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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Banquet Starts.


"Wake up, Nefertari..."

A soft melodious voice called her from her slumber; she slowly opened her eyes and saw a very vivid scene, where she was standing at the banks of river Nile and another woman who looked somewhat like her stood with her. She also noticed the clothes she was wearing was muslin cotton as all the Egyptian wear now. She had a golden crown on her head depicting lotus and crocodiles.

"Y-you are the god of Nile River, Hapi..." Nefertari looked at the woman in shock as she could never believe that they existed in this world. The only god she believed existed was God the father and the Jesus Christ.

"Why are you so surprised?" Hapi asked as she looked at her with a loving motherly smile.

Nefertari only felt more shock as she had read records about the Egyptian gods and they all said that the god of Nile, Hapi was male!

"I...thought you were supposed to be male?!" Nefertari blurted out then immediately held a hand over her mouth as she had just blurted out whatever she thought in front of a so called god.

"Pfft...Hehehe..." Hapi laughed as she looked at the embarrassed girl in front of her and sighed inwardly, 'She is still the same. Naïve but intelligent and beautiful. No wonder everyone wants this daughter of mine, no matter where or how I have hidden her in time. The destiny that the fates had decreed would always come true, in every life time. This time too would be the same.'

"You really haven't changed child. Still the adorable girl I once knew." Hapi smiled as she gently caressed her face, she felt a pain in her heart when she looked at her beautiful daughter.

Nefertari became even more confused, "You knew me?"

"Yes, I know you. I've known you since you were born. My darling beloved daughter, no one knows you as much as I do, since you were originally borne from me. After that because of your fate you kept reincarnating as was decreed by the fates."

"Fates?" Nefertari frowned as she only knew of the three old ladies of fate in the Greek myth, "The three old ladies of fates from Greek myth?"

"The very same however the three fates are connected to every religion not just to one." Hapi stated as she signed and murmured, "My dear, you need to awaken soon but remember you must be cautious and do not jump to conclusions too soon."

"What do you mean?" Nefertari asked extremely confused. Hapi simply smiled and whispered softly, "You are destined to be queen the most beloved of the pharaoh. As such the struggles and intrigues you will go through will also be great. Take care and heed my warning my dear, walk cautiously and take care of whom it is you give your trust to."

Nefertari was shaken by the magnitude of the words spoken by Hapi, "I don't want to be queen neither do I want to be in a harem of a pharaoh! I would rather just be a wife of a soldier."

"Be that as it may my beloved daughter, Hathor. You were born to be queen and no one can manage that pharaoh and make him the greatest except you." Hapi stated as Nefertari sighed and whispered, "Why is my fate like this?"

"I don't know dear but we each have our lots and roles to play in this life." Hapi said sadly as she tried to comfort Nefertari as she stood crying, "Just know that you will not remember any of the conversation except that you were brought to this world by the fates."

"Why??" Nefertari asked as she looked at Hapi confused, "At least let me remember that you are my mother and also who is the pharaoh whose queen I'm destined to be?"

"You are the most beloved queen of Pharaoh Ramses II, Nefertari." Hapi stated as she smiled and nodded, "Now.... You need to wake up dear. WAKE UP!"

Nefertari snapped her eyes open when she heard the ringing of the voice that woke her up. She glanced all around her and found that she was in an empty room. Was someone calling her? She swore she felt a beautiful woman was calling her but she shook her head to clear the dizzy spell. She noticed that a beautiful person was standing near her.

The long straight black hair reached till the waist, the skin was pale, the body was lean and fragile as if a strong gust of wind would blow him away, and the elegant lips are slightly raised, revealing a soft smile that resembled the sunshine of early spring. The tall, delicate nose lined up with a pair of deep eye sockets. The eyelashes were long and thick, framing his light brown eyes. With the typical Egyptian eye makeup.

Nefertari was surprised to see such a beautiful person in this ancient world. She wondered if this person was a man or a woman.

"Lady Nefertari, it seems that you are ready for the party. I apologize for Sahura's uncouth behaviour." The familiar voice is very soothing like running water. The person smiled at Nefertari and gently nods.

This voice, isn't it him? One of the men who kidnapped her from the market in Memphis, "Ak – Aker?!" Before, he had his cloth to hide his face, so she didn't see how he looked earlier. His looks are truly beautiful, she felt like he would be one of the world's top model with his features. Truly unfair, any woman would feel as such after looking at him.

"Lady, Nefertari, you will go out from this door with the other girls. And toast with everyone. After that, no matter what happens, you will stand on the side. Once the party is over, I will send someone to send you back to where you want to go." Aker said. "Don't worry, there won't be any danger."

If aker said this to her earlier, Nefertari wouldn't trust him, however she doesn't trust him even now. As he literally kidnapped her, the only thing his words triggered was her desperation to leave this place. This is ancient Egypt, over a thousand years ago! The value of life was even worse than it is in the modern era. If she can go back, she would be back in Memphis in no time. Why would she sit in a daze in an empty room?

Seeing Nefertari having an inner battle with herself, aker gently opened the curtains. Numerous girls who all looked different and unique in their own way walked in, the room was instantly brightened by all the beauties. The girls respectfully bowed to Aker, "Your Lordships the Prophet."

Huh? Nefertari looked suspiciously at Aker. Who is the prophet? What kind of ritual activities do they perform? Could it be they want to sacrifice her? Forget it, she may be lost in time but she had no intention of dying!

As if he heard the thoughts of Nefertari, aker said with a slight smile, "There's a dinner banquet tonight. All you ladies need to do is follow instructions and toast to the guests. If you know and are good at dancing, you can show off your skills. As long as everyone listens to the directions, everything will be fine."

The beautiful girls are giggling and smiling. Some girls can't help but ask, "Will you, my lord, attend the dinner party?"

Aker nodded. "Of course, so don't be nervous. Afterward, you must distribute the remuneration according to the agreement. Please wait a moment. Someone will come to call you, and then you come out. I will take my leave now."

Aker left the door, and the girls immediately started to gossip.

"He is so beautiful!"

"In fact, even if you can't get any reward, you can be satisfied with his highness."

"The rumour is that his royal highness is handsome. I can finally see if it's true tonight!"

"The rumour is that his royal highness is only good-looking but has no talent. Even so, it is worthwhile to see the legendary beauty!"

"Yes, yes, and general Sahura. I heard his red hair is so vibrant like fire."

Nefertari was bored watching them gossip about men and also kept thinking about Aker's words. It seems that these girls are also temporarily summoned; the purpose is to entertain the guests at the dinner party. Nefertari guessed that this was one big plan. The aura that Aker and Sahura gave off is that of one with power or a noteworthy title. This means that whatever they do may be related to the inner palace struggle. This dinner banquet was more of a conspiracy or a trap. It was best not to get involved was nefertari's thought.

Really, it turned out that ancient Egypt is not as glamorous as it seemed, no rather than saying it wasn't glamorous it was more accurate to say there was even more danger here. As just now, aker repeatedly said that there would be no danger and that everything will be okay. Thinking about it now, it is a bit suspicious. No, if that's the case, then she's too unlucky!

Not thinking about the possible consequences, Nefertari decided that she must escape! However, before she could even take a step, there was a voice from the other side of the door.

"Ladies, please go to the banquet hall."

As soon as the voice fell, the chattering of the room disappeared. The only thing that remained was the smile of everyone, their eyes shone with excitement and expectation.

Wow, how could this be.....ancient Greek poet homer once called Thebes the "Seven-gated Thebes". This magnificent city crosses both sides of the Nile and is the kingdom of the pharaohs and the underworld after their death. As a political and religious centre of ancient Egypt, there are countless temples in Thebes. The faithful subjects of the pharaoh proudly called the city "Eternal Capital," which means that Thebes will forever coexist with the Nile.

The pharaoh's palace in Thebes is the iconic building in the entire city. At night, it is gorgeous and dazzling, just like the mythical palace of the gods standing firmly on the east bank of the Nile. Numerous torches shine on the golden buildings, and the dazzling light rises into the sky with the night fog, and the glory of the stars and moons is hidden.

Tonight, the palace of Thebes will not sleep again.

Pharaoh's "Son of the elder king" and the Regent Prince will hold a large-scale banquet tonight, not only invited the well-known generals and officials of the dynasty but also heard many beautiful girls gathered are in audience.

The Regent Prince is the Pharaoh's seventh child and his favourite. He was entrusted with a heavy responsibility at a young age, and he managed various national affairs when the Pharaoh was in battle. The people, officials, and soldiers all agree that the seventh prince will become the Pharaoh of Great Egypt.

However, rumour has it that the seventh prince does not like politics, and his two right-hand men, Sahura and Aker, helped him to get where he is. Apparently, the seventh prince is favoured by the pharaoh because of his outstanding beauty and his mother's status.

Therefore, the Egyptian subjects' expectations of the young prince may be because of his appearance

Of course, there are still some people who are looking forward to the reign of the seventh prince and whether or not he can handle such power.

At this time, the hall of the palace of Thebes was filled with the most powerful officials and generals in Egypt. Ministers, generals, priests, and clerical instruments all gathered together to talk and laugh. On the surface, they look happy but each had a hidden agenda. The seventh prince prepared a dinner party again, marking this the fifth time this year. Every time the pharaoh goes out, he will hold a grand dinner and get drunk with everyone. Tonight should be regarded as the largest one yet with dozens of beautiful girls to accompany with.

Such a person is a prince of the pharaoh!

Sneer, sigh, ridicule, disappointment.....

"General Sahura and Lord Aker have arrived...."

As the voice of the servant fell, the sound in the room became silenced.

Although everyone has a lot of dissatisfaction with the Regent Prince, Sahura and Aker who follow him are not simple characters. In other words, everyone dares not be too arrogant in front of them.

Sahura, at the age of twenty-two, was personally given the title of Great General by the Pharaoh himself. He holds great military power and followed the pharaoh on many military expeditions, earning many military feats.

However, his achievements pale in comparison to the military might and power given by the previous pharaoh's to Great General Sethos's family. General Sethos has been fighting at the borderlands and protecting their country since he turned 14 years of age. His cunning and guile at the warfront cannot be compared to anyone. But the family of Sethos have always kept themselves away from politics even if a daughter is given into the royal family they still didn't meddle in the political affairs of the kingdom and the daughter also would do no such thing. They would be at peace with what they had got and never even fight for the pharaoh's favour this in turn would make the pharaoh favour them more.

As for aker, rumours say that he carries the blood of the royal family. But things about his background are unknown. At the age of eighteen, he suddenly appeared and became the youngest prophet. Now nineteen years old, he has already begun to participate in political affairs and make suggestions for the country. He is the priest of the shrine, his future is bright.

According to rumours, to make up for the prince's incompetence, the Pharaoh had arranged two outstanding talents to assist him.

People can't help but guess; even some people want to win over these two outstanding men into their group. But they are loyal to the prince which shows that the seventh prince is not a simple character.

The two entered the hall and sat down. In a short while, the atmosphere in the hall was gradually restored.

After a while, the star of the banquet finally appeared.

"His Royal Highness..."

As the voice of the commander fell, the people in the hall got up and bowed with respect, and waited before a young, tall figure slowly walking into the hall.

With a lazy voice, he entered the hall. "The night given by the Gods is so beautiful, where are the maidens blessed by the Goddess Hapi?"

"His Royal Highness" was the first thing that came out of everyone's mouth when they saw him. This person is really worthy of his reputation: slender figure but quiet strong, golden skin which gave an allure few could resist, well-defined face with thick eyebrows, tall nose and elegant lips, a pair of golden amber eyes, and the gold hair ornaments enhanced his godly appearance. The dark brown hair was casually thrown behind, and a few strands of hair loosened, adding a lazy atmosphere with an alluring charm that very few could resist.

"Your Highness, they are all waiting behind the curtains. Once your Highness gives the orders, they will come to the hall." Aker kneeled to the prince in front of him.

"What are you waiting for then? I have spent a lot of effort to find so many beautiful women. Bring them up quickly. If there are no women, how can wine taste good?" the youth quickly waved his hands and walked to the centre of the hall. Sitting on a gorgeous seat with white camel hair, he held a jug and pour wine, the face was quite impatient. "What are you waiting for? Go quickly."

"Yes." Aker still smiled and nodded to the commander at the door.

"Ladies, come to the hall!" the commander cried, only to see the handsome prince talking to everyone while drinking.

"As you can see, my father is not here, we will drink to the fullest of our capability! Without a woman, we lack joy. Today this prince has prepared...."

The words were left unfinished when the girls came in.

The prince smiled more proudly and waved at the girls. "Haha, come here, come over, let us toast!"

The girls were either excited or shy as they entered the hall one by one, and soon began to be seated. Nefertari was the last one, trying not to be noticed. However, when she stood in the middle of the hall, the chaotic noise became replaced with sighs.

What a rare girl!

The water-blue eyes are as clear as the sky. The straight blond hair hangs on the waist like the sun. The pale and delicate skin is looming through the light gauze skirt. The exquisite facial features are like a pure goddess that had descended on to earth. Everyone seemed to be star struck by Nefertari, and it was difficult to remove their eyes from her.

Even Sahura couldn't help but marvel at it. "I didn't expect the dull looking girl to have potential like this."

At this time, a rough voice came out. "This girl is the best girl for me. I want her to accompany me tonight!" the one who spoke was General Tuta, who had a great influence. Tuta is tall and his eyes are fierce, his chin is full of beard and his mouth reveals a yellow tooth who looked like an obnoxious and perverted lecher. Nefertari couldn't help but step back, she felt disgusted as it was shown in her eyes as she didn't want to accompany him.

Seeing Nefertari retreat, Tuta stepped forward to reach out and pull her over, but Nefertari didn't look behind her and thus fell.

'I'm going to fall!'

She instinctively closed her eyes, waiting for the pain, but instead, she fell into a pair of warm and powerful arms. Looking up, it was the prince who caught her.

"Tuta, what's the hurry? This prince hasn't chosen a woman to accompany yet. How about another girl instead?" Amber eyes looked at Tuta carelessly, with a hint of a drunken smile on his lips.

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