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Chapter 7: Who? (Ch. 19-20)

The next morning, I wake up rather early, so I decide to head out for a light jog. I have no particular purpose in mind for doing so, well, other than wanting to get used to my body so that I don't accidentally end up in the headlines the next tomorrow…


I jog for a while, unaware of how far I've come. Then, suddenly, Yusa appears within the corner of my vision. She's wearing sportswear that covers all that needs to be covered, and she seems to be somewhat out of breath. Is she exercising too? I take this chance to get a closer look at her figure, only to be promptly amazed by how good she looks.

I've never had the chance to admire her beauty until now. Most likely because a certain weirdo made me disgusted just thinking about it, as it would feel like I'm stooping down to 'their' level... Well, there is also the fact that whenever she appears on TV, my attention is on Ayumi. Why is that? Simply put, Ayumi is a fan-girl. That, itself, is not an issue. The problem is that she is a die-hard fan, similar yet different to Joijiro, the aforementioned idiot.

Although I hate to admit it, she is an over the top kind of fan-girl. Whenever Yusa appears on TV, Ayumi either freaks out or has a nosebleed, perhaps even both as her mind drifts off to the land of imaginations. I really don't get what's so amazing about idols.

I take a moment to pull myself together before greeting Yusa with a small smile, "Good morning, Yusa."

Just as I was expecting to be greeted back in an overly cheerful tone, I hear a rough tone instead, "Yea, good morning."

Startled, focus on her face and notice that the color of her eyes have changed. They're red now instead of blue. I'm pleasantly surprised by this and say, "My bad. Good morning, Misa."

"Yeah, yeah," she responds, somewhat rudely, but I suppose that's just her nature. She's like a cat, in a way.

"How about we jog together?" I suggest, ignoring her not-so-friendly response.

She pauses for a short moment before questioning with one brow raised, "Is this your way of picking up girls?"

"Perhaps," I reply teasingly, a small smirk forming across my lips.

She blinks twice in surprise, most likely not expecting my response, I assume. However, her surprise doesn't last long as her expression changes to that of contempt before she scowls and says, "Don't forget whose body this is."

Understanding what she means, I reply without any apparent change in my expression, "Your sister's body, yes. But, I'm speaking to you right now."

Hearing this, Misa nods slightly before she begins jogging once again. I stare at her back for few seconds before following after her; easily catching up, and keeping an equal pace as we jog around a nearby park. Once we're done jogging, Misa settles down on one of the many benches in the park, while I go look for a vending machine to get us some refreshing drinks.

Once I'm back, I hand her one of the two drinks I bought, which she snatches from my extended hand before saying in a barely audible tone, "Thanks."

I smile in response and begin drinking mine. She's truly like a cat.

The two of us sit on the bench and drink without uttering a single word. After a while, curiosity gets the best of me as I ask her, "Why are you jogging so early in the morning, especially when it's the weekend?"

I'm sure that being an idle is already taxing enough, both mentally and physically, so I was kind of expecting her to be resting. Well, yes, it's Misa right now, but the body still belongs to Yusa.

She doesn't respond to my question, and just when I begin to think that she didn't even hear me, she utters solemnly, "Tomorrow, there is a baseball match. Since Yusa hasn't done any extended exercises, her body is weak. In order for her to not drag down the rest of you, I took this opportunity to get her body used to sports, even if a little.

"Don't worry about her body being sore before the match starts. I know its limits."

Understanding her concerns, I commend her for her thoughtfulness, before we continue to speak of various other topics for a while. After some back and forth, she even begins telling me about her past as a delinquent, and other such related matters. By the end of it all, I was gently stroking her head, utterly surprised that she didn't whack my hand away the instant it got near her...


"I've gotta go now. I unexpectedly enjoyed chatting with you. You're easy to speak with, somehow," Misa says after who knows how long.

The heck is that supposed to mean?

"We could've probably done some more enjoyable activities if I wasn't in my sister's body," she continues in a half-teasing tone.

I slightly shake my head in response to her words, and say, "That doesn't matter. Speaking to you is more than enough."

She snorts and responds with squinted eyes, "I wonder how many girls you've tricked with that glib tongue of yours..."

I roll my eyes in exasperation, as this isn't the first time she has said something like this.

"You might not believe me, but I've never been in a relationship in my life." At least, I don't remember being in any.

Misa stares at me for a short while before grinning and smacking my back, lightly, I assume, since I can't really tell with the way my body is. Then, she walks away while saying, "It really would've been nice to meet you before I had died."

That's not exactly possible, but I can't exactly tell her that without it resulting in some probing and me being classified as insane should I be honest...


Having no one to speak with, and my original objective completed, I decide to walk home and spend the rest of the day with Ayumi. However, on the way home, I suddenly sense vehicle behind me gaining speed, going a little too fast.

Curious, I sense as the vehicle, which turns out to be a black van with shaded windows, zooms by. I randomly decide to scan it's interior using my enhanced senses. However, despite my senses being enhanced, I have some trouble to make out what's inside the van.

And then, I frown at what I "see": Two men are holding down a struggling guy that feels a little familiar for some reason. I've barely spent any time in this Platform, which means that if someone seems familiar to me, I must have some solid impression of him.

Upon realizing the possible severity of the matter, I break into a dash without Godspeed, since my 'default' speed is already abnormal enough itself for me to catch up with the van. And so, in a matter of seconds, I get rather close to the back of the van, after which I begin considering making use of Transmutation to get inside stealthily.

Such thoughts last only for a moment, as all of sudden, my instincts warn me of imminent danger. Shivers run down my spine, as I immediately utilize Godspeed and Blink to hastily move away from my current spot. The moment I do so, the van's back doors bust open, and a beam of concentrated energy surrounded by electric currents strikes the spot I was in just a second ago.

What genuinely alarms me is the fact that after the energy bream fades out, a wide line of seemingly disintegrated matter so small that is imperceptible to an ordinary naked eye is all that's left from the road.

Admittedly, I am more than a little stunned by the sudden turn of events, which upon further consideration results in me coming to a stop, as the cons of following the van far outweigh the pros. As I am right now, my knowledge of this Platform is severely limited. I have been getting too confident for my own good due to my body's constitution. Now, however… I have come to realize that the possibility of there being ridiculous weapons that can endanger me is present, and it might be way higher than expected.

With such revelations, I resolve myself to take on a more cautious attitude as I quickly make my way home.


The next day, I'm stirred awake by Ayumi.

"Brother Yu, you said you had a baseball match today," she says while smiling.

"Ayu wants to come and watch Brother Yu win, but Ayu is feeling sleepy today," she continues sounding like she is disappointed of herself.

In response to her statement, I laugh a little and ruffle her hair, before saying in a reassuring tone, "It's fine. You go get plenty of sleep. I'll tell you all about how we won later, once I get home."

Honestly, this is a tough decision to make. One might argue that it would be better for me to take her with me, since that will allow me to keep her safe. However, I don't think so, at least, not after what occurred yesterday. As I am right now, I am unfit to fight and protect others at the same time. Not only do I lack the experience, but it's fundamentally troubling, since my abilities right now are all either pure offense-oriented or grant myself buffs.

For this reason, I'd rather have her stay home than go outside when things are so chaotic. It's no longer safe out there, probably never was with the way things are so soon after my 'arrival' in this Platform. There is something going on, and I will be trying my best to prevent any harm to Ayumi.


After I put on my uniform and eat breakfast, I head to school. However, before leaving the apartment complex, I instruct the security guards to give me a call immediately if there is something wrong. They look at me weirdly for a few seconds, but perhaps realizing that I'm being serious, their expression becomes solemn as they ask for my number.

Thus, this way, they will be more on guard, and if anything does occur, I will possibly be able to respond fast enough to prevent any tragedies.

With that done, I head toward to school, after which I make my way over to the school's baseball yard. Most of the participants have already arrived. After several minutes, everyone is here except the guy with the telekinetic powers.

We decide to be patient, but ever after twenty more minutes, there is still no sign of the guy. Noticing that something is wrong, the guy I punched when I took over the telekinetic user's body grabs his phone and makes a call. No response. He calls again two more times, yet there is still no response…

He is either a coward or something has happened. Don't tell me he really has shut himself inside due to the incident I caused? No way, right? He is way too cocky for that. But then, w-

It's at this moment that a certain image flashes in my mind. A van, two men, and a struggling person...

Well, I'd be damned.

---3rd Person POV---

Two men are speaking in a room engulfed by utter darkness. They speak of a matter, which they seem to be displeased about from their expressions. The two of them then look somewhere at the mention of a name. In the direction they're looking is a platform of sorts. On top of the platform, there is a guy that appears to be a high school kid. He's lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, his eyes having no light in them. One might as well assume he is dead.

Surrounding him are all sorts of scientific equipment. Most of which are connected to him one way or another.

"We were too late in retrieving him," says one of the two men, "His brain doesn't exhibit any abnormal wavelengths."

"I'm guessing this has something to do with the 'anomaly' that has appeared recently," remarks the other one.

"That's most likely the case. He needs to be taken care of," the first one responds solemnly.

"Does he have any weaknesses?"

"Regarding that; he has a younger sibling – around twelve, female."

"That's all?"

"There are also a few other kids who he seems to have a close relationship with. One male and two females."

---1st Person POV---

"Cheh! So he was coward after all," a certain hotheaded chick mutters with contempt.

Those present (our supposed opponents for the game) are visibly triggered by her insult. The one that made the few calls states, "I don't know what deal was made between you guys, but we aren't just going to stand here and listen to you mock our friend. We will play now. The outcome of the deal will depend on whether you can win against us or not."

The guy then turns around and says while facing his friends, "Come on boys, let's do this. For the captain!"

They respond with a loud cry and seem to intend to warm themselves up for the match.

This is ridiculous. Our objective has already been achieved – the guy won't be using his telekinetic powers. While it might not have been as a direct result of our attempts in having him do so, our aim has been achieved. Thus, there is absolutely no reason for us to participate in this match.

"We won't play," I proclaim.

"I can see why you wouldn't want us to," Joijiro chimes in.

"There is no reason to do so, after all," I state with a shrug.

"Hey, hey," a rough voice resounds, "Then what was all my effort yesterday for?"

"Well, Misa," I say with a smile, "I don't think it was wasted."

It's at this moment that Nao decides to join in by questioning, "What effort?"

I respond before Misa does, "When I went out for a jog yesterday, I came across her who was doing the same, claiming that she was doing it as a form of preparation for today's game." Which we won't be playing now.

"Then, what do we do?" Joijiro asks, to which Nao takes a moment to think before suggesting, "How about we go have some fun?"

Everyone agrees to the suggestion, except me, as I mention the fact that Ayumi will be alone at home. The school is close to where we stay, so I didn't have that much of an issue to leave her home, but if we're going out to 'have fun', it's safe to say that it will most likely be somewhere at least somewhat far.

"How about you pick her up and have her join us," Nao suggests.

"That sounds great," I respond.

Following this, we inform our previously opponents-to-be of our lack of intentions to partake in the game, to which they reacted rather furiously. However, we didn't care.

Well, at least, our schoolmates were keen to play anyway, so it worked out in the end.


We all decide to walk back to my place in order to pick up Ayumi. While she said that she was sleepy, I'm certain that she will burst with energy upon hearing about what we will be doing. That's just the way Ayumi is.

And so, upon arriving home, I instruct the others to wait outside, as I head in and proceed to wake Ayumi up.

Ayumi, who was in a deep sleep, wakes up rather groggily, so I take this chance to say in a clear voice, "Hurry up and get dressed, we're going to go have fun in the city."

As I had expected, her eyes immediately shoot wide open as a wide smile appears on her face.

I only shake my head wryly to this before stepping back out to converse with the others about where we will be going.


"The arcade," an irritated voice resounds as we walk in a group.

"The net cafe," responds a relatively calm voice.

"Ugh, it's obvious that an arcade will be better," Misa says exasperatedly.

"No, no. A net cafe is superior," Joijiro responds.

"Aren't they practically the same?" I remark.

"No!" Both Joijiro and Misa reply simultaneously.

"They're both places where you play games, no?"

The two seem to be extra triggered by my deliberate attempt in annoying them, as they proceed to give me a long speech about why one of the two is better than the other.

In the end, we decide to go to the arcade, which results in a downhearted Joijiro, but that only lasts for a few minutes before he is back to normal.

"Woa!" Ayumi says excitedly the moment we step into the arcade.

Due to it being the weekend, it's a little crowded. The noises made by various devices reverberate all over the place.

"Come on, let's start," Misa says excitedly as she eyes a certain game that involves shooting monsters.


It's been an hour since we arrived at the arcade. Right now, I have left the building, while the rest are inside. Why? Because a few minutes ago, Juno's voice resounded within my mind.

{There is Code near you.}

That's all she said before disappearing on me, not responding no matter how much I called her.

And just like that, my search begins.

I start by spreading my consciousness into my enhanced senses, and just like that, my search ends.

Well, if suspicious was a person, it would be in the form of a woman dressed oddly while standing on top of a building and gracefully holding an umbrella.

That's what I "see" through my senses.

Now, what are the chances that this lady is here for no apparent reason, and not because of me? Close to none, I assume. It would be far too coincidental otherwise.

So, I decide to be a gentleman, or at least appear that way to her by relocating a little before using Godspeed and Blink to appear beside the lady.

"Hello," I greet her casually.

In response to my actions, the lady simply smiles.

Her appearance is stunning to say the least. Couple that with her gentle smile, she can stun anyone with her beauty alone.

She is quite tall, and exhibits a completely different beauty to everyone I've seen so far. She has very long hair of a mellow yellow shade, in contrast to her eyes, which are dark golden. On top of her head, she wears a light pink mob cap, which goes rather well with her purple and pink attire. Her clothes appear to be cultural ones, but that's the limit of my knowledge.

Her attire aside, she has a curvy body with slightly big breasts. Though, it's not that obvious due to her clothes which don't really emphasize much of her body.

"Why are you here?" a soft, yet powerful voice escapes from the lady's lips.

"Here, as in…?" I try to play dumb.

"This world, Platform."

"Well, I don't know the answer to that myself," I respond.

This confirms it; she is the Code that Juno mentioned. As to whether she is a foe or ally, I'll have to see for myself.

"You're doubtful," she suddenly says.

"Obviously," I respond in a wry tone.

I have close to no knowledge about her, and for all I know, she might be way more powerful than me right now. That's why I am trying to settle this as peacefully as possible.

"Well, you don't have to worry," she says, almost melodiously, "You may have this."

Having said that, she extends the hand that's not carrying the umbrella, on which I notice a small purple crystal on her palm.

"This is?" I question curiously.

"Something that you might make use of later on," she responds, "Though, you are free to not take it."

Hearing this, I take a moment to contemplate on my decision before ultimately deciding to take the crystal. I can check up with Juno later on anyway, if it comes down to it.

I reach out to the crystal, and the moment my fingertip touches it, a bright light flashes for a split-second before it disappears.

Before I can react, I notice something else: She has disappeared as well.

Instantaneous movement? Whatever it is, it somewhat confirms my doubts of her being powerful.

{Initializing Core}

{User identified as – The Creator}

{Initialization complete.}



Huh? Did whatever this unfamiliar voice inside my head just say it identified me as "The Creator"?

"Hey, who are you?" I ask, a little disconcerted.

{Answer: I am the soul of the System.}

Oh wow, My System has a soul now? Based on the way she is responding, I'm starting to suspect that she's an A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). Still, is this change as a result of the black crystal the woman gave me? It should be, if I were to take into account the timing and all.

"So, System. What information do you have for me?"

{Current Designated Information Level: 0}

Seriously? Does that mean basically no information at all?

{Answer: Only knowledge limited to the basics are available.}

"What is The System?"

{Answer: A creation of The Creator, meant to ###########.}

The hell? I guess the bits after that are beyond "the basics"…

Well, I probably won't be getting anything worthwhile out of this, so I suppose it's better if I head back to the arcade.


After we were done enjoying our day, everyone separates as we head home.

Right now, it's dinner time. The TV is on, and the channel the TV is set to is playing Yusarin's song. Ayumi and I are currently seated at the dining table, eating our meal and watching the TV.

"Hey Brother Yu, is it true that Yusarin has transferred to our school?" Ayumi asks curiously as her eyes gleam with excitement.

I casually nod in response, to which she exclaims "That's amazing!" before getting a nose-bleed.

This never ceases to surprise me. She really is one hell of a fan-girl. Well, as long as it doesn't affect her TOO negatively, it doesn't matter.

Shaking my head at her antics, I grab a tissue and wipe the blood off her face.

Initially, I was planning on telling her that I can get her to meet Yusa, but on second thought, it's probably for the better if I don't do so...

Exalted_Felix Exalted_Felix

As you might have noticed, this is completely different to what occured in Tale of Discovery. This is the way it's going to be from now on.

I.e. Re: Discovery will have major changes relative to Tale of Discovery henceforth.

I hope you all enjoy ~ ExalF

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