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Chapter 46: Wearing Armour Like A King

Armour Helmet Name: {Shadow King's Helmet}

Armour set: Benevolent Shadow

Grade: ???

Armour Stats: No stats

Description: ???

Armour Set Special: Wear full set to activate, title: Army From within the Shadow

Shadow King's Helmet: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Chest Plate: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Greaves: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Boots: (0/1) Equipped

Armour Set Bonus: Wear full set to activate 'Shadow King's Tribute'.

Shadow King's Tribute: Once activated, all shadows will be given a tribute by the king.

Tribute: half of stats of the wearer including wearer's added bonuses

Can be upgraded

"Oh my King! May you wear it with the love of my heart! This helmet has been kissed a thousand times by me!" - Lou vivi [Blacksmith of the God's Realm]


{"Master, what's wrong?"}


Armour Chest Plate Name: {Shadow King's Chest Plate}

Armour set: Benevolent Shadow

Grade: ???

Armour Stats: No stats

Description: ???

Armour Set Special: Wear full set to activate, title: Army From within the Shadow

Shadow King's Helmet: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Chest Plate: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Greaves: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Boots: (0/1) Equipped

Armour Set Bonus: Wear full set to activate 'Shadow King's Tribute'.

Shadow King's Tribute: Once activated, all shadows will be given a tribute by the king.

Tribute: half of stats of the wearer including wearer's added bonuses

Can be upgraded

"Feel my touch as I moulded this chest plate to your size. My king, feel my body, feel my beating heart!" - Lou vivi [Blacksmith of the God's Realm]

... ...

{"Master? Your face is turning red... are you sure you're alright?"}

{"Gambi, can't you tell what's happening? You've made the same face when you were about to wear the armour the first time too..."}


Armour Greaves Name: {Shadow King's Greaves}

Armour set: Benevolent Shadow

Grade: ???

Armour Stats: No stats

Description: ???

Armour Set Special: Wear full set to activate, title: Army From within the Shadow

Shadow King's Helmet: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Chest Plate: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Greaves: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Boots: (0/1) Equipped

Armour Set Bonus: Wear full set to activate 'Shadow King's Tribute'.

Shadow King's Tribute: Once activated, all shadows will be given a tribute by the king.

Tribute: half of stats of the wearer including wearer's added bonuses

Can be upgraded

"These greaves were created with my best magical enhancement charms! It's durable when in a fight but can also be very soft when you hold me!" - Lou vivi [Blacksmith of the God's Realm]

Armour Boots Name: {Shadow King's Boots}

Armour set: Benevolent Shadow

Grade: ???

Armour Stats: No stats

Description: ???

Armour Set Special: Wear full set to activate, title: Army From within the Shadow

Shadow King's Helmet: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Chest Plate: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Greaves: (0/1) Equipped

Shadow King's Boots: (0/1) Equipped

Armour Set Bonus: Wear full set to activate 'Shadow King's Tribute'.

Shadow King's Tribute: Once activated, all shadows will be given a tribute by the king.

Tribute: half of stats of the wearer including wearer's added bonuses

Can be upgraded

"Please be safe my king, your beloved blacksmith will always awaits your return." - Lou vivi [Blacksmith of the God's Realm]

Item: {Shadow Orb}

Grade: ???

Description: ???

"This orb was created by me! The greatest mage in all of the god's realm! Feel the power of the shadows and let this orb alleviate your world view!" - Mad Lwest [Greatest Mage in all of God's Realm]

Title: Army from within the shadows

Description: This title can only be activated, once all of Benevolent Shadow armour set is worn.

Once worn, all soul's of fallen loved ones and allies soul's will be preserved within the armour. The soul's will be turned into 'shadows' and will live within the armour set and can only be used by the chosen wearer, 'The Shadow king'.

Shadow Stored: 240/???

Once I finished reading the information, I took a deep breath before pressing the equip button. Gambert who was standing in front of me was waiting with bated breath.

I felt a nervous anxiety flash within me for second as the armour started to appear on my body. At first a black mist appeared in small patches around my body and started to spread around. As the mist moved around, solid black objects started to form.

As more and more objects was created by the mist and latched onto my body, details started to be etched into the black objects. The black objects are starting to look more like armour plating.

Once the black mist has reached my head, I could now start to feel the armour because up until now everything under my neck was numb, I couldn't feel the armour on me at all.

The mist wrapped around the back of my head first before moving to the front. It covered my face and obscured my vision into complete darkness.

At first I thought I fell unconscious and was now floating in a pitch black void but then light started to pour in and my vision was back to normal.

{"Master, how do you feel?"} asked Gambert with a hint of nervousness.

I looked down at myself and the fully black armour was all I could see. It's extricate details mesmerised me. I still couldn't feel my body though as if it was numbed like when you lay in a position for too long and you can't feel your body anymore.

Though I was numb, I wasn't in any pain, so I guess, I felt fine?

"I uh... feel fine?"

As soon as I said those words, my body started to tingle and a black light started to shine from the armour.

The light was dark yet gave of a feeling of mysterious entrancement. My whole armour shone bright as the tingling sensation started to deepen and felt heavy. I glance up to Gambert who was watching me with worry in his eyes.

Gambert then muttered something and Lucifer's voice boomed and then silence filled the room. I could see Gambert's mouth moving but I couldn't hear his voice.

A pained bubbling feeling churned within me and as seconds passed, the pain grew. I could feel my mouth open and myself wanting to scream involuntary. I did scream but my scream was within my own head. My body felt like it was lit on fire, my bones being pulverised into dust, my blood evaporating and my mind starting to blank.

My muscles constricted as a powerful force surged through me, turning my body into an oven.

This feeling is the worst feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. It's as if I was getting cooked alive...

When I thought I was going to die, the pain subsided and my scream stopped. My eyes were straight sighted and unmoving, my whole self was unmoving, I felt like I was in a deep dazed state.

It was then a female voice whispered in my head.

"Congratulations, the armour has now recognised you as it's owner, my beloved king."

As I heard those words, I felt my breathing started to move again as if it had stopped when my mind left me.

Sound started to flood back in as Gambert's voice reached my ears.

{"Are you alright, Master?"}

I took a deep breath and replied.

"I hope so, that pain nearly broke me."

For a split second I swore I saw Gambert's face grimaced as I said the last words. I could hear Lucifer's voice respond when Gambert became stoic.

{"I gotta say, witnessing the event happening again did not do well for any of us and judging from your choice of words and Gambert's black face manner, the memory must've appeared back into his mind. Let's wait until he start to respond again."}

Gambert's eyes started to move after a few minutes.

{"Sorry."} Gambert voiced in a dignified manner, as if what he just displayed didn't happen.

{"Brother!"} a girl's voice appeared and then a shadow from my shadow shot out and wrapped itself around Gambert.

In that moment, the shadow resembled a girl in her early twenties, embracing Gambert. Gambert's story appeared at the fore front of my mind and I realised that, that's his sister.

{"Idiot! Stupid brother! I told you many times, if ever something horrible happens or you are in pain, call for me! I will come and take the pain away!"} Gambert's sister... Aria whispered as Gambert's head was buried into her chest.

It was endearing yet saddening sight. A young girl counselling and soothing a war hardened broken man.

After a few minutes of their 'counselling' hug, Aria kissed him on his forehead before turning back into an indistinguishable form, the shadow circled Gambert once before it shot back into my shadow.

{"I'm sorry, master! For the display I've shown you."}

"Feeling better?"


"Good. Now..." I stopped talking for a second and walked to the mirror. As I stood in front of the mirror, hoping to see a badass armoured king Ryan Huang but instead was me... just me in my sleep wear, no awesome suit of armour. "Where's my awesome suit of armour?!"

{"Master, the armour has a habit of disappearing until battle. It still on you but invisible."}

"Habit? So this thing is alive?"

{"No. It's enchanted. Don't worry too much about it. When your in danger, the armour will always appear to protect you."}

"Well... that's comforting to hear."

{"When's breakfast? I'm hungry!"} cried Taki.

{"OHmmmmnn..."} Tosh mimicked his stomach cry for food.

"Okay, I guess it's time we go to the dining hall."

I quickly did my morning routine before opening the door and greeted Loc.

I walked through a hallway that led to the dining hall and as I walked, I couldn't help but feel weighted and naked even though I knew I was wearing a full set of armour. It's disorientating to look down and see only my normal attire yet when I touch myself, I could faintly feel the presence of the armour, with it's powerful force radiating.

As I walked into the dining hall, I could see the table where me and my class sit and it seemed everyone was there and seated. I could as see that in between Stella and Lucy was a gap.

I moved to the gap and sat in between the two lovely ladies. The girls turned their heads to me and greeted, the other's followed suit.

I greeted everyone before turning my head to the food before me. I could feel the salivation from the twins's mouths as the two mumbled the names of the food.

I was about to put the twins out of their misery and was about to grab a piece of bacon when I heard Garrett's voice called my name.

"Aww..." I sighed as my grumbled in protest. If my stomach could talk, the first thing it would say to me is, "if food is not in me, if I'm not satisfied, your committing a sin."

Garrett and Sara stood at the dining hall's doorway motioning me to come to them.

As I walked to them, I could feel a sudden uneasiness inside of me...

GuanKit GuanKit

Hey guys,

I’m establishing what the three companies will call Ryan starting with this chapter and state them in this author’s thought.

The Knight’s order - My king/ Liege/sir

Baihu - boss/ big boss

Shadow Legion - Master

As for his students, they will call him every single honorific one would when addressing a teacher. Some may have specific but overall I’ll change them when ever.

As the companies grow, I’ll be adding more honorific’s for the new companies.

Thanks and happy reading!

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