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Chapter 4: The Presentation

Shirley's POV

It's the second day of the school week and I am more than happy to go to school today.


1. It's the only day I don't have math either the first or second lesson.

2. It's not Monday!

"Shirley, Sam's here!" My mom calls from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a sec!"

Sam and I walk to school together in the morning. She too doesn't have a car,but only because she's failed most of her driving tests.

After I'm done with my hair, I rush downstairs.

"You ready to leave now?"

"Yeah, let's go." I pick my back pack from the couch.


"You're not gonna have breakfast?"

"No, I'm good."

"Okay. Bye girls,take care!"

Sam and I leave the house.

"So, how was your piano lesson yesterday?"

Did she have to bring that up? I had totally forgotten about what happened yesterday until Sam mentioned piano lesson.

" was great. You know...just the usual..." I was really trying to be careful not to mention Xander, because then I'd have to tell her everything that happened.

"What do you mean,'just the usual"?... Hey..." I didn't like the look Sam gave me. It was very mischievous.

"Is there something you are not telling me?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"What? No!"

"You're my best friend, I know when you're hiding something. Now,spill!"

She got me good.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to make a big deal out of it,"

Who was I kidding? This is Sam!

"You know I can't promise that. Oh, and I'm getting impatient over here."

"Xander gave me a ride home yesterday." I said it as quickly as I could and waited for Sam's reaction.

"What! Are you serious!"

"Don't overreact,Sam."

"I'm not! It's a big deal! Shirley,how long were you gonna keep this from me?"

"For as long as I could,but hey, we don't always get what we want,do we?"

"But, what was he doing at school until that time?"

"He's a Shark."

"Holy fucking shit! The hot new guy is a Shark!"

Oh jeez!

"Why are you acting like it's no big deal, Shirley?"

"Because it's not!"

"It is too!"


"It is!"

"Look,Sam, let's not argue about this. You have your opinion,I have mine."

"Okay, whatever you say," she said raising her hands up in surrender.

We got to school and went straight to our lockers. I had Biology.

Wait, Biology! Oh no!

"Hey, Shirley,look!"


"Look over there," Sam told me, pointing across the hallway.

It was Xander, talking to Hailey.

You know that popular girl in every typical high school,who is spoiled as hell,wears tonns of make up,owns thousands of designer clothes and perfumes and always wants the baddest boy in school, to complete her image? Well, that's Hailey. Hailey Scott.

She was already making her move with the new bad boy in school. Poor Xander.

"I told you girls would be all over him,see?"

"And why should I care, exactly?"

"Because you two'd be great together,"


"Look, I know you won't like to hear this,but Raymond already moved on. You should move on to. I know it's not easy,but you have to at least try."

"I know,Sam,but I don't think it's gonna workout with Xander. Besides,I don't like him and I don't think he likes me either."

"That's what you say about every other guy."

"Sam, I'd really appreciate it if we don't talk about this right now. Now,if you'll excuse me, I have a Biology class to attend." I closed my locker.

Before I left for Biology class, I looked over to where Xander and Hailey were.

And that was my worst mistake.

Xander looked up and our eyes met. I quickly looked away and started walking to Biology class, cursing myself inwardly. What the hell!

I got into Biology class and took my seat. The bell for first period had not yet rang,so people had not yet settled in class.

I sat there and started planning how I was gonna transfer to another school in another state because Xander was not going to give me a break after he caught me staring.

The bell rang and I felt like the day couldn't get any worse. I kept my head down staring blankly at my Biology note book to avoid another eye contact with Xander when he walks into class.

I only look up when I hear our Biology teacher greeting us .

"Good morning, students."

"What's so good about this morning?" I muttered to myself.

"What's that?" I was startled when the person behind me whispered to me. Was I really that loud?

"Er... nothing," I said, slowly turning to look behind.

I rued my action the moment I saw from whose mouth the question came from. It was Xander!


"Yes, sweetheart,me. I'm fine, thank you for asking,"

"What are you doing here?" I whisper shouted at him.

"I go to school here, remember?"

"You know what I mean, jerk-o!"

"Oh, I switched seats with Vince. You got a problem with that?"

Yes,Xander, I got a problem with that. A ginormous problem for that matter!

"Yes. I don't want the annoying jerk sitting behind me in class. I already have too much problems and you can't be one of them."

"What is it with you girs!"

"What do you mean?" I wish I knew what was coming before I asked that, because maybe then I'd keep my big mouth shut.

"One minute you can't take your eyes off me and the next you don't even wanna see me!"

Oh my God! I was about to come up with a come back when I was interrupted by our Biology teacher.

"By now everyone should be having a partner."

A partner? For what? I wasn't even listening.

Curse you, Xander!

"What is he talking about?" And he has the guts to ask me!

"Well, thanks to you, I have no idea!"

Oh God! What have I done to deserve this?

"Excuse me, Sir, I don't have a partner."

"How is that so? I don't think anyone is absent. Who else doesn't have a partner?"

Xander raised his hand. It was only Xander and I without partners.

Wait. What!

This could only mean one thing.

"Shirley,Xander, you'll be partners for the presentation."

Well, thank you for confirming my fears out loud,Mr.! 

Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel Xander smirk behind me. There was nothing I wanted to do more than smack that smirk off his face.

Hey,see what I did there? Smack that smirk ;). Yeah, never mind.

Our teacher gave each pair their topic of discussion and left to give us time to prepare.

"Hey, partner, why don't we start working on our presentation?"

"Hold your horses, jerk-o, we have until next week."

"As you say, shorty."

Oh, no he didn't! I slowly turned to him with my death glare.

"You should see the expression on your face right now. It's priceless."

"You know what's going to be even more priceless? Your face, when I slap off that stupid smirk."

"You wouldn't want to damage this handsome face now, would you?"

What do you do to a guy with an ego bigger than his brain?

The bell rang and I couldn't be more happier.

"Oh thank God!" I packed my books and stood up to leave.

"Later, partner!"

Somebody save me now!


I sat with Sam at the cafeteria during lunch and we ended up talking about Xander.

"Can you believe he's my partner for a Biology presentation!"

"I know, right! I'm so happy for you,girl!"

When it comes to Xander, Sam and I are never on the same page. The thing is,Sam thinks that Xander and I would be perfect together,but here's the problem: I don't have feelings for him.

Or do I?

No. Definitely not. And neither does Xander have feelings for me. I mean,all he ever finds joy in is annoy me.

"Ever heard of the saying that goes 'Talk of the devil and it appears'? Well, it's true."

"What do you mean?"

"There's Xander."

He was coming our direction.

Somebody please shoot me in the head.


Oh no!

"I was wondering if you wanna come over to my place today after school so we can work on the presentation."

"What? No! I told you we have until next week. And we could use the library for that."

"It's either today at my place,or we both score E's. Just so you know,I'm okay either way."

"Why today?"

"Well, tomorrow I have swimming practice, I'm hanging out with my friends the day after that and nobody studies from Friday till Monday...well, I don't." 

"But the drama club is using the library today after school."

"Exactly. That's why you're coming over to my place.".

I looked at Sam, expecting her to have my back. I should have known better.

"Shirley,you should go! You don't want to score your first E now,do you?"

Why the hell do I have her as my best friend?

"Huh! Fine."

"See you then,shorty."

"You call me that again and I swear I'll--"

I was interrupted in the middle of my threat by none other than Hailey Scott.

"Hey there,cute thing! Wanna join me for lunch at my table?"


"Let's go,then," she took him by his hand and led him,more like dragged him, to her table.

What was that! 'Cute thing'? Who does she think she is? His girlfriend?

Wait. Why do I even care? Whatever Hailey does with Xander is none of my business. Right?



"I think that's it."

"Hmm. That wasn't as hard as I thought."

"Yeah, that's for you to know. Since we're done here, I'm gonna go home now. It's almost seven."

"I'll drive you."

"I'll make it. My house is not very far from here. I can walk."

"Of course you can, only I won't let you. Come on."

I got into the passenger seat and strapped the seatbelt on.

It was a quiet drive to my house. I kept replaying everything that happened at Xander's house all the way,I didn't even notice when we got to my house.

"Hey, Shirley,get out of my car and go home."

And the jerk is back. I got out of his car and started walking to my house.


I stopped in my tracks but didn't look behind.

"It was nice er... working with you."

I could feel my cheeks heat up and I swear my heart stopped beating for a moment.

Wait. What!

Since when did I start having weird feelings like these?

I didn't want to give myself away.

"I bet it was. Goodnight, Xander."

"Goodnight,shorty." Then he drove away.

My mom was not yet home when I got there. I went straight to my room and locked myself in. I took a warm shower,got into my PJs and straight to bed. I couldn't sleep for a long time, though.


Finally it was Monday and the presentation was over and done with.

Oh,and we scored an A,might I add.

"Hey, you were good up there."

"You were not bad yourself. For a jerk like you, that was very impressive."

"Wanna do it again?"

"No thanks,I'm good, jerk-o."

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