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Chapter 2: Prologue: in the manga world

Takeshi Kimura:

It seems I have passed away. Yeah, it really must be. Because right now I'm lying on a river bank. If I was alive, I would have been lying on a hospital bed.

I was hit by a bus, or a truck, whatever I can't remember anymore. However right now I was sleeping very peacefully here on this river bank.

Was this a dream? No, because this place is unknown. My school uniform is different. Have I reincarnated? Probably...

Or am I still dreaming?

I don't know anymore. And I don't really care...

I think I should go home...

But wait, where am I supposed to go?

What is this place?

I looked at everywhere. There was no indication board but I saw many people passing by. I thought about asking one old man.

"Excuse me, umm... can you please tell me what is this place?"

"Umm... by place you mean, the name of this town? It's called Nakamura town."

"Oh okay. Actually I wanted to know how to go to my home from here."

"Huh? Are you lost? Where do you live, kid?"

"I live in...."

Eh? What is this? I forgot everything! I can't remember my home. That means I have really reincarnated!

"Ah... I'm sorry uncle... I live here don't worry."

"Yeah.. that's what I thought too. Because you are wearing that school uniform of Nakamura high school. So you must be from this town. Then what are you asking?"

"Nah it's okay... it's really okay..."

The old man was confused but left me in the end.

So now what should I do?

I decided to sit down there and think for some time. Right now I had a school bag. My wrist watch showed it was 4 P.M. so probably the school was over by now and I was supposed to go home.

I searched into my bag and found some books, notes and nothing special. The name of the school was Nakamura High School.

I also found a smart phone! But alas! It's switched off because of Zero battery! That's my luck! I could do nothing right now.

Nakamura town, Nakamura high school... I heard that somewhere. Even though I have forgotten most of the things of my previous life but I remembered that name.

Also my own name is written on my book- apparently Takeshi Kimura. You will laugh but I clearly don't remember my name from previous life so I have to take this name as my own.

At that moment, I noticed one thing. There was a book in my bag which was different from the others... it was a manga!

I picked it and read the title:

My two childhood friends are acting weird! (Vol 1)

Hey, I remembered this! I used to read this manga in my previous life! It's unbelievable that I remembered this thing but forgot everything else from my previous life.

Wait a minute, this Nakamura school and Nakamura town... I have heard them from somewhere... could them be...

I opened that manga and started reading from the start. At the start, there was characters Introduction and story premise.

"I knew it!"

Nakamura town and Nakamura school... they are here in the manga!

So... am I really... in this manga?!

I hurriedly flipped the pages of that book, desperately trying to find some information.

And I got it...

The scenario of this town... is exactly what is drawn in this manga! Even the river bank! Just where I'm sitting right now... is exactly the same place here in this manga!

I'm really in this manga world...

But it doesn't end my problem...

Where am I supposed to go? Where is my home?

"Calm down! Just think carefully!"

Okay... so if I'm in this manga world... then somewhere I must be in this manga too!

I decided to flip the pages again... hoping to find myself...

And I didn't have to search for long time...

Takeshi Kimura: Best friend of our main character Reiji.

I was introduced just in the fourth page of this manga. It was really me! The face too... was just like me!

Though I would ask the author to draw me a little more smarter next time. My face is really uncool in this manga. Yes... I am uncool after all. But seriously what was the problem to draw me this average compared to other characters!? Even the background characters have a smarter face!

But anyway... right now, I need to find my home!

And I found it! Right in the 6th page! The MC and me both apparently were in my home, playing video games.

There also was a scenery of the outside of my home, where I could read address bar! I picked my school bag and started running.

It took just 15 minutes to find my house. I asked some people about this address. It was an apartment. "Happy apartment" was the name. However it was a really small apartment compared to other apartments nearby. It had only two floors.

My room number was 206. So it was on the upper floor. I walked up the stairs and found a very old woman. She was probably the landlady.

"Ah Takeshi! You're about half an hour late today!"

"Oh.. I was just hovering around some places..."

"Really? Anyway wanna eat something? Come to my room then..."

"No it's okay Aunty."

"Huh? You always come to eat snacks though. What happened?"

"R-Really? Then I think I shouldn't bother you that much..."

Suddenly she poked my cheeks playfully and said,

"Oh my ~ you're just like my grandson! Don't worry about it. I also know your mother personally. As you're living alone here, she asked me to take care of you..."

"Ah... okay then..."

She was a very kind lady after all. I agreed to her invitation. I too have to make sure I help her whenever she is in trouble.

Also I'm living alone apparently? Wow, I didn't expect that. Anyway I need to read the manga to understand the whole situation correctly.

It seems like... my life is going to be interesting... much more than my previous life (Although I barely remember anything).

[To be continued]

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