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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - This Kid Doesn't Get A Break, Does He?

(Author's Note - This chapter will cover up to the second part of the first episode in the first season that was not covered in the previous chapter. This chapter also covers the second episode. Also damn, how many times do I have to watch these episodes just to figure out what to write about. The beginning episodes don't really have much content as quite a few of them are just the scenes of a slice of life in Issei's perspective making this not easy to figure out what to write about.)

The next day arrived with a slightly groggy Angus waking up in the afternoon due to sleeping in late into the next day. After cleaning himself up in one of the bathrooms Angus headed out for the day. However, on his way out he saw Koneko.

(Angus) - "Hey, Koneko-chan. The classes already over for the day?"

(Koneko) - "Umn."

Nodding her head yes with a small sound she continued towards the room the members of the Occult Research Club usually meet at. Sighing a little bit at the amount of interaction he gets from her, Angus felt slightly depressed as she was one of his favorite characters in the show. Unable to do anything about it at the current time he decided to just hold off on his pursuit of Koneko since he couldn't really do much about it currently. As Angus wasn't from this world he had no money and couldn't try to win a least some favor of hers by getting her sweets that she likes either.

(Angus) - "Oh well, no point mulling over it. I need to go hunt for more food currently before my hunger makes me attack someone anyways."


Heading out Angus headed towards the mountain on the east of the church on the mountain in the town this time. Only after eating around the same amount as the previous day before did he finally stop killing and eating animals in the forest. Only being around slightly filled now so that could it would last him for a few weeks even if he fought someone using his magic powers he would still be fine.

(Angus) - "I guess I can stop hunting here for now. It is getting late now as well anyways."


Noticing the sun was going down already Angus decided to head back towards the old school building. As by this point, after having walked the way there a few times he got used to walking down the path and can remember generally how to get back now after the previous night's trip back. On his way back Angus happened to go through the park where he saw Issei be revived at the previous night, once again.

Arriving once again at the park Angus once again noticed a barrier. Just like the previous time, Angus decided to just stroll on through it as it was just incapable of holding him back. This time as he walked inside the barrier he heard a few words being said as a Fallen Angel left the scene.

(Dohnaseek) - "My name is Dohnaseek. Hope we never face each other again."

Following those words, the barrier disappeared with Issei dead on the ground once again. This time, however, both Akeno and Koneko were there with Rias at the scene. Angus' presence was already gone as he had long since had it hidden due to the darkness of the night. Deciding to sneak up to hear what they were saying Angus moved around in the darkness and moved behind them and watched the scene play out before him. After arriving behind them in position the first person he heard speak was Koneko.

(Koneko) - "He'll die at this rate."

(Rias) - "I won't let him die. After all, he's my..."

Missing the last part of what Rias said Angus continued to stay there and watch. After Rias left with Issei's body towards some direction unknownst to Angus. Akeno and Koneko were about to leave at that time before Angus stepped out of the shadows of the trees nearby.

(Angus) - "Hey, Koneko-chan and Akeno. What are you all doing out here?"

(Akeno) - "Ara, Ara, what you doing here Angus-san?"

(Koneko) - "You were here?"

(Angus) - "Yes, I was. I just got here not too long ago. Though all I saw was Rias was taking the kid's body with a hole in it towards somewhere. Anyways, are you girls heading back right now?"

(Akeno) - "Yes, we are Angus-san."

(Koneko) - "Umn."

(Angus) - "Do you want me to take you girls back? Although I doubt something could happen to you as long as you don't encounter another strong being you should be fine. However, as a guy, I can't really just let you young girls stroll around without any sort of protection even if you are strong enough to defend yourselves."

(Akeno) - "We are fine. Thank you for the offer though."

(Koneko) - "Umn."

(Angus) - "Alright then, since you girls insist then I won't escort you back to your place then. Just make sure to be careful. Clearly, this area is not so safe as you can tell by the kid who got stabbed again today. Man, this kid really doesn't get a break, does he? Well then, I hope you have a good night then, girls."

Heading back by himself Angus once again slept somewhere inside of the old school building after borrowing their shower in the main room.


The next day quickly arrived and Angus decided to take it easy and just stroll around town today to learn more of the town so he doesn't get lost again so easily when he is traveling as it hasn't been many days since he started to live in this town. Although Angus feels slightly bad for freeloading at their club's building for so many days he didn't really have much of a choice but to do so. The only thing Angus could really do was to help them out with training when they finally go out to train as a group in the future.

After strolling around for the day Angus headed back to the old school building to work on a project to change something a point in the future that he decided to fix. His goal was to make an exchange bracelet. Which Angus decided he would give Issei whenever they reached the part in which he would fight Riser. Realistically speaking Angus couldn't really do much to change their decision about it unless he decided to forcibly end the marriage agreement by forcing both sides using force. It was an idea Angus was against, however, so he decided to make it so that Issei wouldn't have to sacrifice one of his arms to Ddraig just yet. Angus decided to this mainly only because he felt jealous of the fact that Koneko who he liked would end up all over Issei should he let it happen. So he decided to create something Azazel made. The idea was a trinket to let him sacrifice rather than his left arm. Although it was an integral part of Issei's win he decided to help him his own way instead so that he would end up not having to watch Koneko help Akeno with his dragon arm due to his jealousy he was already feeling even though it had yet to happen.

Having made the plan to create a few trinkets so Issei wouldn't have to sacrifice his arm or use the holy items from Asia during that part he decided to create a few other trinkets to make him win and not suffer a backlash from holding Asia's cross or her holy water. The first thing Angus spent the day on was working on making the bracelet for Issei to use to temporarily transform. In order to do that Angus cut off his own arm and melded it into the shape of a bracelet as a sacrificial piece instead. He made use of his own that came out from his dismembered arm when he slowed his regeneration to cut it off in order to put them in small vials on the side. It's not for him to eat as he wouldn't really gain much energy from his own blood like that as it would result in more of a doping effect if he did that. Rather it was due to his ability to be reborn from his own blood as long as a drop remains. With the vials, Angus put a few into his inventory and left the rest in the room on the table. In the experiment, the trinket failed to work properly as it couldn't work as a replacement part to sacrifice."

(Angus) - "Experiment 1 - Test Failed. Reason - Not fully known. Results - Lack of mana to replace even a mid-level shadow magic spell. Complete Failure. Proposed Plan - Add blood into the bracelet to increase magic levels.

Having finished the failed testing of the bracelet and extracting blood from the arm he used to meld into the bracelet trinket he was planning on making Issei use he noticed the day was progressing and it was almost time for the next event to begin. It should be around the time Issei arrived in the club room to speak to Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba. Angus decided to head over to their meeting room to be able to meet Issei and speak to the rest of them before they arrived.

Arriving in the room he saw Koneko eating dessert on the couch while Akeno was standing near the shower while the water running which Rias was clearly inside based upon the situation.

(Angus) - "Hello, I'm just to here to meet the kid that Kiba is bringing. You can ignore me. I'll be standing quietly in the corner."

Angus stood in a corner of the room and just melded into the shadows in the corner of the room as it was only illuminated by candles making it quite easy as there was plenty of shadows in the corners of the room. Right at this moment, Kiba walked in with Issei in tow inside of the room.

------------------------------ Like 95% copying the anime lines here. -------------------------------------

(Issei) - "Wh-What is this room? Who's this girl?"

(Kiba) - "She is Toujo Koneko-san from Year-1 and this is Hyoudo Issei-kun."

(Issei) - "Uh, nice to meet you!"

(Akeno) - "Buccho, we have a guest."

(Rias) - "Thank you, Akeno."

(Issei) - "Rias-senpai! As I thought, This place is. The best club room ever!"

(Koneko) - "Are you disgusting?"

(Author's Note - I don't get it... But that's what the translation in the anime from the website I saw it says for her. I felt it should've rather been something like "Aren't you disgusting?" or something like that instead.)

(Angus) - "... Seeing that happen in action, he really is quite the pervert... He certainly appears to be a full blown pervert... "

(Akeno) - "Ara, ara. So you are the new club member, I see. Nice to meet you. I am the vice president, Himejima Akeno. Have a pleasant time here. Ufufu."

(Issei) - "Ah, I'm Hyodou Issei. Nice to meet you! ... This is the best club ever."

(Rias) - "We at the Occult Research Club honor your attendance."

(Issei) - "Ah."

(Rias) - "But the 'Occult Research Club' is only a facade. It's a mere hobby for us."

(Issei) - "Huh? What do you mean?"

(Rias) - "Keeping the explanation concise... we are Devils."

(Issei) - "Uh. That was very concise..."

(Rias) - "The black-winged man from yesterday... he was a fallen angel. While being God's right-hand angels they held some impure ideas and fell from the heavens. While controlling humans they attempt to destroy us, Devils. Ever since ancient times, they passed from Heaven to Earth to Hell. Aside from fallen angels, there are angels sent by God with the order to murder us. In other words, we are attacked from all sides."

(Angus) - "...Hmm... They are still sent by god ...? I thought I killed him...?"

(Issei) - "Uh,oh..."

(Rias) - "Do you understand our story so far?"

(Issei) - "Well... it's a bit deep for a normal teen..."

(Rias) - "Amano Yuuma. You haven't forgotten her, I suppose. You did date her, after all."

(Angus) - "Hmm...? Rias doesn't seem to really show much affection towards Issei right now ...? Perhaps she only truly fell for him after the rating game against the Phenex Clan...?"

(Issei) - "I-I don't know where you heard her name. But talking about her in the Occult club... It doesn't make me feel uneasy... but I just don't feel right. I'm sorry but ..."

As Issei stands up Rias throws a picture onto the table. Hearing the sound Issei turns around and looks at the picture only to see a picture that is clearly of him and Amano Yuuma.

(Issei) - "Yuuma-chan!"

(Rias) - "She did exist. Of that, I am certain."

Leaving a surprised Issei standing there Rias continued on.

(Rias) - "This is the girl. Amano Yuuma-chan."

(Issei) - "Yes, she is! But how did you ..."

(Rias) - "This girl is ... no, this is a fallen angel. The same being as the man who attacked you last night."

(Issei) - "B-But! Matsuda and Motohama didn't remember her at all! And even her phone number...!"

(Rias) - "She used her powers. Just like I did on your parents."

(Angus) - "Hmph... Rias... While I know you plan to kill the fallen angels... I think I will bring some of them under me instead... I feel I can make use of them if I use the pawn pieces to forcibly bind them... Although I'm not interested in Dohnaseek as his current age and current powers clearly signifying a low growth... However, I can still take Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner under me..."

Angus was zoning out while they were talking about this and thinking about his plan to take in Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Raynare somehow from Rias without her realizing. By the time he realized the conversation had progressed again when he was done thinking his plans out.

(Rias) - "As my devil slave."

(Angus) - "Damn... I totally zoned out for a few minutes there..."

(Akeno) - "That's right the same as us."

As Akeno says that she, Kiba, and Koneko spreads there wings out like Rias did after she confessed that Issei was currently her slave currently. When Issei showed surprise his own wings sprout out from his back stunning Issei even further.

(Rias) - "Happy to have you join us Issei. By binding a contract with a devil you can greaten your powers."

----------------------------------------- End of the anime's scene -----------------------------------------

(Angus) - "Well, I've already met my goal of seeing him in person for now. I can speak to him at a later time. It's probably best I don't interfere with the event with Kalawarner coming up as well..."

Disappearing by traveling through the shadows Angus left the room as they started to initiate Issei to make him do his first mission. Angus arrived back to the empty classroom he was using as his room and his experimental area before continuing to work on his experiments.

(Angus) - "Experiment 2 - Test Failed. Reason - Suspected lack of proper incorporation between machine and mana. Results - Failure for mana to mix in properly. Proposed Plan - Try a purely mechanical contraption first. *Sigh* I wonder how Azazel made all those damned trinkets he used on me before."

(Angus) - "Experiment 5 - Test Failed. Reason - Mana incorporation still failing. Results - Iron doesn't seem to retain mana well enough by itself. Proposed Plan - Try a new metallic variable. Clearly, my skills in this department are lower than Azazel's I wonder will I even be able to complete this one much less a second trinket to incorporate holy magic into it without it hurting him. Perhaps even if I do try that rather than holy magic I can incorporate my newest skill devouring shadows. It does work similarly on a person's body as it eats away at the body and regardless of Riser's ability to regenerate it would still cause him problems. *Sigh* I have a long way to go."

Just like this, the night ended while Angus continued to experiment throughout the night.


(Author's Note - I'm thinking about changing my goal of 2.5k+ words per chapter to 2k+ words per chapter. It makes it easier to draw the series out as well since I don't have to worry about overwriting due to a lack of idea of what to write.)

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