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Chapter 16: He Who Has No Mother

Ayumi arrives to her new home, her mother was still meeting with her co - worker. "Hey Ayumi~" He said to her. "Welcome back darling!" Her mother says. She looks at them then goes in her room without saying anything. Her mother smiles then continues her conversation with Tanaka.

She lies down on her bed and thinks to herself, 'Mother's been meeting with that guy lately.'

Sanyu says his goodbyes to Shusei and goes to his apartment. The sudden divorce of her parents made him remind of when his parents divorced. He shakes his head,"I don't want to remember." His heart aches as he was reminded part of his painful past.

—5 Years Ago— (Age 12)

"Sanyu has no mother." "He has no mother??" "He's actually poor." " I heard his dad is an alcoholic." "He's so handsome, but because of his background, he seems dirty." "That's just plain sad." Students gossiped about him as he pretends sleep in class. During lunch, students wrote on his desk. "He who has no mother, how does it feel?" "That's sad." "Is your dad abusive since he's an alcoholic?" "I wouldn't want to live your life, it sucks." "Beauty on the outside, junk in the inside." "Should I give you some money to help support your life? Hahahaha."

He ignores the writings, and lays his head down on the desk. There was no food to eat, he had packed none since he didn't know how to cook. His stomach growled. "I'll sleep the hunger off.." he sighs.

—3 Years Later— (Age 15)

"Let's break up. I can't deal with your life style anymore. People are always talking about us, especially me. It's embarrassing," his girlfriend says to him. Sanyu looks at her, "Alright then." He walks away from her. She watches him leave then goes over to her friends, "I broke up with him.." "Good. You don't need a man like that anyways, you deserve better. You BOTH live in different worlds," her friend tells her. "That's what you get for going for the looks only not knowing their background story," Her other friend replies.

His heart aches in pain. The girl whom always supported, cared, and loved him.. who helped him built his confidence and showed him how it feels like to be loved, had dumped him. He tries to not shed a tear, however the amount of sadness and pain he held, was not curable. He hated himself, he wanted to disappear.

When he arrived home, his father was knocked out due to the numerous amount of bottles he consumed. The house reeked of strong alcohol. After staying in his room for hours, he wonders, 'Why's is so quiet? Is father not yelling and drinking? Has he quit drinking now? Maybe he will start to learn to accept the life we're living now?' Sanyu walks out his room, he felt a bit happy with all the thoughts he had. However, when he came into the living room, his father was still. "It's been 9 hours since he's been sleeping, why is he not up yet..?" He questions.

Sanyu reaches over to see if his father was still breathing. His eyes widens and he drops to the floor, "Is he dead..?" Afraid of losing his father, he rushes to call the emergency number.

The ambulance hurriedly rushes over and straps his father on the stretcher ambulance bed and takes him to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, Sanyu waited outside the emergency room. He prayed that his Father will be alright after the surgery. A doctor came up to Sanyu, "Are there any other guardians to come here? Is it just you?" Sanyu looks at the tiled ground, "yeah.. just my father and I."

The doctor walks away to go see some documents. They chatted indistinctly, "Father and Mother were divorced 11 years ago due to loss of money and bad relationship..." "Does he have no relatives listed there at all??"

Couple hours later, the surgeon came out the operating room. He looks at Sanyu. "How's my father?!! Is he alright?! Please tell me he is!! I only have him left!!" He cries as he hugs the surgeon. The surgeon begins to talk, "Your father.. didn't make it. I'm sorry. He had a terrible liver cirrhosis due to drinking alcohol daily. And it was far worse than we expected."

Sanyu falls down and cries his heart out. The surgeon felt guilty for not being able to save his father. "Let's try calling his mother, her phone number is there," the doctor looking at the documents said. They dialed her number.

"Hello? Why is the hospital calling me?"

"Ma'am I just want to let you know that your husband has passed away and your son is alone here, where are you?"

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number. I am not married and I don't have a son."

The doctors looks at each other, "She changed her phone number it seems." "What are going to do with the boy?" After crying so much, he wipes his tears and walks away. The surgeon goes after him, "Kimura where will you be heading? We will need a guardian to help pick you up." "I'm going home," Sanyu replies. "I'm afraid you cannot, please stay here until we have contacted a relative from you," the surgeon tells Sanyu.

"Oh my! There you are!!" A lady says as she runs to Sanyu. The surgeon looks up at her, "I'm sorry, do you know him ma'am?" "Yes, that's my nephew. I came to pick him up after hearing the news. Excuse me for being so late!" The lady replies to the surgeon. Sanyu looks up at her, he speaks in his mind, 'I don't know who you are, leave me alone.'

The lady goes talk to the other doctors and files a document. "Name?" The doctor asks. "Nakamoto Yuki." She replies. "Relation?" The doctor questions her. "Aunt," She answers.

Sanyu sits on the benches as he waits for the lady. After filing the document she walks up to Sanyu and whispers, "What's your name?" "Kimura Sanyu," he answers. "Alright, I'm Yuki. Let's go," She smiles.

They both get in the car together. "I'll drop you off, where do you live?" Yuki asks him. He pauses for a moment, then says, " 6922 Miyaki Ave." She begins driving there. On the way there, the car is absolutely silent. Yuki glances over at Sanyu, then tries to break the silence, "Kimura how old are you?"

"15," he replies as he looks out the window. "Ah~ I have a daughter who's exactly your age too!" She laughs. He nods his head. "She's a really sweet and nice girl, I hope you two can meet one day and become friends," she talks as she drives. After about 20 minutes, she arrives at his place, "Good night Kimura. Stay safe please." He bows, "Thanks for driving me back home." "Anytime!" She smiles at him. He gets out the car and goes inside his house.

He lies down on his bed for awhile, "Now I have no father.. as well as no mother. Does that count me in as an orphan?" He starts thinking, "If I work part time job.. would I save up enough money to rent a apartment to live in?"

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