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100% -Reincarnated- / Chapter 2: chapter two "the deacon"

Chapter 2: chapter two "the deacon"

Chapter two

The Deacon

I have gained consciousness once again. It was already at noon since I woke up and I am now enjoying my meal alone. Base on the maids word, the grace was busy with her work that is why she can't join me while Sean is back to the capital to continue his military job. I didn't ask about them but they still insist to give me those information.

Hmm... What should I do after this mean?

Should I start gathering information about this world?

Also if I got reincarnated, I wonder what happen to my body. Did I died or I'm just in a coma?

Hmmm...Well building thousand of questions won't really answer any of them. It's much more better to visit the library after this.

As soon as I finish my meal, I ask the maid to take me to the library and they all smile and gladly to help.

It looks like the maid likes Nxy, she must be a very nice girl. I must at least keep acting like a good noodle.

Now that I analyze what happen yesterday I should have just address her grace, mother and Sean as brother. If I did that they will definitely won't think that I'm a fraud or something. They also seems like a big shot in this world. They must not know who truly I was or else I might get kill.

Ahh... Sean, shouting how dare you fool us?! Sound scary and her grace feels scary too when she gets mad. She might even order every one to off my head.

For now, let's play along while I'm trying to figure my way out from this magical world.

I smile and thanks the maid after we reach the library.

Which one should I focus on first? Should I try to learn about world geography first or this country's culture?

I grab one book and furrowed my eyebrows after seeing the letters.

They are different from what I have learned but I still can read it. It looks like this body still can remember basic things. I wonder if I can also write just using this body's instinct.

"Lady Nxy"

I put the book back from the shelf and face her graces butler .




I am now sitting down while the guy yesterday is now doing the magic circle thing again.

"Lady Nxy, do you remember what happen in the plaza?" He ask after removing the magic circle.

Wait... Is that something important? Uh oh, I have no memory of what happen in the plaza. I don't have a choice but to be honest. I will only raise a doom flag if I just lie but I wonder if I can tell them that I lose memory or something like that?

"Plaza?" I ignorantly ask

"When is your birthday?" He ask again.

Does a person who has amnesia must know about that? Come on brain! You can read but you can't remember when is Nyx birthday? What is wrong with you?!

I sigh and look at them filled with frustration and shake my head.

"How about my name" her grace ask. My eyes widen after hearing her questions. I tried to look away because I can't handle our eye contact.

There are hint of hope in her eyes. How am I suppose not to break her heart once more when I don't even know her name. Should I just try grace?

Will she realize that I am not Nxy if I told her that I don't know? No! They must not know! I must try my best to make them believe that I have lost my memory.

"I'm sorry" I weakly answered.

"To be honest, I have no idea what is going on since yesterday. I don't know where am I nor my relationship with anyone. I'm truly sorry, I should have just told everyone about this yesterday" My voice is weak as I explain my whole situation.

"No, it wasn't your fault" Her grace hold my hand while she was trying to reassure me. We made another eye contact and I can see how worry and sad she is.

"Why don't you take a walk for now?" She offered.

"Brother Christian, why don't you accompany lady Selena?" The guy ask

" Yes, Father Aaron"

" Will that be alright for you? My lady" he look at me with a gentle smile and I just nodded. Brother Christian offer his hand and I just accepted it.

We started walking to the garden while her grace and Father Aaron was left in the room to discuss something.

I should first try to learn about this family before this world geography and their cultures.

I look at Brother Christian, he has a silver hair and clear blue sky eyes. He was also wearing a white robe just like Father Aaron.

"Do you have the same position as Father Aaron?" I ask, he stop walking and look at me with his eyes widen and open mouth.

"Wha-what? No, Father Aaron and I doesn't have the same position" he shake his head while giving me an answer.

"I'm merely a deacon, and father Aaron is a priest" he added.


For some reason I feel annoyed just hearing that word.

He nodded, I walk closely to him and take a closer look to his face.

I wonder if he know something about Nyx.

I can't help it but to smug grin after seeing his cheek painted in red.

I want to throw away my first mission and focus on teasing him.

"La-lady Nyx" he want to push me away but it looks like he was scared that might make him rude.

No, mission first before boys.

I take a few step away from him, just quite enough to make him feel safe. I chuckle while he was fanning using his hand to lower the heat of his face.

"You're quite adorable brother Christian" I complimented him

"I... I am not" he wave his two hands while his face is turning red like a ripe tomato. He whispered something and I didn't hear it.

"Did you say something?" I ask

"Ahh! Nothing My lady"

I should take everything seriously, I don't know when will he leave and it's much more better to gather the things that I need from him.

"Hey, by any chance do we have any kind of relationship?" I question

"Well... No but we have met in a banquet before, we even exchange greetings" He answered honestly.

He looks proud about it.

"I see, then do you know something a little about me?" I ask again

" Hmm... You're quite known as the moon of banquet hall" he said.

Moon of banquet hall? Why? Do I always attend party or something?

"Can you tell me more about me?" I ask while walking

"Hmm... You always visit the church before but you stop doing that, two years ago" he answered while following my speed.

" Why did I do that? "

" Father Aaron said that you're busy learning how to wield a dagger. He always visit you to heal your wounds" He explain

" Brother Christian, you seems to know a lot about me" I grin while seeing his face turn to red again.

I really love his flustered face.

"it's not like that! It was a common knowledge at the church" he defend himself while I was giggling.

" Since you told me something about myself, why don't you tell me about yours then?"

" What exactly do you wish to know?"

" Why don't we start first about healing magic? It called healing magic right? The one that father Aaron did to me?"

"Ahh... Yes it is, healing magic is something a person who received a white magic from the god can do it fast. We can heal humans, animals, and even plants . The Saint can even heal a thousand of people in instant!"

"That sound so cool" I said enthusiastic

"I know! Also people who have white magic is so rare that there are only ten thousand people who have it around the world!"He added with full of energy. He sound like a kid who was talking about his favorite show.

I keep smiling and nodding while he told me about the church and white magic.

Then... suddenly I remember what he said earlier.


" Then, Brother Christian. Why do you think that your position is merely?" I ask while keeping my smile.

His huge smile vanished, he look away while holding his left arm.

" Deacon, it was the lowest rank of the threefold of the church. Don't you think it's a good enough reason to think that my position is merely nothing?" There are hint of low self-esteem in his tone and I hate it. It pissing me off

I turn my head and saw a seedling . I hold his arms and walk with him towards that sapling.

"Do you see that?" I ask while pointing a finger to it.

"Yes, that is a seedling. Is something wrong about it?" He innocently ask.

"This is you" I started.


I take a deep breathe and look at him.

"Brother Christian, tell me what will this seedling will be in the future?" I ask.

"A tree?"

"Yes, you're right a tree. So think about it, think that your position is the same as this seedling" I continue.

I smile at him after he nodded.

"Now, you! calling your position merely, looks like this" I started stepping on the sapling as I watch his shock face.

" Lady Nyx..."

" Brother Christian, you're in a process. Looking down at your achievement won't help you to grow healthy" I tap his shoulder as he just stand there.

" Now heal it and once you have done that visit me not as the deacon nor a white magic wielder but Nyx's friend" I smile at him and left him there.

I'm sure that he is going to be fine besides he needs time to think. Being alone will definitely can help him.

After I got back to my room, I immediately lay down to my bed and I clearly remember every word I just said. I turn down my self and scream to my pillow.

Arrghhh! I sound like a drunk person who was giving life advice. How embarrassing.

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