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Chapter 6: The First Mission

It has been two days since Yoruichi talked with Kisuke about the Chat Group's appearance, he was currently taking a break from sparring with Ichigo and could not help thinking over that conversation again.

At first he was sceptical since he could not see any evidence of it, but seeing that his friend so adamant about it he decided to place some trust in her about it.

Being as smart as he was, he knew of the multiple world theory and how such a thing could be possible, but now with potential hard evidence he was starting to feel quite giddy at the prospect of learning more about it and if it could be replicated.

+ + + + + + + + + +

In an abandoned warehouse we find a large dark-skinned and muscular young man of seemingly Mexican descent.

Standing beside him was a young woman with long burnt-orange hair that was adorned with two six-petal flower shaped hairpins.

Both teens were receiving instruction from a black cat with golden eyes that was perched upon a destroyed wall in front of them.

"Chad, Orihime, in three days from now you leave with Ichigo for the Soul Society. Now that you are able to bring out your newfound powers at will, we will begin with some small sparring to better prepare you for what you might face in the future." Yoruichi informed the pair in her misleading deep masculine voice.

"Ahh, Yoruichi-san! Will there be lots of fighting? I don't really like fighting." Orihime question with no small amount of apprehension visible on her face.

"You will be invading what amounts to a military organisation in the hopes to rescue your friend Rukia... I believe fighting will be inevitable." Yoruichi explained patiently.

"Now, we will be traveling as a group so I don't believe you have to worry too much about encountering anything too life threatening, so for now lets just get you up to speed so you wont fall behind."

Yoruichi did not really want to bring these two teenagers along with them to the Soul Society, but Kisuke said they would be a great help to Ichigo in the future, so she could only do what she can and train them so they can have a chance at coming back safely.

Just before she was about to continue with her lessons, she was interrupted.


[Chat Group Mission #1]

[World of Bleach]

[Number of participants: Original inhabitant +1]

[Mission 1: Help expose the traitors of the Soul Society.]

[Mission 2: Do something that will deviate the original story in some way without destroying the plot.]

[Bonus Mission: Complete both missions without being exposed.]


- 5,000 points

- 2x Gacha Ticket

[Bonus Reward]

- New Member Invite chance

"Oh... Hm, You two practice by yourselves for a moment, I have something I need to do." Yourichi informed the two teenagers.

Jumping down off the crumbling wall she was resting on previously, she made her way out of the building towards the empty parking lot outside.

[Flash Goddess is online.]

[Anbu CAT is online.]

[Devilish Student Council President is online.]

[Flash Goddess: Oya, The first mission has arrived! And from the description it seems to be in my own world, though talks about plots and stories is a bit unnerving.]

[Devilish Student Council President: Hmm, This could involve with multiple realities in which some of our worlds are known to others? It is a theory at least in my world.]

[Flash Goddess: Ehh... Still unnerving, even if you're most likely correct.]

[Anbu CAT: I don't know much about other worlds or anything, but these missions remind me a lot of the sort of things us shinobi would do on a job, especially espionage and sabotage jobs, those are usually reserved for those of us in the Anbu.]

[Devilish Student Council President: I see, I will have to decline going on this mission, my skill set is not the best to help in this matter, hopefully there will be a way for me to help you all next time.]

[Flash Goddess: Mah, don't worry about it Sona-chan! I'm sure everyone will be able to meet up and help each other eventually~]

[Anbu CAT: I agree with Yoruichi-san, don't stress too much over this Sona-san. We will help you get stronger, you are our friend now, so of course we will be here for you like you want to be for us.]

[Fairy of Frozen Moon is online.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin) is online.]

[Fairy of Frozen Moon: Hello everyone. :)]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): Well now, how should we go about this?]

[Flash Goddess: Hey hey love birds~, heard you were getting quite close now that you've met in person~]

[Fairy of Frozen Moon: … She's worse than Jasmine.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): Sigh, shut up Yoru-chan.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): And what you do you mean worse than me Qingyue?!]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): Sigh, Forget it...]

[Anbu CAT: ...]

[Devilish Student Council President: ...]

[Flash Goddess: Oya? Why so defensive, suspicious~]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): ...Whatever.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): Anyway, let's talk about the mission! From the tasks given, I think that either Yugao or I would be the best for it given our skill sets.]

[Anbu CAT: I am currently on a mission right now outside of the village so I am unable to participate in this mission.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): I see, that makes this much easier then.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): Heheh, Yoru-chan It's going to be just you and me for a while~]

[Flash Goddess: Ara, but what about our lovely Qingyue? Won't she get jealous of our special rendezvous together?]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): ... Sigh, why did I even bother trying.]

[Fairy of Frozen Moon: ... Stupid.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): *cough* Anyway! I will a accept this mission and unless it sends me near you, I'll come find you after I arrive in your world Yoru-Chan.]

[Flash Goddess: Hehe, so easily embarrassed~]

[Flash Goddess: Ok, I will finish up what I'm doing right now and meet up with Kisuke, he wanted to witness someone coming from another world and meet some of the people who could be potential allies.]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin): I see. Then I'll go get ready and make my way over there, see ya later Sona-tan~, Neko-chan~]

[Heavenly Slaughter Star God(Admin) has gone offline.]

[Devilish Student Council President: Geh- Sona-tan... please don't be like Onee-sama... Sigh, one is hard enough.]

[Anbu CAT: Neko... chan? Sigh, it could be worse.]

[Flash Goddess: Mah, don't sweat the small stuff you guys hahaha!]

[Fairy of Frozen Moon: ... Sigh, Yoruichi and Jasmine are going to be a handful in the future, I can just see it.]

Making her way back inside the abandoned building, Yoruichi calls out to the two teenagers that were hunched over and out of breath.

"That's all for today, if you want to continue on your own that is fine, but something has come up so I need to end this training session early."

"Okay Yoruichi-san! Chad and I can keep going, we are going to be all AHH and GRRR and get super strong so we can help Ichigo~!" Orihime yelled out towards the cat while flexing her non-existent muscles like a body builder.


"Mm, I will also do what I can to help Ichigo." Stated Chad with a firm resolve.

"I see... Don't over do it you two, you wont be able to help anyone if you hurt yourselves training too much." Yoruichi said to them compassionately before making her way towards the nearest building.

With a Flash Step she landed on top of the roof closest to her. Executing a few more Flash Steps, Yoruichi arrived at Urahara's Shop and went down to the basement training grounds.

"Kisuke! There has been a new development, Jasmine is making her way here in a few minutes from now to help with the whole rescue mission." She called out towards the two figures fighting in the distance.

"Someone is coming to help us rescue Rukia? that's great!" Exclaimed the orange haired teen after hearing Yoruichi's shout.

"Jasmine is the one coming here?" Kisuke sounded surprised, then asked. "Isn't she the supposed strongest in your little 'group'?

Though, this is a good thing, even if we have no idea just how strong she is, she should still be able to help us if what you told me so far is any thing to go off, maybe a few tests will help us formulate a better plan."

"Sigh, Kisuke. She was literally called a god by whatever brought us together in this Group Chat and has openly admitted to feats that make even the strongest Shinigami from the past look like they were fresh academy students." Yoruichi delivered with as much of a deadpan expression that her cat face could facilitate.

"GOD?! A God is coming here?" The orange haired youth exclaimed, though ended up being ignored.

"Haha, Don't worry about it Yoruichi! I was just curious is all!" Kisuke replied nervously, face hidden behind his paper fan. "It's definitely not because I wanted to run some experiments to figure some things out or anything hahaha."


With an ashen yet defeated expression, Yoruichi had to shake her head at her friends' need to know things.

"Kisuke... We talked about this, no experiments on my new friends, especially ones that could potentially destroy our planet..." 

"Hahaha... Sorry I'll control my self now." Kisuke replied in resignation. 'Stupid Yoruichi, I only wanted to take a few samples here and there, it's not like it would hurt of anything.'

"Enough moping around Kisuke she should be here any moment, Sigh."

As soon as she finished her sentence, she felt the shift in the atmosphere around her. Making eye contact with Kisuke, they prepared themselves for whatever was about to happen so they could retaliate if it was a threat.


The trio watched in an increasing alertness as the space in front of them started to tear apart, as if a piece of cloth was torn in two, an endless void became visible between the gap.

The oppressive silence that hung over them since it made it's appearance was broken by the faint sound of footsteps approaching.

*Tap* *Tap *Tap* *Tap*

"Heh~ So this is what it's like traversing inside the void outside of the Primal Chaos, definitely needs more colours~"

A playful voice was heard from inside the void tear in reality as the footsteps got louder as they advanced closer.

A young girl gracefully stepped out from the tear, she had long crimson-red hair that went all the way down to her waist and eyes that shone like blood rubies.

She was dressed in an elegant blood red dress that ended just below her knees, and had a small tanto blade that sat horizontally across the small of her lower back.

Taking her last steps out of the void, the tear started to seamlessly close behind her. The young girl looked around before zeroing in on the cat, before sweeping her mischievous gaze towards the two males of the group.

"Ne, Ne Yoru-chan, why do you guys look ready to fight for your lives? Could it be you're scared of little ol' me?" The crimson haired girl said with a lopsided grin aimed at the black cat that had all it's fur standing at attention.

Hearing her words the three Shinigami jolted a little in surprise before relaxing their postures.

"Ehh? Jasmine you're here~ Look at you! You look like a pretty little doll~ Hehe" Yoruichi teased the younger girl in front of her, before explaining their previous behaviour. 

"We were ready to fight because the way you arrived was similar to how hollows move between the dimensions here~"

"Ohh? Hollows huh? I'm much scarier than a hollow ya know~" The red head taunted back.

Watching the two banter back and forth, Kisuke and Ichigo were shocked, though for completely different reasons.

"Oya, So this is the infamous Jasmine that Yoruichi has told me about! My name is Kisuke Urahara, a simple candy shop owner~" Kisuke gave a jovial greetings outwardly, while on the inside he was shocked at not being able to sense a single thing about the girl in front of him, as if she doesn't exist.

"Yoru-chan warned me about you candy uncle, she said never to accept any candy or get in your van, something about stranger danger~" Jasmine replied with an innocent looking smile on her face.

"Geh-" Kisuke recoiled as if shot.

"Hahahaha, She got you there Kisuke!" The cat fell on it's side in deep laughter.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! I thought you said something about a God, so why is our help this little girl? Shouldn't she be at school, what about her parents are they okay with all this?!" Shouted the ginger haired teenager.

Silence filled the clearing of the training grounds, Ichigo's outburst was met with three deadpan faces.

"What? I'm only worried about her safety, why are you looking at me like I'm stupid or something!?"

Before he could react, Ichigo was flicked on his forehead and sent flying through a nearby boulder.

"Hey Strawberry-Onii-san, can you stop looking down on this Princess?" Jasmine said from her new position, she was standing right where Ichigo was previously. "You should worry about yourself and your friends before this Princess, this little issue you're having that I've come to help with is nothing but a small vacation for me~"

Yoruichi and Kisuke were stunned, they could not even see Jasmine move, one second she was smiling standing next to them and the next moment Ichigo was sent flying. They were Captain class Shinigami, one of which is hailed as the fastest and yet they couldn't even react.

Looking at the orange haired Shinigami, now sporting a nice bruise on his head, climbing back up out of the debris the two relaxed again. 

"Mah, please calm down Jasmine-san. Lets go have some tea and chat about what you have planned on this vacation of yours." Kisuke called out, flinching only slightly as Jasmine turned to face him.

"Heh, No need to be so tense guys, it was only a little tap~" The crimson haired girl said with a grin that for some reason made her look like a small demon.

Making her way towards them with a spring in her step, she smiled widely and picked up the black cat.

"Ne Yoru-chan, why are you acting like a manly cat, I wanted meet my new Big Sister, *Snif*, now all I can see is a new potential pet *Snif*. Okay, I've decided! you will now be Yunosuke~ I'll make sure to feed you twice a day and clean your litter box, give you lots of treats and a nice comfy bed. No need to depend on this sketchy uncle anymore Yunosuke-chan~"

Hearing this Yoruichi stiffened in the girls arms. 'What is this demon saying now!?'

Feeling what could only be the hands of a little demon petting her as she failed to break free of her grasp, Yoruichi sagged in defeat.

"Heh, this is what you get for teasing me and Qingyue in front of everyone~"

Skarro Skarro

I felt like I was able to convey the characters personalities, though maybe im wrong and that is just how I remembered them from when I read the Manga.

Contructive critisim is welcomed. :)

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