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Chapter 1: John Tempest, The Phantom

On Felucia John looked over at the explosions in the distance and said to the group of pirates "hurry up and load the nysillin onto the Phantom already, I must go before the battle makes its way over here."

After the weequay pirates finished loading the ship John said "ok now get out of here before you are discovered by the clones or droids."

John watched the pirates as they went away and then walked into his ship to fly out of there, his real body is now a ship since he reincarnated but he likes flying with his avatar.

As John was taking off he made his ship go fully stealth so its impossible to spot or be scanned, he made his way over to the battle and looked down at the battle that appeared to be almost over.

While looking down John spots Jedi Master Aayla Secura and then it hit him 'what year was it?' and realized it was 19 BBY and today was the day order 66 would be put into effect.

John quickly flew his ship to get closer and ran to the landing ramp while his real body kept flying, when the landing ramp went down he saw the clones start aiming at Aayla Secura.

He quickly drew his blasters and shot the clones before they could shoot Aayla and shouted to her "Aayla hurry and get up here, we need to leave."

Aayla Secura turned and was about to raise her lightsaber at me but quickly defended herself from the clones while they shot at her. 

John yelled at Aayla and said "Aayla we can't stay here there are to many of them, get up here we are leaving." 

Aayla jumped onto the landing ramp and wanted to ask what happened but before she could I closed the landing ramp and grabbed her hand and ran to the cockpit.

After making it to the cockpit I looked at Aayla and said "don't worry I can get us out of here just like before." 

I made the ship go stealth while avoiding the anti air tanks on the ground when we got into space I quickly used the hyperdrive.

When in hyperspace I relax and look over to see Aayla crying looking scared, I took her hand and said "there are a couple rooms on the ship you may use them as you like, you can come to see me when you get your head together."

While watching her leave I can't help but think 'how could I have forgotten when order 66 happens' I need to quickly get everything together in order to survive. 

I have been preparing for order 66 for years but I for got when it would start, now I need to hurry and get everything ready. 

Over the many years of my new life as a ship I have been slowly spreading my influence with Essence of the Hivemind, I have taken ships, droids, weapons, basically anything I could get my hands on.

With my Hivemind I have been sending droids to start building and upgrading ships and weapons so I can survive with or without other people.

I have also used an avatar for building a business that sells things that wont be harmful to me, what I did during the clone wars was smuggling, transporting people who want to get away from the war.

I have been building connections with people covertly by saving Jedi and clones going to dye during the clone wars, being friends with the Jedi and other influential people comes in handy.

I have made many friends over the years and I can't believe I have forgotten that today is the day the empire rises, I must save some of the friends I have made.

Pressing the ship inter comm I ask "Aayla I know now is not the time but I need you in the cockpit."

Aayla slowly walks out behind me and I take her into a hug and say "I am sorry I was not there sooner but I must ask you to help me save more of my friends from the same fate you would have if I wan't there, we must hurry." I let go of her and take my seat.

Aayla asks "how did you know to come to me?" 

I looked at her and said "I didn't and I am sorry, I was smuggling nysillin for a planet that needed it but I got curios to see who was winning the battle, I flew above and saw you, you know what happened after that."

Aayla nodded and looked down, I looked at her and said "I cant save all of the Jedi but I know where a couple Jedi will be, so we will see if we can save them, the one we are currently heading to is Jedi Master Shaak Ti, so strap in and help me get her out of Kamino."

Aayla just looked at me shocked and said "I am more then happy to help save people but how are we supposed to help Master Shaak Ti she is on Kamino, one of the most fortified planets in the galaxy?"

I asked "don't you want to know how I kept escaping from republic and separatist custody?" I had always kept that this was a stealth ship a secret from everyone.

Aayla nodded and I said "this is a stealth ship, absolutely undetectable." Aaylas eyes widened in surprise as stealth ships are rare.

I looked at Aayla with a kind smile and said "you don't have to get out of the ship I have my droid leading Master Shaak Ti down to the lower levels of Tipoca city they won't even know we are there and we will be gone."

Aayla looked at me and asked "why would you have a droid on Kamino?" I smiled and said "so I will know whenever Master Shaak Ti is in trouble, I have a droid with you as well, all my friends have them so I will know if your safe."

Looking at Aayla I reached out to caress her cheek while she blushed I said "I haven't seen you in a while, I am very happy you are safe."

I slowly lower my hand and said "out of everyone I have droids following Master Shaak Ti is the closest to get to at the moment, after we pick up her we will be heading towards Ahsoka Tano, after that we might just head to the Jedi temple and see if we can pick up any survivors."

After saying that I looked at her and said "we are still twenty minutes out from kamino, we will be in and out before they even knew we were there." 


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