/ LGBT+ / Reaching Out To You

Reaching Out To You Original

Reaching Out To You

LGBT+ 57 Chapters 27.2K Views
Author: ice-cold-apples

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"I...I..uh..am straight " came out my stutter. Gee Es can you be more embarrassing,I scolded mentally.

"Oh yeah,then why does your heart beat so fast around me" Athena whispered in my ear sending shivers straight to my core.

I kept biting my lower lip, holding my breath,wishing the ground could open up and swallow me whole.

"This is going to be fun" I heard Athena mutter under her breath as she walked away from me.


  1. bianca_buica
    bianca_buica Contributed 555
  2. Ejiroghene_Ohre
    Ejiroghene_Ohre Contributed 426
  3. Tommihu
    Tommihu Contributed 275


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    Author ice-cold-apples