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Chapter 8: Meeting a stranger and making a deal

Within the silver city within the throne of the cosmic God there he stands in all of his cosmic glory surrounded by all his lesser ethereal's all the weapons pointing out a single intruder that came through the door that magically appeared within the throne room.

Looks upon the stranger seen this individual an elegant clothes that are slightly torn blood slowly dripping from flash wounds and eyes that are deeply beautiful but full of terror and around the chest section you can clearly see two good size melons indicating this individual is a woman but not just any woman a goddess.

Look it up on the goddess the cosmic god realize who this individual is through the time traveling door and for some odd reason can't stop but to smile because no matter what you do the universe is fucking somebody over and some odd way I guess in some weird fashion that time travel door is one such means.

However back to the strange individual before him he knows her very well or the information surrounding her but he has one boggling question in his mind what is she doing here.


{Point of view change stranger}

I made my way out of the door And when I exited into the strange silver like hall full of ornaments and other fancy statues clad and pure silver power that is none of her concern at the moment what is her concern is many lesser never born surrounding her and shapes and sizes that she does not recognize from any of the three but now with recent events the numbers now is four as she watched helplessly as her family was killed and devoured by she who thirsts.

She wanted to fight with her family to the bitter end but her mother Isha goddess of fertility convince her to Flee to be the survivor of the court and pantheon and to watch over her lesser siblings which are the eldar.

While on the run from the service of she who thirst she discovered the door that will take her away somewhere safe but not knowing where or when but she took her chances and went through the door only to arrive in another destination surrounded at all sides.

sitting upon a throne of stars she sees a magnificent divine being when she cannot take her eyes off him and marvels at his form it was like as if someone had the idea of shoving entire universe into a body and given a physical form.

Despite her circumstance she cannot help how beautiful this creature in front of her is as she begins to cry gold tears.

However his voice brings her back to reality as he asks her a question.

(cosmic god) well I'll be damn I never thought you will be here so what brought you here to my humble abode my dear.

She starts to compose her self and begins to introduce her self explains why she's here in fact she has not been ripped ribbons yet indicates this individual in front of her is reasonable.

(Lileath) forgive my intrusion your lordship I am Lileath The maiden of the eldar pantheon may I know who I am in the presence of your lordship.

Lileath Response reply tones another word play that she learned from her mother and father in court sessions and how to steer godly pantheon politics to always address someone who has a higher status or Power with respect tones.

(cosmic god) you may young maiden I go by few names for the moment but my subordinates refer to me as God of cosmic light or Lord of light whichever you prefer at the moment.

Seen the young maiden before him speaking to him with respect pleases them greatly.

(Lileath) very well Lord of light and again I apologize for my intrusion into your domain but as you can see from the door I came out of I did not have a choice.

She says this as she indicates the door that still in the room that brought her here she only went through the thing out of desperation to get away from she Who thirsts.

cosmic God seen what she's referring to and had an understanding as if it's not her fault for coming here He doubt she even wanted to come here in the first place knowing the trolling door of the universe bring her places although he still find it hilarious a sentient door capable of time travel trolling people at random times.

(cosmic god) it is fine Maden there's no need to be alarmed or apologize I'm aware of the door that you came out of and it's certainly not your fault for being here after all the door has many victims in its active trolling.

Seen the Lord of light i'm not taking offense to her appearance in his domain ease her worries greatly especially when she feels how much more powerful he is compared to her hell he's even more powerful than most of the gods of her pantheon even involved in teamed up she doubts they can beat him after all even if they were gods they themselves did not have the strength to stop one chaos God especially one made from her own siblings the eldar.

Remembering those times of her family struggle against she who thirsts can't help but bring more tears to her eyes but a small spark of hope in her as she looks on to the Lord of light seeing if she can make a gamble to have him help them defeat the abomination that her siblings have made.

(Lileath) oh Lord of light I know I have am in no condition or place to bargain with you but I plead to you my pantheon has become under siege by thread most dire a god of chaos has been born and has been eating my parents and siblings I ask you as a lord and deity please help us myself and my pantheon I'm more than willing to make any bargain for your aid.

She says all this with many tears in her eyes pleading with every ounce of her being to this newfound hope that this new Lord of light in front of her could help her people and parents after all she is a desperate woman and God or not when beans of great power becomes desperate well you only have to look at history to find that answer when you look at God's.

The Lord of cosmic light looks at the young Eldar goddess and is approved of her bold action that's the bargain with him even though she has almost nothing to get him but at the same time he himself is not sure if he can take on a chaos god yet or him risking time traveling when he could have more time preparing for the inevitable conflicts in the future.

However an idea sprint into his mind a lot of smile comes across his face as his eyes grow bright power as he looks at the elder goddess is sitting on the ground look at him with fragment of hope.

(Cosmic god) then tell me maiden goddess Lileath what were you willing to give me in return for my assistance.

He asks her testing the water see what she's willing to give up for his assistance after all this is the 4K universe nothing is free.

She looks up at him with more hope then ever and determination to prove that she's able to offer everything she's able to save her parents and siblings.

(Lileath) everything!!!! My mind my body my grace even my divine powers anything you demand I will give as long as it saves my parents and my siblings if you can save even one of them it'll be more than enough please save them for I cannot.

She asks this with deep emotion in her voice as she presses her head against the floor for she know this individual in front of her can help her his power is great and she is relying on that power to help her even if she had to give up everything she has to get it for the only thing on her mind is her parents and siblings and safety for that is the only thing she is concerned about.

Looking at the determination on this eldar goddess the cosmic god is even more impressed with her not just anyone would offer everything to a stranger Regardless if he can Help this indicates that she values him in some manner which he can probably guess is his power although he still bit doubtful to Face a chaos god this early.

seeing desperate in her eyes of The maiden goddess in front of him made his cosmic heart move a bit even if he is a deity now he is not heartless cruel,cunning,greedy passionate,loving,sometimes crazy but not heartless.

he made up his mind to help her but it's gonna cost her more than an arm and a leg in this deal.

(cosmic god) Lileath i've come to the decision on your request I've decided to help you in exchange for something in return that you and you alone can give me if you willing to accept my terms I will help you in this one moment granted only this one moment and I am only willing to save one person of your choosing do you still wish to make this deal with me.

cosmic God says to her not hiding the fact that he's trying to strike a devils deal with her in this case he is the devil and she is the unfortunate person going to get fucked over sideways by this in some way or another.

Lileath on the other hand was ecstatic to hear this and she is not all bothered by this devil deal after all she was prepared for such an outcome when she proposed everything she could give to him in exchange for helping and he had no reason whatsoever even with what small benefits she could grant him however she is sad to know he's willing to help her only save one individual but for the individual in her mind that's more than enough.

(Lileath) I agree oh Lord of light however what is your terms for exchange of your help and I already have one person in mind who you can save so what will this cost me.

The only response he gave her was a massive grin across his face as he looks at her with bright glowing eyes.

getting up from his throne and makes his way down to the maiden and shrinking his body to match her size.

He Standing before her as she begins to stand herself waiting for the reply of what he will demand from her but she didn't have to wait long.

(cosmic god) I Demand that you Lileath Maiden of the eldar pantheon become my wife!!!!!!!


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