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Chapter 52: ZEN [8]

Regression's Instruction Manual Episode 929

Zen (8)

Adventure, my ass. Dammit.

"Is it really... okay like this?"


"Is it really okay to live like this?"

"Yes, it's okay."

"I'm scared, Zen. Is this something that can be forgiven? Will Benigore really allow such a thing... and, moreover, is it right for me to abandon the continent in this situation?"

"Lee Kiyoung has already sacrificed a lot. Because of you, the continent exists as it is now, and because of you, the Kingdom was able to move forward. You don't always have to put others before yourself. I hope you enjoy the task given to you, finding the real Lee Kiyoung."

Empty words.

This clueless idiot... It would have been nice if he had at least planned a little more thoroughly.


"Would you like a bit more to eat?"

"I'm... I'm okay."

Let the dead be fed to the maggots. Really.

It had been about six hours since I was kidnapped by this criminal scum.

Just six hours after being kidnapped by this criminal scum.

"Where exactly are we right now?"

"The Forest of Laios, in Laios."

"Ah! Laios, huh?"


"I've been to Laios a few times, but... this is my first time entering this place."

After camping in the forest of Laios and waking up, the first breakfast, first meal that I received was something that I wouldn't even feed to the maggots.

Maybe it's because of the makeshift bed I made yesterday, my back hurts to the point of being unbearable. I thought there might be some hardship, but it's worse than I expected.

Naturally, I understand that there's no way he could have prepared a proper plan, but it was hard not to think that he came out with less preparation than I had imagined.

'How much do we have now?'

He probably brought about 1,000 gold with him, right?

Looking at the shabby makeshift tent, I think of Raphael's comfortable dwelling.

At least he used to provide three meals a day. Even when I was first kidnapped by him, he brought out mirror salmon as a bait... I didn't eat it then because of my pride. But this is really inedible.

I wonder if I should eat this for three meals a day from now on. How can I sleep like this all the time? Don't I need a proper bed?

"Do you not like the taste?"

"That's not it. It's a dish you made yourself, Zen. I'm just... thinking a bit too much..."


"I think we should walk to the nearby small town, Lee Kiyoung."


What are you saying now, you scum?

"There might be a pursuit squad. Flying would be... risky in various ways."

"T-That's right."

'Why does he want me to eat more?'

Of course, I couldn't control my facial expression for a moment. I can see the cautious look he gives me when he looks at my crumpled face.

Without hesitation, I put on a bright smile. Seeing his face quietly relax, I think he still believes that I'm struggling between being the Son of Light and Lee Kiyoung.

"That's right. Really... from now on... we're going on an adventure."


"I need to eat more and gather strength."

I shake my tightly clenched fist with determination. I push that damp mush back down my throat, stuffing the damp lump down my esophagus once again, making another mistake.

The lad who smiles warmly and nods while tidying up the camp seems to be quite familiar with performing personal tasks.

Could it be that he's looking forward to the upcoming journey? His warm smile leaves an impression.

Ha... Dammit. So annoyed. I haven't even had a chance to wash up. Laios is already hot enough...

How am I supposed to march in this condition? And I don't want to eat this damn mush.


Is wiping my face with wet wipes considered washing up? My feet hurt. My back hurts, and my knees hurt.

Adventure, my ass...

"After moving to the small town, it would be best to finish the supplies and head towards the Republic."

"The Republic? Why..."

"I heard there's a quite famous small town. It's where adventurers usually gather, and maybe you can create a new identity there. I brought some gold with me too."

"How much..."

"60 gold."

'Ah, for f*ck's sake...'

This clueless idiot. Will that be enough?

"A new identity... I could really become the person I want to be."

"Yes, after you register with the Adventurer's Guild, you'll be able to take on dungeon exploration or receive requests from all over the continent. You can even sail to the sea... and visit all the cities and magical places you desire, Lee Kiyoung. It might be a bit challenging, but such experiences are precious."


"I can tell you're looking forward to it."

I'm so excited, I want to kill you.

When can I wash up? No, can we rest in a nearby city? I doubt there would be anyone there.

Now it's finally starting. If I'm right, we might not be able to get into the small town. And can't you take this fur off me somehow?

"What a magnificent landscape. Don't you think?"


While the Honorary Cardinal's face looks like it's seeking agreement as he looks up at the sky, what I'm looking at is not him.

'Its getting late.'

[[Kiyoung's Point of View through the goddess's telescope]]

Some priests knock on the door. Of course, they can't hear any voices from inside.

The priests knock on the door again, their faces full of bewilderment.

Of course, that's to be expected. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

The Honorary Cardinal was always a disciplined person. He never made the priests wait and always came out to meet them in a neat appearance.

-Honorary Cardinal?

Although the voice "Honorary Cardinal" echoes, no voice is heard.

With a clattering sound, the knights break down the door.

-Ahh... Aaaah...

Of course, what they see in front of them is no ordinary scene.

The room is in a mess from packing up, making it difficult to guess what happened in that room where signs of intrusion are everywhere.

The knights hold their breaths. It seems they didn't expect this at all.

Honorary Cardinal would have torn this up, right?

The torn and crumpled documents being meticulously arranged.

The pitiful sight of the archbishop, trembling, trying to align each letter with hands shaking all over, does look somewhat pitiful.

But seeing the face of the despair-filled archbishop, I couldn't help but think that I have placed the bait well.

-Archbishop Gernihan...

-What... what it...

-Found this letter in Honorary Cardinal's drawer. It seems to be addressed to Archbishop Gernihan...

A letter with various stories written all over it.

About Templar Zen acting suspicious, about Cardinal Johan possibly targeting me, about whether all this is their plan if I disappear.

About protecting Benigore. About whether all this might be their doing.

I kept the truths hidden deep in my heart, unable to tell anyone. Painful truths that I had to bear alone for the sake of Benigore's Church peace.

-Johan... Cardinal Johan... Cardinal Johan!!! You bastard! You damn son of a bitch!


-Summon the Cardinals now! Call the Templar Order... the Templar Order! Deliver this document to Pope Basel and request reinforcements!

The trembling beard.

-Oh... What should I do about this... Benigore... Benigore..."

The feedback is swift. There is clear evidence right in front of them. There's no reason to hesitate.

-Cardinal Johan!!

-What are you doing! Cardinal Johan is currently praying! If you have urgent matters...

-Shut up! You beasts! I know everything about what you've done!

-This is a sacred temple! How dare you draw your weapons! This is in front of Benigore! Archbishop Gernihan!"

-Benigor will punish you, you despicable people! The wrath of the goddess will be upon you! What are you doing! Inquisitors, drag those abominable bastards out! Helena, Chief Inquisitor! Find Honorary Cardinal! Hurry, it's urgent... Hurry!


-What are you doing now! Drawing your swords! We-

-Shut up! You heretics! How can you call yourselves followers of Benigore while trying to harm Her son! Capture Cardinal Johan! Show no mercy to those who resist!

-Aaaargh! Benigore!

-How you dare to recklessly call Her name with that filthy mouth! You maggots about to fall into hell!

-Save... Save...

-Do not show mercy to these heretics!

The temple falls into chaos in an instant. Troops rush into a building, and in the blink of an eye, countless priests are dragged out, bleeding and screaming.

The screams do not stop, and in the midst of it all, soldiers rush into Cardinal Johan's study.

-Templar... Simon! Simon!

'He would have severed his ties long ago. He also needs to find his own way. Maybe he's stuck in a dungeon or hiding somewhere?

-Let go of me! Do you have any Idea who you're touching?

-Shut up! You filthy heretics! Where is Honorary Cardinal? What... what is all this?

-What are you talking about...?

-What? I know you harmed Honorary Cardinal.

-What are you talking about? I really don't know anything. Archbishop Gernihan! This is strange... something strange...


-I don't know anything! This is someone's conspiracy! Someone is...

-Break the heretic's wrist!

-Aaaargh! Simon! Templar! Simon! Aaaargh! I really don't know anything!

It's as if music is playing.

Sure enough, the guy next to me mumbles again, looking up at the sky, smiling as if asking for an answer.

"Isn't it a magnificent landscape?"

Of course, I can only give one answer.

"Yes, it's truly a magnificent landscape."

"It's just as impressive as the journey we're about to embark on together, Lee Kiyoung."

-It must be the Templars... the Templars for sure.

"Such a touching landscape. Just as touching as the journey we'll undertake together, Zen."

-Templar Simon is... no, where is Templar Jen?

He is here with me, right here.


I spent only 20 minutes on this chapter. So happy hehe.

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