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Chapter 7: Chapter 6 Finding Kamar-Taj and Meeting

Me: "Thank you, Christine. I know I've been difficult to deal with lately, but I appreciate your patience and support."

Christine returned my smile.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow through the windows, I felt a sense of hope stirring within me. The road ahead might be rocky but I knew I could overcome any obstacle that lay in my path.

After some time, Christine bid her goodbye and went on her way, leaving me to my thoughts. It was still morning, and I realized I needed to replenish my supplies.

Time skip 30 days -

It had been 30 days since the pain subsided, and I felt like my old self again, albeit with a few broken fingers as reminders of the ordeal. The world around me seemed to be changing, with news of Iron Man making headlines and a noticeable increase in crime rates in Hell's Kitchen.

Determined to seek out Kamar-Taj, I knew it was time to embark on my journey. After days of preparation, I packed my bags and set off for Nepal. Arriving in Kathmandu, I began my search for the elusive place, asking locals for directions and information.

Some pointed me in a certain direction, while others denied its existence altogether. Undeterred, I continued to roam the streets, determined to find Kamar-Taj. Hours passed, and I noticed someone trailing behind me—it must be Mordo.

I pressed on, unsure of the exact location where Dr. Strange had been saved by Mordo and taken to Kamar-Taj. Eventually, I found myself at a corner of a street, feeling exhausted from hours of searching. That's when Mordo approached me.

Mordo: "Are you in search for Kamar-Taj?" he asked.

I nodded eagerly, a glimmer of hope igniting within me, and he gestured for me to follow. As we navigated through a maze of paths, I couldn't help but wonder about Mordo's past and his connection to Kamar-Taj.

Me: "Who are you and what is this pace kamar-Taj

Mordo: "I was once like you, standing in your place before I ventured into Kamar-Taj" he revealed cryptically.

Sensing my curiosity, I asked him about the nature of the place we were headed to.

Mordo: "Let me warn you," he cautioned. "Before entering, forget everything you have known about this world." His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I knew I was ready for whatever lay ahead.

After 10 more minutes of walking through the crowded streets, we reached our destination. Before us stood a decrepit brick wall on the verge of collapse, with an old wooden door at its center. As I laid eyes on the scene, a sense of recognition washed over me—I had seen this wall before. This was it, my destination, and my future lay beyond that door.

However, Mordo was there, just staring at me.

Me: "What happened?"

Mordo: "Nothing. Let's head inside."

Suddenly, I realized I hadn't questioned the integrity of this place. It appeared shabby, hardly the kind of place capable of healing injuries that couldn't be treated normally. Nevertheless, Mordo opened the worn door for me.

Stepping through the doorway, I was met with a sight vastly different from the outside.

As I stepped through the doorway, I was enveloped by a sense of otherworldly tranquility. Gone were the dilapidated walls and chaotic streets of Kathmandu; instead, I found myself in a realm of mystical beauty.

The interior of Kamar-Taj was a breathtaking sight to behold. Ornate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of ancient wisdom and arcane knowledge. Soft candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of the universe.

Mordo motioned for me to follow as he led the way through the labyrinthine corridors of the sanctuary. With each step, I felt the weight of the outside world fall away, replaced by a profound sense of purpose and belonging.

Finally, we reached a vast chamber where the Ancient One awaited our arrival. She sat upon a chair with table near it and some kind of ancient tea pot, her presence commanding respect and reverence. As I gazed upon her, I sensed a power beyond comprehension, a wisdom that transcended mortal understanding. 

As I was in the presence of the Ancient One, Mordo silently exited the room, leaving us in a moment of solemn silence. Then, breaking the quietude, the Ancient One spoke, her voice carrying a gentle yet commanding authority.

Ancient One: "Have some tea."

Intrigued by the mystical aroma of the tea, I sat down in the chair opposite of the table. Between us, a cup filled with tea was offered. I took a whiff of the tea; its aroma filled me with freshness. The heat of the tea was just perfect, not too hot to scald my throat if gulped down quickly, but warm enough to be comforting if sipped slowly. A thought crossed my mind: was the cup also magical? It seemed to maintain the perfect temperature for the tea to feel divine.

As I pondered this, the Ancient One regarded me with a knowing smile, as if sensing the curiosity swirling within me. With a graceful gesture, she motioned for me to drink. Taking the cup in hand, I brought it to my lips and took a sip. The tea was exquisite, a symphony of flavors that danced across my tongue with each swallow.

When I finished the cup, she offered more, and I didn't decline. She poured the cup to the brim, and it started to overflow. Sensing this, I spoke up.

Me: "It's overflowing," I mentioned, but she ignored my words. Again, I tried, "The tea is overflowing."

This time, she responded.

Ancient One: "Yes, it is," she said, putting the pot down. "And that is the current state of your mind, Coatic—overflowing with questions to which you will find answers in the future. The tea was meant to relax your mind and body so you could comprehend what was to come. It definitely worked, but not too much."

Her words resonated within me, as if she had peered into the depths of my thoughts and uncovered the uncertainties that plagued my mind.

Ancient One: "Are you ready?" she inquired, her voice carrying both authority.

Me: "Yes, I am," I responded firmly, determination coursing through my mind like a steady current. I knew deep within that I could do this—or rather, I had to do this. It was the best choice, the path I had to take.

Ancient One: "Come with me," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

Following her lead, I walked alongside the Ancient One as she guided me to a new room. Upon entering, I was greeted by an empty space adorned with mystical artifacts arranged neatly on shelves. The ambiance exuded an air of mysticism, each item seeming to whisper ancient secrets and untold wisdom.

I tore my gaze away from the intriguing objects and turned my attention back to the Ancient One, awaiting her next instruction.

As I looked at her, I suddenly felt her thumb press tightly against my forehead. The last thing I herd was her voice -

Ancient One: "Open your eyes," she murmured softly, her words echoing in the depths of my consciousness.

Then everything went black for a second, and the next moment, I felt as if I was on a rollercoaster ride, but a million times faster.

As the rollercoaster-like sensation swept over me, I felt myself hurtling through a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, the world around me twisting and distorting in a dizzying whirl. It was as if reality itself had become a vast, ever-changing canvas, and I was merely a brushstroke within its infinite expanse. And in the back of it Ancient One voice echoed about universe and multiverse.

Amidst the chaos, I glimpsed fleeting images of distant galaxies, ancient civilizations, and realms beyond comprehension. And i almost came face to face with dormamu. The rurel of dark dimension. Each moment blurred into the next, a cacophony of sensations bombarding my senses as I struggled to make sense of the swirling maelstrom around me.

Just when I thought I couldn't take any more, the tumultuous journey came to an abrupt halt, leaving me standing in a place that defied all logic and reason.

Before me stood the Ancient One, her presence commanding and enigmatic as ever. 

When I returned from the ride, I fell to the floor in front of the Ancient One, unable to utter more than one thing.

Me: "Teach me," I said with a sense of urgency and determination, my voice trembling slightly from the overwhelming experience I had just endured.

The Ancient One regarded me with a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom.

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