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Chapter 2: Getting first partner

"Jason we will be late, come fast" Shouted his father from lobby.

"Coming dad" Said Jason and hurried downstairs.

"Slow, you will fall from stairs. Be careful, how many times do I have to tell you." His mom shouted.

Jason came downstairs and stood in front of his father and grandfather who were going with him to slateport town where Jason was going to receive his first pokemon.

His Father is 38 years old with black hair like him and his eyes are black color, he is 5'10" tall with Muscular body and he wore a blue T shirt and Creamy color Pant. He has french cut beard.

His Grand father is 65 years old but his fitness is better then many people in 40's around. His hairs are white and his eyes are black color, he wore green T shirt and brown pant. His Pikachu is sitting on his shoulder and a grovyle is standing behind him. Grovyle is his first pokemon which he received as Treecko.

Pikachu is a short, chubby rodent Pokemon. It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes. Each cheek is a red circle that contains a pouch for electricity storage. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur. A female will have a V-shaped notch at the end of its tail, which looks like the top of a heart.

Grovyle is a bipedal Pokemon similar in appearance to a theropod dinosaur. It is primarily green with a red underside. There is a belt-like green stripe across its belly. Grovyle's hands have two clawed fingers, and powerful legs with bird-like feet. Grovyle has three long leaves on its wrists, a large leaf on top of its head, and two tails that have a leafy appearance.

His father George is not a trainer but he has an Arcanine and Tauros who were waiting outside to take all three of them to Slateport Town.

"Dad can I take miltank along with me." Jason Asked.

"Why ? You are getting your first pokemon today, you can take him when your new pokemons become powerful. Didn't you told me this ?" His dad asked.

"Yeah, but I was thinking that militank can help my pokemons in good growth because of her nutritional milk." Jason replied.

His father agreed and both Jason and Miltank who was standing beside his grandmother jumped in excitement.

Miltank is a bipedal, bovine Pokemon, which can only be female. Its body is mostly pink, with a yellow belly and black, angular markings along its back. A black hood-like marking surrounds its face with a pink, triangular mark on its forehead. There are two small horns on top of its head. It has large, blue eyes, a black nose, and a wide mouth, as well as long, black, floppy ears with yellow insides. Miltank has a yellow udder with four pink teats. All four of its limbs end in black, cloven hooves, and its long tail is tipped with a black sphere.

Jason hurried to his room and returned with miltank's pokeball and returned her in the ball. Jason's Miltank is with him since his 7th birthday and since she was just a baby, he trained her hard along with his tauros, though she is much weaker then tauros but she is at Peak Advanced level.

"Now now, you will follow your dad and when you start your journey you will not forget to call us, also you will not get yourself involved in any extreme matter. Also have you packed everything in your back pack" His mom asked.

"yes mom" Jason said patting his chest which brought smile on everyone's face except his mother who was still worried about her son. The backpack Jason has is special backpack with new technology by Silph Co. and it can store many things in it and still feels like it is empty.

They all went outside to see Arcanine and tauros waiting for them, they both were Jason's caretaker and best friends since his childhood and they loved him alot.

Tauros is a quadruped, bovine Pokemon. It is covered in light brown fur with a thick, darker brown mane around the neck. It has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, small, triangular eyes, three gray bumps running vertically down its forehead, and a pair of curved, gray horns grow from atop its head. Each of its three black tails has a tuft of fur on the end, and there is a single gray hoof on each foot.

Arcanine is a quadruped, canine Pokemon with an orange pelt marked by jagged black stripes. It has diamond-shaped ears with beige insides, black eyes, a round, black nose, and two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. Its head, muzzle, and chest are covered in shaggy, beige fur, except for two oval sections around each eye and ear. Long tufts of fur grow behind its elbows and around its ankles. Its underside is black, and it has a billowing, beige tail that is bent in the middle. Each paw has three toes and a round, pink pad.

They both pokemons were of advanced level and Jason even use to battle them with his Tauros who is able to beat both of them at same time with ease. His father said that Jason's Tauros is at Peak Elite Level and Jason's dream is to take it to atleast Emperor Level by next few years, though they know that to reach Pseudo King level from Peak Elite level takes atleast 2 years or if good nutrition and good training is there then they can reach in few time.

They all rode on the Arcanine and Tauros and reached Slateport town in 2 hours. They got off pokemons near gate of slateport town and started walking towards pokemon center. They reached pokemon center in few minutes and when they entered they saw many kids waiting to get their starter.

There is criteria for getting starter and usual starter are given by Professor Adger Birch who is 26 years old but a genius and it is also said that he was student of Professor Samuel Oak. Now back to criteria, in the region there are three type of starters, one Usual starters from anime only given by Professor Birch of Littleroot Town, second particular starter except the main starters (need to pay high), third lottery system which gives random starter.

Though Jason's Father was ready to pay high but jason refused and said he will rely on his luck and will see if he get better pokemon in lottery system, for which father retorted saying that pokemon might be weak for which Jason said that no pokemon is weak only it is trainer who is weak.

They waited for their turn in the lobby of pokemon center. After 2 hours their turn came and he gave his ticket to the person on the desk who was looking little grumpy and that guy asked Jason to click on the button in front of him. The lottery starter contains pokemon like, Wrumple, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Lotad, Seedot, Taillow and sometimes very rare pokemons like Trapinch or Swablu.

He pressed the button and machine started, after 2 minutes it stopped and a pokeball appeared infront of him. Jason picked up his pokeball and returned to his parents. Though he remembered that guy saying that he was lucked out but he didn't bother to ask which pokemon it was and left to his father and grandfather. They all went backside of the Pokemon Center.

"Why don't you show us what you got" His father asked.

Jason threw pokeball in hand in the air and a humanoid Pokemon with a white body appeared, which has thin arms and legs that widen toward the feet. There is a wispy extension trailing off the back of its feet, creating the overall impression of a nightgown or oversized dress. Most of its face is covered by green hair that resembles a bowl cut, but a pair of pinkish-red eyes is sometimes visible. There are two flat, red horns on top of its head: a large one toward the front and a smaller one at the back.

"Wow a Ralts, its a Feeling pokemon" His Grand father shouted in excitement.

Ralts was looking at the person who had his pokeball in the hand and Jason was also looking back in her eyes though not intimidating but with confidence. He walked towards and forwarded his hands towards the pokemon, said "Hello Ralts I am Jason and I will be your trainer. My dream is to be the best in the world and I hope you will be with me in that dream."

Though ralts first thought he was bluffing but looking in his eyes and feeling his emotions made her belief his goals and she nodded in response.

"So we will not be slacking and we will be the best in the world" Jason said and Ralts also nodded back in reply. All people around them were looking at them and some were even laughing at his thoughts. But they both ignored them.

Jason Turned to his father and said, "Dad, you both can return now, I with Ralts will move towards my journey."

"You take care of yourself and Ralts" His father said, though he knew miltank is there with them who is powerful and can protect them from the normal problems but love for son is greater for a dad.

Jason nodded and after that they had their lunch then they left towards the gate of Slateport town. Jason said goodbye to them and waited till they left then he walked in the opposite direction of his hometown.

Now our hero has ralts, how will be his journey, will update in later chapters.

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