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Chapter 12: Trouble 6-2

"so how was it?" Ferris asked as he entered the room without knocking

The room was like one of those classical interior design I always saw in fantasy movies, now that I look at it in person it was a lot more overwhelming than I anticipated. Each furniture was positioned at the perfect spot for maximum beauty and everything was spotless as if it was cleaned 24/7.

Stella sat on her king sized bed with eyes looking like it didn't see the light of day in a long while and an expression that made her look like she had a hangover after a drinking too much. Pretty much everything about her was messy, she held her cheek with an expression that somewhat showed relief, as if she just unloaded a rock that dragged her throughout her life till now.

"I rejected everything.... he slapped me, called me a wench then left... at least he believed that he fell off the stairs" she said while her eyes were still barely open since she just woke up

"that's good.. he should be easy to deal with, anyways I'm off to deal with things"

As soon as he said that, she quickly woke up in a split second with a worrisome face.

"ah! you're leaving already!??"

"are you worried about those priest guys?"

"huh? how did you know?"

"(well... Lara told me they were pricks on her last note) I just saw them getting kicked out from your mansion a few minutes ago, I'm ganna follow them so I'm leaving"

He turned back towards the exit door, already assured that Stella would be fine by her own despite the tired expression she has on her face, but before he went out he was suddenly remined of something that was important.

"oh, I recommend you should train to be a fighter, I don't know why but your mana is similar to your great granny"

"wait.. what?"

"bye, we'll meet again"


The door made a loud bang noise as it smashed hard against the wall, the noise echoed through the long hallways of the mansion, alerting the guards and servants who were just minding their own business.


(I wonder why the church guys are pricks, I'm pretty sure Lara had a good sense of justice, she was quite the forgiving person, what did these guys do to tick her off?) Ferris thought while following the trail of a carriage

unlike the stone road he saw before, the road he was in was quite a bit more fitting for the medieval setting of this world, a dirt road without good protection against the spreading nature and the occasional horse poop he usually passed by.

(since Lara hid some information from me, I guess that kind of info would get someone killed by the church I guess... she said in her last note that she couldn't mess with them... I know how strong Lara was as a hunter, if she were to go on a rampage... Even the hunters combined from south Korea would have a lot of trouble just to kill her.... just how powerful is this church of divinity...)

I looked in front of the dirt road, despite the forest around me I could just barely see the horizon but I couldn't see the carriage the priest rode on even if I squint my eyes really hard.

(the carriage... or cart... those priest rode on looked cheap, all it had for a roof was some cloth... does this mean that they aren't that focused on dealing with the Todias family? otherwise they shouldn't have sent such a shabby vehicle)

"hey there!" a man's voice came out from behind him, though it seemed like the man was alone, Ferris instinctively heard many different footsteps around him that were trying to be quiet

"(seems like the noises I heard from the woods while I was walking weren't animals after all... actually.. i might be right) sorry, can't speak your language"

"the hell? he a foreigner or something? he does look fancy"

the man casually approached him as if he was his friend. As for Ferris, he stood completely still as he watched multiple armed men surround him with what seemed to be bladed weapons. The bandit who called out to him placed his hand on Ferris's shoulder as if they were good buddies who hang out all the time.

"hey now, this coat of yours look nice.. why don't you strip for us hehe"

[Analyzing mana of opponents...



Not a threat]

"oooh... nice knives you got inside your coat... wow are those gems decorated in its hilt- aachk!"

They say that a hard punch on a persons liver can screw up someone really bad, I always wondered if it would work despite the proof I saw on TV, now that I saw it for real, it seems like they weren't lying.

As Ferris performed a quick elbow strike on the bandit's liver, the towering bandit fell like a mountain. He didn't even need to overload his mana to cause maximum damage to him, however... after that swift attack

a shock suddenly shook his brain up as if he was electrocuted.


"take that you little shit" the bandit exclaimed as he released the grip of the knife that was imbedded on Ferris's lower back





Ferris turned around to meet the man who stabbed him, for a dude who was just stabbed he seemed perfectly fine as if nothing happened at all, the bandit saw slight sparks appearing on Ferris's hands but what was most terrifying was when he saw his eyes.

For some people, they say that looking into a persons eyes can reveal who they truly are inside or what their intentions are but when the bandit took a single glimpse of the eyes in front of him. he saw... nothing.

"I think i'll have a word with all of you"


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