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Chapter 17: Just One Thing After Another...

Chapter 16 - Just One Thing After Another...

Beatrice stepped out from the portal she create with disinterest look, her hand holding the mirror that connected to the Witch Cult's. The trick to locate the mirror is not hard actually, she know how to did it after few seconds of poking and inspecting it

"Hmph, to think Betty will dealing with people like this..."

She grumbled to herself in irritated manner. Seriously, she actually doesn't wish to be in here, doesn't want to go to forest and dealing with some lunatic

But it not like she have choice anyway. She know how crazy Witch Cult, the moment they set their eyes on something, there is no way to stop them other than kill them. They are lunatic beyond salvation, and if they indeed targeting their place then it better to wipe them off as soon as possible so she can return back to library and read her books

That's why she here, in middle of forest... Though she won't admit it aloud, but she kind of happy to be out like this, it is been a years ever since she see the World with open eyes like this after all

'They coming.'

She sense dozens of mana signature approaching her position, all of them average, there one or two that seems extraordinary but nothing much, she expect no less from bunch of ingrate like them

She take a breath once and then she begin to concentrate, feeling her own mana, and searching for a spell that will be the best to dealing with them. Through a hundred and countless spells she found two, two that will be enough to finish these lunatic

Now all she need to do is wait for them to getting close

She slipped to one of the tree, using the big figure of the plant to hide her small feature, her eyes stare at the direction where the cultists would come

75 meters

Nothing visibly change from the scenery that she currently see, the forest and everything still quite

50 meters

Flocks of birds flying to her direction, indicating something just irk them and causing them to fly

25 meters

She see some silhouette from far, the bush around that direction started to shook, a sound of stepping reach her ears



She take one step forward to the cultist that rushing at her direction, mana started to hum from her petite figure

"Ur Shamak."

The incantation come out from her mouth, and the World know darkness

There is no better word to explain it. It was darkness, it like a mist and smoke but it not, the way it wriggle and crawling in air make them different. It like a flame but it not, it indeed lick and pollute the air but they did not change them, they did not do anything to it.

The darkness spread, crawling in space, like a web of spider, slithering in the ground, trees, like a snake and engorging everything it touch like a hungry animal

And the cultist walk directly into them

Too late they try to stop, try to escape, the darkness swallow them before they can do anything, there is no exception among them

Those who saw it coming from far stopped, they try to pull back but the darkness come for them, too fast and they too meet fate that similar like their colleague

And the moment the darkness eat them, they feel nothing


They literally feel nothing

Their sense of touch gone, they no longer can feel the ground where they stood. Their sense of smell gone, they can't smell anything, not even their own breath. Their sense of hearing gone, the sound of branches of tree that shook by wind no longer there, they can't even hear their own voice. Their sense of vision gone, absolute darkness is the only thing that they see, shrouding their very eyes like a thick blanket. Their sense of taste gone, they can't feel their tongue, it as if they born without one, they can't even taste the saliva in their own lips

She can sense the cultists started to cast spell, Yang Magic, they all cast light and try to repel the darkness that cripple them from their sense

It did not work

Their spells did come out, making a result, but just when they did the darkness come back and swallow them as soon as they manage to cast spell and they feel nothing once more

And in the darkness Beatrice place her palm to the blackness beneath her

"El Minya."

Mana, energy of Magic, breath of nature, they all come to live, they all begin to morphing, taking a shape into stakes from the darkness, each of them at size of adult body, countless their numbers. They all hovering and floating among the dark, then light radiate from them, flame come to alive but their color purple instead of orange

Each of them aimed at the defenseless and crippled cultist, the flame that covering them seems glowing with anticipation

Beatrice wave her hand once

And they died

The stakes rained down like a wrath of Gods, the moment they few feet away from their target they all explode, each of them shatter into smaller stakes, they all sputtering smaller version of themselves and fly to all direction. They all ripping and tearing their target apart, bodies lobbed like they were dummy doll, their blood and scream went unheard and unseen in the darkness as they died one by one

And the stakes keep rained, showing no mercy to their target

Only ten seconds and it was over

The darkness receded, they all sucked, absorbed as if there's hole in middle of them, they all returned to their creator who now stood in middle of forest...

A destroyed and ruined forest... And scattering around it is dead bodies of the cultist, blood and crimson liquid splattered over them, stakes and countless shards of projectiles latched to their corpses

Beatrice tilt her head, her butterflies pupil observing the dead bodies that surround her impassively, then her eyes crinkled in disgust

Maybe she should use more cleaner spells

Well... It doesn't matter, things already happened, might as well burn all them now

"Hmm... There really a lot of them eh?" Puck commented as he close his eyes and seems in deep thought

"How is it Puck?" Emilia asked to her surrogate father

"They all hiding, probably inside cave that they built, few of them guarding the entrance through forest. I can sense them." Puck answered "I already pinpoint their location, if we move fast, we can strike them down without alerting the inside, the timing need to be right though."

Emilia only silence at that, her eyes briefly wandering to where Puck pointing, uncertainty filling them

The cat spirit sense her feeling through their bond and inwardly sighed. This is why he didn't tell her about Witch Cult, they are crazy people, lunatic, bunch of idiots that can't be reasoned with, the only solution when meeting them is to kill them

And Lia not comfortable with killing

Oh sure she can freeze someone from bottom to top, but they all actually still alive, Emilia can choose to kill them or not but Puck know well enough she won't kill them

His daughter is too kind... And normally if she doesn't want to he won't push her

But this is Witch Cult they dealing with

"Lia, I know I did not telling you much about Witch Cult but trust me, if they extinct tomorrow or in next hour, everyone, the whole World, they all will celebrate." Puck said with sigh "That was how bad Witch Cult is, if there is something that must be killed it is them, they are worst of the worse."

Killing them will do the World good, that was what he trying to imply

And Lia is not stupid, for all her lack of experience with the World, his daughter is still smart person, quite smart as matter of fact. She covered many topic that needed to be known for Royal Candidate in short time, and she done all of the marvelously

So it is not surprise that she caught what he mean... Especially if they manage to escape and reach the village...

She take one deep breath, her eyes closed, face showing tight expression

Then she reopen her eyes, violet orbs meet blue's, followed by nod of determination

"Let's do this." She declared

Puck smiled in response "Sure."

His daughter is strong... She always so kind and caring to other, but at same time there steel in there, there power in her gentle personality. It was rare for that power to come, Emilia is someone who doesn't like to using it after all

But ever since Aaron come to her life... She started to using that power...

She become braver, thinking more big, learning faster, seeing more wide. All of them is close to invisible, the progress itself is slow, but it was there, and it keep growing

Puck don't know either it is bad or good thing for Lia. He knew despite how she look that his daughter is still young, very young, she only mature in body -literally- but her mentality is...

'On one hand this actually good, this growth, Lia turned to someone who can stand by her own, she won't be taken advantage by other so easily. But on another hand, this growth is... Strange.' There something that amiss, perhaps it related to how she always look at Aaron with look of admiration and respect, it wasn't love, Puck not in denial or what, he would recognize it if she in love with him but...

"Ready Puck?"


He can think about that later, right now he have trash to dispose

And if Lia fall in love with that guy... Puck really going to have chat with him... With thousand of icicle pointed at him of course

"I see one of them." Emilia whispered "Puck, where the other?"

"... Around fifteen meters away from him, there." He pointed the location

Emilia make calculation in her mind and found the distance is quite far, if she strike fast and clean then... "Puck..."

"I know, leave it to me."

Spirits in a sense can be said as weapon for their contractor, a staff to help some magician cast their spell, but unlike item, spirits is alive, they are sentient, self aware, and can use their own power without needing the contractor.

Right now Emilia use him as a conductor, calling upon his power and using them

The silver haired girl extend one of her palm, then she concentrated, creating pack of ice, she mold them, shape them, where it only a lump now it slowly change into some kind of spear, a long, and very sharp spear.

The half elf peered over from where she hiding, her eyes searching for her target "Where is he?" She whispered

"Behind that bush." Puck answered while pointing his paw "Just throw it at him and when it hit, I will done the rest."

And Emilia did it without hesitation

The spear of ice went through the bush and there sounds of flesh being pierced, indicating the attack just hit their target and in instant Puck work his magic

The spear bloomed like a flower, literally

Judging by the sound of something wet just splattered everywhere... Emilia know that the man dead body is not clean, very, very far from it as matter of fact

A very unpleasant sensation growing in her stomach the moment she caught sight of crimson pool that seeped out from the bush, it was messy dead for him and she did not like it, she never like to hurt people but...

"Lia, the other is coming here."

But right now is not the time...

Emilia steeling herself, she send silent pray for the dead man and preparing another spear of ice, this time she make more just in case if the target dodge the first one


At Puck signal Emilia launch all the spears at the direction where the cultist would come, all of them soar under her command. She avoid to hitting any trees to not make no sounds and only strike bush at least

"Done." Puck said "We got him."

Emilia nodded, she did not see the target actually thanks to the bush and the forest, but Puck did. He can sense the man mana easily and can tell if they got him or not. She feel glad for that, she don't want to see the body after all

"The rest of them is in cave, all of them gather in there, heh, this will be easy."

And it did, it really did

That was Emilia thought as she stare at the iceberg that stood tall towering over her, iceberg that used to be cave where the Witch Cult built their base

They all inside the cave, what they did is something that she doesn't know and it doesn't matter

They inside the cave, in one place. In place where they only could go in and out using one path, and said the place actually limited and not that big

To response that she and Puck create pillar of ice that fit with the cave entrance size and shove it to them, and after that she freeze them all, along with the entire cave

Simple as that...

Though it the other water mage will be crying in blood if they see the result of Puck attack

Seriously, he doesn't know just how complicated and absurd thing he just did

A proof and testimony of just how powerful Puck is despite his cute and unthreatening appearance

"We done in here." Puck stated "I must say it really goes pretty well." He chuckled as he rested on top of her head "Aaron really know how to pick target for us."

"Yeah." Emilia nodded "Yeah, he did." She smiled a little, as expected from him, Aaron know who he going to face and he certainly know the best decision

And speaking about Aaron

"I have to call him."

She pull out conversing mirror, one that connected to Aaron's, she flick it open, giving droplet of her mana to the metia and let it do it job

And the magical device did it job, the mirror that reflecting her face soon blinking few times while letting out voice that not unlike cellphone when making a call

After a few seconds the blond face appear

"Emi." He greeted "I take it you done then?"

His voice calm and stony, but there clear concern and worry in his eyes, even she can sense uneasiness in his tone

"It is done." She nodded "No one escape."

A multiple emotions crossed in his face, she caught few of them that clear, from uncertain, skepticism, and finally to relief

"Good, that is good." He said with nod "How about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, nothing I can't handle."

"Of course, of course." He nodded again, he did that too fast in her opinion "You're fine, I expect no less from you, you are reliable person after all but..." He then shake his head and there pink hue adorning his face

Emilia found it cute, very cute for some reason

"It's okay, I understand, but I'm fine, you not need to worry." She reassure him, her smiling face turned to concern "Moreover how about you? You going to face the Arcbishop by yourself."

It will be dangerous, Arcbishop -according to Puck, which mean is the truth- is far more dangerous than dozens of cultist, and he going to face him alone, that clearly not very reassuring despite she knew Aaron is very strong

"I will live, trust me, I have plan, you can go back to village if you want."

"No, I will come to your place." She replied firmly "I'm not going to let you face someone that dangerous alone."

He frowned, obviously disliking her answer, well too bad for him she won't be stopped! She will go to his place and help him

"... Very well, I won't stop you, but know that I going to strike right now since I'm sure it will be suspicious if he got no contact from his outside group, and it will make him frantic and lashing out at anyone." He explained

It was her turn to frown, she don't like it that he going alone like that but at same time know his reason is solid

"By the time you arrive, things maybe already done." He continued "But if it not then I want you to not jump on the fight immediately." He added the last word when she open her mouth to protest "Observe our battle, I don't want you to jump without knowing our enemy strength and the situation, after you got proper hold then you come in, understand?"

Well... She can deal with that, it wasn't unreasonable after all "Fine."

"Good, then I will go now."

"Be careful Aaron."

"You know me Emi, I won't do something stupid, at least not if it not necessary." He chuckled "See you later then."

"See you later."

The communication cut off and the mirror reflecting herself once more. The half elf stare at her own face for moment before she close it and bit her bottom lip

She shouldn't worry, Aaron can handle himself, he is strong, Puck has acknowledge it, and coming from him it clearly mean something but...

"Let's go Puck." She said as she started to walk "We have to help Aaron." How she wish Beatrice is here with her, she can teleport her to close to Aaron but the librarian was busy with Rem, they exterminate another base after all

Still... Despite her worry she can't help but feel something warm growing inside her when hearing he expect no less from her

It tended to happen a lot lately, something strange clearly going on with her but she has check on herself and she did not find anything unusual

Maybe she should contact some healer?

Image of Aaron face with pink hue in his cheeks flashed to her mind


From where he hovering, Puck narrowed his blue eyes at his daughter

He clenched his fingers, curling them into a fist, he feel the metallic gauntlet that covered his limb let out small groan from the pressure of his strength

He close his eyes, straightening his back, he take a deep breath before let it out slowly through his mouth. After that done, he snap his eyes back to open, determination and grim preparation shone through there

'It is time.'

He take step forward and started to walk boldly, passing through the bush, Beatrice has teleported each of them close to where their target. However he is an exception, he asked to be teleported quite far, since he practically radiate mana like a sunlight then it will be wise to not getting close to them, Petelgeuse if he recall is possessing some kind of sensory ability, limited it is but it still dangerous

So far, everything went with good, very good, the Witch Cult has been cutted before they even can make a move. Beatrice has clean the patrolling group, after that she and Rem goes to another one while Emilia dealing with one of the largest

Seriously, using a cave? That was good one, but in face of Puck? That was plain stupid and can be taken advantage of. Just shove ice pillar big enough to there and they all will dead

He can see the cave already after a minutes of walking, his hand twitched, Excalibur ready to be drawn anytime, he just need to swing his hand and the sword will come to him

However much to his surprise, there someone waiting for him in the entrance of the cave


He tensed, does the man notice his fingers gone? No, he did not. If he recall Petelgeuse become suspicious of Subaru because his mirror that supposed only possessed by his subordinate activated so...

He was convinced when he saw Petelgeuse having his usual manic grin instead of looking confused or troubled

'Why he's here? Damn!' He was hoping that the Arcbishop stay inside the cave so he can blow the cave down using Strike Air and bury all of them, thus ending it fast but...

"Welcome back! My brother! Welcome back!" The madman greeted while spread his arms open and approach him.

"Sloth." Aaron replied in dull voice and nod of acknowledge "I see you waiting for me."

"Of course I know you coming from far! The scent of mana and power you radiate simply enough to alert me!" Petelgeuse replied with big grin before he throw back his head and let out squeal "Ahhh this is another proof of Love! Of Love! Our Love to our beloved Mistress!"

'And we shall see how that love save you when I cut your head.' Aaron thought with annoyance, seriously how in name of hell Subaru dealing with him after seeing Petelgeuse destroyed everything he love in one loop? Even if the Arcbishop right now has done nothing to him -not yet at least- he still annoy the hell out of him

"How about the merchant?" He asked "Surely there might be problem if the village decide to resupply and they caught something suspicious."

"You not need to worry about that." Petelgeuse grinned at him "I already ensure the village won't get their supply for next few days, enough until the day of ordeal come!"

Aaron nodded, he had his suspicion that there spy on merchant that responsible for the item supply, just like in canon and this prove him right.

"Who's the person in charge? I have need something for my own plan."

Petelgeuse tilt his head at ninety degree and stare at him, his grinning face gone and turned to poker, it make Aaron tensed for moment but his worry gone when the madman grin return

"Ketty, you just need to find man named Ketty. I can contact him if you want. What do you need by the way?"

"A particular item to build shrine for our Goddess."

"Ohhh! A shrine! A shrine!" Petelgeuse let out gasp "You! You! You're very diligence! Diligence!" The green haired man grasp his own head and let out howl "How could such thing never crossed to my mind! A shrine! A shrine for our Goddess! How slothful! How slothful! I should be punished! Punished! Punisheeed!"

Then the man begin to walk to nearest rock and begin to slamming his head, repeatedly, and he did not do that softly but very hard, crimson liquid burst out from his forehead each time he smack his head to there

Aaron stoic face broke into pleasant smile, unlike Subaru, he has no intention to stop the man, let him kill himself, it will make his job easier

He watched the man 'punishing' himself for a full minute, right now the blood from his head already enough to create small pool beneath him -how he still conscious is unknown even to him

'Must be regenerative power, he probably have some kind of it.' As much as he wish to see the man kill himself he have some question to be asked "Where our sacrifice for the Goddess? The one that to test the Demon." He asked

That make Petelgeuse paused from hitting his head -again- and he turned to him, his face covered in blood and few of his tooth missing

"They're inside, resting." Petelgeuse commented "Why?"

"I want to see them. Bring them here."

"Of course." Petelgeuse chuckled. Then he stare at the cave, and something come out from his back. Dark purple, like a miasma or poison, they sprout out from his back, and reaching for the cave "What do you want to do with them?"

Aaron briefly stare at the hand that supposed invisible for moment before answering "I need to check them."

That was lie, he truthfully doesn't know what he should do with them. However the idea of killing children... No matter what it left bitter and mark in his heart, he don't want to kill them. He knew it was risky and dangerous but he can't... He just can't...

Doing it is far more harder than saying it... He can't kill them...

He will secure them for now and have Puck check on them

He saw the invisible hands bring out the children one by one, they remain unchanged, their outfit and state remain just like yesterday

"There." Petelgeuse said as he dropped the children in front of him "What would you do to them? I'm curious, curious, curiouuus."

He stare at the children with impassive face. Observing them, he can see they still breathing judging by their chests that sunk and raise slightly

"Move them to there." He pointed to certain direction, one that particularly safe and quite away from them

Petelgeuse narrowed his eyes but did not make any comment and decide to comply. He carry the children and dropped them away from them

"Nooow mind telling me what you going to do?" The madman asked

Aaron nodded as he briefly glanced at him "Yes." Then he raise two hands, he tilt his body to the cave direction and call upon Excalibur


"This, is what I going to do."

Then the wind begin to roar. Loud sound come from his hands, like a sleeping dragon awakened, a titan unchained from their prison in Tartarus. No longer it was wind that he hold, but a cyclone, a hurricane

It soar forward, blowing everything away, even Petelgeuse taken back and blasted few foots away from his place as the hurricane soar to the sky like a phoenix raise from the ash and screeching in the air

"Strike Air : Hammer of the Wind King!"

The powerful sixty foot hurricane swunged down from his hands, blaring and roaring every time they move. Everything that moving was drowned by the sound of howling wind as the nature force blasted forward to the entrance of the cave that gaping


A very deafening sound was born the moment the hurricane clashed against the stone structure. They were there for moment, clashing and trying to hold themselves against the invisible force that crashing against them, trying to hold their ground against the rampaging wind

They fail

Not even five seconds, less than that, the stone of the cave gave in, the power of the hurricane overwhelming their structure and they gave up, they crumbled before the might of the Noble Phantasm like a paper soaked beneath waterfall

And burying every single cultists that reside inside it

Aaron can't help but smirk at the sight, twice he has using Strike Air and the power it show still has yet to bore him

He turned to Petelgeuse and feel his smirk widened at the sight of the man that gaping and shaking while staring at the destroyed cave with very wide eyes

"That's.. That's.. You.. You..."

The man slowly tilt his head to Aaron, teeth trembled and pupils dilating, he seems loss for a words and doesn't know what to said

Electrical energy burst out from Aaron's back and he turned to flash of light for a moment, Excalibur drawn and he waste no time to rush at Petelgeuse with speed that matched a sound

But Petelgeuse saw it coming. Insane and deranged he is, but he not stupid

The moment he feel Aaron's energy explode he call upon his hands, dozens of them come from his back and launched at Aaron with rushing speed

However he is too late, Aaron was fast, too fast, he already halfway to him and his hands not fast enough to touch him, there is no avoiding his attack

But deflecting it is not impossible

Instead of attacking Aaron, the hands curled around him in protective manner, dozens of them immediately covering him, making an invisible sphere that would easily block even middle-tier spells

But it not enough

Excalibur easily cut through hands that covering the arcbishop, despite they all thick and powerful enough to crush man into pulp but they all go down like a branches meet chainsaw in the face of the Holy Sword

Fortunately for the insane man the thickness of his hands is enough to deflect the attack, instead of slicing Petelgeuse into two, the attack went to aside and cleaving down his left arm, tearing it apart completely from his body

This did not stop Aaron, the moment his sword missing it target he swung it once again, however it seems the small delay give enough time for Petelgeuse to jump back and avoid him, while at same time the invisible hands lunged forward with clear intention to crush him

This forced Aaron to stop and not chasing the arcbishop, clicking his tongue in distaste, he jumped back just in time to avoid countless invisible hands that pummeling the ground and turn it into clean two meters size crater

"You... You can see my Authority?" Petelgeuse croaked out, he appear to be not bothered by his missing limb but troubled at what just occur "Impossible! Impossible, impossible, impossible, IMPOSSIBLE!" He was all but freaked out "How could this be?! My Authority! My Symbol of Love! How could it be seen?!" He yelled in raged voice "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? You betray me brother!"

"I'm never on your side." Aaron replied dully "Satella did not like you, she did not love you, she want you to die." Which pretty much is truth, Satella will be more than happy to kill Petelgeuse as long as it mean keeping him alive

"Lie! Lie! Lie! LIE!" Petelgeuse screamed

Dozens of hands lunged at Aaron in instant, all of them soar forward with inhumane speed. The blond merely moved from where he stands, using faster speed, he make a zig-zag pattern in his way as the hands rained down and destroying everything they smashed into

Five about to reach him, Aaron quickly swing Excalibur and give a push with his mana, sending wave of energy that blasting the hands away from touching him for a moment and give him opening

'They did not destroyed? It seems I will need direct contact to cut them.' Unlike Julius who using Spirit Arts and seems like natural enemy to Petelgeuse Unseen Hands and able to shred them apart, his is pure blast of wind that enchanted by mana so it seems to be less effective

Doesn't matter though, it mean he only need to cut them directly

He pivoted in his run, spinning in ground, he deliver a clean downward strike and easily cut the hands that approach him, destroying them. Then he rushed forward, charging at the arcbishop

"This should not be happening! This is not mentioned in my gospel! This is not exist in my guide of destiny!" Petelgeuse ranted crazily while staring at his own hands that trembling "Pride! Pride! I will destroy you! I will proof my love to the Witch!"

Almost hundred of dark shadow that taking shape of mockery of hands sprung forward, all of them rushing forward to the armored blond, from above, left, right, below, and between them, there no gap, all of them covered by countless of limbs that ready to tear him apart

Each of these hands is more than capable to crush bone into a pulp, capable to turn boulder into a dirt in the ground, if they manage to hold him, then the answer will be obvious to everyone

Instant Death

But Aaron appear to be unfazed, his face was calm and his eyes show nothing but sharpness

Then he channel mana to his arms, flooding them with power and he swing Excalibur

And all of those hands destroyed

It was very clear despite having Servant body Aaron still very far to be considered as one, it because he can't control his strength, his body, he need to be very careful unless he wish to snap items with his bare hands due to his inhumane strength.

His reflex and body movement is so abyssal, it almost like a men stuffed into giant body and need to be careful, one wrong move and he can tripped and hurt himself when in training

He can't control his strength, he is not professional enough to able manuever his strike, that was clear, he maybe have training in kendo but that was obviously far from enough

So how he can compensate that?

Simple, use more strength

When his strike were too much and it trip his balance, he forcefully return it by using Mana Burst. The strike that supposed to be too wide in instant can be fixed back using Mana Burst, and if the 'fix' is too much, then he use another Mana Burst to balance it

It was fighting style that taking advantage of his large amount of Mana, it actually very wasteful and bad style of fighting

But it allow him to be able go toe on toe with Servant

And with Instinct from Arthur Pendragon, Aaron Wilson can be considered as protege of the King of Knight himself


Twenty swings, twenty strikes, all of them flashed to existence in less than three seconds, all of the attack was delivered with clean and accurate, destroying dozens of Unseen Hand that about to reach him

It was a feat that inhumane, capable only to be accomplished by something that has reach the peak of Humanity, surpassing mortal feat. And that was exactly what he did

He is not a Human after all

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! How could this be?!" Petelgeuse screamed in frantic as every hands that he launched destroyed "I thought I was loved! By the witch! The witch! The witch! The witch!"

More hands started to grow from around him, and unlike before, these mockery of hands is bigger, larger, each of them possessing palm of the size adult men.

In response for that, Aaron held high Excalibur

And the Invisible Wind roared once again

"Priiiiiidee! I will kill you! Kill you! Kill you! I will proof my love to the Witch! Proof my LOOOVE!"

"That would be meaningless." Aaron said calmly "Why? Because Satella never love you. If there's someone she love it would be me, after all." His face broke into a smirk "Unlike you, she has grabbed my heart, literally. And for your information, I'm not Arcbishop of Pride." He tilt his head in insulting manner "I am Aaron Pendragon, inheritor of the Spirit King of Knight and Friend of the Half Elf, Emilia.""

The Arcbishop of Sloth visibly stiffened when hearing the declaration, then his shoulders begin to shake, his mouth begin to frothing as he glare at the pseudo Servant


Dozen of giant hands of shadow surge toward the Saber, the sheer of their speed was enough to make the ground and earth cracked when they passing through them

Aaron raise Excalibur and glared at them

"Strike Air : Hammer of the Wind King!"

Gale of wind roared, twisting, howling. A force of nature in shape of tornado sprung forward to meet the dark hands that threatening their wielder

One is a dozen of hands that capable to shred building apart, destroying a hill like a sack of paper, crushing giant beast into a pulp of gore with easy

The other is a wind, not just a wind, but a tornado, a hurricane, a Noble Phantasm, a crystallized mysteries, powerful armaments made using the imagination of humans as their core, they are the embodiment of the ultimate mysteries of a hero that symbolizes one's existence through historical facts and anecdotes

And it not just simple Noble Phantasm, but it one that with purpose to destroy an army

The result is obvious

The invisible hands shredded, destroyed, teared apart by the multiple layer of wind that compressed into super-high pressure air. The gale of wind blaring and the arcbishop of Sloth did not manage to react fast enough as they slammed to him

His scream of anger and pain drowned by howl of wind that swallow him wholly and forcefully pulling him, dragging the madman to the ruin of the cave and slammed him with force that enough to produce sick sound of 'splat' and plastering the earth with his organs and blood

There is no need to check is he survive or not from that, Aaron already know the answer, Petelgeuse body hit by a tornado, a fucking tornado, literally, at point blank, and said that tornado carry the man and smashed into cave that ruined and said the ruin now already blasted away and...

It was safe to describe that the scenery in front of him is like a place that just went through apocalypse

Then suddenly he feel it, something slammed at him, enough to make him visibly take step back, something invisible and-

'This is...'

He feel it, he can feel it, something blanketing him, shrouding him, invading his very sense, his body, trying into-

'A possession! Petelgeuse! That damn madman!' He coughed and fell to his knee, the feeling... It was sickening, it like inhaling too much air and his lung forced to take them all. His sense begin to go wild, started to go crazy, it almost like fire was set into his whole body

What the hell?! Subaru never went things like this! It was never shown the possession will be painful like this!

Unknown to Aaron it because his body resist the possession, his Magic Resistance to be precise, the magic core inside him clearly did not take well that someone trying to invade their body and Magic Core in essence always resist foreign substance that invade the body of their owner

"Re... Re..." Aaron gasped and choked, he can feel the possession started to take effect "Return by Dea-"

Then he feel it... Among that sick, twisted and disgusting feeling that invade his body, he feel it. A familiar cold sensation that start to grip his heart

And for moment he see dark... He feel his World tilted, flipped and his dark vision turned to blur then-

"I LoVe YoU"

'Oh... Fuck.'

Suddenly everything become clear, his vision that random turned to one and he found himself stare at... Shadow, a dark flame, there no feature from the being in front of him, only darkness and pair of violet orbs that glowing ominously at him

He feel his breath hitched in his throat as he feel hand, correction, hands, he feel hands started to roaming around him. His back, his legs, his stomach, every single part of his body

He tried to speak, tried to make a words, but nothing come out, it as if his mouth stop working in front of the shadow that looming over him

Then the shadow tilt her 'head' and she leaned forward

Aaron feel something cold, cold like a pack of ice, pressed to his lips. It wasn't hard, it soft, tender even, it almost like a lips but the coldness it have... Make it anything but pleasant

Then the ice parted from his lips, and the shadow stare at him, seems very happy, very joyful, the pair of violet that glowing filled with so much affection

"I LoVe YoU"

Then the World shifted once again, and Aaron found himself staring at... Petelgeuse in the ground...

Or at least what remain of him

He feel bile rose to his throat when see the state of the arcbishop. He had seen death body, seen grotesque things -not directly of course, more like movie and internet- but Petelgeuse condition...

God... His body... It was... It as if some kind of giant hammer just dropped at him and crush him, he was a pulp, a mess of blood and organs. The only thing that make him recognizable that he was Petelgeuse is few strands of green hair and few fingers that left intact

'I... I did this..?'

It was clear that this is the result of his attack, result of the Noble Phantasm that hit the madman at point blank, but it not end in there, this also the result when the man crashed to the remnant of cave with sickening 'splat', it almost like a doll that thrown into brick wall and break apart

The arcbishop let out gurgle, Gods, how he still able to speak is beyond Aaron's mind, it was miracle he still able to live at his current state, he was literally had his body crushed, his face not even exist anymore, only mess of flesh

"I... Never intent to be this far." He rasped out. He stare at the pile of flesh -it more fitting to call Petelgeuse that now- and his gaze hold some of regret. Petelgeuse is jerk, yes, but he has went through so much. Granted he is insane and man who has responsible for countless death but...

There no more gurgle, no more twitch from the broken body below him, he clearly dead by now, he don't have any body to go back

He turned away, and he still can't erase the feeling of guilt and terror inside him. He knew that he will kill, that he will take a live, he knew he should be prepared and ready for it but...

A sound in the bush not far from him instantly make him alert, in quick he was already taking stance, Excalibur ready. Did Petelgeuse survive?! Is there a finger that still survive? That was absurd, Emilia and Rem already report to him that they has eliminate all cultists! So how in name of Root...

His worry and concern though washed away when the bush split and reveal certain silver haired half elf instead of Unseen Hand or Petelgeuse's finger

"Emi..." Aaron let out breath he hold, relieved that his worry were unfounded

"Aaron, are you okay?" Emilia asked as she take few steps forward "Are you-"

"Stop!" Aaron barked immediately, making the girl stopped in his track "Don't come closer!" He warned

"Wha?" Emilia gaped for moment "Aaron what are you-"

"Stay there!" Aaron insisted, eyes sharp "You don't want to see what behind me." Petelgeuse dead body was not a good sight and he don't think Emilia should see it, it going to traumatize her "Puck-dono, can you clean what behind me? Froze it and make it shatter, do whatever necessary."

Puck appear on top of Emilia, the cat spirit blue eyes narrowed before he float higher to see what behind him. And he visibly flinched at the gruesome sight "Yikes, that was bad, I had seen many dead bodies but..."

"Let just say I went overboard." Aaron said with grimace

"Overboard?" Puck replied in flabbergasted voice "Aaron, look around you!" He said, gesturing to the surrounding "This place look like just got rampaged by some kind force of nature!" He yelled at him "And do not try to lie at me young man! I saw hurricane from this direction and large amount of energy, twice!"

Aaron looked back to behind him and he grimaced again

That was pretty much true actually, the place, the area surround him, they all pretty much ruined

Part of the forest was gone, trees rooted out and the land itself was deformed so badly, no doubt it was from the Strike Air moment ago. The cave... Or what left of it, now it more look like a pile of rocks, majority part got blasted away, no doubt the second Strike Air destroying whatever the remnant

Then there's damage from Petelgeuse's Unseen Hand as well, it nothing much but it still can be counted, each time those hands jammed to the ground it make crater with size of two or three foots, enough to make the place around them look like a minefield that just blowing up

"Well... It could be worse actually." He said in slight sheepish voice, and it did, he could be forced to unleash Excalibur and... Well, the landscape around here clearly going to change "Anyway, let talk about that later, Puck-dono if you mind..." He gestured to the dead body that behind him and out from Emilia view

Puck wave his hand once and ice grow from where Petelgeuse's dead body laying, the ice slowly encasing it, freezing the mess of gore from top to bottom, and when it finally done, Puck wave his paw again and the ice shattered

"There." Puck said in dismissive manner "Seriously Aaron, you made a mess."

The blond only chuckled as he started to walk and approach the duo, only for him to tumbling in his step and-


He feel the World begin to spin for moment, his legs stepped into nothing but air, his vision begin to filled with various colors


He feel something touch him, holding him, he tilted his head, blurry it is but he still manage to pieces Emilia's face together

"E...Emi... I..." He tried to speak but he found his voice so hard to come out

"Aaron! Aaron! What happened?! Hang on!"

There panic and fear in her voice, her face that not clear in his vision confronted to worry expression

"I... Don't feel so..."

"Aaron! Aaron! Aaron! Wake up! No! Aaron!"

He tried to speak, to finish his words, but he can't, his strength leaving him, he feel his consciousness eroded away, pain started to spread to his mind

The last thing he see before darkness claim him is Emilia crying face

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know! One moment he was fine and then."


He feel nothing but pain... His whole body was in pain

But it was his head that got the worst

"His Gate going crazy! It keep activating, at this rate he going to burn himself."

"Shut them down! Puck! Please! I..."

"I can't Lia! This... This is beyond me! The Gate even reject my influence. His Gate is unique, it doesn't allow itself to be touched by anyone else. You might want to contact that cat demihuman to heal him Lia."

Burn... Burn... Burn... Fire was in his blood, in his veins, in his arteries

It was hurt, it was hurt, it was hurt, he feels like melting, he feels like put inside boiling pot

"Sshh! Aaron-sama, it's okay, sshh. Rem is here Aaron-sama, Rem won't leave Aaron-sama alone, everything will be okay. Aaron-sama will be okay. Rem sure of that, Aaron-sama is strong after all."


The burn is still there but now there cold sensation washing over him, it calming the fire that raging inside him, it started slow but it keep moving, it keep spreading

And he slowly started to feel better

It has been two days ever since he collapse after fighting against the arcbishop

There's nothing change in that short amount of time, as usual she always come to visit him after she done talking with the lesser spirits in morning, just like when they spend their times together in morning before he collapse

And just like always, she sit and silently watch him


She didn't know what actually happened to him. She has check him, trying to cure him, even Puck and Beatrice already do full body check to him

And neither she nor them can find anything wrong with him

... No, that was a lie... They knew exactly what happened to him but... There is nothing they can do to fix them...

There something... Foreign... Something that... Unnatural according to Beatrice and Puck. Something that not abnormal has tried to invade his body, trying to glued themselves inside him

And his Gate worked to oppose that foreign substance immediately

And by 'oppose' she mean violently trashing around like a children flailing wildly when get caught by kidnapper

Aaron's Gate is unique, that was what Beatrice and Puck said. Perhaps it because it has to do with his heritage, with him being descendant of Dragon and so he have uncommon Gate

His Gate apparently did not like it that something trying to invade his host body and thus it lashed out violently, it started to active in extreme measure, trying to burn out the substance that glued to there

And because of that, it also burn Aaron from inside, literally. His body temperature was 40° C yesterday and it keep raising, had she did not cool them down and sit straight on his side with help of Rem there will be permanent damage to his brain right now

It could kill him...

And the thought of losing Aaron... It make her heart filled with unbearable pain for some reason. She don't want to lose him, no, she don't want to lose him

He... He is strong and... And he always there for her, supporting him... She still not strong enough, she need his support and...


She shook her head firmly. She can't think of such things. Aaron certainly don't want her to be too hard on herself, she knew he will scold him if he see her moping like this

In the end there's nothing much they could do. She had try to contact outside, contact Crusch Karsten who have Blue, the greatest healer in Lugnica and ask her to help him

But she can't...

Roswaal was not there and the man right now as matter of fact is having private business that related to kingdom problem, he has said that he will leave for a week at the longest due to that

And they has no method to contact him...

And without Roswaal, she can't make a move or ask permission that easy, he is her supporter after all, the only one who can make her contact outside World, making a move without his permission... It can be considered as bad one...

The political backlash she would get from that could be problematic, not to mention if she ask Crusch Karsten there is chance the woman will flat out refuse her. She still remember how the head of the Karsten house declare that she will cut any tie with the Dragon if she become a King, and Aaron is descendant of Dragon

It could do more damage to her side than helping

"Aaron..." She started with unsure voice as she grasping his hand "I don't know if you can heard me but... Everything is fine, it went like you plan. There no more Witch Cult and the villager already goes back to their home." She smiled as she remember what happened yesterday, how the villager decide to return to their home "They held small celebration in there and it was fun, the children laughing and we introduce ice cream to them, they all love it you know."

Love it was understanding in Emilia's opinion, the children particularly seems wanting to devour ice cream without stopping, same thing can be said to few adults. It was clear that they really like the sweat treat so much

Just remembering the children and the villager smiling faces is enough to lightened her mood for a moment

For a moment

"I wish you wake up now..."

Those six words uttered in soft and sad voice, they come out unconsciously from her mouth

The half elf violet eyes filled with genuine sadness as she stare at her friend who now resting in bed peacefully, and as she expect, there's no response from him

But she continue nonetheless

"I... Have some problem and..." She bit her lips and her grip on his hand tightened "And I know you will want me to handle it by my own but I... I... ...I lost."

She was trapped

She want to help Aaron. The only things that right now stopped her from demanding Crusch Karsten to order her Knight to heal Aaron is her status as Royal Candidate, she knew well how this can be interpret as weakness to the other woman and she have no doubt it will be used against her in future

It will weakening her stature...

But on another hand... It was him who hurt... She only know him for a month and more, but she already feel very close to him, feel that he had been there for her life for a years, for very long time. She has learn so much from him and...

And last night was close one... His fever was really bad last night... She alone wasn't enough, if there is no Rem in there then...

What... What should she do...

"Aaron... I..."

The first thing he feel is something dripped to his hand, something wet and warm, it did not washing over his palm, no, it more like... His hand used as towel to wipe something wet

The second is pain... Pain all over his body... He feel like he just went through gruesome training and now all his muscles were aching.

The third is hot, like really hot. He feel like his body was just set on fire from inside, though it wasn't that painful, it more like hot that similar to fever


He let out sound that so dry, it as if he just spending his time in desert for days without any water


Familiar voice calling for his name and he slowly open his eyes, his pupils dilated slightly as they trying to adjust with light that suddenly invade them

"... Emi?" He rasped out, eyes dazed and unfocused as he stare at the half elf who... "Why... You crying?"

Emilia stared at him, her eyes glued to his weakened figure for few seconds, trying to make sure that it wasn't dream, and when they did, she was all but launch herself to him

"Aaron!" She called as she embrace the young man who in bed "You're awake! You're awake! You finally..." She trailed into choked sobs as she pull the man tigther to her, basking in his presence fully

"Emi? Emi? What's..." He let out gasp as he feel the hug become tighter, Gods he just awake now but... Ohhh the pain! Ohh the pain! His chest! "Air!" He croaked, he need them now! "E-Emi I... I can't..." He raise his hand, wincing in pain at that but he force himself nonetheless, this is matter of life and death after all! If he did not get her out from his chest right now... "Air!"

As if realizing what she did, the half elf retracted from Aaron as if he was on fire, squeak come out from her mouth on reflex "Sorry!" She apologized "Aaron, I didn't mean to-"

He can't response with a words since he too busy to taking air so he settle only to nod for now. It take a moment for him to finally get back his breath "It's fine, I just taken back, that's all." He murmured as he slowly raise into sitting position

Emilia feel her face turned to red. She feel so embarrassed to just hug him like that, and not just that but she nearly knock him out once again!

Then the door suddenly slammed open, and from there a certain blue haired oni come in

"Emilia-sama, Rem hear your voice from the corridor and..." Rem trailed as she notice that Aaron finally woke up. The blond green eyes snapped at her and they meet with her blue eyes. They stare at each other for few seconds before she feel her vision become blurry, she feel something wet emerged out from there and- "Aaron-sama!" She shouted as she lunged at him

"Not this again!"

That was what Aaron said before he feel his World tilted as the oni slammed at him and knocking air from his lung

It take few minutes for Emilia to separate Rem from him, not to mention the girl unconsciously went to "oni mode" and glued herself to Aaron like he going to gone any moment

"Rem apologize for what she did."

"Me too, sorry Aaron, I did not mean to knock you like that."

Aaron stared at them, at the duo that bowing their heads, no more like glaring, and his target was what they call boobs in their chest. While they not the biggest he ever seen but those balloon is what responsible for knocking him out moment ago

Damn women and their breast, if you want to offer it, give it nicely, not need to crush him with it!


Okay, he obviously still not right in head if I thinking like that. Not like he dislike it though, he mean, who don't like pretty and hot girl?

"First, can I have some water?" He asked to them

"Here." Rem offered the glass that set on near table

"Thank you Rem." He said as he drink the fresh water and missing the way Rem preening "Now... Tell me everything I miss."

Two days... Straight for two days and having my so called Gate try to fry me from within due to foreign substance that trying to invade my body. And the Witch Cult that trying to attack us pretty much die and gone, they no longer exist, they truly gone and seems won't come to bother the village

Rem, Emilia, Ram and Beatrice that patrolling constantly in last two days can attest that

The villager already go back -which is good thing- and this far there no sign that any cultist or something that dangerous lurking around the village, there also small celebration yesterday held by them

And I miss it... Damn...

Still... I don't like this situation

What the hell foreign substance that trying to invade my body to the point it make my Magic Core lashed out violently like that?

Was it Petelgeuse spirit? Was he still alive and try to possess me? I still remember everything become hazy and blur after I talked with Puck so...

And if it was him why there no sign of him now? Why he did not try to attack the villager? Why no one spot him? Surely with Rem and Ram nose they can easily track him down. Was he got killed by my Magic Resistance?

So many things that went unanswered... I don't like it...

Then something crossed to my mind, something that I about to forget and I feel panic started to raise from my stomach

"Children." I said, making both of them alerted "There group of children in place where I fought the arcbishop! They-"

"They're safe." Emilia instantly reassure me, voice calm and soothing "We brought them to the village and have them treated, they're safe Aaron."

I feel my heart freeze for moment, terror started to gnawing on my stomach. Emilia got close to them?! They... They supposed to be her 'examinator'! They... How could...

Calm down Aaron, calm down...

I take a deep breath, burying the terror and panic inside me. Emilia is here, it mean those children did nothing to them, they did not react or explode when they got near her

"The village..." I muttered "They were in village?"

"Yes." Emilia nodded, still smiling "They in village but..." Her smile gone and turned to frown "There something strange with them... They... They did not wake up. I already tried to heal them but they still unconscious."

I feel myself frowning as well, that was clearly not normal, if they only conscious Emilia should be able to heal them

"What about Beatrice?"

"She can't find anything strange with them, no." Emilia shook her head "There something strange indeed within them but Beatrice can't remove it, she still confused about it and still searching about it in her library."

I see... If Beatrice the one that look into it then... I can expect result tomorrow, she is that good after all

... Wait I had been pass out for two days? If I did the calculation right then... Tomorrow or later night will be the time that Hakugei...

"I have to go." I said as I sprung from my bed, only to wincing and hissing in pain when I feel my muscles give in

"Aaron!" Emilia on her feet, followed by Rem and she instantly on my side, helping me "Don't move so sudden! What is wrong?" She asked


I about to yell at her but I found my throat freeze for a second. What should I say to her? Hakugei is lurking around the Flugel's tree and it have to die?


Yeah, try to telling her that in my condition, I sure as hell she going to freeze me in bed just so I can rest


I could make a better lie, saying that the arcbishop mentioning about Hakugei but... I doubt I can do much in my condition now

No offense, but I'm really at my best now, even moving a bit already cause me to flinch in pain. If I fight Hakugei in this condition, big chance I would be killed





Damn it...

"Nothing." I resting back on my bed and close my eyes "Nothing, it is not important... Just a wild thought, I being paranoid." I admitted as I smiled at them

Obviously she did not bought it, and neither Rem judging by their faces

"Aaron." Emilia started, her voice become serious "Do you hiding something bad for your health?"

"Wha? No, there is nothing-"

"Don't try to lie!" Emilia yelled at me, cutting my words, her face show she clearly not in mood "Aaron! You! Do you even care to your health?! If there's something you hide about it then tell us!"

"Emi, I'm fine, it was only-"


I fell silent and clamp my mouth shut after that

Emilia breath was ragged, her body trembling, her facial expression show nothing but anger, her eyes though... I can see it... I can see the raw emotion behind them... I can see tears that threatened to come out from there

"You almost die..." She repeated, her voice dry and raspy "Aaron... You almost die last night and... And if you did then..."

Her words trailed into a choked sob, her face tilted down, her shoulders begin to tremble, one hand raise to cover her mouth

I... I...

"Emi..." I called, my hand raise unconsciously and found her face. I make her look at me while wiping her tears "Hey, hey it's okay... It's okay, I'm here now right? I'm here..."

I almost die

"Aaron... I... I..."

I pull her into hug, stopping her from saying anything further. Despite my heart also pounding like crazy and I feel sick sensation growing in my chest, I hug her and try to remain strong

I almost die

"It's okay, everything will be okay."

The words of comfort that come out from my mouth sounded so smooth, so soothing, it was so genuine

Too bad I actually not feeling like that

I almost die

But it seems enough for Emilia, I can feel her hesitation, but it only for moment before she return my hug with her own

I almost die... And despite knowing that I might Return from Death due to Satella's curse and gift... I still can't help but afraid to it...

It wasn't right... I shouldn't afraid to it but...

I truly afraid to die... And I was close to die last night, burned by my own Magic Core, by myself, now that was clearly something I don't wish to happen, that was a big no, no.

I keep hugging her until she stop shaking, I don't know why I did that, perhaps I also seek comfort from her so I can erase the fear that gnawing in my stomach. And as I release her, I can see her eyes slightly red, no doubt from the tears, her beautiful face was set into mixture of sadness and relief

"I'm here now right? It will be okay, trust me." I reassured her, giving her warm smile

Emilia did nothing but stare at me for a moment and then "Aaron... I..."

Her hand rose and touch my cheek, this make me blink and I found myself stare at her violet eyes. I can see so many raw emotion in there, so many to the point I can't decipher them

"I.. I..."

"... Yes?" I asked in uncertain voice, I can feel her breath now washing over my face

Is it just me or... She getting too close?



We broken from our staring contest when Rem coughed aloud, cutting our moment, the blue eyes maid stare was dull, flat, she seems unamused by what she just saw

"Sorry for interrupt Emilia-sama, but wouldn't it be better if we provide Aaron-sama with food? He must be pretty hungry right now."

As if on cue my stomach decide to make itself known and let out growl

I flushed visibly and clear my throat "Right. I was out for two days, so of course I will be hungry."

"Certainly so." Rem seems amused by my reaction "Rem shall prepare feast for Aaron-sama to celebrate your health!" She declared in happy voice

"Thank you Rem! You're the best!"

And I mean it, Gods, I will give anything to have her as my personal cook after I return back to my World in future. Seriously, I really going to miss her food when I return!

Rem let out big smile, preening at my praise "Then Rem shall prepare the food now!" She said in jovial tone before walking toward the door

I only can grin as I watched the oni leave, hell yeah! Food! I really starving!

It was then I notice Emilia staring at me, she practically give me stink eye, her beautiful face scrunched to ugly frown

"What?" I asked "Emi, why you-"

"You're stink, go to bath." She said flatly

"... What? Emi-"

"No, don't you "Emi" me! Go to bath and clean yourself now!" She yelled while pointing to the bathroom direction

I stared at her. I stared, stared, stared, aaaand stared. My mind trying to comprehend just what the hell is happened and why she got mad at me like this

Slow I maybe, but I certainly not stupid enough to argue with her

"Yes ma'am." I sighed as I slowly remove myself from the bed. Seriously, woman and their complicated mind. Well, I was in bed for two days, so it mean I have enough trash inside me to thrown so...

As I make my way to bath, I can hear Emilia mumbling "Idiot Aaron" and "Stupid Aaron" under her breath but I decide to ignore them


So this is it? It is done?

Petelgeuse is dead, that was obvious, the Witch Cult repelled, I won

That's it?


It was... So easy... I mean... It was make sense for it to be easy. Just like when Subaru face Petelgeuse for the second time. When he know the arcbishop weakness, he waste no time to exploit them all and gain total victory in the end

Just like me who know about everything ever since the beginning

... So I shouldn't surprised... Right?

It really should be this easy but...

What... Is this uneasy feeling? This is too easy... This is...

I shook my head as I feel warm water wash over me. It was too easy and that make sense, that was what should be happening but...


I... Feels like I missing something important..


And I was right... Things clearly too easy and I should expect more, there is no way everything will be this smooth, I shouldn't be that naïve in first place

It started when I awaken in middle of night by Rem, I was sleeping and the oni shaking me like there's no tomorrow

"Aaron-sama! Aaron-sama! Wake up! We have emergency situation!"

For moment my World was blur, mixture of dreamland and real one, I clearly still not fully awake

And Rem obviously know this as she started to pinch my cheeks and make me yelped in pain

"Aaron-sama! Be serious! This is really important!" She sound so frustrated by this point

"Alright! Alright! I'm wake up!" I said while shaking my head "What is it Rem? What's emergency."

Rem stare at me in eyes, her face show nothing but grim expression and her own eyes show slight dread

"The Capital is under attack."





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