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50% Red Gaze

Chapter 2: Wanderer

It was a dark and cold day, but a day not like any other, whereas our every day was constant fear and despair this time was different. Fear was fought with courage and despair was faced with hope, every soldier in this legion was ready to stand their ground and lay their lives for the sake of a better future. Sadly, desires and dreams are not the reality itself, and sometimes no matter how much you fight and struggle for them, they can always slip through your finger like sand.

My hand grits tightly into a fist as I remember those who have fallen and laid their lives so we were able to reach this point, while looking forward to my comrades, I see in some an anxious frown on their faces, as drops of sweat run down through some of their cheeks, noses or lips, to end up slipping silently onto the hot ground immediately transmuting in steam, their breathing is also out of rhythm going faster than usual. Seen them like this, cause a weird sensation in me, and without knowing just by watching them my lungs tighten, while triggering something like a stuck cold shudder between my neck and spine which gives me stuck goosebumps.

What? What's happening...? – I squeeze my neck trying to relax it, while the eerie sensation grows becoming a cold unnerving numbness that spreads through all my body constraining it. As I'm been deprived of my strength, the invasive feeling finally reaches my stomach twisting it forcing me to gag. While I force myself to take deep breaths as the source of this sensation was revealed to me – FEAR...?!

Why am I afraid? – In that moment a cold sweat run through my spine and from the deepest parts of my soul something screams, begs to run and don't look back. Thankfully my willpower is enough to silence those traitorous and coward thoughts, sadly my instinct might have been right as without realizing a frightful Red Gaze was already locked on us.


A dark veil slides from me softly like a breeze of wind, as air fill my lungs once again, an invigorating life essence forces me to wake up from the slumber of near death.

The fear I had, that cold, unnerving, overpowering feeling, had been a warning from myself, a warning which I foolishly ignored like an imbecile. Still shaking, fighting the pain which afflicts me. I stand up and wander through the scorched earth with an almost unbearable pain going through my veins, contracting and expanding them as my blood now mimics the texture of something between ice and mud.

The agony I'm going through originates from a wound, a wound caused by a nameless demon, who marched toward us and slaughtering every single vanguard we had like vermin, cutting through their black-steel plated armors like they were simple pieces of cloth and leaving them as rags.

No matter what we did, it was futile in front of him, as with an overwhelming strength he continued his path, walking without even taking a single step backward. Until he just finally forced his way through all of us disappearing into the darkness leaving those who were once my comrades, my mentors, and my friends to rot in a pile of meat chunks.

Even with my vision blurred by the blood loss that leaks from me slowly and the severe concussion which was the price for my survival, I walk towards a twitching soldier who is currently curled on the ground.

Come on stand up! – I grunt to the shuddering survivor while grabbing his or her chainmail collar and pull it – Stan…d.. – I stop, as the body of the survivor goes limp and the head falls backward spilling blood all over my chest while hanging lifeless. The neck had almost been completely cut in one swing going through the chainmail and just missing a clean beheading, by a strip of skin.

Damn… it – I whisper while looking around for other survivors – It's too late… - gritting my teeth at the sight in front of me, as any survivor left which had been twitching, crawling, or sitting stopped moving one by one until I was the only one reaming.

Filled with frustration and rage, I finally let the chainmail go allowing the deceased to hit the ground while accepting my new reality ~ I'm alone ~ As the truth sinks, I bend my right knee to rest for a moment.

I can't panic! There are still many things to do! – I yell trying to use my frustration and rage to fuel my broken body - That's right I need to go back, I … I NEED TO WARM THEM! – I groan loudly while a piercing pain goes through my back.

My desire to protect my family and my friends at home combines in a perfect ratio with my sorrow, frustration and rage, finally igniting my will, giving me the strength needed to stand up ~ I need to warn the citadel about this being, If there were more of his kind around, the citadel would surely fall… ~ and also Accept the worst feasibility scenario as solid truth ~ Something so dreadful can't be unique ~

As I begin my march once more the pain on my back grows causing me to misstep once or twice every four or five steps, while the bleeding has stopped the agony remains. I might not be a healer or well versed in medicine but this kind of pain feels different to a usual stab. This pain is still piercing its way inside my body.

I don't have time for this… – I grunt while still trying to ignore it, but the pain remains ever-growing, It doesn't take too long until possible solutions run through my mind, but none of them fully materialize until I see a shield lying on the ground and flames coming out from fissure in the ground – lucky me… this will have to do - A sour grin is drawn on my face with a repetitive twitch on the corner of my lips.

My curved sword is unsheathed and without any more time to lose, I put it on top of the flames, letting it there while sitting down and taking my chainmail off waiting patiently for the crude procedure which needs to be taken. Finally, the black-steeled edge becomes red, revealing concealed white words on it as steam flows from the edges. Biting the sheath after taking a few deep breaths and using the shield as a mirror I press the sword onto the wound as hard as I can.

A suffocated scream throb from my throat while the smell of burnt meat hits me, my face distorts, and tears flow from eyes as the pain is almost strong enough to knock me out, finally, I let the scabbard go while air escapes my lungs– By the 7 FUCKS!

While I'm laying down due to the pain on the almost burning ground a peculiar tremor spreads bellow the caves rumbling its way up – A tremor…? - Suspicious of this occurrence I remain vigilant.

Choosing to clear my mind of any possible doubt, my ears touch the ground and while it burns me softly this allows me to listen more carefully. The sound of tremors is like multiple ripples coming from one particular direction, so if the sound is ripple based everything is fine if it's not… well things would get messy.

A chill runs down my spine - No, Not now – I exclaim while a looming dread digs its way up, the tremor continues until magma starts flowing from the fissure that moments ago allow me to cauterize my wounds, the sound wasn't a ripple, it was an uncountable number of stabs-like sounds hitting the ground multiple times.

Damn it, Marrow Stalkers! – Acknowledging the creators of this fake tremor, I pick up the shield, and my weapons enduring the pain which still lingers on my back before forcing my body to jog.

~These bastards have been attracted by the smell of blood and dead bodies~ As this thought goes through my mind, I finally reached the path which can take me to the citadel, but next to it, is the cave which was taken by the aberration after slaughtering everyone. Intrusive thoughts of that being going freely boils my soul, as my rage asks me to go after it and kill it.

~If I go this way there is a chance that might I intercept him…~ Debating the idea puts me in more danger as the tremors increase ~ Ah! Even if I catch up to him what I'm going to do? Fight him? I will just end up as a stain on the ground, the ceiling of wherever he kills me~ The idea of me fighting him on my own It's a joke itself and I know it, but if feelings were so easily controlled we would have died long ago, finally my ego surrenders my pride and anger in exchange for safety.

No, I will get my ass to the citadel ~ As the conflicting thoughts vanish, sand and rocks start falling from around the cave. The rumble has finally reached its highest point and as the stalactites start to fall, I take the path to the citadel hoping my decision is the right one.

The cave's surroundings finally fracture and green fluid starts emerging from it as the corrosive vile cover the ground, the walls and ceiling a stalker's feeler becomes visible founding myself still in the range of the stalkers feeler, I hide behind a rock while a wet cracking sound is heard, it doesn't take too much time for the disgusting demons to crawl out from the fissures, first by feeling the surroundings of the fissure with their two frontal legs making sure their fluids have covered it properly, after that they pull their spider-like bodies forward.

~ Luckily, they are only males ~males look mostly like spiders with feelers instead of eyes and their mouths are found on their abdominal area facing the ground.

~If my memory doesn't fail me males of this size are mostly use to bring food and nesting "materials" even though their numbers are usually around the hundreds they won't divert from their original mission unless… ~ suddenly my heart skip a bit, I grit my teeth and my hands squeeze the ground realizing I just made a terrible mistake. A bubble of mud mix with their toxic saliva is pulled and push out of the ground by two male stalkers before piercing it and releasing another spider-like creature. This new spider demon was three times bigger than the stalkers around it!

As the new spider-like creature shakes the mud of it, the male who was pulling the cyst is immediately grabbed and stab violently tearing him apart proceeding then to throw his innards on the upward part of "her" abdomen spraying the guts properly to feed the eggs which lay on top. The eggs immediately open and drag some of the innards inside the egg before it closes.

~ Females?!~ As for my horror hundreds of those bubbles start being drag in the middle of the cave, having seen enough I move backward as slowly and quietly as I can, if for any reason the stalkers were to hear me it wouldn't be able to escape ~ Great, now I have more bad news to deliver back to the citadel, this nest needs to be taken care of as soon as possible ~ While the idea of this nest developing and horrors it could create crosses my mind, I see how one of the females bites the face of a corpse and sucks the brain and eyes, while another after sucking the brain turns the body around with those enormous frontal legs that are not proportional to her body and slice it open, just to pull the spine out and throws it like a leftover to the males before laying her eggs inside of the body, as the males' fight for the spine as the females continue with this defilement body after body.

~Disgusting~ With nothing else to see I finally turn around and crawl my way out following a rocky path.

It doesn't take to long for the scenery to change. Fire and brim make it easier on my eyes, but as the light gives me protection from the things lurking in the shadows it also puts me in danger of a getting burn by a sudden burst of fire.

I remain as quiet as I can since the beings we know as Demons are always looking for its next prey, I might not be surrounded by stalker but I'm far from safe. Stopping for a moment I check my bag pack taking out a cold, dusty old flask with the symbol of ice engraved on it, which is filled with water of the highest purity, my dry lips beg me to drink it, so since nothing is hunting me, I take the chance to squat and rest before taking a zip of the cold and pure water, running within my mouth refreshing every corner and exploiting every single sensation of it, before finally let the water go through my throat and spread that satisfactory feeling of refreshment.

~That was so good… bringing water was a good idea, after all ~ I pull up the dusty old flask checking if the ice enchantment is still active, the water inside shakes letting me see the enchantment is fine ~ Great! This is more than enough! ~ Even while feeling more composed, the dark and brutal spectacle I saw a few flames ago still crawl on my mind as the red fires remind me of the splattering blood and desecration of my comrade's bodies. A small cold tear goes through my cheek as the memories assault my mind, old memories of training, reunions, parties, and battles we had together.

~ I'm sorry… but I don't have time for this… ~ As the laughing faces of my friends and mentor look at me and smile I'm forced to shake my head softly trying to push away that tightening heart-rending feeling on my chest that crushes my soul making it harder to beat ~…But I promise you. When my duty it's over and your deaths haven't been extinguished in bane, I will mourn you properly! ~

Clearing my mind, I open my eyes but as soon as the fire cave is in front of me, a familiar tickling sound reaches my ears. Without a moment to waste I jump forward with a double step quickly twisting my body to the right in a 180° degree movement as I grab my sword by the rough grip with my right hand ~ Nothing ~ now as I do a wheeling step I turn around to the left moving my left hand to my scabbard ~ Nothing, then… ~ In that moment I squat and look at the ceiling which is of full toxic steam, rubbing my heel against the earth creating a secure my standing ground ~ something is there… ~ The dry tickling noise continues ~ What are you waiting… ~ I remain superficially unemotional repressing any sign of weakness or doubt which it could be taken as an opportunity.

The fire continues burning and as the tickling sounds stops my grip tightens, I can feel my blood rushing and my iris focus on every single detail ~ This can't continue… ~ slowly feeling the ground for a small rock with my left hand ~No, too big~ As the tickling sound continues I keep searching ~ No, too small~ Trying to remain unemotional all this without taking my eyes off the ceiling. The sense of time feels distant as my breathing becomes unending, the mist revolves gracefully on the ceiling, if not by the fact it there was something hidden there trying to kill me and the toxicity that would erode my skin, I would consider to jump on it.

~…Finally! ~ my soul screams as rock big enough to throw is currently on my grip, I take a few deep breaths and presume possible scenarios before moving ~ In the end there are only three endings, I Die, we both die or that thing dies~

Ready to fight to the bitter end I throw the stone as fast and hard as my condition allows me. Not even waiting for the rock to reach the mist something huge and cover in an exoskeleton falls to the ground shattering the earth with spider-like legs so strong that could have killed it if it had jumped directly on me, now an aggressive tickling is aimed at me.

Stalker! – there is no need for me to keep quiet anymore so as I stand tall the hilt of the sword goes upwards near my head and the point towards the disgusting demon in preparation for a block or an attack with a Stier Guard.

The Stalker in response to my movements just softly moves up and down with a menacing look, maybe waiting for something? – Disgusting piece of shit! – Not wanting to fall in a battle of endurance I lunge towards the stalker thrusting my sword forward ending on an overstretch Langort.

The stalker takes this overextension and jumps at me, going directly for my head with his twisted jaws full of bile. As I manage to avoid most of the acid sliding under the demon, I still get some on me, luckily for me, it fell on my shoulder plate ~ That was stupid, what was I thinking! ~ I reclaim to myself trying to remain undisturbed ~ Well, at least I got some information. This Marrow Stalker is around 1.50 meters tall, 1-meter width, 1.50 of length, the mouth under his abdomen is fully developed and lacks a sting on his ass, His exoskeleton is also fully developed ~ This is one is a soldier, so is not possible for him to surprise me anymore~

The Stalker spits some acid onto me before jumping towards me, this thing was focus on bringing me down with sheer strength and speed. Sadly because of my situation that might work, the moment I see the acid flying towards me it's too late and as it gets closer my mind goes into disarray ~ It's impossible to avoid… So if I can't dodge, IF I CANT DODGE!!~ As I grit my teeth all the WILL inside me burns and swirls as I bet my life on my "Family's Blessed Will"

The Will ignites my body just as the acid shadow covers my face ~Odium! ~ The stink of burned hair hits me, luckily the WILL activates dragging me out of the acid's way. Is at this moment that the whole environment slows down even my shadow was struggling to catch up to the momentum generated by my WILL.

It was bet using my WILL and I while it looks like I'm saved, I realize my body was too weak to tolerate the stress of it, so the moment it ends my life will end too ~ If I were in a proper at full strength using it three times in a row would be easy!~ Frustration goes through my me as the time starts stabilizing, I run out of ideas so the only thing left for me is to double my bet. His exoskeleton is too hard, and the mouth on his abdomen is not exposed, even if I slice his eyes it won't do lethal damage generating two endings, one it kills me after I fall and can't move anymore and two it runs away and calls for the rest of his hive, then It kills me or worst.

The acid is about to touch the ground so following my instinct I go for the only option that least could assure me his dead. I jump forward once again with a Langort directly to the most vulnerable part of the demon ~ EAT THIS, YOU OVERGROWN FIEND! ~

The acid splashes the ground eroding it as high pitch shrieking almost deafens.

The Stalker shakes violently while I struggle to remain on top of him, as I push the sword forward shoulder-deep while stepping on the lower part of his jaw so it doesn't take my arm, grabbing to the dying bastard is taking all my remain strength finally making me lose my grab… Lucky for me his two feelers are near my face so with an animalistic grin I bite them viscously as I give one more thrust finally reaching his aorta slicing it open, which end up killing the bastard and as he chokes on a pool of his blood and acid he lets out one last gurgling shriek.

As the acid corrodes my gauntlet, with a lot effort I take them off and throw them plus my vambraces away – Serves you right! - I exclaim to let out all the frustration which was inside me before falling to the ground completely exhausted gasping for air but with a big smile on my face.

FilusUroboros FilusUroboros

Hello, well this is the beginning of a 3-part story =), I hope you find it entertaining, and it would help me a lot to know if you guys are enjoying it so leaving a comment will be greatly appreciated.

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