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Chapter 224: The Worse Paranoid Nature

August 10th

At Haneda International Airport.

Nakano's family members line up to board the plane.

At the plane door, flight attendants check passenger tickets one by one. Then the Nakano family members got on the plane and looked for seats according to the tickets.

"Leave it to me."

Akira helped put Ichika and the others' bags into the trunk.

"Why is only Akira sitting in a different chair." Nino complained.

"It's okay, Nino-Nee. There's nothing wrong with sitting with a stranger once in a while." Akira said casually.


"Don't make a scene, Nino."

Sitting next to her husband and Yotsuba, Rena stopped Nino who still wanted to complain.

"Sorry mom."

Nino looked away at the window, Ichika next to him patted her head, and Itsuki unwrapped the meat buns.

"Nino is overthinking seating arrangements." Miku sat next to Akira and secretly showed off.

"Hmph. Next time, I won't lose to rock paper scissors." Nino pouted.

On the plane, there are three seats per row. After discovering that Akira can only sit with one of them, the quintuplets do rock paper scissors, and Miku comes out victorious. Meanwhile, the other seat was occupied by a foreigner.

Seeing the quintuplets fighting over to sit next to him, Akira felt helpless.

Not long after, the seat on Akira's right was occupied by a tan-skinned young man.

Miku became quiet because of the presence of the stranger.

The young man smiled and nodded slightly at Akira.

Out of curiosity, Akira asked: "Excuse me, are you from Southeast Asia?"

"Yes, this summer vacation I returned to my country." The young man answered kindly, then stretched out his hand and introduced himself: "Hello, I'm Sardono. Nice to meet you."

Akira stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party.

"Nakano Akira. Our family is vacationing in Bali."

Coincidentally, our goals are the same."

"Of course it's the same, the destination of this plane is Bali."

"Hahaha... It's my fault."

Sardono laughed dryly while scratching his head.

"You're a funny person." Akira shook his head.

"A lot of people have said that to me." Sardono responded casually.

After a brief conversation session, the two no longer spoke.

(Akira's social skills are great... If only I could be like him...)

Seeing her little brother easily converse with someone he met for the first time, Miku felt jealous.

Her personality is reserved, pessimistic, and low in self-esteem. Miku sometimes envies Akira and her sister, who have many friends.

Suddenly, a warm palm clasped her hand.

"Are you okay, Miku-Nee? You're quieter than usual." Akira asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, just a little motion sickness." Miku made an excuse.

"The plane hasn't even flown yet, but you've got motion sickness. Eat this medicine, it will make you feel better."

Despite her first sentence being mocking, Nino was in the seat behind them, holding out her hand for motion sickness medication.

"En." Miku didn't refuse and took it.

"Here is the water." Ichika gave her a drink of water.

Then Miku takes motion sickness pills.

"Want meat buns?" Itsuki offered her prized meat bun.

Seeing the meat bun that had been bitten off, Miku refused with a stiff smile.

"I'm not hungry, Itsuki just eat."

"Oh." Itsuki didn't think much of it and continued eating.

<Good morning. On behalf of the captain and the entire cabin crew, I would like to welcome you aboard Japan Airline 123 from Tokyo City to Bali. We appreciate your choosing our airline for your travel needs today.>

A flight attendant's voice was heard saying the plane would take off soon. And it is expected that all passengers fasten their seat belts, do not smoke, turn off electronic devices, etc.

<Once again, thank you for choosing our airline. We hope you have a pleasant flight. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your journey to Bali>

<Thank you.>

After the announcement, all passengers began to wear seat belts.

(Hopefully no incident happens.) Akira prayed in his heart.

As a very paranoid person, the plane crash scenario was on his mind. Akira had even prepared some countermeasure plans in case the worst situation really happened.

After all, the percentage of plane crashes is indeed the lowest compared to other modes of transportation. But the percentage of deaths is very high in the event of an accident.

"Hey Nakano. Is this your first flight?" Sardono noticed Akira's nervousness.

"Yes." Akira said frankly.

"Your reaction is natural. The first time I got on a plane, my body wouldn't stop shaking, and I kept praying that I would arrive safely at my destination. Everything will be fine, just enjoy the ride."

Sardono patted Akira on the shoulder, and put on a reassuring expression.

"I hope so. Thank you, Sardono, I feel a bit better."

The reason for Akira's nervousness wasn't because he was afraid of getting on a plane, but because of a plane crash. But he wouldn't say that to anyone.

"Happy to help each other." Sardono smiled broadly.

Not long after, the plane took off from the airport, and was flying through the air.

"Oeek Oeek Oeek..."

The tranquility of the airplane cabin was disturbed by a baby's cry.

While holding her baby, a housewife approached each seat and gave each passenger a pack of candy accompanied by a letter apologizing for the disturbance caused by her baby.

Akira and his family members also received the parcel.

Because of the mother's actions, the other passengers did not get angry, and understood it.

"She's a good mother." Whispered Miku.

"Yeah." Akira agreed.


Flight time from Tokyo, Japan, to Bali, Indonesia, varies depending on several factors, including the flight route selected, weather conditions, and aircraft speed. In general, the duration of direct flights from Tokyo to Bali ranges from 6 to 8 hours.

It's been 3 hours since the plane took off, and after the flight attendant served lunch, most of the passengers were sleepy and fell asleep.

Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki took a nap not long after lunch.

Perhaps infected by the atmosphere, Maruo and Rena also fell asleep.

Of course not all passengers took naps; some watched movies or listened to music.

Akira is one of the passengers who doesn't take a nap. Instead of sleeping, he checked the passengers and luggage using [Universal Sense]. After confirming that there were no terrorists in disguise, his mind relaxed somewhat.

Skadi: ﹝Master, you are overthinking. Everything is normal, no danger threaten﹞

In the spiritual body state, she had been watching over her Master's actions.

Akira: ﹝It has become my nature. Nothing I can do﹞

Skadi: ﹝Master is too paranoid. Do you know that anything in excess is bad﹞

Akira: ﹝Of course I know... It's just hard to get rid of this habit. Moreover, this world is quite dangerous for ordinary people. I don't want to suddenly lose my family members suddenly because of 'accidentally' being involved in supernatural events﹞

From the start, his paranoia wasn't as bad as it is now. Ichika and Miku's experience of being kidnapped by the Stray Devil, which made Akira like this.

Skadi: ﹝Master must sleep, let me be on guard. If something happens, I'll wake you up﹞

Akira: ﹝But...﹞

Skadi: ﹝No buts! Don't be stubborn, and go to sleep soon!﹞

Akira: ﹝Okay﹞

After being scolded by Skadi, Akira reluctantly tried to sleep.

Perhaps because of his tired mind, he fell asleep not long after.

(You are pushing yourself too hard, Master. Your body is strong, but your mind is not.)

Skadi felt that having a Master was a pain, but she didn't hate it.

Takamiya_Shin Takamiya_Shin

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