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Chapter 9: Fixing

"There it is," Vergil said to himself as he looked at the system notification. "I think the system only gives out mission completes and exp/sp when everything that needs to be done is done. Just like how when I killed one wolf, the system didn't immediately give me the exp. It gave me the exp once all the wolves were dead."


[Congrats on figuring out the most basic thing about me! You deserve a reward!]

[Received 1 SP!]


Vergil smirked at the systems remark before something that had been bothering him, came back to him. "What I don't get is why I completed the mission when there were still wolves in the wolf camp. They might have escaped yeah, but aren't they technically still part of the mission?"


[Those Wolves weren't regarded as the primary enemies by me. Only the wolves that had a killing intent and wanted to rip you to shreds were regarded as enemies. Although the wolves in the circle were showing some signs of killing intent, they weren't as much as the wolves who were protecting the ones inside.]


Vergil thought for a minute before finally speaking his mind. "So, you decide what my enemies are? And if it's not considered an enemy then I probably won't get EXP huh.


[Basically, keeps you at bay from going psycho and killing innocent people for exp don't it?]


"Didn't know I had a righteous system." The system didn't say anything after that and neither did Vergil, as he focused on the big wolf in front of him. When Vergil had used [Devastating Slash!], he had made sure not to hit the horn on the wolf's head to keep it intact. His reason for doing this was quite simple, he wanted to either make some equipment out of it or wanted to sell it once he got to a town/city.

Although Vergil didn't need any sort of weapon with him having one of the strongest in possibly all of existence. He still needed armor, as it was called the Ultimate Weapon, not the Ultimate Armor. Vergil knelt next to the wolf head and with Ryujin Jakka, made a small circular incision next to the horn.

After awhile of clear and careful cuts, Vergil was able to remove the horn and placed it next to him as he started analyzing it.


[You sure like analyzing things huh? How bout this, I'll unlock a special skill just for you...sike. Its gonna cost you 1300 SP and its called [Analyze]. I'll make a tab for it in your [Skill Tree] so you can unlock it anytime!]


Vergil made a small "Tch." sound, as he once again remembered how the system liked to put things behind paywalls. Putting the matter of the new skill aside, for now, Vergil took the horn before thinking to himself. "Dang, this horns pretty big, I don't think ill be able to fit it in my bag even if I wanted to.

Vergil thought about storage for a bit before remembering he had just gotten SP from the mission complete. Vergil made his way over to the systems [Inventory] tab. He was greeted by the same button that asked him to pay 100 SP. Vergil clicked the button and a white flash appeared before 4 out of 64 boxes popped up out of nowhere.

"Wait...Why is there only 4 out of 64? Why didn't I just get all of the boxes?"


[Vergil, you should know me by now. I'm not just gonna fetch over a free inventory system all features included just for you.]


After hearing the systems snide remark, Vergil made sure to make a mental note of how the system would always try to take SP out of him one way or another. Moving his attention to his new inventory feature, Vergil admired it for a bit before storing his horn into it. Vergil wanted to store his organs or his "food" into the new system, but couldn't as his bag was far away from his current location.

While he was checking out the systems UI, Vergil also made his way over to the [Stats] section where he noticed he had 20 distributable points. Vergil thought to himself for a bit before deciding it would be in his best interest to put some points into agility as he was currently too slow in battle and out of battle. He also put some points into endurance as he noticed how pain could easily distract someone from battle. Finally, he rounded out his points a bit across his other stats and was left with this;






Skills:[Meditate],[Devastating Slash]


Magic:19 while in forest -> 24

Strength:15 while wielding Ryujin Jakka -> 18 and while in the forest -> 23

Agility:20 while in forest -> 25

Endurance:20 while in forest -> 25

Dex:19 while in forest -> 24

Available points:0

Current skill points:7

Current SP:401


His agility had increased by 6 and his endurance by 7, making them the highest stats he has right now. His other stats such as dex had only increased by 2 along with strength. His magic had increased by 3 and along with dex were now tied for the 2nd highest stat.

Vergil eyed around his [Stats] screen for a bit before noticing how much SP he had. He had 401, a huge amount considering how he had only 30 to spare a couple of days ago. Vergil looked at his still broken arm for a bit and remembered his bow that he had left in the wolf camp when he had run away from the big wolf.

He realized that he needed to fix his broken arm as soon as possible if he wanted to use the bow and complete the mission for the new weapon. Vergil thought for a bit before deciding what the best course of action would be. He would buy something to fix his broken arm and he would also buy the [Mini Map] he had been wondering about for a while now.

First, he went over to the [Store] and looked up [Broken Arm fixer]. A bunch of medical items came up before he stumbled upon one that cost 100 SP. It was called [Body Part Fixer] and promised to fix any broken body part as long as it wasn't internal organs. Vergil thanked the system for once and bought the item, leaving him at 301 SP.

The item appeared in front of him, it was a container with some kind of liquid in it. Vergil undid the lid on the container and was careful to not drop or waste any of the precious liquid, as he poured it onto his right arm.

A couple of seconds later, Vergil felt extreme pain in his right arm and immediately fell on his knees as he waited for it to end. Even though he had increased his endurance, the pain he was feeling right now was like nothing he had ever felt before. It was like his nerves were doing this on purpose to punish him for breaking his right arm.

Once the pain was over, Vergil gasped for air as he was barely able to breathe as the pain had overtaken him completely. Once Vergil was stable, he looked at his right arm and noticed it looked completely new. He wiggled it for a bit and noticed no pain as he continued doing various weird movements with his hand.

Once Vergil had verified that his arm was working good as new, he picked up his Ryujin Jakka and went over to where his bow was. He had left it on the ground a couple of feet away from the wolf camp while running away from the big wolf. He located it and proceeded to pick it up as well as pick up some arrows he had left lying around.

Finally, Vergil steadied himself as he prepared to shoot at a nearby tree. Although Vergil had no idea how to shoot a bow, he still tried. Even if he failed the first time, he could just try over and over again until he got the hang of it.

Vergil aligned the arrow with the bow and shot. The arrow was seemingly going at a steady pace until Vergil realized he had missed the tree completely. "Guess I don't have some kind of hidden talent for ranged weapons," Vergil said as he went over to pick the arrow up.

After Vergil found the arrow, he practiced over and over again. He never quite hit the tree but he noticed that after practicing for a bit he had become overall better. He was about to go at it for a while longer before he heard a rumbling noise coming from his stomach. Vergil knew he was hungry as soon as he heard the sound and decided to end bow practice for today.

He made his way over to the spot where had left his backpack, checking the remains of some of the wolves along the way. Once he arrived, Vergil took out some organs and sorted them out for a bit before choosing what he should eat for today. Vergil decided on some liver and "wolf meat" for today's dinner.

Vergil put the organs back into his bag and set up a campfire with some sticks he had found lying around, and cooked the meat and liver. While he was waiting on today's food to be cooked, Vergil checked his system once more. He noticed that he had forgotten to buy the [Mini Map] system and decided to do it now before he forgot.

Vergil pressed the [Buy For 100 SP] button and another bright flash of light appeared before him. Once the bright flash faded, Vergil checked and a [Mini Map] had materialized before him.

It was a very basic map only showing his current location and around 2 miles around him. To the side of the map, Vergil saw lots of unlockables that cost SP. From [Increase map size], to [Show other entities besides yourself].

They all cost 300 SP and offered various useful features for Vergil to unlock. Not surprised by the systems greedy nature, Vergil was simply happy to have some kind of map now. He closed the [Mini Map] and focused his attention on the food in front of him. While eating, Vergil remembered that he had gotten to level 10, and was wondering why he hasn't received a mission complete from the system for completing [Will Of The Weak].

He pondered for a bit before checking the Mission and finding out that he needed to meditate before he completed it. Vergil put that in his mental checklist and finished eating his wolf meat and liver. Once done, Vergil made his way over to his bag where all his food was stored.

He took all of the organs out and proceeded to open the [Inventory] tab. He put one organ into the inventory before trying to "stack" another on top of it only to notice the system wouldn't let him. "What the hell? Why can't I stack similar items on top of each other? That's so stupid system."

The system didn't reply and a few moments later, some new buttons appeared before Vergil. One of them was [Stack similar items] for 500 Sp and [Unlock 4 new inventory spaces] for 200 SP.

"Tch. Another paywall." Vergil stated as he put the organs he had taken out back inside his bag. "It's like it wanted me to not unlock it yet. Terrible luck my butt, this is just the inner workings of the system!"

Vergil put all the organs back into his bag, putting only the biggest ones into his inventory. He was about to go check out the wolf bodies before he came up with an idea. "What if..hmm, it might work," Vergil said as he took out one of the large organs from his inventory clearing up space.

"Hah bet you didn't think of this," Vergil said as he proceeded to put the backpack with all the organs inside it into his inventory. He managed to do it and was about to celebrate before a warning appeared.


[Warning! Foreign objects detected inside of [Bag]. Will now eject foreign material from [Bag].


As soon as Vergil heard this, a bright flash appeared before him and a second later all the organs that were in his bag spilled to the ground. "..." Vergil stared at the organs and then at his inventory. His food was now dirty and he would now have to go to the river to wash it.

Vergil thought about all the extra work he still had to do and almost went insane. Vergil breathed in for a bit and with a loud yell screamed out. "SYSSTEEEEMMMMMMMMMM!"

--END (As always feedback is nice.)

Xelosphere Xelosphere

I feel like there is multiple ways to say [MiniMap] from mini map to minimap to mini-map. Tell me what way you guys prefer or am I just being dumb by trying to figure this out.

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