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Chapter 4: Zombie Devil I

A/N:{ We are only 3 chapters in, and some people are questioning why the Mc hasn't mastered Limitless. This story won't be extremely fast paced and secondly, He will master it in due time.}


Japan...Few weeks later,

The midday sun shone brightly unobscured by clouds and sat majestically in the deep blue sky.

A silver haired shirtless youth stood before an old and worn out shack, under the heat of the sun, with sweat glistening down his body. His piercing blue gem like eyes were piercing and beautiful, and his breathing was hurried.

After a few seconds of taking deep breaths, he got back into practicing various martial arts moves, with each punch and kick creating whooshing sounds in the air.

After a few minutes of practicing, he sat down cross legged on the ground and began meditating with his eyes closed. Examining him closely, one could see his body being covered by a thin sheath of a bluish flame, and his every breath, caused the energy around him to pulsate.

After a few moments, he stood up, walked to a small table a few meters from his body, picked up a towel and a pair of glasses and out the glasses on.

He stretched his back lazily and walked into his shack to take a bath. After a few weeks of hard work and training, he could boldly say, that he had mastered the basics of Jujutsu sorcery.

Now, it was time to move on to even more advanced cursed techniques. It was time to move on to the Limitless.

Holding a bucket of water, Satoru walked into the inner part of the shack for a bath.

Pouring cold water on his body, he shuddered for a moment, and smiled. 'Just the thought of becoming some kind of a Lord over space through the Limitless is making me restless.' He thought, as a smile formed on his face.

The probabilities of the Limitless paired with the six eyes were endless. In Jujutsu kaisen, the ancestors of the Gojo clan were only able to base the Limitless on four aspects of spatiokinesis. Dividing space infinitely, which they call Infinity, Pulling infinite layers of space into one another which they call; Lapse Blue, pushing apart space; Red, and erasing a point in space; Purple.

In other words, the Limitless simply allowed the user to divide, pull, push and erase space at will. However, the possibilities were endless in Satoru's opinion. Apart from these four aspects, he wondered if the Limitless could allow for other forms of spatiokinesis such as manipulation of void energy.

After taking his bath, he quickly wiped himself and lied on his bed. "Speaking of which, it's been a while since I last saw Denji and Pochita. Wonder how they're doing?" He spoke to himself and after a few minutes of thinking he fell into a deep slumber.


"It's alright Pochita. After this, all out debts with the Yakuza will be settled. We can save enough money to buy nice things for ourselves and Satoru." Sitting on the backseat of a small car, a shirtless Denji gently rubbed Pochita's fur, and murmured to himself.

"Here we are." After a few minutes, the driver parked the car in front of an abandoned warehouse and walked out, revealing his figure; a short middle aged man wearing a brown overcoat and a hat.

"This is the place Denji. Let me take you inside." He was led by the man and entered the abandoned warehouse with Pochita in his arms and readied for battle.

However, after a few minutes of walking, he saw nothing around, and couldn't help but ask. "Hey boss. We've been walking for quite some time. I don't see signs of any devil, are you sure this is the place?"

"Be patient and follow me Denji. I can assure you, this is the place." The man said and continued walking.

But after walking a few more meters, he stopped suddenly, with his head hung low and remained silent.

Seeing this weird behavior, Denji couldn't help but take a step back unconsciously, while Pochita made angry noises.


Meanwhile, back at the abandoned shack, six men stood in front of the shack, with the one in lead being a young man with short dark hair, and a sinister smile on his face.

"What a disgusting piece of shit house. How could the person the Lord be so interested in live in such a place?!" The short haired man spat out in annoyance.

"Go in and drag him out. I want him sprawled at my feet in a minute." He spoke impatiently, and the other five men nodded, armed with steel pipes and knives.

They were about to break into the shack, when Satoru walked out with a cocky smile.

He was dressed in his long necked sweater and his eyes were tied with a white blindfold, spiking his hair up. His hands were in his pockets, and had a condescending look on his face.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." He spoke, glancing at the short haired man who held his sinister smile.

"So you did notice us after all. However it doesn't matter, because tonight you and your friend will become food for our Lord, the zombie devil." He said, and glanced at Satoru whose facial expression hadn't changed the slightest despite the hint.

'So they've got Denji? I guess I'll have to wrap things up real quick." Satoru said and took a step forward.m while cracking up his knuckles.

Seeing as his men were still standing there as their enemy advanced towards them, the short haired man roared out in anger. "You idiots! This is the part where you attack him!"

Hearing their boss speak, they rushed out towards Satoru with raised weapons.

Chuckling, Satoru blasted out with impressive speeds, reached the first man in the blink of an eye and executed a flying kick.

His feet smashed into the head of the guy, literally kicking the man's head off his shoulders, as blood spurted all over painting a gory scene.

"You fools!! Use your real forms!!" The man roared out, as the remaining men nodded, and immediately, their skin began turning grey and they rushed toward him with bloodthirsty looks.

"I see. You guys have formed contracts with the zombie devil. The good new is; I'm in a bit of a hurry. The bad news is; I hate zombies!" Satoru picked up the blade from the hand of the first man who had died first and rushed towards the opponents at fast speeds.

Switching to reverse grip, he leapt into the air, spun around and slashed the blade forward, coated in a sheath of cursed energy. Like a hot knife through butter, the knife went right through the body of the first zombie, as blood spurted from his corpse.

Without wasting any moment, he rushed towards the second, clenched his fist and smashed it out.

The zombie was blasted into a bloody mist, as blood rained down. Rushing towards the third, he switched his blade to his right hand, and began to execute a set of extremely advanced blade techniques, weaving and slashing like an advanced samurai.

The next moment, he came to a stop, behind all the zombie men, as their disembodied and decapitated bodies collapsed to the ground spraying blood all over.

"You?!!!" "You better start talking. Where have they taken Denji." Satoru walked towards him calmly. "You think I'll tell you!!!" The dark haired young man roared out, before his body transformed into a more large and muscular zombie.

Without wasting anymore time, Satoru rushed forward and threw a punch forward.


The zombie also sent its fists hurling forward, but at the point of impact, it was sent flying several meters.

With the ability of the six eyes, he had nigh perfect control over his cursed energy, to the extent that he was sure he could say he would never run out of energy again.

Without relenting, he rushed forward at fast speeds, reached the zombie, and smashed his fist forward with all of his strength.


His fist ms were accompanied by a surge of red and black lightning, and an overwhelming force blasted apart the body of the demon causing it to explode with a rain of blood.

Raising his head, Satoru blasted away at great speeds due North, leaving behind a small crater where he previously stood.

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