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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Field Trip

It was late evening. Curfew time is imminent and yet most residents of the dorm are either away in pubs or actually studying the next day's study material like Tanya I just spied while slipping out of my room through the window.

To make sure no one notices me, I put on another cloak with presence reducing enchantment. Then I initiate my operation to locate and 'borrow' some books from the lecturer's office.

Reached nearby the target, I looked around for any patrolling guards but luckily none was nearby. The office isn't locked either and simply closed. This is because the books I seek aren't some guarded treasure at all nor is it a secret that should be hidden from others. It's just a specific book made only for certain people. If combining the books isn't hard, I wouldn't even try to do this risky stuff.

Slipping through the window again, I entered the office and quickly found what I needed. I looked through the bookshelf first then drawers but still didn't find them. Though I found something else instead.

Flight Formula

Medical Formula

Optical Decoy Formula

Observation Formula

These formulas that I found are also within the textbooks I received but are supporting spells that mages use. I use Structural Analysis on them so I can Trace the book later instead of using these books that can raise suspicion that the office was broken into.

I continue to search and even after finishing looking through every compartment and the bookshelf, I still cannot locate the books I seek. At the verge of giving up to return in time for the curfew, I stumble upon a contraption that unlocks a hidden compartment inside the drawer. Underneath the fake drawer's bottom is perhaps a secret stash belonging to Instructor Adalwolf. There are the books I was looking for, a decent stash of rolled Banknotes, a sidearm and two full magazines placed inside.

I secured what I needed and returned the place to the state as before. Then quickly return to my room before they start taking attendance for everyone in the dorm.


"Whew… I made it." I said after hiding my previous outfit under the bed and throwing myself on it. There I Trace the books one by one and consume each of them except Flight formulas that have 35 INT requirements when others are 20 INT only. The offensive formulas too. Other than Penetration Formula and Artillery Formula, the rest cannot be learned because of higher INT requirements. Those Formulas that I learned are listed as magic spells instead of ability. Spells are listed on a different screen than my status.

I feel bored now that I already completed my short term goal in hand. To level up any offensive abilities and spells I can't do anything here in my dorm. So, I focus on the non offensive instead. Mainly the ones I think of as more important like Time Alter which if sufficiently high level can turn into a formidable trump card.

For Double Accel, it is a manageable limit. Beyond that, I will start to experience internal injuries like Kiritsugu Emiya. Crushed bones, burst blood vessels and extreme stamina drain.

"Yosh, let's do it then…" I whispered to myself and activated the skill. "Time Alter: Double Accel."

After that, I sort of let it stay active until it stops on its own while trying to get a feel of the skill. The first thing I noticed is my blood immediately doubled its speed as it rushes through my vein while my pulse is throbbing with the audible sound of a throb along with my heart beats but it feels normal when the skill is already in effect.

Five seconds later, the feeling of normality ended and like a car slamming suddenly on the brake after being accelerated to high speed, an uncomfortable sensation spread through my vein as the blood instantly slowed and put a lot of pressure on the blood vessels. There are also obvious signs of exhaustion like I just ran a 2km sprint with a neglected body that rarely has exercises.

My legs suddenly felt weak and fell to my bed. There I rest for a few moments until the exhaustion lessened before trying again and again until I feel utterly exhausted. In total I could activate Double Accel for ten times before reaching my limit. While [Time Alter] did level a lot, [Accelerated Regeneration] also got rapid level up from healing my bursted blood vessels and torn muscles.

Looking at the clock next to my bed, it's already 3 am in the morning. I went to sleep to get some rest since I have to get up at 7 tomorrow.


A month later, what I do at the College up to this point is no different than usual. Learn how to be a capable commanding officer, learn how to fight with my equipment etc. Though I didn't focus much on learning those but focused more on excelling my abilities and acquiring more. In total I gained three abilities. Not much for a month's time compared to before but my excuse is I am too busy leveling my current abilities and training spell casting. Anyway, here is my status.


[Name: Rayark

Age: 9

Level: 19 (12%)

Main Class: Magus

Support Class: Technomagi

Title: Novice Magus

HP: 395 (1 VIT= 10HP, Base 200 & 5/Lvl)

HP Regen: 10 HP/Min (1 VIT= 1HP/M)

MP: 3188(+2800) (1 WIS= 5MP, Base 150)

MP Regen: 47.6MP/Min (1 Wis 1MP/M)


STR: 20

VIT: 10

AGI: 10 [+7]

DEX: 19 [+15]

INT: 40 [+20]+40% = 56

WIS: 34 [+22]+40% = 47.6

LUK: 7 [+2]


Stat Point: 0


Fiction Adaptation LV -

Mana Manipulation LV 7/10 (Master) [+12]

Magic Circuit LV 9/10 (Adept) [+9]

Alteration Lv 7/10 (Adept) [+15]

Dagger Mastery Lv 1/10 (Master) [+13]

Gradation Air > Tracing Lv 7/10 (Adept) [+10]

Quickstep Lv 2/10 (GrandMaster) [+18]

Throwing Mastery Lv 4/10 (Adept) [+6]

Body Strengthening Lv 7/10 (Novice) [+5]

Pickpocket Lv 5/10 (Master) [+20]

Firearm Mastery Lv 6/10 (Adept) [+13]

Thought Partitions LV 1/10 (Master) [+16]

Thought Acceleration LV 6/10 (Novice) [+18]

Accelerated Regeneration LV 3/10 (GrandMaster) [+32]

Hyper Regeneration LV 3/10 (Adept) [+12]

Meditation LV 4/10 (Adept) [+13]

Time Alter LV 9/10 (Novice) [+8]

Occlumency LV 2/10 (Master) [+15]

Mana Conversion LV 3/10 (Adept) [New]

Mana Battery LV 5/10 (Adept) [New]

Mana Amplification LV 4/10 (Novice) [New]

Now, you have seen my status screen. I'll start by explaining the three abilities.

[Mana Conversion] is the ability I gained after relearning my basics in science that mana is just another form of energy and all energy can change form into one another but still energy. So, what stops me from absorbing other energy and refilling my MP?

My first attempt started from electricity that has around 30% energy loss in the conversion. That means every 100 units of electricity I absorb, only 70 units will turn into MP. Still, it isn't a problem since such loss is acceptable. Then I tried to absorb heat energy and that one is rather worse with 50% energy loss in conversion. Though I already know how bullshit this ability was when I tested it on lightning during one stormy night. Just one lightning strike will refill me a hundred times my full MP pool.

The next ability would be [Mana Battery] and the name of the ability is self explanatory. This happened around the time when I discovered a convenient way of filling my mana but dissatisfied with how little I can store. Thus I find a way to store more which ends up discovering I can condense mana from air-like state to fluid then into solid. This method I discovered by using knowledge from Xianxia novels I read about, regarding cultivation. Each condensation can store ten times the amount from the previous state. For example, 10 units of liquid state mana is 100 unit normal mana and 10 unit solid state mana is 1000 unit normal mana.

Though, this method might sound very overpowered but this method does have its cons. For example, I cannot immediately use the condensed mana because my body and Magic Circuits aren't suited to channel such high concentration of mana. Forcing my body will result in mana poisoning that taints my flesh with mana. Flesh that is tainted by mana actually doesn't look bad at first since it makes my body conduct mana much easier that makes spells that cast over my body like Reinforcement to be stronger and increase MP pool. However, having my flesh turn into mana like elemental beings would mean my flesh will be used as mana once my mana runs low enough and I wouldn't know because my body itself turns into my MP pool. I could be casting spells for a moment and my arm would suddenly be devoured to fuel the spells. A double edged effect that needs to be used with caution.

Then the last one is [Mana Amplification] . That basically is when I assume mana works like electricity and the transformer can amplify the voltage to increase the lethality of electricity. Using the same idea, I created an ability that can step up the effectiveness of spells and ability that use mana. For example if normal Reinforcement can increase 100 points of attribute of something, with [Mana Amplification] the Reinforcement can increase more than 100 points of attribute without increasing mana or changing anything. Though, at my current proficiency level, the amplification is only 4%.

Now, I'm finished with my progress. Let's go into the latest significant event.

So, our class now basically finished the theory subjects and finally sent somewhere else to attend our practical class at Meineen Hot spring town. A resort town surrounded by snowy ridges and mountain ranges. For others like Tanya, she is already halfway through her study while I am only a month in. A late student that normally will join the next batches but because I am able to perform decently in the class and catch up on the subject after devouring all the study materials and storing them in my head. For this reason, I am allowed to participate in this field trip that actually sounds worse than it is.

This field trip to a resort town might sound fun but in reality, this is a military boot camp basically. We will spend another six months applying all the theory we learned into a simulated battlefield and an actual one since this town is located near the border to Norden.

"So, Tanya. It seems we are assigned to the same team again this time." I said cheerfully and tapped her shoulder while walking to this boot camp instructor waiting for us.

"I swear to that accursed Being X, I dare you to try your shenanigans on me again. I will shoot you in the head, Ray." Tanya replied with hostility and semi growl at me while gritting her teeth.

I am the one at fault here because I have a habit to not test anything I consider dangerous on myself and let Tanya, who is blessed with Plot-Armor to test it out for me as a guinea pig. But! It was a mutual benefit relationship because I also helped her learn some simple magecraft which is why she didn't push me aside either and sort of tolerated me until she milked me out of all the benefits.

"I feel hurt, Tanya. I thought we had a deal that you will help me for a small favor and I will teach you spells in exchange?" I shrug the hostile stare she gave me and continue to march along our classmates on the snow covered land.

Another 5 minutes of marching effortlessly due to me using [Alteration] to reduce the weight of the stuff I carry, finally we arrived and the instructor nodded somehow. Probably because we all arrived at the expected time since he was looking at his pocket watch a moment ago.

"You all did great to arrive in time. Rest for now and the next briefing will start at 6 am sharp tomorrow."

"Sir… Are we going to sit in the trenches?" One of the classmates asked with his hand raised after seeing only a small building which is for the female officers and higher ranks.

"Do you have a complaint, Second Lieutenant Friedrich?" The instructor asked with his eyes narrowed down on the classmate.

The said classmate immediately shook his head and said no before trying to shrink his presence to hide from the instructor's eyes. The instructor made a scan on the gathered military officers that were sent into his boot camp. He looked around before landing on me while his eyes also narrowed down in scrutiny.

"*Cough* Warrant Officer Rayark von Einzbern. I remember that another instructor should have briefed that usage of Operation Orb is strictly forbidden the moment you step down the train. So, please explain why I sense a mana signature from you right now?" The instructor asked in a calm tone compared to the other.

"I am not using my Operation Orb, sir." I replied and took out my Traced Elenium Type-97 Orb to show everyone that it was deactivated.

The instructor took the Orb from my hand and my mana signature didn't fluctuate or reduce which left him scratching his head until Captain Ugar, who also participated in this field trip as students from other classes, stood forward to explain to the instructor.

"Apologies for speaking without permission, sir. I am Captain Ugar, class representative for Class ***. Here is a letter from the Military College board of directors. They prepared this letter in advance to explain about the 'special' circumstance regarding Warrant Officer Rayark von Einzbern." Captain Ugar took out a letter in his breast pocket and handed it to the instructor who took it and immediately read it.

The instructor's face started with confusion that slowly turned to disbelief before making a change again to astonishment once he almost finished reading the letter. He conjures a flame to burn away the letter into dust due to the secret information the letter holds.

"I can see why the directors call you a troublemaker… Trying to weave around the order and rules." The instructor said to me with a sigh as if he regretted his decision.

"Halt all usage of mana. This order will be effective during the entire field trip until any other instructors, including me, said so." The instructor ordered me and I have to comply and stop using mana externally that releases traces of mana. Instead, I switched to using mana internally that releases no trace of mana to be detected.

Seeing my mana signature reduced, the instructor nodded and allowed us to rest in the trenches, waiting for morning while the females got to stay in the nearby building.

Immediately I see almost everyone collapsed in the trenches except for a few that still have energy to socialize. I still have energy and am not tired from the march but I generally avoid talking and use any free time I have to improve myself. Even right now, I shut my eyes and dive into my mental library to read the books I devoured to hopefully be able to increase my understanding of my existing abilities or create a new one. That is until someone decided to disturb my productive self study session. I opened my eyes with a frown on my face which should tell whoever that disturbed me I am in a bad mood.

Opening my eyes, I see Captain Ugar that decides to sit near me with two glasses of warm water.

"Here is a glass of warm water. Tanya helps distribute them to everyone." Captain Ugar said while staring at the figure of Tanya walking around with a tray and a group of soldiers-turned-students accepting the warm drinks to heat up their cold body on the snowy trenches.

"I see you are taking a nap and probably need a cup. So, I grab one for you." I grab it and give thanks since I am indeed feeling quite cold.

We sit awkwardly for a few moments and Captain Ugar seems to have something to say but finds it difficult to talk. Meanwhile I felt annoyed to be disturbed. But, I still cannot outright just get angry at him since he just did a kind gesture to me by helping me a moment ago.

I sighed and just told him to say what he wanted since the sooner we get this over with, the sooner he will leave me alone.

"If you have anything you want to say, you can just speak it out loud. No need to keep hesitating." I called him out while taking sips on the warm water since I have a cat tongue and warm to others is hot to me.

"Was my indecisiveness that obvious?" He said but quickly changed his question before I could reply to it.

"Ignore my previous words. I actually wanted to ask you this question a while back but just couldn't find the time to do so because you are too much of a recluse person." Captain Ugar continued while making a jab at my personality which avoids socializing a lot and furthermore I am too focused on improving myself to join the others on any social gathering unlike Tanya that still joins some to keep contact with few people she considers important for her future.

"Sorry I was very busy improving my chance for a better future than joining useless events and getting drunk at night with the others." I countered after feeling somewhat annoyed that they didn't have shits to worry about and just live day by day focused on one singular goal that is to serve the Empire.

Meanwhile I am desperate or somewhat desperate to become stronger yet barely make any progress to reach the goal I set for myself even when the goal seems somewhat absurd and too high. But they said, when you set the sky above as your goal, when you fail, at least you will fall on the tallest mountain than the ground.

After all, my end goal is a person so powerful that the word impossible doesn't exist for him. Ray Elliot… who knows what he is plotting by sending me into a cycle of incarnation and no doubt in the omniverse within his reach.

Without realizing, a cold bare hand suddenly touches my forehead. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Captain Ugar looking worried as he checked my body temperature.

"As I thought, you are having a fever." He said while trying to help me warm up by giving me his scarf that wraps over my own scarf to help me retain heat better.

"You were in a daze a moment ago and I thought you were probably sick. Turns out you indeed are."

"No I wa-" "I understand, you are reluctant to admit it because of your pride. However, please don't overwork your body." Captain Ugar seems to be feeling guilt in his heart similarly to how he felt with Tanya before.

"No, I wasn't sick. You misunderstood it." I tried to deny it because it is indeed incorrect that I am sick. My high body temperature is the result of my spell keeping my body temperature high to keep me warm in this freezing cold weather.

However, my denial made Captain Ugar feel even more conflicted and made something inside me feel like bubbling up.

"I wanted to ask you regarding your appearance that obviously makes you a twin to Second Lieutenant Tanya Degurechaff. However, you act around each other like strangers. I did some digging on my own and it turns out you two were twins that separated at birth. Tanya went to an orphanage while you were adopted by a dying noble family due to your talent for magic."

He looked at me with his unwanted pity which made my skin crawl in disgust. A proud magus like me was given pity by someone like him. As if he understands my greatne- Shit!

I suddenly clutched my head as a sudden headache assaulted me after the countermeasures for when Self-hypnosis went too far were suddenly activated. Thankfully Captain Ugar didn't see it as he was looking in the direction of the cabin where Tanya stayed for the night.

"I heard that your reason for joining the military was to revive the dying nobility family you were adopted into with military achievement and service." Captain Ugar sighed before looking back at me.

What he said just now was the fabricated information of my background that stated in my registration. He probably pity me just like how he did for Tanya. He is soon a father and being one makes him able to sympathize with Tanya and me who are 'children' sent to war.

At least for Tanya's case, she didn't really have a reason to join the military unlike me who 'adopted into a dying nobility family due to my magic talent'. My reason is not too far fetched because the easiest way for a noble family to rise in rank is through the military.

"Indeed. Is there a problem with my reason for joining the military?" I asked back with a neutral expression on my face.

"No. There isn't any." He replied somewhat fast as if trying to deny something. "It's just I find it tragic that you aren't doing well socializing with others. Perhaps your upbringing because I know many people of nobility rank and rarely can you find anyone that is pleasant to be with."

"I noticed you always avoid joining your 'peers' and spend your time improving your magic." His face starts to become frowning as he continues. " C- Person your age are not supposed to work as extreme as you to the point that every moment of the day is spent reading books and practicing magic in your room. It's just unhealthy…"

"You are worse than even Tanya." He murmured.

"Am I supposed to take those words as criticism or something else?" I asked amusedly that he would even feel pity for me when most will stay away from me because I am from a 'nobility family' that has higher standing than the others.

Normally only Tanya will talk to me while my other classmates will generally avoid me. Not that I care because this allows me to have no distractions in my life so far.

"No no. I was just trying to have a talk and hopefully have some questions answered."

"So, that is your question? If so, then my answer will be another question to you, Captain Ugar. What will you do if there is someone out there that has so much power that he is in control of whatever you do. This life you live will never be real as long as that person is out there that can turn my life into a living hell if he wanted to but choose to wait and see while tormenting me with anticipation for his next move." I spill out my problem to him because my Self-hypnosis isn't there to mask my true self.

"What will you do?" I asked Captain Ugar who listened to me very attentively and tried to form an image of the person I am mentioning.

"For me, I choose to resist and the only way to do so is to acquire power greater than the person and break free from his control."

Captain Ugar imagined probably a member of my noble family forcing me to do something I didn't want to in the name of bringing back the glory of the family since it is not uncommon for a noble family to cling on the last thread and do whatever it takes to not fall from their prestige.

But for me, the person is none other than Ray Elliot. The nightmare that haunts me regardless of when I am asleep or awake. The creation of my own and I know best that he is indeed enjoying tormenting me like this while I keep guessing what he is going to do next? When is he going to screw my life over? When is he going to make his move? All these questions keep repeating in my head and torment me every conscious moment of my life. That constant striving to become stronger is the only thing that reassures me.

After this, he left me alone to my own device which I continued where I left off when reading the information stored in my head before later taking a few hours nap for tomorrow.


Next morning came and we were immediately woken up by the instructor's shout for us to start marching up the mountain range. Not even breakfast was given and we were forced to eat our ration on the go. While food is still bearable, the water however already turns into ice from the extremely cold temperature. I decided not to eat at all since hunger is more preferable than thirst.

My strength isn't much of a problem to carry the weight on my back since 50 stats is the peak human limit apparently in this world and 20 STR is already higher than the major human in this world. But my low VIT means my stamina department is quite lacking as average stats of my classmates are around 15. Even the ones with buffed bodies and ripped muscles are only around 25 physical stats average.

The march on the snowy mountain ranges continues for 3 long grueling hours that are already at the brink of collapse since we aren't allowed to use mana to lighten the burden.

Suddenly the instructor stopped and waited for the majority of the students to arrive before asking a question to the exhausted crowd.

"Who can answer what decision to take if enemies set up a defensive firing position on the hill facing our current location? The condition is for your battalion to march on the double." He stated his questions before looking back at the crowd who looked too exhausted and busy catching their breath to spare any energy coming up with proper strategy.

"Lieutenant Viktor, please answer this question." The instructor selected a random person since none volunteered. Meanwhile Viktor looks clumsily at the instructor before answering. "Since breaking through the position is difficult, I suggest… Uh.. going around the firing position, sir."

"Look at the terrain before speaking, idiot! If you can go around this kind of rough terrain without dying of exhaustion or avalanche then you tell me." The instructor seemingly anticipated the answer and quickly shut it down. "Next, any volunteer to answer this question?"

Since Tanya should be the next target, I look over to the side to look at the view. In my previous life, I never had a chance to feel the snow or this kind of view since I lived in the tropical region. I once dreamt of living in a snowy region, away from all the hot weather. However, after experiencing the cold terrain, I think I'll stick to hot tropical regions rather than freezing cold snowy regions any day of the week without a spell to keep myself warm.

Suddenly felt a light jab to my side, I turned to look at Tanya who pointed her face at the instructor. Again, I turn my head to look at the instructor to see him glaring at me with a smirk on his face. Immediately I know I'm in trouble.

"Well, Warrant Officer Rayark von Einzbern. Seeing how carefree you were to enjoy the view, please answer my question. How are your battalion going to march on the double from this position."

"Fall back and navigate through another path, away from the sight of the enemies, sir."

"Hmn… not bad. But how about if there isn't enough time for that?" The instructor was impressed but quickly changed the condition again.

"If I am not in a rush then I will deploy wide coverage optical illusions on my battalion and march through the ridge. High chance of being discovered but as long as I keep note to steer away from their mana detection coverage then this could be possible. For the opposite situation then I will employ skirmishes with infantry to provide cover fire and mages will take out the firing position to provide safe passage, sir."

From the crowd of classmates, I can hear whispers of amazement that I can answer with a straight face and actually provide textbook answers to the instructor.

"Good answer. Then, how about if you only have infantry under your leadership? Assuming capture of the firing position is now your objective." The instructor asked again but now with a condition that is impossible to achieve the objectives he set.

"May I ask the scale of the firing position?" I asked despite knowing the objective is basically impossible to achieve with what I have in disposal assuming I am just a normal mage.

"You can take the standard firing position of the Empire as an example." The instructor added, seems to be curious what my answer would be.

"I will use Optical Decoy to disguise the number of mages under my leadership and send the infantry to attack from other directions while the enemies are busy manning the anti-air guns. Meanwhile myself will cast a Napalm type large scale incendiary spell for second distraction and confusion amongst the enemies." I explained before stopping for a moment to catch my breath before resuming my explanation. "While this method might be unconventional, I did take in consideration that most troops deployed to firing positions will be conscripts and new recruits as veterans will more preferably retain in the main force of the enemy's army."

The instructor immediately applauded as this strategy isn't impossible indeed as I said. I will probably be unconventional but not impossible. Though before the instructor can continue, I already know what he is going to say next.

"Sir, with due respect. If you are going to say if I am incapable of using other spells but the common spell, then I would like to repeat your own words with some changes, that is 'look at the situation before speaking. If you can go do it without dying you can ask me about it, sir."

The whisper immediately died down while Tanya looked at me as if I just killed someone and now drinking a cup of coffee next to the dead body without care.

"Also, before you get offended by my words. I would say my answer at that moment is to retreat because while I agree most men and women of the Empire agree to fight and die for the glory of the Empire. I don't think none are willing to go on a suicide mission that bring no significant to war progress, sir."

With this, I effectively put a trap on the instructor. If he denies my answer then it means he agrees that the life of the Empire's soldiers are worth nothing to him since he will send his troops to get killed for no gain. He had no choice but to agree with both of my statements.

Of course, to save his face in front of others. He had no choice but to accept my words. Although I thought the instructor was offended by my words. He actually isn't. Maybe a little. But he was actually delighted by my answer because he at least knows I am a competent staff officer to lead the soldiers.

The purpose of Military College is to nurture capable leaders to lead the abundant of soldiers and I passed it with flying colors. But for attitude… we all know how it would be. But again, he shrugged it off as attributed to my background. The people of nobility tend to have a bad attitude but mine is very and I say very good compared to the majority of others.

"Good, I shall record this. Now let's continue our march." The instructor said.

After this short Q&A session, we continue our march for another two hours before reaching the next checkpoint.

Meanwhile in the Imperial Capital, Berlun. The General Staff is having a conference where the Brigadier General Zettour proposed the creation of the rapid response wing of flight mage that Tanya suggested to him during an random encounter she had with the Brigadier General before my arrival in the capital. This proposal later received overwhelming support from the General Staffs and the plan will be put into use very soon.


Note: While I was aware I fked up the timeline. Why do I care? Still work right? Next few chapters will have time skip too until we reach Tanya's flight mage wing debut.

Also, ability progression goes as

Novice>Adept>Master>GrandMaster>Supreme>Legendary>Transcendent>???(Not yet decided)

Each ability also has a ceiling of rank. The better the rarity, the higher the ceiling. For example Structural Analysis and Reinforcement both have a ceiling of GrandMaster but when they become Alteration, the ceiling rises to Supreme. For now, none of my skills can exceed Supreme rank.

For combining ability, the rarer the ability, the higher the rank it requires to rank up. The resulting ability will have the average level of the previous both abilities.



[Name: Rayark

Age: 9

Level: 19 (77%)

Main Class: Magus

Support Class: Technomagi

Title: Novice Magus

HP: 395 (1 VIT= 10HP, Base 200 & 5/Lvl)

HP Regen: 10 HP/Min (1 VIT= 1HP/M)

MP: 3188 (1 WIS= 5MP, Base 150)

MP Regen: 47.6MP/Min (1 Wis 1MP/M)


STR: 20

VIT: 10

AGI: 10

DEX: 19

INT: 40+40% = 56

WIS: 34+40% = 47.6

LUK: 7


Stat Point: 0


Fiction Adaptation LV -

Mana Manipulation LV 7/10 (Master)

Magic Circuit LV 9/10 (Adept)

Alteration Lv 7/10 (Adept)

Dagger Mastery Lv 1/10 (Master)

Tracing Lv 7/10 (Adept)

Quickstep Lv 2/10 (GrandMaster)

Throwing Mastery Lv 4/10 (Adept)

Body Strengthening Lv 7/10 (Novice)

Pickpocket Lv 5/10 (Master)

Firearm Mastery Lv 6/10 (Adept)

Thought Partitions LV 1/10 (Master)

Thought Acceleration LV 6/10 (Novice)

Accelerated Regeneration LV 3/10 (GrandMaster)

Hyper RegenerationLV 3/10 (Adept)

Meditation LV 4/10 (Adept)

Time Alter LV 9/10 (Novice)

Occlumency LV 2/10 (Master)

Mana Conversion LV 3/10 (Adept)

Mana Battery LV 5/10 (Adept)

Mana Amplification LV 4/10 (Novice)

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