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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Encounter ... Final Battle Arrives

(Author's Note - Welcome to a new chapter. Once again I am writing at like 1 to 2 am in the morning like an idiot as this hobby of mine is making me lose sleep. P.S. I also apologize for the fact that I'm clearly speeding this up through the first arc into something that became my general outline idea of the arc. I didn't really have time to plan this out due to school. Along with that fact that there are people who didn't like the fact that I felt like pushing this series back till my finals are over because ... Apparently, my grades don't matter even though I'm nearly failing in Physics. Therefore I had no time to really plan out the first arc much so it's gonna be extremely short and I wanna apologize for that early on. )

Angus who before leaving sealed the cave with rocks in front so it would have less of a chance of people breaking into the cave. Now, Angus was finally out of the forest. In front of him laid a damaged city. Although damaged there was clearly still people there in the city. Heading out the forest he decided to go towards the city since it was a city for Devils and their allies. Angus rather than flying as he didn't know how just walked everywhere or used Shadow Magic to meld into shadows to instantly travel distances connected by shadows or the darkness quickly appeared before the city.

(City Guard) - "Halt! Who goes there! I am the city guard, state your name, and race."

(Angus) - "Hello. I am Angus of the Vampire race."

(City Guard) - "Show your fangs to prove your statement."

(Angus) - "My fangs? Alright. Ahhh."

Opening his mouth Angus shows his fangs in his mouth to clearly show his race as a vampire towards the city guard.

(City Guard) - "Alright, you're free to enter now. How come you didn't fly over as the other Devils and races do?"

(Angus) - "I dunno how to fly. My family died while I was young so I never got taught. I don't even know how to make my wings come out. So I walk to travel."

(City Guard) - "I see. An orphan of a vampiric family that went to fight in the war. My apologies. Feel free to enter now."

(Angus) - "Thank you."

Angus who walked through the gates was somewhat shocked by the city. Although somewhat in tatters the mood of the city was somewhat bustling about as people of various demonic races carried out their daily lives. The city was a mostly circular shape with a wall surrounding it. The city consisted of many types of buildings in a dynamic way that clashed against each other clearly showing the differences in culture between the races are all rather mashed together in the city. Only the castle in the center of this large city was of a seemingly more western style base compared to the mashup of multiple cultural buildings throughout the city.

Confused as to where to go Angus headed towards a booth on the side and wanted to ask about where to get information to join the campaign against for the war. Angus' goal was still after all to gain information on Seraphs to kill Jehoel before the final battle in which Jehoel would most likely die in any way. Nearby a female with long purple hair, light red eyes, and a blue dress down to her knees was also asking the old man at the stand. Along with the woman was a man who had slightly long black hair, with blue eyes, a decently middle age appearance, and was wearing something akin to some type of black colored formal clothes. At the stand that Angus could now see is called very simply as "Information Stand". Angus waited behind the woman who he clearly felt was a rather strong female. However, although strong she was definitely not at Angus' level of strength. From where he was standing behind the young female and the older looking man who both seemed to be of a high social position Angus could hear what they were talking about when he reached the line while waiting.

(Leviathan) - "I told you I am Maou Leviathan! Can't you just tell me the information for free?"

(Information Stand Manager) - "I really can't tell you the information you want for free. It will cost a few million regardless of the discount for you being the Maou Leviathan or the man behind you is the Sitri Clan Head."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Are you sure you can't lower the price, sir? Not even for the Sitri clan? Even for the Maou Leviathan? You should know that it's expensive already enough for us to hold the war. Much less a few million for a try at information."

(Information Stand Manager) - "I honestly can't. Even members of the other 72 pillar clans that went to the forest to find information about the last Apocalypse clan members were all killed without them being able to come back. It would cost a lot to send more operatives to get you information about whether or not Alvantain Apocalypse is still alive."

Hearing his mother's name something just seemed to go off in Angus' head suddenly. At that moment Angus went into combat mode. Angus quickly summoned his weapons and defense up.

(Angus) - "<Create thy arrow and thy bow. Shadow Magic: Shadow Weapon>.<Create thy sword. Shadow Magic: Shadow Sword>.<Manifest before me my shield of shadows. Shadow Magic: Shadow Shield>."

Angus created a Shadow Sword, A bow and quiver strapped on him, and armor that covered his body using shadow magic after snapping at the idea of more people disturbing his mother's grave.

(Leviathan) - "Wha- Assassin!?"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Stand back Leviathan-sama I will protect you. You can't waste your energy here."

(Angus) - "Why are you looking for my dead mother! Tell me now or lay your life here! If you're here to disturb her grave... I will bury you as I did with the rest of those fools!"

(Leviathan) - "Mother?"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Are you perhaps... Alvantain Apocalypse's son?"

(Angus) - "I am! If you are here to disturb my mother's grave then leave now or lay your life here for good! I don't care if you are the Maou or God himself! I will kill all who try to lay their hands on my loved ones!"

(Leviathan) - "Sitri Head. Stop. It's fine. Let me speak to him."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Leviathan-sama?! I can't just let you so casually talk to this person! He is clearly ready to attack!"

(Leviathan) - "I said- Stand down!"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "... I understand. However, if he makes a move then I will as well."

(Leviathan) - "Alvantain's son... we don't want to disturb your dead mother's grave. We wanted to learn if she was still alive to recruit her to help us in the war."

(Angus) - "To bad then... She already died doing everything she could to protect and raise me..."

(Leviathan) - "Alvantain's son. Would you like to help us? As I can see from your powers fluctuating you are clearly stronger than both me and Lucifer as we currently are."

(Angus) - "Why should I help you? The people who got my clan and my mother dragged into a war because my grandfather wanted to help you!? Why should I have to follow the old bastard's decision when I don't even know him."

(Leviathan) - "I understand you're not happy with how your clan got nearly exterminated-"

(Angus) - "Not happy!? You think that's my rage is!? I'll tell you what. I don't care for joining your side as grandfather did for some reason. I only know that I will kill that damned Seraph Jehoel that crushed my mother's heart to the point it couldn't recover. If you, Lucifer, the 72 pillars, the other Seraphs, or even the Biblical God stand in my way I'll kill you as well. This blood feud only ends for me when Jehoel is dead or I die."

(Leviathan) - "Then, you should join our side. We stand against the Seraphs and we can prove you the information or the opportunity to kill Jehoel during the war. We can also offer promise to feed you and give you a place to live during the war."

(Angus) - "<Shadow Magic: Unwind>"

Angus deactivated all his magic had returned to his normal appearance of ear length white hair, his dark blue eyes, and stared at Leviathan straight into her light red eyes while looking for any signs of deceit. However, Leviathan stared straight back into the young man's eyes without any signs of faltering. Angus raises his right arm and then speaks to Leviathan.

(Author's Note - I just realized that I never mentioned that Angus' appearance. Derp.)

(Angus) - "Alright. I shall trust you. Although my powers aren't fully developed out yet I shall help you as much as I can. If I can kill the Seraphim Jehoel then I Angus Apocalypse the son of Alvantain Apocalypse and Alvares Apocalypse hereby swear to do any single request the Maou Leviathan, the new family head of their family, along with the Sitri Clan being able to request one request from me as well in return for my revenge being fulfilled. This promise I hereby shall fulfill in my name and shall I fail I promise to be hit by the powers of the world itself."

With a promise to the world using his name Angus swore his promise to the Maou Leviathan and Sitri Clan Head as long as they can grant his wish he would be willing to even sacrifice his life for this.

(Leviathan) - "You- You didn't have to go so far as to make a promise to the world!"

(Angus) - "That's just how much this blood feud means to me. Watching my mother suffer since I was born until I was 1 and a half years old when she died. To this day I still miss her even though it has been 16 and a half years since her death. For me, I might not be a dragon, but, this is my reverse scale that you must never touch. Those I care about are my reverse scale. Therefore, this promise is something I plan to keep if you can help me kill him."

(Leviathan) - "Alright. I understand. Have it your way then."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Although... I don't mind you adding me into your promise... was it really alright with you to do so? I mean I didn't guarantee we could help after all like Maou Leviathan-sama seems to be willing to guarantee to do so."

(Angus) - "I believe that you are truly willing to help me. I also don't know why, but, I have a feeling that this request of mine is something that shall help a future generation of yours as well. I can't say why I have this feeling but I do feel have this gut feeling it will come in handy for one of your future generations. I hope you make use of this wisely."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "... I see. Well then, I shall take your words to heart then."

(Leviathan) - "Hahahaha! Welcome then Angus Apocalypse! It's a pleasure to have you on board in this war."

(Angus) - "Same to you too Lady Leviathan."

(Leviathan) - "Ah come on, no need to be so formal. Just call me Leviathan."

(Angus) - "Alright, same to you to Leviathan."

(Sitri Clan Head) - "Haaa... Leviathan-sama would it kill you to not be so informal with things. It's because of this that Lucifer-sama has so many problems with you all the time."

(Leviathan) - "Hahaha! I can't help it. I just don't like all the formalities that Lucifer enjoys."

(Angus) - "So what shall we do first? I mean although you didn't find mother you ended up with me instead."

(Leviathan) - "Let's head back to the war's frontlines. I'm worried if Lucifer can really hold the lines much longer by himself. Sitri Clan Head how long should it take for us to return?"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "I would say approximately a month to return back to the front lines if we move as fast as we can."

(Leviathan) - "Good. Let's leave now."

(Angus) - "Understood."

Leaving the city Leviathan, the Sitri Clan Head, Angus headed out of the city to leave for the frontlines.

(Leviathan) - "Hmm? How come you don't have your wings out, Angus?"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "It's faster to fly than to walk. You should know that right?"

(Angus) - "I don't even know how to bring my wings out yet. Much less even fly. Y'all can fly. I will travel in one of your shadows."

(Leviathan) - "Shadow?"

(Angus) - "Yeah, let me show you. <Shadow Magic: Traveling Shadow>."

Just like that Angus who merged into the shadow of Leviathan who he was standing behind.

(Leviathan) - "Woah! That's so cool! I've never seen that magic before!"

(Sitri Clan Head) - "I guess we can fly while he travels in out shadow then. Leviathan-sama let's head off now then."

(Leviathan) - "Ah, yeah, that's right let's go."


Angus continued to follow them for a month towards the frontlines of the war front. Day-by-day he continued to get closer to Leviathan and the Sitri Clan Head. After arriving at the war front Angus, Leviathan, and the Sitri Clan Head were greeted by many of the Devils and Underworld races supporting the Devils there at the war front base. Across the gorge that was split in the shape of a Y separating, the three sides were countless Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels each on a different side of the split in the gorge. On the left side were the Devils, and the demonic races, along with the Maous Lucifer and Leviathan at the front. On the upper middle side, was the Angel and human heroes with God of The Bible taking the front. Finally, on the right side was the Fallen Angels with Azazel taking the front creating a triangular standoff. The three sides continued to stare off at each other with a vast amount of attention. While the soldiers were fighting above the gorge causing those that died to fall to never be found again as the gorge was known to lead to a perpetual abyss with no return.

Angus wasn't sent in to fight right off the bat or anything like that. He has seen more a strategic weapon in which his use could turn the tide in any last minute change. Angus was even taught magic while he was there by the 72 pillar clans and occasionally the Maous when they weren't busy. For Angus, this was exactly what he needed as he would be able to get his Super Pieces soon enough and with that, he would be able to bring back his family and if anyone he cared for died he could bring them back as well. Although this was great and all, however, on occasion Angus had to halt any training he was doing in order to go fight with the two Maous when the Biblical God and his Seraphs would make a move. When they moved, Angus would always hope for the chance that he would find Jehoel. However, to his dismay, the Seraph Jehoel was never summoned to the war front yet. So he could only kill the other Seraphs if he could in order to lessen the burden on the two Maous.

Finally after 12 months, the final war as about to arrive. At this point, new Seraphs and higher angels kept arriving daily. The Seraphs who died in Angus' hands were Camael a fire-wielding Seraph that was the leader of the Powers of the Angels, Haniel a shape-shifting Seraph that was the leader of the Principalities, and Netzach a lightning-based Seraph that was the vice-leader of the Principalities. That was a total of 4 of their leading angels since their reinforcements came since their original 10 on the front lines dwindled to 5 and yet when they got 5 more another 5 died again. Yet this time, it was much worse as there were quite a few leading Seraphs this time.

Finally, the final battle was arriving all sides were calling their strongest into the fight. Angus was still stuck at 69% due to ever-increasing battles and in order to keep the Devils in above the worse it would be he kept having to go out and each time he did he would use his Assassination skills to take the stronger angels down one by one without the use of his shadow magic. However, through this time he got to know the Bael, Agares, Vassago, Gamigin, Amon, Barbatos, Paimon, Sitri, Beleth, Zepar, Sallos, Purson, Naberious, Glasya - Labolas, Berith, Astaroth, Forneus, Asmoday, Furfur, Stolas, Phenex, Focalor, Shax, Uvall, Furcas, Balem, Gremory, Oriax, Vapular, Valac, Andrealphus, Belial, and Dantalian clans of the 72 pillars. He also got to meet a few of the ordinary Devil clans such as Mammon, Fulcrum, Deina, and Lamia clans. With the help of the Sitri Clan Head, Maou Leviathan, and the Maou Lucifer Angus finally was able to bring his wings out and fly. However, Angus had difficulty learning how to control the five pairs of wings he has. Through struggling with it Angus managed to learn to fight while flying after 6 months of training and battles.

Then, the time of the great war arrived. All sides were ready to go. All the Seraphs were called to the front line, all the top of the Fallen Angels such as the Cadre-class which were equal to an Ultiate-class were also to the front lines, and even all the 72 pillars and stronger normal clans were all called to the front lines for the Devils side. The tension had raised to its highest point and was ready to all start falling down into an all-out battle finally. While others worried whether or not they could live through this, Angus didn't even care as all he saw was that revenge had finally arrived. He would finally be able to kill the Seraph Jehoel for what he had done to his family, the death of his clan, the death of his father, and the death of his mother. Angus laid all of the blame upon the Seraph Jehoel without even batting an eye at the idea that it might not all be the fault of Jehoel but he went and pushed the blame on him due to his mother's death being his fault.

(Author's Note - Welp that's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. As the next chapter shall include some batting regardless of how bad it turns out. Then, it will also include some torture in it.)

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

I decided to post this chapter early only because of my last normal physics test being easier than I thought it was so I was in a good mood as I probably actually passed that test this time. However, I also realized I sped the hell out of this arc. Sorry, I had to do so as I had no time to plan out this arc due to school... Yet, people complained when I tried to push it back to plan things out more... So... I will apologize in advance that the first arc of this series will be short.

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