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Chapter 5: Part 5 -Mid, Late and Escape!-

When I awoke still strapped on the table I noticed someone(s) new..... Guards with weapons! Guess I was not considered dangerous enough til now. Good, I can use this, if I obey or rather (lol) "comply" they will let their guards down (lol). Unfortunately their is someone I recognize The SCUM! Whom says "Follow girl!"

I was apparently untied while I was lost in my head, still I obey, though I plan on ways to torture him in my head. I am lead to a new area where he says "Your real training begins today!"

So I trained and Trained and got hurt and then punished and worse. Now I thought the worse was going to be that Scum( you might have as well) but no, the worst of it was how they trained me to fight and kill.

Pumping me full of pleasure Chemicals like Dopamine and the like every time I obey every kill. When I got hurt, which was a lot at first, or refused to kill they hurt me then the Scum would visit. I decided shortly after the first few times I no longer will hesitate, so it was I killed Men, Women, Children, Animals and anything else they told me to. Days I would be locked in a room with new things being released for me to kill while being to when I am hungry to eat my kills... I did and part of me enjoyed it, mostly due to the amount of chems they pumped me with but still.

That was a constant in my life now for years, and once in a while they had me go to assassinations, in a sealed pod only to awaken near my target(s). On one such mission I was told to kill some goody twoshoes politician, I saw on the TV (my target was watching a news broadcast) RDJ!/Tony Stark from the MCU!

[Tony Stark reported dead in Afghanistan, the people still mourn his loss even after few months passing.]

I was thankful I at least have some knowledge to go off of while my claws enter into my targets throat. "Hehe" I laugh enjoying the sound he makes as he chokes on his own blood, it's the simple things in life.

I really hope whom ever finds my kills is thinking Vampire, I now hope it is Nicky! Please let me be there to tell him I want to see his face! I think that as I am back at the facility, as I learned it is called. I am not being lead to my room!? FUCK did I just think it was mine, damn indoctrination!

Nor am I being led to any of the training areas, strange. Wait! Is it time!? Do I get my shiny new murder sticks today! I hope so!

I was right I see liquid metal (to which I know is Vibranium, due to my wish, but will pretend I don't) in some sort of machine. "Strip and strap yourself in!" Dr Dick says.

As I am doing that I think Wow I knew they got complacent because of how relaxed the guards are, not even having their weapons ready anymore, but damn letting me strap myself! The only stap I didn't and couldn't get was my head. The doctor doing so ask the Lead Doctor (Dr Dick) "Sir what kind of metal is this?" To which he just replies Classified.

-Lead Doctor/Dr. Dick POV-

"Classified" I reply but honestly I do not even know just that was what the boss wanted to use spent years getting the amount needed. "Proceed" I say once everything is ready, once this is done we... NO I will have made the perfect weapon! It took 12 years from start til now 12 long years in the facility (Askaban lol). It was difficult but I learned early that compliance was rewarded and rewarded I shall be as we graft no not graft replace the weapons bones with this mystery metal. Time to go and make a call, just wish the thing would stop screaming like it's a human in pain Ha!

-First Person POV-

As the pain finally stops and along with it my screaming, I test my claws....ooooo shiny! One of the doctors foolishly thinking I am now an obedient slave starts to unrestraine me while saying "Congratulations on the success X-23".

Thinking to myself how nice is he to Congratulate me on my escape today, even before it happens! Once my hand is free I just say thanks as I gut him. Everyone else realizing a bit too late that I am not a slave and not loyal as I start killing everything. Funny thing the guards apparently did know how to use their weapons but it didn't help they didn't even hit me, hahaha! Stab in face! I make way killing everyone here til there is only one left Dr. Dick fumbling over the key pad trying to get through a door. As I walk up to him all badass like covered in blood I say "Goodbye Dr.Dick, burn in hell."

His last thought was (How did it know my name?) Now time to chop it all into pieces as my first resort lol! I did too! All the bodies! Though I never did find the one crybaby doctor, I hope that doesn't come to hurt me in the future. Hmm getting hungry I think as I hack into the systems, now while they taught me a lot hacking not one of them, how I am doing it is using my senses to "see" the past, it's like looking at ghost so I use their own codes to unlock everything. Downside I can only "see" Five hours in the past less in water or rain. I erase everything they have and prepare a massive amount of bombs! Purge it with hellfire! Or the closest I can make. 5 min should do it with my abilities time to leave!

Hello freedom! I think as I cut open the final door leaving the last bomb here.

Fuck! Sand, sand everywhere! I HATE sand! Oh well time to run! 2 min left I think still running.....1 min...5...4...3...2..1.... Boooooooooom! Boooom! Another!? That's also not in the direction of the facility!? Well let's check it out! Maybe it'll be more snacks! Or actually people food and not food that was people! As I am thinking that heading that way I see something falling.

Wait is that! No it can't be! It is!!! It's ... to be continued!

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