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100% Re: Goose

Chapter 10: Fate/Stay Honk Part 1


"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone."

"The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg."

"The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate."

"Shut (fill)." "Shut (fill)." "Shut (fill)." "Shut (fill)." "Shut (fill)."

"Repeat every five times."

"Simply, shatter once filled."

"---------, I announce."

"Your self is under me. My fate(doom) is in your sword."

"In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer."

"Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead. I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead."

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance --------!"


"*cough*Di- *cough* -d *cough* I do it?" ??? asked themselves

The dust clears, and everything was revealed

"Honk." A goose was where her servant should be.

"WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rin Tohsaka DIO posed and WRYed at the unfairness of the world

"Honk honk honk" The Goose was laughing at his new "master."

"I order you with the power of my Command Seal to stop laughing at me!" Rin Tohsaka made the first of many mistakes she would make.

"Honk Honk Honk Honk..." The Goose stopped and began to transform

"Master, you know you just wasted a command seal just to stop me from laughing, right?" The now humanoid goose sighed and cried at the cruelness of the world

"Yeah! And I won't stop myself from using them to make you clean this up!" With Rin being herself, she would use another command seal to make me clean all the debris and dust gathered from the explosion.

"And what is your class? You don't look like a saber!" Rin then asked her new servant while he was cleaning the debris

"I am the wonderful Rider of Blue," The Servant arrogantly said while geese appeared and flew out from behind him.

"Rider... Of BLUE?" Rin was shocked.She stomped around the room, moving the dust around and creating even more debris. "Oww! Damn Explosion, Damn Servant"

"Yes, Master, I am the Rider of the Blue Team," Rider of Blue said as more geese flew out. Geese began to help Rider of Blue clean up the debris, and some even transformed into tiny construction vehicles, and some road rollers to flatten out and destroy the debris.

"Wait for a second. It's not the correct time for my [Prana]... WRYYYYYYYYYYY" Rin began to DIO pose again and cried while raging again. Rider of Blue just materialized a paper napkin and tried to give it to her.

"It's okay, Rin. At least he's not a caster, and his stats must be great, right?..." Rin began to mutter and then began to inspect her servants stats.

[Rider of Blue]

STR: B++





[Class Skills]

Riding: A

Magic Resistance: B

Physical Resistance: C-EX

[Personal Skills]

[All Spears Fear Me EX]

As the wielder of ??? all spears exist to be devoured by ???

[Transformation EX]

A power given by the system of the world to transform into anything as long as long he/she has enough imagination.

[Observers Wisdom EX]

Wisdom of an Observer.

[Noble Phantasms]

([My Wonderful Servants] Rank: B)

[Creates [Geese] that are capable of transformation and thinking for themselves once they are made]

([T### L#### of ###### Rank: EX)


([Imperial Privilege of The One Who Became a B**** in the End] Rank: EX)

[Can Steal Skills and Noble Phantasms as long as The Rider of Blue Absorbs the Target]

([Honk] Rank: EX)


([Dojyaaaaan] Rank: EX)

[Sealed unless given the power of three command seals]

"What The FUCK!" Rin then began to scream out in joy and began to dance the macarena because she was controlled ,and not because she was happy, That's what she will go with.

"We will win the war and achieve prestige in the Clocktower!" Rin began to fantasize herself being a Lord like Waver, smoking and angry as hell at anything that goes wrong

"Uhhh Master, I am The Rider of The Blue Team which is the enemy of the Red Team, which means that the war has a total of 14 Servants." Rider of Blue began to explain the war and killing off any joy Rin had

"Blue Team... Right! I know what to do. Let's call that False Priest for an explanation" Rin began to fidget with her cellular phone and tried to remember how to call him.

"Fuck it. We'll go to the church instead. Come, Rider summon your Geese, and I'll show you the way." Rin began to go outside her estate and waited for Rider of Blue to use his Noble Phantasm

"Yes, Master, would you like a Ford or a Ferrari." Rider of Blue said some options

(*Kotomine Church???*)

The Church was old as it looked like it was here since the beginning of time. We went inside and saw the False Priest eating Mapo Tofu with an Unknown Girl.

"Ah Rin, I was about to call you to explain what happened, but I have to say I am not the Mediator of the War anymore. Ruler is the Official Supervisor of the War now."

"False Priest! What do you mean, Ruler? Did you have some trouble finding something to spank yourself?" Rin asked Kirei for an explanation, but he began to show his hand with blue command seals

"Blue Command Seals? How? arent you supposed to be a Supervisor of the War?" Rin asked again, forgetting something

"Rin, He just told you that he isn't one anymore," Rider of Blue said, disappointed at his master.

"Ohohohoho, I am Ruler, and I am the Supervisor of the War" Ruler, who now has introduced herself, looked exactly like Luvia Edefelt.

"Edefelt?!" Rin keeps on getting shocked a lot these days (it's only been a single day...)

"Ohohoho? Do you recognize the body that I have borrowed for this war?" Ruler asked Rin

The eternally haughty Luvia Edelfelt appears as a Pseudo-Servant for Astraea, the Greek goddess of Justice. What a surprise, More people becoming Psuedo-Servants. Oh, wait, the wrong terminology here. It's not FGO. After all, It's Fate Stay/Apocrypha

"Wait for a second, why is she here, and how did she become a ruler???" Rin asked Kirei, who just shrugged

"I don't know Rin Toh-saka," Kirei said whilst eating more Mapo Tofu with Rider of Blue.

"Hey, Rider! why are you eating with him aren't you supposed to be on the my side?" Rin asked Rider of Blue, who was still eating Mapo Tofu.

"What? I got a whole supply of them, don't wanna waste them after all." Rider of Blue said as he brought out more Mapo Tofu from somewhere

"Now that the introductions are over, it's time for me to explain what's going on" Ruler Astraea then brought out a whiteboard and a marker.

She then went on and on about the rules and regulations of the war and the new system brought forth by the Apocrypha, Basically no witnesses, no revealing magecraft, no murder of civilians, all that stuff.

"The War will have 14 servants 1 for each master who will join either the Blue or Red Team who will battle it out until one team is left who will then battle each other for the [Holy Grail]" Ruler Astraea explained further

"So who is on the Blue Team then and who are the Red Team Masters," Rin asked Kirei for info on the members of their faction.

"We have the Mage Association and the Church backing up the Blue Team, and then we have the Red Team, which is made out of Dead Apostles," Kirei spitefully said at the end.

"Dead Apostles?!" Yeah, Rin was shocked again for the nth time today

"Indeed, those abominations have come to take the [Holy Grail] for themselves," Kirei said, still eating Mapo Tofu

"No worries, master with me on your side. Nothing bad would happen!" Rider of Blue said

"And I shall return to the Edefelt Estate" Ruler then went home

After Finishing his Mapo Tofu, Rider of Blue stood up and dragged Rin away, who fainted from all the things that happened, to put her on her bed in her house while I watched her while she is sleeping to protect her from enemy servants, I ordered my geese to scout out any enemy masters

(* Sometime Later in the Church*)

"Welcome, McRemitz, and bye-bye McRemitz" as Bazett enters the church, she suddenly stopped, and then she felt pain on her limb looking down, she found out her whole hand was missing and bleeding, and as Lancer of Blue tried to find his master.

"I order you with my command seal to be my servant," Kirei ordered

Lancer of Blue then stopped and has a dazed look while muttering, "damn command seals." and then tried to escape with Bazett, who he found while resisting the command seals, which worked for a few seconds until his resistance was futile and became Kirei's servant

'Well, it's a good thing I brought Rin away from the church after she fainted. You don't know what Kirei would do after all,' I thought while seeing what happened through my geese

'Let's see what the other masters are doing' I then transferred my focus to my other familiars

(*Matou Mansion*)

Yeah, that geese died to worms and insects. I will remember you Geese no. 63421

(*Shirou's House*)

Shirou was cooking while Taiga was being a Tiger... she looked at the goose, and killing intent was in the air.

"Shiro, we're having goose for dinner!" 'SHIT RUN BITCH RUN OH WAIT WE CAN FLY'

As Goose no. 6969 flew away, Taiga the Tiger ran after no. 6969

(*The Next Day*)

"Ughhhh, I dreamt that I summoned Rider of Blue and Red Team are Dead Apostles" Rin woke up groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Master, It wasn't a dream. You really did summon me," I said right beside her, shocking her for the first time today.

"Well fine!, Let's go to school then, Rider." She stood up and began to do her daily routine

(*Homurahara Academy*)

"Now stay in spirit form while I do my daily schedule. Got it?" Rin asked me if I can follow her directions which I obviously can.

"Sure, Master, I will stay in spirit form until you are in danger," I said whilst ordering my geese to surround the compound for surveillance and security.

"Good, Now let's go inside" Rin walked towards the gate and met Issei Ryuudou.

"Witch," Issei said

"Student Council President," Rin replied back

" I have been Vice-President for four years, and you still call me a witch?" Rin asked Issei knowing that the description is partly true.

"Now, now, I am just doing my daily inspections near the gate."

"ID?" Issei asked

"Here," Rin gave her ID to Issei, who then began to inspect it for any trace of "voodoo magic."

He then promptly gave it back and said, "All things are in order. You can now enter the premises."

I wonder how he manages to inspect every student. He probably must have some lackies doing his bidding, right Dark Lord Issei? We then went inside Homurahara Academy, and in her class, Shinji flirted with all the girls bragging about how rich he is while Shirou is fixing the A/C while getting nagged by Taiga the Tiger... 'How does she keep sensing where I am?'

"Did somebody call me Tiger!?" Taiga shouted out and asked all the students

"No, Ma'am!" All the students replied back and then went on to what they're doing

"Okay, it's time to start the class. Has anyone here played Tennis before? Tennis is a sport."

'Penis is a sport? why do I even hear English with a Japanese accent in fanfic.'

"I mean TEH-KNEE-SUE Tennis, not PEH-KNEE-SUE" (Yeah, you could find this joke on YT easily)

The students laugh at the pronunciation of the word tennis and keep confusing it with penis.

(*Sometime Later at Night*)

"There seems to be runes and circles in the perimeter of the school. I wonder what are they meant to do?" Rin inspected the Blood Fort Andromeda made by the Rider who I replaced?

"Well, whatever it does, we should remove it before it activates and does something to the students of the school" Rin then began to remove the circles and rune sigils by destroying the foundation on which it is placed upon.

"What the hell, You're just destroying it. How boring..." Blue Spandex Guy said

"Did you do this?" Rin asked Blue Spandex Guy

"No, those little tricks are for mages. We're here to fight as we are told, Right? " Blue Spandex Guy replied while twirling his spear and pointing it at me

"Since you can see Rider, you must be a servant, A lancer to be precise" Rin stepped back and went behind Rider of Blue.

"Can I treat you as an enemy now? I'm itching for a fight." Lancer says

'We're confined here. It would be hard to fight, and the damages would cost a lot of money.' Rin said in the Master-Servant link

'We should go to the yard, Rider, so you can use the flat ground as an advantage,' Rin said after thinking about the damages

Rin ran and jumped the fence, reinforcing herself, so she doesn't receive too much fall damage. While Lancer is hot on her tail, I went out of Spirit Form and Blocked his spear with my own

"You must be a Lancer too then! Let's test our skills on a one-on-one match!" Lancer said, confusing my spear as me being Lancer of Red

'Rin, Let's use this misunderstanding as an advantage we can surprise him with our Noble Phantasm,' I said through the link

The Lancer then tried to stab me, but I dodged while also stabbing back. The ground quaked as our spears hit and deflected each other,the ground was ruined, cracked from all the shockwaves we have made with our spears

"Heh, you are one tough Lancer. Let's end this in one blow" Lancer began to ready up his spear and the shouted

"GAE BOLG!!!" The heart was stabbed; thus, the spear was thrown

"Heh, Gae Bolg, so that's how it feels to be stabbed in the heart," I said while holding my chest

I brought out a dragons heart out of my inventory, specifically Ddraig Y Goch's Heart, and then placed it into my chest while also taking a potion to accept the heart and kickstart the healing process

"Ahhh, the feeling of pure rage within this heart must be quelled before my body accepts it."

"What! How! Gae Bolg should have killed you by now!" Lancer was shocked so much he thought he saw Scathatch right in front of him

"The wonders of magical innovation, You will never know when you need another heart," I replied back, removing the leftover will inside the heart and making my body accept it, giving myself the blood and core of a dragon

"Then I guess I'll just have to stab you aga-!"

"Hey, you guys are not supposed to be here! School is closed!" Shirou Emiya then popped up whilst taking a look at the are

He suddenly paled into a ghost and ran away.

"Shit, We got a witness, well see ya later, Lancer(Rider)!" Lancer then ran towards Shirou, following like the dog that he is

"We gotta follow Lancer! I know that guy. We gotta save him." Rin shouted out while dragging me towards Emiya's House

We then spent half an hour running, and Shirou was still running away from Lancer while we are still following him too. Lancer then stopped and said

"Damn, Kid, You just wasted my time following you. You know what? [GAE BOLG!!!]"

Shirou suddenly felt pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw a spear stabbed right through him. Thinking of late father's wishes, he tries to use his magecraft to get away by reinforcing his body so he can last longer. Lancer then took the spear from Emiya's half-dead body and ran away.

"Oh no, no, no, what would happen to Sakura if Emiya died" Rin began to walk back and forth, thinking of a solution to her problem

"This better be worth it!" Rin then took out a gem filled with a buttload of [Prana] and placed it inside his chest, trying to heal him

His chest was healing and closing up, showing only a tiny scar left behind by Gae Bolg. Once that was finished, we went on our way, trying to find Lancer again.

(*An hour later in the streets of Fuyuki*)

Shirou woke up staggering, dreaming of someone stabbing him for being a "witness."

"What am I doing here? I should be at home." Shirou said while walking back to his house

(*QuickTravel Activate*)

"Kid, so you are still alive! I wondered where your body went after my master told me to bring back the body." Lancer said whilst twirling his blood-covered spear

"Oh no, not this again!" Shirou said, 'There gotta be something in my workshop that can help' Shirou thought while running towards his workshop(shed)

"No way you're running for half an hour again [Gae Bolg!]" Lancer used his Noble Phantasm the same time Shirou got inside his shed.

*smoke* *dust* *debris*

"*cough* *cough*" Shirou coughed from the dust made from the explosion in the shed.

"I am Servant Saber of Blue. Are you my master?" a blonde woman carrying a sword and wearing armor introduces herself.

"Oh, so you were master, kiddo. Guess I was right to kill ya the first time," Lancer said while trying to stab Shirou again.

"You shall not harm my Master." Saber of Blue blocking his attacks with her invisible sword

"Are you Caster? Perhaps you are using a wind sword to attack me," Lancer deducted from what he had seen.

"Strike Air!" Saber of Blue shouted out, blowing Lancer away into the stars like Team Rocket blasting off again

"Master, you are now safe from any enemy servants," Saber of Blue said to Shirou.

"Servant? Master? What's going on???" Shirou asked her for more info on what's going on

"Wait, master, an enemy servant is approaching!" Saber of Blue hurried and went on to face the enemy

I then went on to attack Saber of Blue with my spear in my hand

"Wait!" Shirou followed and saw the fight

"Stop! Saber!" Shirou used one of his three command seals

Saber of Blue stopped dead in her tracks, her face full of shock at her master's order, probably remembering the time she was forced to destroy the grail

"Are you serious, Shirou! I can defeat this servant!" Saber shouted and asked why he stopped her

"Wait, Saber, I have no idea what's going on. If you're calling me a master, at least explain it to me," Shirou said

"It's a Saber.. a Saber-Class Servant..." Rin muttered, shocked that a hack like Shirou could summon Saber, the supposed strongest class in the war

"Anyway, Good evening Emiya-Kun."

"Tohsaka? huh, what are you doing here?" Shirou asked

(*Emiya Estate*)

"*Sip* You don't understand what's going on now, do you?" Rin said whilst sipping the tea Shirou made

Shirou just nodded at her question.

"I'll get straight to the point. You are now a Master of a Heroic Figure of the past. Did the Mark of The Grail appear anywhere on your body?" RIn asked and explained

"What mark?" Shirou asked

"She meant the Command Seals Shirou," Saber replied, also taking a sip of tea.

"Right. It also proves that you are a master of this Holy Grail War," Rin explained further. "Basically Servants consume mana from the master for a chance to win the Holy Grail that can grant any wish"

I chuckled at the end of her explanation.

"What's so funny about that!" Rin as she tried to drop-kick me but failed to do so as my [Dodge] skill was activated

"Well, would you like to team up as were are of the Blue Team against the Red Team after all." Rin then popped the question

"Blue Team? Ah yes, the grail is now giving me some info." Saber said while the grail is transferring files by copy and pasting them into their minds

"Now we have to register you for the war with Ruler," Rin said. "The Fuyuki Church is where the Mediator of the War is located at"

"Well, Okay then, Tohsaka-san, we will go to the church, right Saber?" Shirou asked Saber for her opinion

"Sure, Shirou," Saber replied

We then went outside and on to the path to the Fuyuki Church, The only church in Fuyuki City. While on the way there, I look through my familiars to check on Caster if she was summoned

(*Fuyuki Church*)

"Ohoho, a new master has appeared now all of the servants have been summoned." Ruler said as she detected the fluctuations in the grail

"Now the war can officially start!" Ruler joyfully said, excited that the war is finally starting properly

We then entered the church and asked to see Ruler so that she can explain what was going to happen to poor Shirou-Kun.

"Kotomine-san, would you like to explain to Shirou-Kun what's going on?" Ruler lazily asked

"Yorokobe Shoujo, Your orders shall be followed" Kirei then explained everything to Shirou whilst also hinting that his father was a master in the previous war

"So you are telling me someone could use the grail to end the world or cause the Fuyuki Fire, And these Dead Apostles want to use it for that?" Shirou now full of disbelief that it can really grant any wish, even world destruction

"And my father was a master in the previous war?" Shirou asked Kirei

While they were talking, I went to the back to microwave some popcorn while watching them talk to each other and watch Ruler and Rin fight each other.

"Now I know I will participate in the war to prevent people from ending the world!" Shirou, with his altruistic tendencies, started the path to hell

(*Outside The Church*)

"Hello, Onii-chan, have you summoned your servant? because I summoned mine already." Illya asked

"Who are you, and why are you calling me Onii-chan?" Shirou asked her

"Oh, so father didn't tell you about me, huh. A replacement should never know the original after all... Attack them Berserker!" Illya ordered Berserker to attack Shirou

"Saber!" Shirou shouted out as Saber comes and deflects the stone "sword" Berserker uses

"Even you steal Saber away from me!" Illya cried out, and Berserker attacks get even faster, hitting saber once in a while, damaging her bit by bit

"I can't just leave you there, Saber!" Shirou ran and went to block Berserker attacks against Saber with his body.

"No, Shirou!" Saber then pushed Shirou away, letting Berserker graze his shoulder, only damaging him by scratch

I then noticed something, I haven't seen Archer, yet I wonder what is he doing,

"I am the Bone of my Sword(DEEN English)" Archer, who I was thinking about, appeared on a roof of the building.

"Caldabog!" Archer shot Caldabog right between Berserker and Shirou, trying to damage both of them at the same time

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAH" Berserker roared as he smacked Caldabog away, deflecting it towards the nearby church (poor Kirei)


"Berserker, let's go. We will finish this next time Onii-chan!" Illya then used the JoJo family technique

Running away with Berserker carrying Illya on top of his head like Bersercar from carnival phantasm.

"Shirou, what wrong with your head? A servant should protect their master and not the other way around!" Saber admonished Shirou and beating the Idea that Servants protect their master into his dense head

"I just can't let you fight by yourself! What if you die?" Shirou asked saber

"What if you die? Did you forget what that priest said? A Servant cannot last without a master to supply mana, so I die either way, but at least you survive Master," Saber explained to Shirou, who, with his denseness, still hast got the big picture.

I was still eating popcorn after watching the fight, and I won't give it a top ten anime betrayals award. No one actually died except Berserker, who lost a single life

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