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Chapter 2: Erebus

The power of the heavens is the essence of creation, whose origins and might will remain unknown. They are the pillars that support the world and the infinite universe, and as such, their laws are identical to those that govern the world. They are absolute and cannot ever allow for an abnormality to exist; however, when the world appears fair and the universe calls, small abnormalities occur, which are referred to as miraculous events.

Even in the past, many people did not believe it, and only Yun Feng, who was closest to them, knew it existed. And now, before his eyes, he was witnessing a miracle. However, the end result was a complete loss of his abilities.

Many others may consider such a price to be prohibitively expensive, but Yun Feng saw it as the precise measure required for his survival.

So what if he loses his power? He can still find a way to reclaim them, and when the inevitable confrontation with his murderers occurs, he will not let history repeat itself.

"It's just a pity...They were my beloved children, and all they had to do was wait to get what they wanted. It was not like I wanted to be bound by the heavens indefinitely; there was no reason to kill me or seek vengeance," Yun Feng sighed. Despite being reborn, his anger and sadness persisted.

_Humans are the greatest of creatures, but they lack the necessary control of themselves, which is why I am now enslaved to such thoughts._

Despite this, the situation was not entirely negative. Because, after all, he possessed something valuable: memories that stretched from the beginning of creation to a million years later.

In his memories are a plethora of mystical knowledge, hidden secrets that must never be revealed, places and lands where he once created and hidden his treasures, and people he made to be steadfastly loyal to him.

_So all I have to do is find them and by the law of Inevitability, I will reclaim what is mine._

As Yun Feng contemplated how he would carry out his mission, he realized how long it had been since he had been alive. He now knew nothing of this new world and perhaps the current knowledge was what he needed.

But then, as if by magic, strange memories began flooding into his mind, merging and converging as if they were his. A new life that he had never lived unfolded in front of his eyes, but their similarity was unsettling.

Lucien Erebus is a citizen of the Raen kingdom, located in the city of Parin on the southern continent. He was a young master of the Erebus Family, one of the most powerful families in the kingdom, with power that only paled in comparison to the Amarabus royal family, who were thought to be descendants of the Gods of the Old World.

The Erebus Family were all devout followers of the silent night goddess and would frequently obey Orthodox Church orders.

Lucien Erebus, the family's 21-year-old young master, also had a twin with the same facial features as himself. His mother had died as a result of an unfortunate disease, and his father was currently fighting the United Nations in Pralance. It had been a three-year-long war.

_Erebus huh..._ Yun Feng sighed with a smile, _Is not this a cruel turn of events? To think I will be reborn as a member of a family with the same name as one of my children..._ he crossed his hands behind his back, _Perhaps it was just inevitable_

At that point, the door to his room was gently pushed open, allowing a pale-skinned male to enter.

The young man was thin and stood at 1.8 meters. His face was similar to Yun Feng's, with dark eyes like a jeweled stone, black hair receding to his neck, and a pale, fair complexion. As Yun Feng turned to the young man, a warm smile curled up on his face.

"So, you are my brother, Damon Erebus." He uncrossed his arms and gestured for him to come forward: "It is very nice to meet you."

Damon blinked repeatedly, his face flushed with confusion; he had grown accustomed to his brother's indifferent attitude toward him, but now that same brother was calling him forward.

Damon staggered forward with his head tilted downward, a signature movement he used whenever he approached his brother.

"I noticed your window was open, so I thought you might get sick- after all, tomorrow is the day you get tested to see if you were influenced by a heaven."

Yun Feng was not surprised by his brother's words; after all, he had anticipated that his children would do something inappropriate with the heavens.

So they are using the heavens to influence human births, or it could be the result of my sudden death. Hmm, I can't be sure, I would require to investigate to be sure about anything._

Yun Feng remained in the dark despite having some memories of Lucien; some parts were still blurry and could not be accessed, so he needed to experience what he wanted to learn.

Damon approached Yun Feng, his gaze drifting away whenever he attempted to look at his brother. Despite the fact that they were born in the same womb, he has always felt inferior to his brother. This was attributed to his brother's darker and more jeweled eyes, which meant that his older brother Lucien was more favored than him, according to the law of the heavens' influence.

People have said to him since he was a child, "Your brother Lucien is far more influenced by heaven than you, and as such, he will be able to protect the people and bring greater honor than you." Damon had always wondered why people said such things, and when was the power of the heavens ranked? Everyone born influenced is the same, and death comes to everyone in the same way.

These thoughts had been running through Damon's mind for years, accumulating and transforming into envy for his brother, hatred for the heavens, and doubt about the world. Nonetheless, he was able to keep them under control and avoid becoming overwhelmed by such emotions. However, the emotion had grown stronger over the years, making him feel inferior to his brother.

Yun Feng, who had the necessary memories to understand his brother's situation, smiled at him and hugged him tightly. Damon was taken aback by his brother's sudden actions, but before he could complain, he was interrupted by Yun Feng.

"I apologize for everything I have done so far; you are my brother and twin; we are one and the same, and you should never forget that."

Damon felt a soothing pain rise within his heart, prompting him to wrap his brother in a warm embrace.

They soon parted ways, and Damon's eyes shone with an unusual glint of excitement. This was an emotion he had long forgotten about his brother, but it had been rekindled by the simple act of hugging.

"Brother, shouldn't you sleep? Tomorrow is your day; I wonder what heaven you were influenced by, some say it corresponds to the silent night goddess because you have crystal-dark eyes."

"Worried?" Yun Feng inquired with a smile, "Do not be concerned; everything will happen as it should."

Yun Feng found it amusing that the heavens were being compared to beings regarded as gods; he had intended to simply leave the family and strike out on his own, but given the current circumstances, he deemed it more fortunate to ride the tides that fate had provided.

_Revenge is not my intention; though I dislike what my children did, I will not live my life with hatred, and I am not sure what would happen if I met them; after all, I am now a human, and my thoughts are subject to change._

"The heavens will choose who they want to choose," Yun Feng explained calmly and slowly.

Damon's heart shook as he became enraged by the heavens; while he still envied his brother, he was more concerned with which heaven would be revealed to have influenced his brother. After all, he had secrets he wished would never come to light.

Under such pressure, he felt his heart race, unable to calm down.

"Well, I better get to bed. I don't want to fall asleep during your day. So see you tomorrow, brother," Damon said quickly, leaving the room and closing the door.

Yun Feng stood alone in the room, waiting for a moment before returning to the window, his gaze fixed on the silent night cathedral.

_That is settled; I can not have another family problem. It's better to make amends than being stabbed in the back_ Yun Feng crossed his hands behind his back and sighed as the cold wind blew across his face.

_The silent night goddess, Erebus, and Amarabus. Except for the silent night goddess, the latter are my children; I wonder what they have done since then. At the very least, they allowed humans to exist, but what impact did they have on the world? I doubt they did nothing and allowed the world to continue as it was.

_One is that they allowed the heavens to influence humans, giving birth to humans who had the status required to possess truly supernatural powers. I doubt that goes well, because humans have always fought against their gods.

Yun Feng scoffed silently: "I hope they got what they bargained for." Anyway, I need to find a way to acquire my powers, but that would be by following the already established methods and see where that takes me.

_I guess I will then accept myself as Lucien Erebus._

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