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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Who am I and what is that?

I had never seen nor knew who my biological Parents were, The Nanny who took care of me at the Orphanage told me that I was a blessing to them when I "arrived" on their doorstep.

'Life is full of unexpected things, might be bad or good that'll happen to ya so try to enjoy it in any way ya can' These were her words that night before she passed away in the morning, and true to her words, it was unexpected, she looked healthy and was still full energy, until she wasn't.

Her words might seem rather basic to some but because of our relationship, akin to parent and child, alongside her passing away, I've kept those words close to my heart, It has always reminded me whenever bad things happen and it helped me throughout my life, and I believed that the same thing would happen in this new world too.

"So the sounds I heard earlier in that cave was mine?" I say, looking at the cave, then to my "hands", now that I hear my voice, especially the shouting i did at the top of my lungs a few minutes ago, It was indeed my voice.

It took me that long to realize it, how embarrassing, or is this normal? I don't know.

I've never had a reference to compare, some Fanfics and other Isekai Stories might seem realistic but that's all that they are, fiction, they're not real.

"Now then, where am I? Heck what the hell AM I?" I try to take a look at myself, trying to identify what my new body looks like.

'Pitch black scales everywhere on my body, with pitch black wings and a tail, seems like I'm some sort of dragon?' I think to myself, looking down at my arms.

"Hmmmm" I squint my eyes, trying to recall where I've seen it before, the feeling of familiarity tickles my brain, but before I could find the answer from my memories, a sound catches my attention.


[Night Fury]

(Open for more details»)

"HOLY S-" I stop myself from cursing out, 'I- I have a fucking System!!!!' I get all giddy and happy that I got a system, and what's more, I have an Appraisal Skill!! arguably the most important skill for any Isekai'ed Person.

'A Night Fury huh? That's cool, no wonder it looked so familiar'

'Well it has been a while since I've seen the movies'

'For now let's see what this says' I mentally press on it for more details.

[Night Fury (V) / Adult

Stands as a highly elusive and intelligent dragon species in "How to Train Your Dragon." Renowned as the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself, Night Furies are exceptionally rare and possess remarkable stealth. As a member of the Strike Class, these dragons, known for their intelligence, master the art of hiding in the night and executing dive-bomb attacks on unsuspecting prey with incredible accuracy, Notably, the Night Fury displays a distinctive ability to retract its teeth into its gums, a unique trait setting it apart from other dragons. (1/3»)]

As I was reading it, I came to a realization that since I have a system, this must mean that there are quests and shit too right? Fuck, I hope it's not a slave system, I 10/10 would rather die again.

"Uh, Hello, System?" I try to talk to it, It is tradition to try and talk with the system, It's only natural there must be some sort of A.I. running this thing right? Despite how unnatural reincarnating as dragon in another world is with a system to boot, but what do i know.

[Greetings Host]

Ooh, so there is an A.I running this thing, and it can talk, alright alright, seems I was correct, we're off to a good start

A rather neutral kind of voice answered me, what a shame, I was hoping it to have the voice of a woman, like in the Isekai stories and Fanfics i've read and watched, yes I'm THAT down bad, don't judge me

[I apologize that I did not meet your expectations, I will try to fit in with your desires my dear host.....I have changed it now]

Woah~, The system is customizable? And it now has a cool Office Lady Secretary vibes to it, guess "It" is a "She" now?

[I do not mind whatever pronouns you refer to me as I am in your possession, however, since you have requested a feminine voice, it would be correct to call me a "She"]

Duly noted Ms. or Mrs. System.

"Now, can you tell me where I am? What i am doing here? Why am i a dragon?"

[I apologize dear host, i do not have the information for that]

"Is that so?"

Well i guess that's beyond her capabilities

"Oh! And about my Appraisal skill, how does it activate or work? Can i just look at something that i want to appraise from a distance or do I need to to get close to it?" I asked her.

[You just need to focus your {Appraisal Skill} on the target of your choice, it will work regardless of distance]

Noice, I don't have to risk my life getting down from here, even though I have wings, there's a chance that I might not be proficient at using my wings cuz, you know, new body and all.

I might accidentally just impale myself to the jagged sharp rocks from below, just thinking about it makes me shudder.

I look around 'Since I'm on top of a mountain that is surrounded by a thick forest and grasslands, it should be easy right?, Night Furies have good vision, I think, the species description did say that they are good at hitting their targets'

I see running animals in the distance, woah, just how good are my eyes?, I can see a pack chasing after a large beast, are they dinosaurs?

I focus on the running pack, and it is HARD, when I try to discern a single one of them and focus on that, another one blocks my view and I feel like the skill resets and i have to focus again.

Let's find an outlier among them, 'There!' I put all my "eye-powers" and focus into activating the skill at that one in the front.

'hrrrrrrnnnnggggghhhhh, almost theeere'


"Phew!!!, *pant* - I got it!!, Hey *pant* is the skill this hard to use? *pant*"

[No, It simply because you are too far away however there was no need to "push" yourself too hard as I was doing most of the work, you can rest easy] she said to me

"I see" Well, with that out of the way, lets open the description shall we?

"huh?" I stare at the name, "why does this seem so familiar?"

[Zilla Infant (I):

The young offspring of Zilla after it graduates and is deemed strong enough to leave its nest, this creature while, quick on its feet and cunning, is rather weak compared to the fauna of the outside world, which is why it travels in packs either led by a stronger Zilla Infant leader or a Juvenile Zilla.]

"Zilla?" Godzilla? Are they related to Godzilla somehow? Oh God did i just get transported to some Godzilla Universe? Or is it just because it looks like a dinosaur and that Zilla is the appropriate name to use since it just basically means "lizard" in some language i don't know right? I hope I'm right.

With that in mind though, i don't remember a Dinosaur Godzil- Oh wait! Now I remember, 1998 Godzilla movie, the Kaiju looked like a dinosaur, it was so different from it's previous iterations that it was collectively named just "Zilla" by the Kaiju/Godzilla Community as it looked nothing like Godzilla, or was it the actual official name? I don't know, not that it matters.

'Let's confirm it if it really is a 1998 Godzilla, or just a lizard named Zilla' I thought and I turn my head to face back at the place where the chasing baby Zilla's used to be.

Not too far off from where I spot them, I see swaths of them cornering the giant Ox-looking beast, who is like 3 times their height, and not to mention the bulkiness of the thing, easily 5 or 7 times a single baby Zilla's overall size.

'huh, it seems that they cornered it on a ravine from what i can see, by the way, what is that beast they are hunting?' I focus my vision on the cornered beast


[Behemox (IV)/ Adult Male

In the expansive Jungle of Zaleria, roams the Behemox, a majestic species that crossed a typical Ox with a Zilla somewhere down its ancestral tree, this shows the Zilla's Adaptive and Malleable DNA. This massive beast, standing taller than 4 double-decker buses stacked on top of each other, is a rather gentle giant, however underestimating it would be a big mistake as it has the ability to stun or kill its opponent with its loud bellowing(1/2)»]

As I was quickly reading the description, i took a quick look back at them and-


I practically screamed in my head yet again with a wide-eyed, jaws dropped expression on my face as another Zilla popped out from below the ravine, before going below the beast and delivering a fatal bite near the throat of the cornered Behemox.

The giant beast thrashed for a bit before a snap was heard, and with that the beast was no more, falling lifelessly on the ground with a loud thud.

Remembering the Zilla Infant description, I deduced that this was Juvenile Zilla, as anyone with a brain would, it seems that this is the leader of their "pack".

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