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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: recuperation and what happened afterwards

My memory is all fuzy and i feel so weak and my arm i feel like its numb but i cant move it.. I start opening up my eyes and the doctor that was close to me and a bunch of patients says with joy in his voice ''You have woken up!, I honestly thought i can't believe how you dindt die after all your injuries looked so bad,'' Then he brings up some papers and says to me ''3 of your ribs were broken off and perfurated your right lung there was also a piece of a light pole piercing your shoulder your legs were severely wounded and its a miracle your spine and the rest of your ribs dindt break after all you broke a wall being thrown,And you've lost your left arm and was suffering from severe blood loss and many other minor cuts in your body,

Its a miracle overall how you're still here with us'' The doctor finishes saying i try saying something but i feel incredible chest pain and some tears start to fall on my face because of it the doctor comes to my aid and says ''Do not try to talk or move, You as i said are severely damaged and survived by pure luck and the hospital's capabilities, But if you wish to speak something you can still move your right arm without problem here is a paper you can write on it to say any thing you want.'' He gives me a sheet of paper and a pen and since im standing a bit elevated on the hospital bed and theres some space on the bed i can write while seing, The first words i write are ''Extreme pain'' to which the medic laughed and said of course you are in pain, The second word i write is ''Is Camille fine?, She was with me when i saved her from dying and here i am.'' The doctor reads and says ''I dont know if there was anyone when they found you and just for measure you've been hospitalized for 2 whole years, If you have nothing else to ask i'll go check about this Camille but dont get your hopes up.''

After hearing i've been hospitalized 2 years even writing ''2 whole years?!?!'' while my face was in shock the doctor just nodded Then i write as my last words for now ''Guess, I'll wait for you to see if Camille is alive or not aside from that im fine i just need some time to myself.'' And then i get comfortable on my hospital bed and start to think to myself while the doctor goes away probably to treat other patients and to go check my request.

'Hell, I've been hospitalized for 2 years.. I've been on coma for 2 whole years, Well i guess that settles my doubt on what coma feels like its just like sleep except you wake up battered up since to get a coma you gotta be pretty wrecked up.'

'I just hope Camille is fine after those 2 years since she was with me in the disaster.' I finish that thought while looking at the TV of the hospital atleast this wolrd has a good budget on health care and if you suffer a disaster like esque acident your bills are paid by the Government.

Now that i think of it atleast its good that One Punch Man world's technology is good, Since it would be quite a bummer not having a phone,Seing movies,Or watching anime, Now that i have that last thought does this world even have animes?, If Earth doesnt either i'll invent it and make other people do animes for me or i'll go around visiting other planets to see if they have animes or something like that but i guess its fine only movies and so on there must be a lot of new movies or animes since this is a new world.' i think of that and i start to get sleepy and then i sleep.

A bonus of hospital life is that the food is quite amazing let me tell you, I can't even compare this to my orphanage's food it would be an insult and extreme ungratefullness, And after a bit of time in the same day there is a report reviewing the disaster of the Elder Centipede as they call it.

And let me tell you something, You start to get a hell lot more of empathy to the statistics of numbers of people that died when you could've been in their number or someone you genuinely care is there, The city is devastated 1/8 of the city is destroyed and you think that may be a tiny ammount?, You'd be dead wrong its just that the city is so big and the hero that fought the Centipede were fighting so hard they thrashed around the city until the Centipede left after noticing more and more heroes were coming.

And for clarification no, It wasnt Blast because when they will fight in the future Blast actually wins Elder Centipede and at the time its much stronger than now with ease, Since after all he was the one that the prophet gave Boros the prophesy of Earth, Since he is the only person old enough and by the time Blast was being a hero was about the time Boros has decided to come to earth.

So on a way that means that by the time the Boros asked the prophet he and Blast were evenly matched, But i take that with a honest grain of salt since its been 20 years since for all we know he could be twice as strong by the time Boros arrived on earth and nothing stops me from thinking the same could also be true for Boros.

After a while that you are recuperating and healing you start to lose a bit your sense of time but i've heard the doctor say that i'd be good to start rehabilitation at about 6 months at day after i woken up.

After 4 months i started doing the rehabilitation process since i actually healed faster than the estimates of the doctors by quite a lot but nothing so serious like regenerating my arm back sadly.

After 8 more months I finally can walk and when it completed 3 years since i've been hospitalized im completely fine so that means i have about 14 years now, I quite like the fact that i am not a baby again would've been traumatising for sure.

After healing sadly, I've gotta go to the orphanage again until i turn 16 then im a free man to do whatever the hell i intend to do, Also includes, Having to pay taxes,Having to stress over people cutting your eletricity and getting a job to pay for anything atleast theres a benefit in being handicaped the government Just asks me to pay for half the price until i get financialy stable and find a good job and have a house, Atleast they are humanitarian enough to help me until im set off for life also sadly the doctor hasnt given me any information about Camille yet.

AureonW AureonW

If you've seen any error feel free to spot it and paragraph it for me so i can fix it, If the cover image is a little disproportional and you know how to fix it please i'd appreaciate it if you could help.

Have a good read everyone! :D

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