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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Hello There - The Main Story Begins

(Author's Notes - Idfk what to name these titles tbh. This title makes me remember my junior high school friend years back who every time he saw me would go "HELLO THERE!" though he says it with hello stretched out for like 15 seconds before he finally talks to me. I actually made this as a break from studying on the only day of the week I didn't have a final on, because college sucks. Though this chapter was based on a mix of my story and the first episode of the anime. P.S. Although I did use some of the lines from the anime I claim no right over them.)

Currently sitting there on the couch Angus stared shocked at the door and the people at the door stood there shocked at the fact that someone was in there club's room. Angus was shocked cause the females at the door was a lot more beautiful in person than he expected. He was also shocked because they were clearly at a higher level of beauty compared to most of the people he saw from back in the Great War. The only ones that rivaled their appearances were his mother, Leviathan, Gabriel, and a few others. Meanwhile, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba were shocked at the fact that someone somehow snuck inside a locked building without damaging it or teleporting inside as they would've known had someone had teleported inside due to sensing the magic. After staring shocked at each other, though for clearly different reasons, after approximately 30 seconds had passed everyone there finally reacted.

Kiba summoned a sword in hand, Koneko raised her small hands up ready to fight, while Akeno summoned had summoned magic circles ready to blast the intruder. Meanwhile, Rias was the only one who didn't get ready for combat seeing that Angus didn't try to fight them or seem to have any malevolent intent towards them.

(Angus) - "Hello there!" said Angus while waving his hands. "Do you people know of the Sitri Clan? If so can you allow me to contact them?"

(Rias) - "Everyone, there is no need to attack."

Rias seemed to be telling them to basically unarm themselves. Though Angus thought this was somewhat foolish of an idea as if this was a ploy he could've attacked them there.

(Rias) - "Why are you looking for the Sitri Clan? May I ask why?"

(Angus) - "Repayment. I owe a favor to their clan. However, I need to to have my message delivered to the head of the Sitri Clan in order to do that."

(Akeno) - "Head of the Sitri Clan?"

(Angus) - "That's correct. I owe a favor to their clan for helping me out once. I don't know how to return to the underworld currently I was sent out early on before getting the opportunity to learn about how to reenter the underworld. So, I would like to address any current Sitri Clan member and ask they tell the current head or send me to their place in the underworld so I may seek them out personally myself to speak to them about it."

(Rias) - "Kiba, can you go call Sona here?"

(Kiba) - "Hai, Bucho."

(Authors' Note - I think I will still use certain Japanese terminology such as "Hai", "Bucho", and "Kaichou" just to match the story's background better. Also, I'll probably relationship replacers such as "Onii-san", "Onee-chan", and "Nee-san" and such as it matches Serafall better later on. I'll use the terminology for now as I won't be able to know about your opinions until the weekly chapters catch up to this one.)

Kiba turned around and left to go follow Rias' orders while the other three ladies sat down there and continued to either talk to themselves or stare at Angus who just sat there staring off into space making the girls uncomfortable since he happened to be looking in their direction since they were sitting on the other couch across from him.

(Rias) - "Is there something wrong with them?"

(Angus) - "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was zoning out while waiting. I tend to have a habit of zoning out and thinking about things when I'm not busy."

Angus once again started to zone out. This time, however, he stared at the door so they wouldn't feel as uncomfortable with him staring at them. Although, for Koneko she didn't seem to be bothered by it as she just sat there eating sweets on the couch. After around another 10 minutes Kiba returned with a beautiful girl short black hair, glasses, and violet colored eyes.

(Angus) - *Sigh* "Why is that they all seem to have such nice appearances. Man, this just makes it harder to talk..."

Only hearing the first sentence causing them to be stunned he said it plainly and only hearing him mumble to himself the second half the wondered what was going on with this person they just met.

(Sona) - "Rias, I heard you called for me? Who is this person here? Does he have something to do with the situation?"

(Rias) - "Ah, yes that's right."

Taking a breath to calm himself down before speaking to her, as Sona was in person before him and although from the show he personally liked Sona and Koneko the most out of the first few episodes of the first season to this day. It also certainly didn't help the fact that they were on a much higher level than he expected in comparison to the anime.

(Angus) - "Nice to meet you, daughter of the Sitri Clan. I am Angus Apocalypse and I was finally unsealed. I owe your family a favor and they can now cash the favor from a while back anytime now if they wish. If you could convey what I have said to the current clan head of the Sitri Clan of the 72 pillars I would appreciate it. If you are unable to send the message I would appreciate it if you can send me to the underworld to speak to him myself."

(Sona) - "Angus Apocalypse...? Why does that name sound familiar...? Angus-san I will convey your message to my father."

(Angus) - "Thank you very much Sona-chan."

(Sona) - "So-Sona-chan?"

(Angus) - "You're younger than me so I thought to call you with the chan suffix would be more appropriate? Was I incorrect?"

(Sona) - "You're older than me? My apologies I didn't realize that. However, I would appreciate it if you could just call me Sona instead of adding the honorific."

(Angus) - "Alright, I understand then Sona."

(Sona) - "Well then, Angus-san, Rias, and the rest of you, I shall take my leave now then. Have a good day."

Waiting for Sona to leave before closing the door for her on her way out before coming back, Kiba came back and sat on the couch opposite of me with Akeno, Rias, and Koneko.

(Angus) - "... She's more polite than the old man was hahaha."

Seeing their confused looks Angus decided to stop talking about that point.

(Angus) - "Nice to meet you guys. I am Angus Apocalypse. A vampire from a special lineage from a long time ago. I was recently unsealed after a long time had passed. What're your names?"

(Rias) - "I am Rias Gremory, heir of the Gremory clan."

(Akeno) - "I am Akeno Himejima."

(Kiba) - "Hi, I am Kiba Yuuto."

(Koneko) - "Toujou Koneko."

Angus just glanced at Koneko was a slightly frustrated feeling inside his heart as he could tell he had little to no favor to her right now.

(Angus) - "I hate to ask this of you as I don't know you well. But, can I ask to borrow some money for a place to sleep or can I sleep in this building? I can sleep on the floor without a problem."

(Rias) - "You can sleep here at night if you want. However, we have something to do later so we will be unable to accompany you."

(Angus) - "Something to do...? Well, that's no problem. I apologize for imposing on your space. If you will excuse me I have to use the bathroom as I have been waiting here to see if someone would show up in this building since the morning."


After Angus left to use the bathroom Rias, Akeno and Koneko talked about something that unbeknownst to Angus would start the events of the main storyline. While at the same time Kiba left to do his own things he needed to do.

(Koneko) - "As expect, Bucho's intuition..."

(Akeno) - "Was right on the money, hm?"

(Rias) - "I made the correct choice having you watch him."

(Akeno) - "Bucho, What would like to do?"

(Rias) - "I made some preliminary preparations, but in the end, it all depends on him."


In the bathroom rather than actually having to use the bathroom, Angus wanted to check out the Super Pieces effects now that it's no longer greyed out in the inventory.

(Angus) - "Let's see the Super Pieces description now."

Super Pieces - Able to revive anyone at the Super class or below. If they are stronger than Super class then it costs more than one piece depending on their strength.

Pawn Pieces - Give you full control of the revived targets and forces them to give you absolute loyalty.

Rook Pieces - Give little to no restriction on behavior or loyalty while also giving the revived target increased physical strength and overall defense.

Knight Pieces - Give little to no restriction on behavior or loyalty while also giving the revived target an overall strength boost and speed boost.

Bishop Pieces - Give little to no restriction on behavior or loyalty while also giving the revived target increased overall magic abilities and magic resistance.

Queen Piece - Has no restriction on behavior or loyalty while also giving the revived target an increased overall ability in general.

King Piece - Bound to the soul of Akira Shimizu. No bonuses or restrictions.

(Angus) - "... These pieces are really broken... Each piece brings a target back to life regardless as long as their base strength is a Super-class or less as long as there is part of their body left. While pawns allow me to give me full control of them. Rooks, Knights, Bishops, and Queens have fewer restrictions on them gives them increased capabilities on top of that. Although the King piece does nothing as its bound to me. With my abilities currently at the Super-class and with the number of times I've forcibly expended all my magic powers and had it break its limits over and over again breaking the seals on the chains, I can assume my current powers are now around 90 percent of the way to reaching the minimum level of a God-class."

After taking the shower in the Occult Research Club's building, Angus spent the whole time mulling over his current strength he was at where he reached the conclusion his current powers would be considered he would be pretty close to the level of a God-class by just using just his magic capabilities. While if he included in his physical capabilities then he would be right there at the borderline to reaching God-class.

Angus having finished his mulling over the findings of his super pieces and his current powers, from the forceful constant breaking and regeneration of his powers from using God's Bane so many times in a row, then he finally cleaned himself off using wind magic that was heated with fire magic to dry himself off. After that, he headed to a random area in the building to sleep.


Waking up the next morning, Angus headed out to look around the town for fun since he had nothing to do especially when the students were still in class. After spending a few hours looking around the hunger from his body having not eaten for millenniums finally started to kick in making him hungry. Having no choice he decided to stave off his hunger by hunting some small animals as he had no cash to buy food to eat. At the same time, as a fully grown vampire of the Apocalypse clan now, his body can digest actual foods without having to drink blood only, which allowed him to eat normal food rather than blood like a normal vampire could.

Heading out towards the forest in the mountains to the west of the church, to not have to actually go past the church, Angus hunted a bunch of animals regardless of their size, with him drinking their blood before cooking them to eat them. After he had hunted down 20 rabbits, 12 deers, 6 foxes, and 2 bears did Angus finally feel himself to no longer be hungry.

(Angus) - "Eating this much makes me wonder how did I even survive those 95,000 years without eating. I guess it's a side effect of my regeneration keeping me alive despite the hunger and it just didn't hit my body until today when I was conscious of the smells of food around town I guess."

By the time he finished hunting and eating it was already getting late. Walking back through the town Angus got lost and by the time it was already time for the sun to set he noticed a barrier and walked through it as it was way too weak to stop him which allowed him to just walk straight through without a problem.

(Angus) - "Huh? The barrier disappeared right as I walked through this park's barrier? Did I break it by walking through? If so how weak was that person? Advance people level perhaps as even a barrier made by someone low-class would still hold if I walked through it."

Angus found it strange the barrier just disappeared right as he walked through. Ignoring that he continued walking through the park until he found Rias there with her wings spread wide open before a dying person on the ground. Angus decided to take a few steps to the right to see whose body it was as the scene seemed familiar in a way to him for some reason.

(Angus) - "That brown hair... bloody hole in his chest... that's the main character from this world Issei isn't it...?"

(Rias) - "Mmnn. One piece isn't enough?"

(Angus) - "Yo! Rias-chan! What are you doing?"

(Rias) - "Ri-Rias-chan? Ah. Angus-san. I'm reviving this person as one of my peerages right now."

(Angus) - "... Hmm. Well, if you want to revive this kid your gonna need all 8 pawn pieces. I can tell you that much."

(Rias) - "8!?"

(Angus) - "His sacred gear is special. I can tell. It's a Longinus gear so anything less won't really work due to his body's potential."

(Rias) - "A Longinus gear! I understand, if you say so then I shall bet on what you said then and use the rest of the pieces all on him."

(Angus) - "You say it like it's my idea. I bet you still would've used all 8 anyways to bring the kid back to life."

(Rias) - "... That's probably true."

After Rias revived Issei, Angus no longer had any interest in this and decided to leave the scene.

(Angus) - "I'm gonna go ahead and head off now. You can bring him back yourself. I'm still lost trying to find the school myself anyways. Anyways goodbye Rias-chan."

As he walked past the fountain he noticed a few remnant black wings on the grounds.

(Angus) - "Fallen angels, huh... Well, based on the way they did things they are probably not with the pervy crow anyways."

It took another 15 minutes before finding the way to the school again. After arriving around 25 minutes later he went to the old school building where the Occult Research Club's Building is and went to the place he slept at the same place he did the night prior.


(Author's Note - Welp, that's the first half of this part. I was thinking of including the second half of episode 1 as well. However, I decided to make that into its own chapter.)

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

I know there is still like half an episode of material to cover. That will be in the next chapter.

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