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Reincarnation of the Strongest President Reincarnation of the Strongest President original

Reincarnation of the Strongest President

Author: Syunshinjungwoo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Maxim Vladimir Romanov

In the vast expanse of space, where countless stars illuminated the backdrop, a fleet of spaceships gracefully maneuvered through the cosmic expanse.

Within this celestial dance, the sleek, metallic vessels effortlessly pursued a lone spacecraft, showering it with fiery projectiles.

The targeted ship desperately evaded their relentless assault. Its exterior boasted a resolute shade of brown, reminiscent of a swirling vodka bottle.

With unwavering determination, it raced through the darkness, undeterred by the chaotic scene unfolding around it.

Inside, there stood Maxim Vladimir Romanov, the esteemed President of Space Ursarings. His gaze remained fixed ahead, peering through the veils of unexplored territory obscured by dark matter.

Suddenly, a voice crackled through the radio communicator beside him, filled with malice and resentment.

"Give up, you bastard! We've endured your leadership for far too long, and now it's time for payback. Your life is what we seek!"

"We'll be satisfied once we witness your demise. We've only pretended to follow you and only used you to train us. Your leadership is worthless!"

"Do you really think a human like you can lead us?!


"You can't!

"We are just excellent, that's why Space Ursarings reached the heights you never dreamed of reaching!

"Even if you escape now, you will never lead your own miserable human race, they have no hope and they will always turn against each other!

"Please all of them are dead! Ahahaha!

"Why are you so adamant on becoming a leader when you can't even protect your own race!? Hahaha!"

Listening to all these, Maxim maintained a stoic expression, concealing the disappointment and resentment etched deep within the lines of his face.

Under his guidance, the Space Ursarings had reached unprecedented heights, establishing ten Universal States within the game called the Domain of Miracles.

It was an MMORPG virtual reality game designed to enhance one's physical abilities in the real world. When a person entered the game, they assumed the role of a character.

As long as their character existed and continued to progress, their real-world body would also experience improvements.

For instance, if a player's character became a master of fire within the game, their real-world body would develop resistance to heat.

Similarly, if their character achieved mastery over ice, their physical form would gain resistance to cold.

This correlation between in-game accomplishments and real-world enhancements extended to other abilities as well.

Maxim's group's remarkable achievements had elevated them to the esteemed ranks of the First-Rate Guild within the MMORPG game Domain of Miracles, a feat that should have secured Maxim's place in the new simulation and granted him a favorable starting point.

However, destiny had other plans in store. In a single statement, Maxim's dreams of eternal glory shattered, rendering all his accomplishments meaningless in an instant.

His hopes and aspirations were cruelly snuffed out, dissipating like ethereal wisps of smoke forever out of reach.

Maxim never fathomed that his years of unwavering dedication and sacrifice could be so callously discarded.

He had trained them, nurtured them, protected them. And what did they do?

Used him?

Betrayed him?

Mocked him?

As the sole survivor of his human race, not a single day passed without Maxim thinking about the possibility of his race being revived, not a single day went by without him pondering how he could have saved them from their own devastation, and not a single day did he stop thinking about himself being the last hope for his race.

It's like witnessing a completely extinct bird, emitting its final cry in the vast, lifeless forest.

This obsession drove him to pursue leadership, hoping that one day, if humans were to reappear, he would be capable of guiding and safeguarding them from self-destruction.

However, he faced failure.

Maxim consistently attempted to recruit and lead beings, sharing his time, resources, and secrets selflessly, as he was already the strongest. Yet, he encountered constant disappointment as they either disbanded, harbored animosity towards him or each other, or abandoned the groups he had formed before reaching the pinnacle.

This perpetual cycle led him to question himself: Was he truly an inadequate leader?

Could he genuinely lead humanity?

What if he became the agent of humanity's demise?

The day he led the Space Ursarings group had instilled hope, but now, all the doubts were resurfacing.

However, Maxim, the strongest warrior, embodied confidence!

He would never surrender without a fight, no matter the odds. Whenever he encountered something that his insecurities deemed impossible, he would still attempt it.

Was he incapable of leading humanity due to a lack of experience?

Would he be the one to bring about their destruction?

And what about the weighty responsibilities?

What were the chances of Maxim causing their downfall?

Seventy percent?

Eighty percent?

Ninety percent?

Ninety-five percent?

But what about that remaining five percent?

What kind of feeling would it be if he succeeded with only five percent?

Therefore, Maxim resolved to forge ahead, undeterred.

"These creatures were never my true comrades!

"I will remember their race and make sure they eat dirt the day they see how great I am!"

Maxim angrily muttered as he skillfully controlled his ship, utilizing advanced technology linked to his own body.

As he pondered his significant contributions to the Space Ursarings, a surge of anger coursed through him.

He reflected on how he had worked to integrate and accept the aliens under his tutelage, only to be betrayed.

He had spent thousands of years, sacrificing everything, even forgetting who he was, only to be used by those who now stood at the same level as him.

Maxim vowed to seek revenge for their treacherous actions.

"How dare they betray me!

"I can't lead my human race?!

"Who said that!?

"I am old?!

"So what?!"

He declared with unwavering confidence and determination.

"They will face my wrath someday! It's near!

"It's coming!

"I'm coming!"

With clenched fists and unwavering resolve, Maxim propelled his ship forward, increasing its speed as he embarked on his quest for vengeance.

Despite being removed as the Leader of the Space Ursarings and losing his team's support, Maxim knew that the skills and knowledge he had gained from his experiences would never abandon him.

With these tools, he would rise again within the and the real world, building his own virtual or real-world empire.

While lost in his thoughts, Maxim noticed that the pursuing spaceships had suddenly stopped.


Realizing the reason behind their unexpected pause, his gaze fell upon a cluster of uncharted Dark Matter looming ahead.

The sight was both awe-inspiring and ominous, as if the very fabric of the universe had twisted and contorted into an enigmatic mass.

Maxim's heart skipped a beat, for he knew that navigating through its mysterious depths was considered impossible by conventional means.

Tudub! Tudub! Tudub!

However, how many percent could he die through this dark matter?

Ninety Nine?

What about the one percent?

Just what would he feel if he achieved that one percent?

What would he feel if he survived in that one percent?

So, even without much knowledge, Maxim would dare to get through it!

"I can pass this, my comrades!"

He mumbled silently.

"I must pass these for my real comrades!"

He had studied the esoteric properties of Dark Matter, dissected its elusive nature, and forged a path through the unknown with unwavering determination.

His confidence, born from the very being of selfishness, allowed him to believe that he could traverse this dangerous terrain without sacrificing his own life.

As the formidable obstacle drew closer, Maxim could feel his pulse quickening, and adrenaline surged through his veins.

"Here it is!!"

The immense gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders, but he refused to succumb to fear.

He had come too far, sacrificed too much, to be deterred now.

His face flushed with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, his body poised for the impending ordeal.

Summoning all his strength, both physical and mental, Maxim steeled himself for what lay ahead.

With a deep breath, he let out a triumphant cry.


When everything disappeared suddenly, Maxim felt a warm and comforting touch of the morning sunlight on his skin.

The gentle rays of the sun seeped through his closed eyelids, coaxing him to wake up and become aware of his surroundings. As he opened his eyes, the world appeared blurry and filled with swirling colors and shapes.

Maxim felt disoriented, as if he had woken up in a strange place.

The surroundings seemed ethereal, as if covered by a thin mist that made it hard to see the details clearly. It felt like he had been transported to a space that exists between dreams and reality, where time and space merge.

Gradually, Maxim's senses started to adjust, and he heard a distant voice calling out to him.

The words reached his ears in fragments, and their meaning was unclear, like whispers carried by a gentle breeze.

"Hey buddy, we are almost there," the voice said urgently.

"Please get your card ready for payment. It will be 30 BUB."

Maxim furrowed his brows in confusion as he tried to understand the message from the voice.

The language sounded vaguely familiar, evoking a sense of deep-rooted familiarity within him.

However, there was a sense of antiquity to it, as if the words belonged to a long-lost era, echoing through time.

Maxim's disorientation waned as time passed, and he regained awareness of his physical presence.

His head was heavy, and his temples throbbed.

A wave of dizziness swept over him, making the world sway and spin.

He turned to the window, hoping for clarity, but the scene appeared distant and blurry. The swaying of the vehicle and the disorienting view intensified his struggle.

Longing for something tangible, he reached out and found solace in the cool door handle.

Gripping it tightly, he felt grounded.

As the fog in his mind cleared, he recognized the hum of the engine and the warmth of the circulating air.

Sharpening his senses, he surveyed the interior, gradually piecing things together.

Determined to understand his situation, he sought clarity amidst confusion. Subtle cues emerged, guiding him.

Sounds of tires on the road and passing lights formed a puzzle that brought clarity.

Suddenly, Maxim's mind aligned with reality—he was in the backseat of a car.

The upholstery provided comfort, though unfamiliar. The seat belt reminded him of his journey. The car's interior came to life before his eyes.

As Maxim settled into the backseat of the cab, the driver, a weathered figure with a voice that carried the weight of experience, turned to him and broke the silence.

"We've finally arrived at the Vovovich Carousel Cafe, buddy."

He grumbled, keeping his eyes on the road.

Confused, Maxim furrowed his brow and looked out of the window, realizing that he was indeed in a taxi, unexpectedly along for the ride.

Only then, the mention of the Vovovich Carousel Cafe triggered a rush of memories in Maxim's mind.

It was the day before the apocalypse came, before all the secrets about Global Enlightened Ones that were behind everything of human race, were uncovered by the game MMORPG

The cafe was the place filled with nostalgia for Maxim, where he and his childhood crush used to meet with her group of friends.

He remembered the laughter and whispered confessions, and how his crush had planned to express her feelings to someone else.

Maxim felt a mix of embarrassment, regret, and longing.

Back then, he had resorted to playful banter and jokes as a way to protect his heart from the vulnerability of unrequited love— it became an argument.

All he wanted was for her to be with him, to let her see that he was there, to let her feel that he was the right one– the knight in shining armor. But fate had other plans, and his actions had only caught the attention of his crush's love interest.

It was a painful realization that he would never win her heart, no matter how much he yearned or waited.

These memories, now distant echoes of the past, tugged at his heart with a mix of nostalgia and regret.

Perplexed, Maxim wondered if someone was playing a cruel prank on him, toying with his reality and tormenting his fragile mind. But before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, the driver's gruff voice interrupted, bringing him back to the present moment.


"I said we are here, buddy!"

The driver barked impatiently.

Startled, Maxim widened his eyes and tried to process the abrupt command.

He turned to the driver and asked, with uncertainty in his voice.

"Excuse me my comrade, what's the time and date?

"I didn't mean to end up here."

The driver gave him a grumpy look, silently reproaching his ignorance, before answering curtly.

"It's July 34, 2267."

Maxim's whole body tensed up, and his mind struggled to comprehend.

July 34?


Such a date didn't exist in his understanding.

It was a date from long ago.

Was he being pranked, or had something truly extraordinary happened, throwing him into an illusion?

But his thoughts were shattered by the driver's impatient yell.

"Stop dilly dallying, pay up and get out of my car!"

It brought him back to the reality of the present moment.

With urgency, Maxim searched through his pockets, fumbling to find any currency he could. He handed the crumpled bills and coins to the driver, a brief exchange in the midst of chaos.

As he stepped out of the cab, he surveyed the bustling cityscape before him—a vibrant tapestry of life. Tall buildings reached for the sky, commanding attention and awe.

Crowds of people hurried along the sidewalks with determination, their footsteps creating a symphony of urgency. It was a city filled with energy and movement, its pulse resonating in Maxim's chest. And there it stood, amidst the vibrant chaos—the Vovovich Carousel Cafe, its colorful facade beckoning him with familiarity.

A mixture of awe and confusion filled Maxim's heart as he muttered to himself, barely audible.

"Could it be that I've been transported back in time, my comrades?"

The idea seemed absurd, defying all reason and logic.

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