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Chapter 9: The Downtrodden

Marsha had been impressed when she alighted from the school bus and saw the ginormous institute of training.

The modern facility was mostly constructed of silvery metals but retained the local architecture of a Japanese castle, similar to the design cues of Osaka Castle. Heavy fortifications and weaponry could be seen mounted on the parapets and watchtowers as the school also doubled as a fortress and bastion against both devils and monsters.

Once she arrived, she was led by a front-desk staff to the student affairs office where her entrance process was done.

After Marsha Hideshi Ou had completed her registration at the student affairs office, the front-desk lady led her through the labyrinthine compound and past numerous other rooms including 6 other classes to her classroom, Class 2-A.

"Transfer Student Hideshi, here's your classroom. Your homeroom teacher is Uchiha-san. Yes, his name really is the same as the popular anime, but please don't make fun of him, okay...? He might look fierce and his eyes are weird but... He's a kind man..."

The administrative assistant in her 30's blushed as she spoke and bowed. The rather attractive and slim woman wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses and had shoulder-length black hair.

Then Marsha bowed in return to her guide, who was almost as short and petite as herself, then bid her farewell. As the woman turned the corner and left, Marsha lifted her hand to knock on the door of the classroom and officially start her life in school.

If nothing went awry, this would be her home base for the coming 2 years, so she wanted to make sure things went smoothly.

While she waited, she heard a lot of noise and commotion even through the heavily soundproofed metal door. But since she had not received permission to enter, she decided to gi over what Diana had briefed her and her profile.

First, her profile.

James turned out to be a wizard level hacker who could even penetrate military security - with the right credentials, of course. Even though Marsha didn't quite understand what any of that meant, she took it to mean he was pretty bad ass.

So her profile as Marisa du Westeria was marked as DEAD in the government and military registry, while a random deceased person was revived and updated as Marsha Hideshi Ou, 16 years old, half-Japanese half-Morgovian who had come to enrol in the SSDC. A suitable background profile and matching picture were included as well.

Second, the SSDC.

The SSDC (School for Special Demon Children) had only been built roughly 28 years ago after the Konohana-ku ward of Osaka city was leveled by a freak seamonster uprising.

At that time, the military which was under the Government's rule and did not report to the local city mayor had come under fire for their slow response and lack of urgency in suppressing the monster attacks. The then mayor of Osaka had fallen to his knees and begged for rescue from the army, but help was intentionally delayed by his political enemies.

As a result, nearly an eighth of Osaka was razed to the ground with innumerable lives lost. National icons were also destroyed, including the iconic Universal Studios and the Osaka Tezamu Museum of Manga History.

This incident became a source of domestical as well an international outcry lambasting the powers-that-be in the military for being inept and bureaucratic. Many heads rolled in the armed forces, however, the true culprits got off scot-free.

Nonetheless, one of the historic changes that came about in the aftermath was the setup of an independent civil defence unit that reported directly to the mayor of Osaka, the Osaka Special Forces Unit (OFSU) made up of powerful civilians along with those discontented with the military's way of doing things. Also set up was a special-purpose training centre built solely by funds from the local residents and upstanding members of society to develop and educate a young generation of defenders - the SSDC.

In order to emphasise the importance of the OSFU and commemorate the importance of the institute's vision, the SSDC was built on the ground-zero of the seamonster invasion - on the ruins of Universal Studios Osaka.

Some portion of the ruined attractions and rides could still be seen on the outskirts of the school grounds, a stark reminder of just why the special school was erected.

During the initial 3 years of operations, the OSFU and SSDC received much flak and disdain in the eyes of the international community as well as severe political pressure, nearly causing the mayor of Osaka to commit harakiri.

However, the model implemented in Osaka suddenly garnered great fame nearly overnight for its amazing effectiveness in reducing civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure.

The turning point was the aftermath of the 4th devil outbreak. Every city around the world suffered major losses despite 99% of the invading devils being only lesser or minor beings. Every city except Osaka, which suppressed the devil uprising in less than 12 hours and suffered only 1% as many casualties as the average across the world!

This inspired governments worldwide to follow suit and empower local authorities to setup similar outfits - all except the government of Japan.

As such, very soon a global association of Civilian Special Forces Units was formed, with the trailblazer and strongest member, the OSFU chairing what came to be called the International Special Independent Society (ISIS).

'Phew... That's a lot of information...'

After waiting for more than 2 minutes, Marsha began to grow antsy and irritated. She was dead curious why there was still no response.

The noises from inside could still be heard; at times raucous laughter and at others, shouts or the sounds of a few voices speaking.

She was just about to fold her arms and lean against the walls to wait when she stiffened.

She couldn't make out most of what was happening through the reinforced metal door. But she managed to discern a smattering of words that triggered painful memories.

"Help... Please...!"

"D-don't... Hurt... Please don't... Anymore..."

Voices of the victimised, the bullied and the trampled upon.

Just like the unwanted orphan Masaru had cried out when he was despised and beaten up by his high-born classmates in school.

Just like the poor and ragged young soldier who couldn't afford clothes, much less armour, was picked on in the army.

Just like how the "Hero King" was ridiculed and disparaged behind his back from being a common-born orphan.

Just like how the Grand Sword Saint and normal man had cried out in unwillingness when he lay bleeding on the ground, betrayed by his sworn brothers and the ruler he had served loyally.

Something in Marsha snapped as the memories welled up unbidden.

Without waiting for the door to be opened, the newbie transfer student strode forward and pushed open the door roughly.

* * * * *

Every single one of the 20 students in class 2-A of year 20xx would remember that day for the rest of their lives.

When asked, they recounted with awe-struck faces the historic day when the Goddess of Osaka first stepped foot in their class.

She cut a stunning image, resplendent and magnificent with her straight posture, smart cadet uniform and long golden hair fluttering behind her as she walked.

Her deep red eyes seemed to hold a bewitching enchantment, enthralling both male and female students alike.

Later, the students claimed that when she looked at them, an irresistible urge to bow down and worship would rise in their hearts, and they were struck silent and petrified by her glorious beauty and overflowing grandeur.

The din and noise fell silent abruptly as she confidently stepped into the classroom with slow and solid steps.

But despite the dazed and admiring expressions on most of the faces, there were also several sharp and hostile gazes directed at her as she entered a scene of chaos.

The girl with the bearing of a queen cast her gaze about casually and took note of what she saw.

But the first thing she had noticed was not what she saw, but what she smelled and what she felt.

The repulsive stink of urine, the accompanying smell of feat and the palpable sense of pain and fear hanging in the air.

She saw 6 students seated at the back, looking equal parts afraid and also relieved that they were not the ones targeted.

3 students whose seats were scattered round the classroom burying their heads in books or covering their faces with their tablet computers.

5 students - 3 boys and 2 girls - carrying 4 empty buckets standing over 3 crying girls who who lay on the floor in a puddle of pungent yellow liquid. They were clearly bruised, their clothes roughed up, torn and half removed.

One boy and one girl with livid expresions looking as if they had been confronting the group of 5.

And one silver-haired, purple eyed beauty, tall and imposing with her uniform half unbuttoned down the front, a nonchalant look on her face.

With just that one glance and one moment, Marsha captured exactly the situation of the classroom.

And as the students stood frozen in their spots in shock and waiting to see what would happen, the 3 girls on the ground began to tear up and wail in sadness once more.

"Senpai... Senpai... Please help us... We... They... They forced us to--" One of the girls, a simple looking short black-haired classic beauty spoke through her sobs, imploring Marsha for help, but she was cut-off mid-sentence.

"SHUT UP! LYING BITCH! YOU LOST THE BET FAIR AND SQUARE, AND NOW YOU SAY WE FORCED YOU??! HOW AUDACIOUS!" At that moment, the silver-haired girl shouted aggressively and caused the black-haired girl to shudder and clam up, unable to speak for fear of being abused even more.

But even then, another of the bullied girls angrily protested, exclaiming, "T-that's not true! You, you forced us, you said if we didn't do it, you'd shave us bald and, and..." The blue-haired girl with cat ears got so worked up and emotional that she couldn't even finish her sentence.

Then when the last of the trio tried to speak, the leader of the bullies glowered and shit daggers at her with her eyes, causing the timid girl to scramble backward until her back was against the wall!

Seeing all this, Marsha maintained a neutral expression.

But deep inside, she was burning with rage, like a dormant volcano that was about to awaken in all its fiery, incendiary glory!

No one should have to go through what he - Masaru - had suffered through all those years ago!

Marsha then slowly blinked and put on a friendly smile and looked at the purple-eyed bitch, staring and at and keeping silent.

"What! What are you looking at! Never seen a beauty before? All you white people and your stuck up attitudes! Do you think that just because you used to be the ruling class of the world, you can waltz into our country like a conqueror!!? Who do you think you are! Do you think I, Umeda Andromeda, daughter of Prime Minister Umeda am someone a white dog like you can mess with???"

Despite her bluster, the purple-eyed member of the ruling class was obviously unnerved by the unexpected visitor and her silence.

'A bitch born with a silver spoon in her mouth, huh...? And a bunch of p*ssies, along with a gang of her lackeys...? At least there ARE some who seem to stand up to her, or at least pretend to...' She cast a glance about and noticed that the boy and girl who seemed to oppose Andromeda looked like they had only used their voices to protest.

Then she looked compassionately at the bullied, downtrodden girls and made a decision in her heart.

She would have to teach the bitch a lesson.

She cleared her throat and spoke.

"Good afternoon, I am Marsha, family name Hideshi Ou, a transfer student from the European nation of Morgovia. Pleased to meet you."

Then she bowed to the stunned class of students who did not expect such a normal response from the girl.

Then Marsha began to walk gracefully through the crowd of cadets towards Andromeda's side, causing the girl to tense up slightly.

"What do you want!" She scowled and raised her arms slightly, surreptitiously signalling her gang to prepare to grab the newcomer.

Then Marsha stopped in front of Andromeda and smiled even as the 4 lackeys approached her nervously from behind.

The bullied girls tried to call out to her but emitted an "Eeep!" of terror when the remaining bully smacked them on the heads.

But before they could grab the golden-haired warrior, she moved in a flash.

And sent Andromeda flying with a heavy-fisted, nose-breaking punch to the face.

The noblesse and princess of the entire school soared through the air and landed heavily on the ground, groaning and crying in great pain, unable to believe a plebeain foreigner had just dared to strike her on behalf of some worthless commoners!

And as the entire class stood stunned and gasped in shock at her insane move of harming the Prime Minister's only daughter, Marsha stood tall and proud like a demonic goddess, victorious over her vanquished foes.

Then she announced loudly to the background of timid cheers of jubilation from the hyped-up trio of bullied girls.

"To hell with the consequences! All bullies shall be smashed in the face as long as I, Marsha Hideshi Ou am around!"

And the three piss-soaked girls cheered and clapped their hands while the rest of the class stared in terror at the coming carnage that would erupt between the exalted noble Andromeda and the demonic warrior Marsha.

NiawKing22 NiawKing22

Dear readers,

I am typing from phone as I have no laptop to work on. Initially I thought to just post 2-3 chapters a week, but when I saw how you have left so many kind comments and votes, I was so touched. Despite my busy schedule of real life, I decided to write in every moment of free time!

This chapter is a bit heavy on the world background which I hope you enjoy also. This tells about the world more. Also, please visit Universal Studios and the beautiful city of Osaka! No devils, promise!

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