Reviews of REJECTION by Akia200 - Webnovel


  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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This story's already looking nice after the first few chapters, the plot - hierarchy in wolves systems is usually interesting to watch on TV, only this one is unusual in that (spoiler) they start out with seemingly equal rights, until someone thinks it shouldn't, typical of human society itself, which is where the plot points itself gets twisted on its head, and the said character will surely have hard choices to make, atleast given the direction of the book. Lovely to see.

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This story's already looking nice after the first few chapters, the plot - hierarchy in wolves systems is usually interesting to watch on TV, only this one is unusual in that (spoiler) they start out with seemingly equal rights, until someone thinks it shouldn't, typical of human society itself, which is where the plot points itself gets twisted on its head, and the said character will surely have hard choices to make, atleast given the direction of the book. Lovely to see.

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