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Chapter 19: Chapter 4 - Guinevere's fiance?!


"It's been two days...Kazuki is still not back yet? Did something happen to him?" Guinevere was worried that Miya might start getting depressed.

Miya's expression stiffened for a second before she relaxed her features again.

"Kazuki is strong, nothing bad should have happened to him. But, whatever he is searching for is taking some time." Miya still had absolute faith that her boyfriend would definitely return.

Although Guinevere was still a litte worried, she went to another room in order to prepare for the upcoming ball while Miya waited inside her room.

With the help of several maids, she was outfitted in a regal dress worthy of a princess. However, instead of feeling happy, she felt another stomachache coming on.

"My, you look stunning, Miss!"

"Truly... You look like a fairy, My Lady!"

"I'm sure Borin-sama will be pleased as well!"

The maids squealed in excitement when they saw Guinevere in her finished outfit. It wasn't just empty flattery either. Their enraptured expressions made it obvious that they truly thought Guinevere looked stunning in her dress.

At the age of 16, Guinevere was straddling the border between childhood and adulthood. The pale pink dress she was wearing brought out the charms of both her maturity and innocence. She truly looked as lovely as a flower and any normal male would have instantly fallen for her beauty.

"Heh, of course she looks great."

"Alianor, why do you look so proud when I'm the one they're praising?"

Guinevere smiled at the grinning maid to show she meant no ill will, then looked herself over in the mirror.

She felt disgusted that she had to dress up for the sake of someone she didn't love...

Guinevere sighed.

She wanted to only wear these clothes for the man she truly fell in love with...

However, even if this was just a political marriage, even if the man she was getting married to was a big womanizer, even if the only time she'd met him, she only felt comtempt towards him, even if he was a bully who liked to show off, he was still going to be her husband.

That meant, as his wife or fiance, she couldn't afford to arrive at the ball in an outfit that would embarrass him. Besides, this was her engagement party as well, so she had to dress for the occasion. She was royalty, and she needed to carry herself as one. She couldn't afford to disgrace or bring shame upon her family.

But, try as she might, she couldn't untie that knot of growing resentment and disgust towards the whole situation. Thought she didn't let it show, she yearned for a future where she didn't have to marry the Paxley heir. Her worries regarding her future husband's character only compounded those worries.

She couldn't get the image of Miya's absolute confidence and trust in Kazuki out of her mind. They had seemed so in sync and she could not help but feel envious of their relationship.

Foolish as it was, she still entertained the hope that a gallant hero would save her at the last minute. They would grow closer as they overcame hardships together despite their different social stations, eventually getting married and living happily together.

Guinevere shook her head, driving those happy delusions from her mind. She had already accepted that this would be her duty, her fate, which was why even if she despised her husband-to-be, she needed to play the part of an upstanding wife. And so, she couldn't let these fanciful dreams shake her resolve.

You have to keep it together, she reminded herself. Just then, she heard a commotion outside the room. Before she could even take a single step, her door burst open and a large man waltzed into her room as if he owned the place. Guinevere's maids tried to restrain him but he shrugged them off with little effort.

"Oho so this is what you're going to be wearing... Not bad."

"Borin-sama, you can't! This place is off-limits to men! Baring into a lady's room is not a very gentlemanly thing to do."

"What!? I'm the man who's gonna be her husband! A maid like you isn't fit to talk back to me!"

Boris Paxley, the first born and heir to the noble Paxley family, was both a vulgar and violent man. He was 26 years of age and hadn't changed one bit from the vicous, vindictive man Guinevere had met one year ago. Even back then, he'd been a sadistic monster who loved lording over people and saw others as nothing more than playthings. The way he looked at Guinevere made it clear he saw her as his property. She felt both anger and chills run up her spine as he ran his gaze over her body.

"Okay, you lot get out." Boris ordered the maids out with a grin. Alianor, one of Guinevere's most trusted aide, didn't even try to hide her distaste and glared angrily at Boris.

When he saw Alianor's defiant gaze, Boris narrowed his eyes dangerously. Just before he could do anything though, Guinevere told her servants and maids to leave.

"It's alright Alianor, he can't do anything to me yet. Don't forget where I studied at." She revealed a fearless smile.

"If anything happens, just yell and we'll come right away," Alianor whispered those words into Guinevere's ears as she walked past, and Guinevere nodded her head. With one final backward glance, Alianor and the other maids hesitantly closed their Master's door behind them.

"Hmph. You should at least discipline your mutts better."

"Watch your mouth, they are not my 'mutts'. They are true and loyal vassals."

"Still that defiant, huh? I knew that back then, I wanted to make you mine at all cost."

Boris licked his lips and grinned lasciviously. Though Guinevere was no doubt stronger than him, she still stiffened slightly from his gaze. Everything about him disgusted her.

Magic power started condensing in her palm but she forced it back as she held her hand down. If she killed him or injured him now, not only would it deal a severe blow to the Empire and the noble lineage, the Paxley family would also hold their family responsible.

Guinevere could only glare at Boris as his grin grew even more warped.

"Yes, that's it! It's those eyes I wanted to see! I can't wait to dye them in pain, despair and pleasure!" His gaze grew even more disgusting.

"Nothing brings me more pleasure in life than trampling and humiliating those who oppose me. I just love seeing their defiant expressions crumble as they realize how powerless they are. So what if you possess higher levels of magic prowess than me, you can't do anything to me! Making fools like you kneel before me is truly the height of ecstasy. Ever since I first tasted this exhilaration, I've been addicted. Guinevere, from the moment we first met, when you glared so fiercely at me, I knew that I had to make you mine and break you."

"Tch, you pig..."

"Hey Guinevere, how does it feel knowing that you're going to lose your virginity to me? HAHAHA, why not let's make it a show and invite people to watch? Hell, I'm sure they'd love to watch you lose your virginity. Gahaha! Will you even be able to show your face after that? Hahaha, I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes as you beg in pleasure. I'm going to make you my new pet!"

Although Guinevere held no love for him, she'd tried to at least gather her resolve to follow this ceremony through but after seeing the depths of his depravity...

This man was one who savoured despair in many ways and took what he wanted by force.

The feeling she'd tried to kept locked up inside started slipping through the cracks in her armor. She couldn't keep pretending this was fine because it was her duty as a noble.

Boris then turned around but not before leaving some parting words.

"Your dress for the actual wedding ceremony will be on a whole different level. Our families can't afford to lose face after all."

The door was finally slammed shut.

Guinevere clenched her fist as she struggled to restrain herself from committing a mistake she would regret.

**** this! She kicked away a nearby chair as she tried to calm herself down.

In the depths of her despair and rage, Guinevere once again remembered what Miya had told her. Back in the Enchanted forest, just when she'd nearly been killed by a corrupted Elf, Kazuki had swept in and saved her from her plight. He'd crushed that situation she was trapped in, just like the hero of a fairy tale.

The rational side of her knew it was foolish to expect such a thing, but the more childish side of her couldn't help but pray.


If only he would save me too.

Onee_chan1 Onee_chan1


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