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Chapter 2: Gifts and a Surprise - Waking Up II

I have no idea how the classes system in Japan works, so I will just apply the system used in my country.


After taking a few minutes to calm down, The first thing Akihito did was check the date on his phone. Apparently, it was the 1st of February, year 2020. Classes wouldn't begin until a month later, so he didn't have much to worry about in that regard -though he didn't even know if he would be attenting school.

Once he was sure about the date, he went about checking where exactly he was. Apparently he was in Toru Town, relatively close to Sendai in the Miyagi Prefecture. The closest high school to his current location was Karasuno High, which was once a school acclaimed by their volleyball team, which slowly deteriorated after their star, the "Little Giant", graduated. He apparently didn't continue playing Volleyball, which Akihito thought was a real pitty.

Luckily, he was still in Japan, so he didn't have to worry about cultural clashes nor anything of the style -though those were the last of his worries. His mind was currently stuck on two things which were quite important. Firstly, what about his family? And secondly, what was he supposed to do now?

Remembering that God left him some gifts for him on the second drawer of the bedside table, he hoped they would have a clue about what he could do. Opening the drawer, the first thing he found was one of those files you see on detective movies. Opening it, he couldn't help but shed a few tears.

Usually, when reading stories of someone who magically appeared in a different world, you didn't see the character thinking much about his previous life. Alas, that wasn't the logical reaction. Akihito, who enjoyed reading those stories, was just now realizing just how abnormal that was.

Inside the file were pictures and a bit of info regarding his family. Apparently, after his death, they had gone through a rough time trying to overcome his absence. Luckily, they were able to come on top of the sadness and had a new child -a little girl. His parents were very happy with their new daughter and called her Aki in his honor. His older brother, who had partially taught Akihito how to be a good person, had gotten a good job and finally found a girl with which he settled down.

Akihito, in spite of all his efforts, couldn't help but sob in relief, knowing now that his family was alright even without him. Of course, he didn't have any way to prove that the info was true or not, but why would God even bother lying to him? It just felt like something that was so beneath such a figure that Akihito didn't even doubt the veracity of it.

After a few minutes he took to calm down, Akihito went on to check the rest of the Gifts. There was another file on the drawer, so he opened it and found out it was everything related to his identity in this new world. Checking the ID inside the file, he still kept the same identity as in his previous life. Endo Akihito, 18 years old, born and raised in Japan. The only difference was the story he would have to tell everyone. In this world, his "parents" had died when he was still 17 and he had no relatives that could take care of him. Hence, with the inheritance left to him by his grandfather, he decided to move to Toru Town and live on his own, attending his last year of high school in Karasuno High.

"Well, being an orphan with money beats the orphanage, I guess." He said, his tone laced with humour and sarcasm. After all, no one liked being an orphan, but his case was very particular -his parents weren't dead, he was.

Together with his ID and his backstory, he found the Karasuno High entrance papers he had to take with him when classes began. Luckily he had already been accepted, so it was only a formality. Still, he couldn't help but think he had heard of Karasuno High somewhere before. Unluckily, he couldn't really recall where or when, so he simply decided to forget about it.

(A/N= Akihito doesn't really watch anime, so he doesn't know that the people he will meet in this new world are characters from series. I feel that this will help make friendships, relationships, etc. a lot more human and honest. More real. I will update this on his character sheet too.)

The last thing he found was a wallet. He thought that God had been nice enough to leave him some money so he didn't have to work but... as soon as he opened it, he fell from the bed right on his ass. The wallet was not only bursting with money, but it had a black credit card from a bank he had no idea existed, the Sanzenin Japanese Bank. Akihito's eyes turned into Yen signs when he realized just how much money he might actually have, so he lost no time in checking his bank account. Luckily, everything could be quickly done with a phone nowadays, so he only needed to download the SJB's (Sanzenin Japanese Bank) app and upload his data. After checking his fingerprint with the phone's sensor, he was left flabbergasted by the numbers he was seeing.

"One... three... six... nine... nine digits?!" Akihito exclaimed in disbelief at the stupid amount of money he had in his bank account. "¥550,000,000?!"

A single person living in Tokyo, one of the most expensive areas in Japan, would spend around ¥120,000 a month. What Akihito had would last him for at least a couple years, which was more than enough for him to even find a job.

"Though... if God's letter spoke the truth, then depending of what kind of catastrophe hits, this money will be useless in not so long of a time." Akihito said, remembering the ominous future that this world would face.

The last thing he found was a note which basically said that, even though God told him to enjoy his new life, he should still take it a tad bit seriously and do some preparations for the catastrophe. Those preparations went from buying supplies to training in at least one martial art. Akihito couldn't help but wonder just what kind of catastrophe would hit the world.

"It almost sounds as if a zombie apocalypse was around the corner, lmao." He joked to himself, completely unaware of what was actually coming his way. Still, Akihito decided to take God's advice seriously. After all, he had no reason to disregard it and all the reason in the world to heed it.

Those were basically all the gifts that God had left him, which left Akihito quite amazed. Peace of mind with the news about his family, a short term plan with the school and a long term one with the advice on the note and, last but not least, resources with a stupid amount of money. And that was without taking into consideration the mysterious "tool" he still had no idea about. He remembered that one time he tried to read a reincarnation story where the main character had a system of sorts and thought it would be lame if he had something like that, since it would be so cliche it wouldn't even be funny.

[+1 Luck for your accidental guess.]

"What the f***?!" Akihito screamed, caught by surprise due to the sudden appearance of the blue-ish, semi-transparent screen in front of him. Once it disappeared, a different screen showed up, this one with a lot of... information, about him. "Dear God, why did you do this to me..."

[Name: Endo Akihito Level: 1

HP: 150/150 MP: 0/0

STR: 20 VIT: 21

AGI: 20 INT: 23

WIS: 22 LUCK: 11

SP: 10

Money: ¥550,000,000]

"Ha... haha... I must still be asleep, yeah, that has to be the case." He said before pinching himself on the cheek. "Ouch! Damn it... seriously God? A system?!"

In spite of his complaints, Akihito couldn't really complain. God had already done a lot for him and maybe, just maybe, having a system wouldn't be so annoying. He was already very grateful for being alive at all, considering he should be dead. Akihito, without even realizing, had already begun shifting from his previous viewpoint.

'It might sound weird but... perhaps people like me need dying to understand certain things.' He mused to himself. After all, Akihito had wondered many times if he was truly happy in his previous life. But it wasn't until he found himself in a situation in which he missed his family, his friends and even the monotony of his daily routine, that he realized just how happy he actually was. Sighing, Akihito stood up "Well, no point in beating myself over it!"

And in that he was right. His old life was now unreachable for the current him, so it was better to focus on what he had in front of him right now. He had things to buy, plans to make and a "system" to experiment with to see how exactly it worked.

"Better stop wasting time." He said as he grabbed the only clothes he had at hand -a pair of shiny, burgundy shoes, black dress pants, and a modern stripped shirt-, wore them and prepared to leave his new house. "This is a new life, and I got things to do."

As he left the house, Akihito had a confident flair to himself. He was sure of what he wanted, so he would go for it. No more whining, no more complaining. He left that in his previous world. The new Akihito firmly believed that actions spoke more than words. Or so he told himself.

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