting the arrival of a Lucifer at this time.

With Euclid Lucifuge in their arms, the troops were doubly perplexed by this situation. Razevan told the troops, "Take me to Lord Lucifuge."

Razevan was escorted to the commander, the head of the Lucifuge family.

"Was it that monster summoned by the Resistance?"

"I have never seen or heard of that monster!"

"It seems that Lord Lucifuge went out to bring down the beast, but..."

"Yes, I heard that he inhaled the poison and passed out."

Razevan heard these conversations as he was escorted by the troops and forced to stand in front of the tent where the commander was.

Lord Lucifuge went to confront this monster? Was he as stupid as his son Euclid?

Why couldn't all the members of the Lucifuge family be like Grayfia?

"Excuse me, my Lord! I have brought Lord Razevan!" One soldier said, as he was carrying Razevan inside.

A coughing noise came from the camp. "Cough! Cough!"

"Father!" A familiar voice - the voice of Grayfia. Evidently, she had returned to the base as well.

Soon after, Razevan heard the voice of a man saying, "Let him in."

Razevan entered the camp alone. Inside was a silver-haired, virile-looking man lying in bed with Grayfia by his side. The man seemed to be in severe pain, and right next to his pillow was a towel stained with blood.

Razevan knew this man. He had interacted with him several times in the past, and it was he who sent Grayfia to serve Razevan.

"Long time no see, Lord Lucifuge."

The head of the House of Lucifuge lifted only his upper body and said to Razevan: "... Prince Lucifer. Grayfia had informed me of your arrival, but I did not expect to receive you in this state..."

Razevan spoke without hesitation: "I would like to talk about that beast with you."

Razevan told him that the true identity of the fly-shaped chimera was the transformation of the young Beelzebub. The head of the house Lucifuge seemed deeply concerned.

"... It's hard to believe... but the beast looks like a fly, and I can feel a remnant of Beelzebub's aura... many factors make me strongly believe in it." The head of the house Lucifuge said between coughs.

From what he could hear of the troops' conversation, the head of House Lucifuge had faced the chimera and inhaled the deadly poison. This was probably what caused his present condition.

Razevan made a proposal: "Please call back the troops. That beast does not care about fighting for one side or the other, it is trying to take the lives of all of us. At this rate, the officers and men of both the Resistance and the Royal Armie will end up facing a deadly end. If this monster spreads poison outside this domain and into the urban districts where people live, the damage will be irreparable."

Razevan did not care who the winning side was. Both sides had their ideals, and he respected them, and he didn't care which side was the winner. Each side had to fight with all its might, struggling to fulfil that ideal they were pursuing.

That is why he had not gotten involved in the war, because the Maou's side, which is obviously weaker than the anti-Maou's side, would get an advantage they did not deserve. Just as he had not joined the Resistance because he carried the name of a Maou.

But what the descendant of Beelzebub had done had crossed the baseline.

For Razevan, who thought "purity" in blood was absolute, for a Maou's descendant to corrupt himself to gain power was unacceptable to Lucifer's grandson.

It was not that Razevan hated devils that were not of pure blood, quite the contrary. He thought that devils born as a result of mating with other races were very interesting, and had a lot of potential.

What Razevan could not stand were the devils that wanted to become more powerful using external methods.

Do not confuse using external methods to increase the strength of an individual with using weapons to accompany your own strength. In fact, it was Razevan who first used a weapon, even if he only had to use it when he was killing pseudo-divine spirits with his master.

Not only was Razevan annoyed by this, but he was also annoyed that this Beelzebub was attacking either side, including the civilians!

Razevan didn't want to see his own kind being eradicated just because some random character was crazy. That's why he had decided to act personally.

The head of the House of Lucifuge thought to himself for a while and said, "Do you have some kind of plan?"

Razevan nodded and said, "Sirzechs Gremory is calling back the resistance troops. Then I'll stop that thing on my own." Razevan's eyes shone with resolution.


The chimera that appeared in the old Valafar domain had advanced near the lake on the west side of that territory. No one knew exactly why the beast had moved to this spot, but in the vicinity of the lake, there were still some residents who lived there.

Inevitably, the beast's venom would kill the residents. Moreover, judging by its actions so far, it was very likely that the fly-like chimera would advance into the neighbouring domain as well. The neighbouring domain was ruled by high-class devils. Unlike the fallen Valafar domain, many common devils resided there.

If the chimera succeeded in reaching the neighbouring domain, it would be catastrophic.

Sirzechs took a large number of troops and headed to the city at the lake and began to evacuate the residents. Grayfia and Lucifuge's troops also cooperated, giving priority to evacuation.

"Now that it's done, it's time to take the next step."

Once the evacuation was complete, Sirzechs headed for the chimera beast.

"Wait!" Grayfia went after him, alone.

Sirzechs said, "You should stay here. I can cover myself with the aura of my power of "Destruction" to prevent the poison, but that's not your case, is it?"

"You never know what's going to happen..." she said, anticipating something terrible.

Sirzechs said, "Stay on the ground, where the poison won't reach you." Then he covered himself with the power of "Destruction", and plunged into the thick fog of the poison.

Sirzechs appeared in front of the chimera. A two hundred foot monstrosity was before his eyes. It was a chaotic looking beast. This was the transformed appearance of the young man from the Beelzebub family.

But the chimera wasn't the only thing Sirzechs saw. Standing there was a young man watching the chimera, his face devoid of expression as he watched it move forward. Razevan was in the midst of the poisonous smoke without being covered by any kind of demonic energy, which surprised Sirzechs.

The chimera did not seem to be able to detect Razevan. Still, it noticed Sirzechs and his aura of "Destruction", and stopped short. The many eyes on his face turned all at once.

Those eyes looked different from their first encounter; this time, it seemed as if the creature was conscious. Then, the muscles of the chimera's forehead swelled and began to take shape. It was a face.

After a closer inspection, he realized that it was the face of the young Beelzebub, and then, he began to see Sirzechs with a sinister smile.

"Well, well, if it isn't the ace of the resistance army." He seemed to have retained the consciousness of his pre-transformation.

Sirzechs spoke: "Ahead is a city where the residents of the old Valafar domain live. They have nothing to do with this conflict. They must not be drawn into it. You must withdraw now."

Young Beelzebub smiled even more grimly in response to Sirzechs' words. "Yes, I know, I can smell them. I can smell even more than that. In fact, I'm intentionally heading over there right now." His words sounded a little hesitant.

"You mean you don't just go around like this at random?"

"Baafafafa! That's right! The poison released from this body rots all animals, soldiers, nature, everything. It feels so good."

His eyes were weak, as if something was possessing him completely. After realizing that trying to have a dialogue was pointless, Sirzechs generated a sphere of the aura of "Destruction" in his hand and fired to deliver the first blow.

He hit the torso of the chimera and managed to pull part of it off. Then, a stream of blood exploded. Since even his blood was fatally poisonous, when it came into contact with the ground, it became a grotesque black mass. The muscles in the damaged area swelled and began to regenerate, returning to normal.

A power of half-destroyed was not going to cut it off. I would need to use it with maximum force and eliminate this beast with one blow.

But Sirzechs did not act immediately, but waited to see what his friend Razevan would do. His previous expressionless face had turned to a scowl as he saw the chimera's reaction to the power of "destruction".

He was probably assessing what the level of power of this monster was.

When Sirzechs reached this conclusion, the chimera spoke to them as if it remembered something: "Ah, I remember. Before the war broke out, in the capital... the one who ordered the massacre of rebels, including the residents, was me."


Sirzechs recalled the armed conflict that broke out in the capital before the civil war began. The Gremory youth choir had ended up in the middle of all this conflict, and they were almost killed.

Young Beelzebub, now a chimera, had claimed without remorse that he had ordered the massacre in the capital before the war formally broke out.

Seeing Sirzechs' eyes widen, he spoke with delight: "Later I heard that your precious chorus met a terrible fate. Hahahaha!"

Sirzechs, Grayfia and Razevan had concluded at the time that it was better to keep the survival of the choir a secret, for the sake of the children. It seemed that this secret had been well kept, as the chimera did not seem to know that they were still alive.

The chimera laughed, then made another terrible remark.

"No hard feelings. These events with humble citizens are mere pastimes for the high-class. It's good for you. Now you can teach a whole new chorus from scratch."

"I knew you were an idiot for many years, but now you disgust me."


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You can read there up to chapter 146 of Reincarnated as a Dragon's egg, and up to chapter 20 of Razevan Lucifer!

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