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Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Wings of Fury


[Caution!. Caution!]

[Master! The final seal inside your soul is being forcefully unraveled; you need to calm down; your body can't handle—]



"You're not a human? Are you?"

A colossal pillar of Dark-red flames surged heavenward; the purple dome failed to contain the immense energy, shattering into innumerable fragments like a broken mirror.

'AT LAST! we are uniting once more…Incinerate everything to Oblivion!' The resounding roar of the creature within Aron flooded him with heightened fury. Within the flames, Aron underwent a profound transformation.

His skin commenced the transmutation into Ebony scales. The scales enveloped his entire form, save for two specific locations.

Instead of scales, a hexagon-shaped red crystal manifested in the center of his chest, emitting energy that branched out like roots throughout his scales, adorning Aron in a captivating yet menacing fusion of black and red hues.

The crystal itself enhanced his aura; with each heartbeat, the red crystal flickered, emanating energy through the tendrils that extended across his physique. His face remained largely untouched, adorned only with a few scales on his forehead and around the eyes.

Aron parted his jaws wide, assimilating the Dark-red flames. Internally, his body was burning, undergoing a form of reconstruction as the flames obliterated and then reconstructed every fiber of his existence.

The red crystal roots extended to his colossal draconic wings. The wings, once menacing on their own, now bore the radiant touch of the red crystal energy that coursed through his being.

The wings were majestic and expansive, with a span that could cast a formidable shadow. Each wing membrane was a tapestry of black and red scales, seamlessly blended in a mesmerizing pattern. Black scales dominated the outer edges, gradually transitioning to a blend of black and red towards the center.

Even the veins within the wings pulsated with the red energy of the hexagon-shaped crystal, spreading across the wings like vibrant arteries. The crystal veins emitted a soft, radiant glow, casting an eerie yet enchanting light on the surroundings.

The flames, once a chaotic storm, began to settle, revealing Aron in his Draconic form.

Clap!. Clap!

"Well…Well…I didn't expect this," Xenodrake applauded with an amused smile on his face. "A Drokari!... Encountering your species is exceedingly rare; what brings you to this realm, far from your homeland?"

Aron slowly opened his eyes, crimson flames dancing within them as he fixed his gaze on the demon.

Xenodrake prattled on happily about the various ways he planned to exploit Aron's body. He shook his head, settling himself.

"This is my lucky day; with your corpse, I can create many intriguing–" He blinked; Aron vanished.

"!!!" Xenodrake felt threatened for the first time; his triumphant demeanor shifted to one of astonishment. Sharp eyes darted around, attempting to discern any trace of Aron. He blinked again and…


A potent punch struck his right cheek.


The force of the blow was so immense that Xenodrake was sent hurtling through the air.


With a growl, Aron surged forward, unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks that sent shockwaves through the air. Each strike bore the weight of his newfound power, shattering the environment around them, and causing the surrounding area to crumble under the intense power of Aron's assault.

Xenodrake, caught off guard by the initial onslaught, struggled to regain control. His attempts at defense were futile, as Aron's newfound strength and power proved overwhelming. Xenodrake's jaw, neck, and ribs broke from the sheer force of the blows, further incapacitating him.

'I need to escape!'

Despite knowing he was under attack, Xenodrake couldn't find an opportunity to use his portals for escape. He found himself trapped, with no choice but to keep defending himself against Aron's relentless assault.



A formidable sidekick fractured the demon's spine, sending him hurtling through the air. The impact was devastating, causing Xenodrake to crash into the ground with a thunderous thud.

However, it wasn't sufficient to vanquish this demon. During the split moment of respite, Xenodrake swiftly opened a small portal, extracting something from within. A small glass tube containing a purple substance and ending with a needle.

Xenodrake, battered and broken, injected himself with the mysterious purple substance contained within the glass tube. The healing effects were nearly instantaneous. His shattered bones began to mend, and the gaping wounds on his demonic form closed up with unnatural speed.

"The Great Demon Casper won't succumb so easily!" He bellowed, rising to his feet.

"Eh?." The demon was perplexed, finding himself alone in the heart of the forest.

"Where did he go?"

He immediately heightened his guard, not wishing to be caught off guard again. Xenodrake endeavored to use his senses to locate Aron, however, he couldn't find him. That was because Aron was no longer in the same vicinity.

The demon failed to realize that Aron had displaced him from his original location during the intense onslaught.

"Father!" The young girls exclaimed in joy upon seeing Aron reappear. She had been frightened when he and the bad person disappeared.

Aron swiftly dashed, seizing Raum's injured form, flapping his majestic wings; he landed next to the glass tube.

"Wow! Father…Cool." The girl's eyes sparkled in awe, witnessing her 'Father's' new form.

Aron looked at the girl curiously. She looked back at him, not afraid but filled with curiosity and admiration.

Smiling warmly, he said, "Hang in there a little longer, Okay?"

"Mm.." The girl nodded obediently.

Placing a hand over Raum's body, Aron closed his eyes, honing his senses. At first, he sensed nothing. But then, a sudden surge of energy reacted to him from within Raum, intensifying his focus. Aron discerned his heartbeat.

"He's alive!"

A wave of relief washed over Aron as he sensed Raum's vital signs. However, he swiftly shook his head.

"He's barely clinging to life; it's not over yet. I must save him."

Aron recognized the urgency. His mind raced as he tried to come up with something to save Raum's life.

Then, an idea crystallized.

Gently placing Raum on the ground, Aron slowly parted his beak, bringing his right hand over it.

"My blood is the best elixir."

His fingernails grew longer, turning into razor-sharp red claws. Using them, Aron pierced his palm deeply, allowing blood to drip directly into Raum's beak.

"!!!" The little girl visibly shivered, her eyes widening. She forgot to blink, breathe, or engage in any activity, fixated only on the trickling blood. Her mouth opened, revealing tiny, pointed fangs.

'Ha!... Bad.' Realizing her action, the little girl covered her mouth, turning away from her Father. Aron observed but chose to remain silent; Raum's life was much more important at the moment.

As Aron's blood dripped into Raum's beak, a profound transformation began to take place. The crimson liquid carried with it the essence of Aron's unique dragon power, a force that possessed both destructive and regenerative qualities.

Raum's body, which had been on the brink of death, reacted to the infusion of Aron's blood. The vitality within the droplets worked like a miraculous elixir, mending wounds, and restoring damaged tissues. A soft, ethereal red glow enveloped Raum as the healing process unfolded. Aron continued to let his blood flow, ensuring a thorough and potent infusion.

With the final drop of blood falling into Raum's mouth, the red glow intensified before gradually subsiding. The transformation was complete. Raum, moments away from death, now lay before Aron with revitalized vitality.

'Sigh… It worked.'

Drawing a deep breath, Aron extended his hand, raising it above the glass tube. With a flawless motion, the tube split in half with the utmost precision.


Upon contact with the air, the purple substance evaporated into wisps, leaving no trace of its existence.

The little girl, startled by her surroundings, hesitated to crawl out. But upon seeing her 'Father's' warm expression, she darted out of the tube, leaping into Aron's embrace, wrapping her tiny arms around him.

"Father!... Sob… Father."

Aron gently embraced the little girl, feeling the warmth of her gratitude and relief. Her tears, a blend of fear and joy, moistened his scales, but he paid no mind. At that moment, Aron was able to get a clear view of her.

Skin as white as snow, hair long and darker than black. The little girl possessed an otherworldly beauty, with her most striking feature being her eyes.

Bright golden eyes with a slightly narrow pupil; Aron was certain her eyes could illuminate the darkness.

Aron gently placed her on the ground, stroking her dark hair. The girl gazed up at him with those mesmerizing golden eyes, enjoying his touch.

"I have something to do, can you watch over my brother here?" He asked gently, wiping tears from her cheeks.

"Mm." The little girl nodded with a determined expression.

"Good." Aron placed a hand on the ground, releasing his mana. The dark-red mana enveloped Raum and the girl like a protective dome.

"Stay inside; I'll be back."

Flapping his massive wings, Aron immediately ascended into the sky.

"Grr… I'll deal with that Drokari later." Losing patience, Xenodrake soared through the air, heading toward the village.


"Damn, I need to hurry."

Observing the unwanted actions, he instantly grasped the creature's intentions.

"Ugh!... If not for that Drokari forcing me to use my invention, my portals would have been able to reach the village."

That healing purple substance was one of his inventions; it had the ability to repair any damage but came with side effects, one of which was limiting the range of his abilities.


The high-pitched cry of the unwanted reached him; Xenodrake could discern that the creature was engaged in combat.

The unwanted is one of the abyssal creatures from the realm of the Lord of Flesh. In terms of combat prowess, the unwanted ranked among the weakest, possessing almost zero physical defense, sluggish movement, and a colossal body that made it an easy target.

Despite these limitations, the creature possessed a terrifying ability that could sway the tide of war.

"Broodforge." A powerful ability that enables The Unwanted to spawn grotesque monsters within itself.

An ability that Xenodrake wants for himself. He hastened his pace attempting to reach the creature and placing him under his influence, oblivious to the impending threat from above.

"Found you." Eyes ablaze with crimson flames, the dragon folded its wings, descending with unmatched speed, targeting the demon with precision.




The impact was thunderous as Aron collided with Xenodrake, sending shockwaves through the air. The force of the collision caused his armor to crack and fracture.


Descending through the air, Aron seized the opportunity, extending his razor-sharp claws with a swift and deliberate motion, gripping Xenodrake's wings firmly.

"For harming my brother, a toll must be paid…" Aron declared, his voice resonating with authority. "...With Blood!"

"AHHHH!" With a mighty yank, Aron tore the wings from Xenodrake's form. The demon howled in agony as the connection between his wings and body was violently severed. Dark blood sprayed from the wounds.

Aron kicked his back forcefully, intensifying his descent.


With the impact of a crashing meteor, the demon plummeted from the sky, his once formidable figure reduced to a helpless projectile.

The ground shook as Xenodrake collided with bone-shattering force, creating a small crater upon impact. The shockwaves reverberated through the surroundings, causing the trees to tremble and the very earth to echo the aftermath of the demonic descent.

"Cough!...Cough!...You–" Xenodrake swallowed his words upon seeing Aron hovering in the air with his wings in hand.

Aron displayed a sadistic smile, tossing the wings to the demon.

Xenodrake immediately extended his hands to seize his wings. However, when the wings were inches away from his hands, dark-red flames erupted from nothingness, engulfing the wings.

In an instant, the demon's wings ceased to exist.


"HAHAHA!" Aron burst into laughter; the expression on the demon's face brought a sense of satisfaction to him.

"W-What... Have…" Xenodrake's body trembled violently; he couldn't fathom what had just transpired. He attempted to focus his mana on healing his wings, but he couldn't sense them anymore.

The demon had lost his wings forever. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!!"

"HAHAHA~...Good!…Now feel despair."


Shadow_Library_ Shadow_Library_


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