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Chapter 16: Chapter 13

"Iruka-sensei I fainted so I didn't know how much chakra I have so could you please tell me how much I have?" Iruka looked at me and said,

"You have chakra that barely reaches that of a Genin but enough about that now we will start class in five minutes anyone who comes later than that will be marked absent and will be forced to stay here after class!"

'Yikes! That's pretty strict and reminds me of my old high school teachers. Hmmm, I wonder how they are doing? How is Chad doing? How are the orphanage kids doing? Do they still mourn for me? Does anyone still remember me there? Can I return there? Would anyone recognize me?'

"Hey Aika you look like you're about to cry are you okay?" The adorable duck-haired child Sasuke asked me with concern laced in his voice. 'Well damn it looks like I'm getting too emotional about my past life I should avoid thinking about it completely so this doesn't happen again'

"Don't worry Sasuke I'm Okay you don't have to worry about me" I said with my best smile. 'I should practice in a mirror to make a natural smile since I'm sure that my smile looks fake right now

"Well I guess you're right," Sasuke said as we ended our small conversation and waited for class to begin. I was about to lose my mind in the clouds when Iruka suddenly said "Alright class it's time for your physical examination today"

My eyes instantly widened in a combination of surprise and worry. 'I should have suspected we were going to be examined physically but this soon? Meh, this is a ninja world with planets devouring aliens after all…

But I still hate doing most physical activities not because they are tiring, no it's because...My hair gets irritatingly itchy in the sun, my sweat makes my clothes stick and wets my hair so that sometimes it gets into my eyes which is PAINFUL! Sigh enough about my useless complaints I should prepare myself for my incoming torture.'

I thought as Iruka led us outside to the training field which is right behind the academy. Once we arrived at our destination Iruka opened his mouth with a serious expression.

"Alright, class first we will have you run laps around this field which is around 100m large. Run as much as you can and I will record your score. I will give you all one minute to prepare so use this time wisely"

'Ah, I'm going to do way worse than most kids in my class right? Sigh, I wish I could do something else… Oh well, I better get to stretching' I began to stretch my body to prepare it for the strenuous exercise I was about to do to maximize my results. (And ease the pain I will feel)

After a minute passed Iruka immediately gathered us on one point of the field where he was preparing his clipboard and paper. I was mentally preparing myself for the upcoming pain however, I heard a familiar feminine voice. I looked to see who it was and...Well, it shouldn't come as a surprise but it was my lovely elder sister Sakura.

"Aika do you think we will do well on this exam?" She asked with worry and uncertainty written all over her face.

"Of course Nee-san! There's No way we'll do bad" 'That was a lie I'm sure I won't compare to the clan kids but meh who cares? I need to try my best and I'll do well. That was also a lie.'

"Alright class it's time for you to run. Now go!" As soon as Iruka said those words the entire class ran. 'I see a few kids sprinting across the field? Isn't that kind of pointless since it will waste your stamina? Won't that just make you get a worse mark since this isn't a test to see how fast you are but how much stamina you have? Is it because they are children? I'm glad I'm not like them. I wonder if Lee is in the academy? Should I get acquainted with him?'

I aimlessly left my head in its thoughts as I completed my first lap. I was a little bit behind everyone but that doesn't matter, I just need to keep running. In my second lap, I felt the heat irritating my scalp a bit. On the fourth lap, I could see one kid give up and just lie down and sigh quite sad to see someone give in already.

On the sixth lap, my legs felt fatigued and I could feel my calves tightening a little bit. This is honestly pretty uncomfortable for me now. The tenth lap I could feel my lungs expanding in my chest. The process felt pretty painful but I grit my teeth and kept running.

11th lap most kids have given up but Naruto, Kiba, Sasuke, Sakura, and a few other kids are still running. I wonder when they'll stop? 12th lap Sakura just gave up. It's a shame but that's okay she did pretty well for her age though this does make me wonder why she was so weak physically in the original Naruto. Wait, I remember it's from her ridiculous diet right? You know what, I'll never let Sakura become the annoyingly obsessive fangirl she was!

On the 15th lap, I was feeling really tired. My legs feel like they are going to give up and my chest is in immense pain. I feel like I'm about to throw up. My hair is wet from sweat and my shirt is sticking to me. Should I give up and stop now? No! I shouldn't. I just need to beat at least one more kid then I will stop just one more…

16th lap Naruto gave up and just fell and laid on the floor. Should I finally stop running now? Not just one more lap, one more! If I don't do that I will uhhhhh die? Alright if I don't run one more lap I will die! I thought, trying to motivate myself to keep running.

Once I reached the 17th lap I just stopped and forced myself to sit down. I felt vomit trying to pry itself out of my stomach. I desperately tried to keep it in myself since I don't need to vomit on my clothes or have the vomit aftertaste right?

After not throwing up I just watched the rest of the kids run their laps. In the end, it seems that Sasuke ran the most, good for him. I sighed. 'I wish I was reincarnated as Sasuke… Wait on second thought, that's a bad thing since the massacre and the intense trauma I'll have to experience from Itachi is not worth it.' While I finished my thoughts suddenly an exhausted voice reached me.

"It looks like I did the best right?" Sasuke proudly asked me. I looked at him and thought 'Wasn't Sasuke quite arrogant in the original? I should try to stop this before it gets too late for him'

"Yup you did great," I said in a flat tone that definitely did not have envy in it. Nope, there was none at all...Okay that was a lie my voice was dripping in envy but that doesn't matter. I praised Naruto and of course my lovely adorable older sister for their efforts.

Thankfully the rest of the physical tests were pretty easy so we didn't have to do much after that and the rest of the Academy day was a breeze. Sakura and I walked home once the academy day was over (Holding hands of course) Once we entered the home we spoke with mother and father about our day. Everything was going great until…

"Hey Kaa-san Tou-san"

"Yes, Sakura? What is it?" My mother asked

"Tomorrow we are having kunoichi classes!"

"That's great Sakura," My mother said, not really interested in the topic.

'Wait kunoichi classes? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'

A/N {What no cliff? That's because my lovely readers were threatening me please don't kill me!}

A/N {Okay the rest of the chapter was cut by mistake so I had to edit it sorry guys}

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