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Chapter 31: Chapter 31


{Other World}

{Outside Check-In Station}

Kami and I appeared outside a pagoda-style building.

"Okay, everyone, stay in the line, you there stay in the line or I'll throw you into hfil," I heard a loud voice.

I turned to look and saw that a single-horned blue-skinned guy was yelling through a microphone.

"That's an Ogre, they work here in the Other World under King Yemma," Kami resolved my query.

"And those small white clouds moving in a line are the souls of dead people," Kami explained while pointing toward the white clouds.

"So, are all these souls from Earth?" I asked doubtfully.

"No, all of these souls are from the North section of the Universe, which includes Earth as well," A voice came from behind.

Kami and I turned around and saw that an Ogre with a notepad was standing behind us, looking at me with a smile.

"Are you guys Kami and Arlic from Earth, who booked an appointment with Lord Yemma?" The Ogre asked.

"Yes, it's us," Kami nodded.

"I see, then please follow me," The assistant Ogre said and walked inside the Pagoda-style building.

We followed the Ogre and soon arrived at the main hall inside the building. In the hall, King Yemma was sitting on a big wooden desk.

"Alright, HFIL, Next," King Yemma said, bored.

"Sir, it's time for your appointment," The assistant Ogre said loudly.

"YES, finally, some free time," King Yemma said excitedly and raised his hands in the air.

"Hmm, so where are the Earthlings?" King Yemma asked as he looked around for us.

"Ohh, so it's you two," King Yemma said and opened his diary, "Hmm, Guardian of Earth, Kami, and Earthling, Arlic,"

"Okay, so it's you who wants to challenge the Snake Way, huh, young man?" King Yemma asked as he pointed at me with his pencil.

"Yes, Lord Yemma," I nodded.

"May I know the reason for this challenge?" King Yemma asked.

"Yes, there are two, one is to increase my strength, and the second is to know more about the Universe," I answered.

"Hmm, so you want to learn about the Universe too," King Yemma nodded, "However, you will only be able to learn about the North section of the Universe"

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Because the Kai at the end of this snake way is North Kai, who is in charge of the entire North section of the Universe," King Yemma explained, and then continued, "The Universe is divided into four sections North, South, East, and West, each section is maintained by a Kai, and we are in the Northern area, so, we are under North Kai,"

"I see, so does that mean there are other Lord Yemma as well?" I inquired curiously.

"Yes, each section of the Universe has a King Yemma serving at their Check-in station," North King Yemma answered.

"I see, then I'll start with the North section first," I nodded.

"Alright, let's check your file," King Yemma said, and looked at his assistant, "What does the one-year observation report say?"

"It's clean, My Lord," Assistant Ogre said with a bow.

"Hmm, good, now let's check out your Karma Score?" King Yemma mumbled and browsed through his diary.

"Oh, what a wonderful Karma Score, you are such a good kid," King Yemma said with a smile, "Although you don't have any achievement on your name, this amount of Karma Score is good enough to go to heaven,"


{A/N:- I know some of you may ask, why does he have such a high positive Karma Score? well the answer is at the bottom, so you can check it out,}


"Very well, you are allowed to challenge the Snake Way," King Yemma announced in a happy tone.

"Thank you, Lord Yemma," I bowed with respect.

"Alright, I'll assign you a guide who will take you to the Snake Way, from there onwards it's up to you," King Yemma clarified.

"Uh, Lord Yemma, before I leave, will it be okay if I offer you a gift?" I asked nervously.

"A gift for me?" King Yemma mumbled, stunned.

"Yes, as a thank you for allowing me to challenge the Snake Way," I said with a smile and raised my hand.

A blue glow covered my palm as an object started to appear on top of King Yemma's desk. As the blue glow vanished, a wooden container sort of object appeared on top of the desk.

"Hoh, what is this?" King Yemma asked curiously.

"This is an item from the Earth, Lord Yemma, it's called Desk Organiser, desk users use it to keep all items in one place, this can help you keep your table organised," I explained.

"Hmm, my table is indeed a little messy, this thing is truly useful," King Yemma said with a smile, and then a tear formed in his eye.

"Are you okay, Lord Yemma?" I asked worriedly after seeing the tear coming out of his eye.

King Yemma wiped away the tear, and said, "Yes, I'm okay, it's just… that this is the first gift I have received in centuries, so, I'm truly happy,"

"Thank you for such a great gift," King Yemma said happily.

King Yemma then opened a drawer of his desk and took out a small orange fruit. He tossed the fruit toward me, and I caught it.

I looked at the orange fruit and asked, "What is this?"

"That's an Ensenji, a fruit exclusively grown in hfil, it's a useful fruit for deities like me, and it has an even better benefit for mortals," King Yemma explained.

"Make sure to eat it before you start the Snake Way challenge," King Yemma instructed.

"Okay, thank you for this Ensenji, Lord Yemma," I replied with confused expressions, but on the inside, I was screaming with excitement.

"Okay, wait by that gate, your guide will come soon," King Yemma said while pointing toward the left gate.

I nodded and turned towards Kami, "I'll contact you as soon as I reach there Master,"

"Yes, I'll wait for your message, and be careful while you're on the Snake way," Kami advised, and patted my shoulder.

"See you soon, Master," I said with a smile, and Kami responded with a short nod.

After saying my goodbye I started walking towards the left gate.

"Rez, how much more time is left from the appointment?" I heard King Yemma's voice in the background.

"10 minutes, My Lord," His assistant Rez answered.

"Is my favourite drink ready?" King Yemma asked.

"Ready to be served, My Lord," Rez answered.

"Hahaha, quickly bring it here," King Yemma ordered cheerfully.

I chuckled at the scene unfolding behind me and stood by the gate to wait for the guide.

After a minute, an Ogre wearing a glass came to me.

"Hello, I'm your guide, I'll take you to the Snake Way," Guide Ogre introduced.

"Okay, lead the way," I replied.

"Please follow me," Guide Ogre said and started walking.

I followed him and we soon reached a red car. We entered the car and he started driving towards Snake Way.


[15 Minutes Later]

After a boring 15-minute ride, I reached the starting point of Snake Way.

The Guide Ogre stopped the car in front of the starting point, and we got out.

"This is the starting point of the Snake Way," Guide Ogre informed.

"I see, thank you for bringing me here," I thanked him.

"Your welcome," Guide Ogre nodded, "Oh, and when you are on the Snake Way, make sure you don't fall off, below that yellow cloud is hfil,"

I nodded and took out the Ensenji King Yemma gave me.

"Oh, is that Ensenji?" Guide Ogre asked with shock.

"Yeah, Lord Yemma gave it to me," I replied.

"Oh, I envy you, human, that fruit is exclusive to King Yemma only," Guide Ogre said with jealousy.

"Hehe, is that so," I mumbled and quickly ate the fruit.

As the essence of the fruit got absorbed into me, my Ki started increasing rapidly. A Pinkish Red Aura covered me and red electrical sparks started appearing around me.

"Huuuu," I breathed out and brought my Ki under control.

"Haha, my strength got doubled," I said as I clenched my fist in excitement.

"Are… are you done?" I heard the scared voice of the Guide Ogre.

I turned around and saw that he was hiding behind the car while trembling with fear.

"Ahaha, don't worry, I will not harm you," I laughed awkwardly.

"Yo… your Ki, I have… never felt something so dangerous before," Guide Ogre said nervously.

"Ahaha, don't worry, I'm a good guy," I reassured him.

Hearing me, the Guide Ogre stopped trembling and nodded with a nervous expression.

"Alright, you can return now," I said as I jumped on top of the Snake's head.

"Oh, and by the way, how long is this Snake Way?" I asked the Guide Ogre.

"It is estimated to be around a million Km long," Guide Ogre replied.

"I see, it's not that long," I said as I started floating in the air.

"Wait, are you trying to complete the challenge by flying?" He asked and I nodded, "Bu… but that's cheating,"

"It was never specified how I should complete the challenge," I shrugged, "See ya,"

After waving at the Guide Ogre, I took off toward the end of the Snake way.


[1 Day Later]

It took me around a day of flying at normal speed to reach the end of the Snake Way.

"This is it," I said as I looked above at the planet floating in the sky.

"That is North Kai's Planet," I mumbled excitedly.

I jumped up towards the small planet, and as soon as I entered its orbit, the planet's high gravity started pulling me towards it. I flipped in the air and landed on the planet.

"Huuhhuu, Ahaahhaa," I heard a monkey gibbering nearby.

I looked toward the source of the voice and saw a monkey looking at me curiously.

I waved at him and said, "Hello, little friend, do you know where North Kai is?"

"Huhuhu," The Monkey nodded and pointed to the right.

I looked where he pointed and saw a short blue-skinned person, with pointed ears. The person has a pair of catfish-like barbels on the sides of his face and a pair of cricket-like antennae. He is wearing Teashade sunglasses, a black tunic with trimmed sleeves, and a pair of white shoes.

"Lord Kai," I bowed with respect.

He nodded and then said with a serious voice, "What are you doing here Saiyan?"

"What? Me, Saiyan?" I muttered, confused.

"Yes, you, what are you doing here?" King Kai asked again.

"I am not a Saiyan, I am an Earthling," I tried to clear the confusion.

"An Earthling?" King Kai repeated.

"Yes, I came from Earth," I answered.

"Ahahaha, I see, I understand everything now, I got confused because of your look and that armour you're wearing." King Kai clarified with a laugh.

"So, why did you come to my planet?" King Kai asked.

"My name is Arlic, Lord Kai, and I came here to learn Martial Arts from you," I introduced myself with a short bow.

"I see, let me introduce myself now," King Kai said with a serious tone, "I love eating Pie, my name is King Kai," King Kai then introduced himself with an awful rhyme.

"Hehehe, hey, how was it, did you like my funny introduction?" King Kai asked while snickering at his joke.

Telling the truth was not a good choice for this situation, so I went with the appropriate option, I faked a laugh, "Ahahaha, that was a good one, Hahaha, you are certainly a skilled comedian,"

King Kai nodded happily, and said, "Hehe, you certainly possess a good sense of humour, I like you, I can teach you Martial Arts, but first you have to pass a test,"

"Please tell me about the test?" I asked confidently.

"Hehe, your test is to tell me a joke," King Kai answered.

"Tell you a joke, that's it," I said, stunned.

"Yeah, that's it, oh, don't tell me that you don't know any jokes, I expected better from you," King Kai said, surprised.

"Oh, I know jokes, I'll tell you a good one," I explained.

"Yes, tell me a good one," King Kai said impatiently.

"What is every Whale's favourite greeting?" I asked him, and he tilted his head in confusion.

"Whale, Hello There!" I said with a chuckle.

"Hnn, hehe, AHAHAHAHAHAHAH," King Kai started laughing.

"Here's another one, What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?" I asked with a funny voice.

"Dam," I answered.

"HAHAHAHAH, SNORT… HAHAHA," King Kai started laughing even harder.

"Here's another, What do you call a fake noodle?" I asked with a serious tone.

"An Impasta," I answered with a chuckle.


"Alright," I replied with a chuckle.


{Current PL - 69 Raditz = 103,500}


Reason for Positive Karma -

If you remember what Will of the Multiverse said in the first chapter, you can easily understand its reason.

Mc will go straight to heaven if he dies completely, and to go to heaven one needs Positive Karma, so Mc can only receive positive karma, not negative karma.

And don't forget he donates all of his money to CC NGO, which performs good deeds in his name.

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