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Chapter 2: New World New Life Maybe?

"ooo... isn't he just the cutest?"

"I cant disagree, our little boy does infact look cute and dazzling but w-"

WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE....oh wait they're my parents I forgot about the fact that I just got reincarnated...and thank god I cant speak, before anything else happens let's open my eyes.

well it seems I got the demi-humans treatment I've got cat ears and a tail the room I'm in seems to be a rental room in a pub

it also seems that we are poor my dad wears a shabby button up shirt with torn and worn trousers and seems to be the reason I have the ears with his being stripped in black and gray his tail the same, while my mum...ok this is not what I expected I'm I involved with a scandal?

My mum is wearing a white silk dress along with a poppy red skirt with flower patterns and seems to be wealthy and she's human no animal features whatsoever.

clearly I must be mistaken right?

"so what shall we do with him then, I mean my father cant find out about this or he'll have you two killed to cover it up!?"-M

"i know he will but the issue is were to go he will be suspicious if one of his servants goes missing while HIS daughter left for 9 months with him and others!"-D

"yes you do have a point but the thing is I can tell him that you died while we were on the roads since bandits attack and you didn't survive!"

it seems that I'm in big trouble if my supposing grandfather finds out...well I guess I'll have to leave it up to the grownups even if I don't like the plan.

"ok what if we go back and say that you find this baby out in the street and wanted to adopt him that wouldn't raise suspicion right? "-D

"I don't know I mean he does look like you so it might raise a flag"-M

"I see but he won't know straight away that he's mine will he...wait don't tell me he's been spying on you!"-D

"your right he has in fact he's suspected us for a while now since your the only servant that I speak with a nearly all the time more than him in fact"-M

well it seems they didn't really plan this through did they, from the sound of it the wisest thing to do would be to leave me with my dad.

"well then he's got a spy on us now I'm guessing...hmm I say the best option we got is me leaving with him and you saying that I died"-D

"but then I wouldn't be able to see my child would I!...and I don't want him to forget about me or even think that I died...I want to be his mother after all and live with you Ronathin and marry you I couldn't care less about me being a daughter of a Duke, if it means I can't live with my family!"-M

well I at least know my dads name and that the situation that I'm in is even worse than i expected i mean...ha a DUKES DAUGHTER COME ON I don't want to die just yet you know, God I wise I could speak you know than all this would be over by no-

"ok well then I guess I will take our William and leave while you leave to go back and we de's have good memories so he shouldn't forget you may we see each other once again but that time United as a family"-R

At least I still have my last name unchanged


Far away from were William in a large room being 50 metres tall and 14 metres wide, 20 metres long the room it self seem to be extravagant with the ceiling being a skylight and a chandelier hanging down in the centre of the room and 6 columns made out of marble engraved with gold patterns Spamming them hole with the floors seemingly reflecting the torchlight and a red carpet made with silk leading to a seat at the end of the room a man sits on it, someone can be heard running he comes in busting the doors open as he enters

"so what news do you bring Crewn"

"you won't like it that's for sure but It seems that your daughter lost her virginity to that de's servant a–"-C

"FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT DARES TO TOUCH MY DAUGHTER YET ALONE FUCK HER...if he comes back I want him to be Executed on the spot then ask later of the other servants if they knew of an–"

"he also got her pregnant"-C



*Crewn smirks*

"of cos me lord I will see that they disappear"-C


well it seems that we were inside a pub after all on the outside it's worse then the room in its looks but it doesn't seem to matter since it's got quite a lot of customer's, it's also in what seems like the central market quite bustling and lively with a variety of goods the town itself seems to be doing well and quite appealing, with a flag waving off one of the buildings...what seems to have a red and yellow cross with four dragon's in the corners and a pegasus Crest in the centre.

"Sir can you you take us to the next town over please!"-R

"Why son you running from your wife!"

"no she died from giving birth and I'm running from the the law cos I stole food to feed me and my baby"-R

"ooh...sorry if I offended you there if that's the case then come on I'll take you were you want"

"thank you"-R

we had been travelling for 3 days just to get to the village the old man lived and another 4 to get to the town over, the village was a human one it didn't seem to be doing so well yet everyone was so heartwarming and willing to help me and my dad, I could already tell that this world wasn't to different from earth it seems with clear class society and as usual the poor suffer for the rich the good news is that there does seem to be guilds around that act more like clubs for adults than actually business except for the Bulwind Adventurers which can be found in every town but the acceptance fee is expensive apparently at least that's what the villagers told dad but didn't say how much exactly so its either affordable or expensive, but i still don't know what the currency for now I will stop worrying I must look like a strange baby for making the faces I have while thinking...all this has surprisingly made me tired...

*9 hours later William awakes*

how long have I been asleep for its night already hmmm it seems everyone sleeping except for me...I'm a idiot I completely forgot I had a system, I wonder if it's a traditional one or unique? alright here goes nothing...wait I can't even speak maybe I can open it with a thought alright system open!

{command not recognised}

ok how about stat screen?


(Name: William Rakon)

(Race-human)(Age-10 hours)

Health - 15

Power level unknown

(strength)unknown --8

(agility)unknown --5


(toughness)unknown --3

(unknown stat)

(unknown stat)

Abilities - 0


{currently there is not enough information to determine hosts power level or stats please find out more but from current analysis host power is comparable with object known as shit}

Perfect I got no idea how powerful I'm and even got call shit by my own system great start and what's wors-

{system warning hostile has been detected}


*William cried like the baby he is*

"Was going on William shhh please don't cry daddy's trying to sleep..."-R

*William cried louder waking up the old man startled*

"What's going on!"

"Williams crying sorry about that come on ssssh go to sleep ssssh"-R

"Something isn't right here"

"What do you mean?"-R

"Your a bad father if you haven't noticed how you kid never seemed to cry until now so it means this little guy noticed something"

"Hu that you mentioned it yeah your right... so do you know how to fight by any chance?"-R

"Nope no clue what's so ever"

"Well then I think we should ride away right about now don't you think"-R


*Ronathin along with the old man and William got on the cart and rode away without looking back except William and realising that the danger was a herd of deer*

I'm a complete buffoon hold on why did the system see deer as a threat in the first place?

{to answer its because system has never seen or encountered creature 'deer' before}

great I even have a clueless system now to deal with and can't blame HIM since i didn't ask for a omnipotent system, perfect my day couldn't get any better.

Mik_King Mik_King

This is the 2nd part for now I'm doing world building for the first few chapters until release so any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Also later you might be confused on why his health is huge compared to now and that's because he is a baby, no older than 1 day.

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