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Chapter 2: Reversed Heart : The Chaos Demon Lord and His Tale : Chapter 2

Without hesitation, Wirata redeemed the reward for completing the quest. Yes, he is indeed curious. A hard quest must have great award.

[ Congratulations You Just Got Yourself A Grimoire ] a screen pop out as well as the Grimoire. Well Wirata had seen enough Black Clover to know what the duck is Grimoire

" Better be a good grimoire," Wirata observed the Grimoire using his eyes first. It does look like the normal grimoire where you can see on the Black Clover. However, there ain't a stupid Clover Symbol. Rather they have a one heart symbol.

" One heart? Uhmmm... better use 'appraisal'," While monologuing he chanted the spell.

Just like every other System novel/wuxia/manhwa/manhua you read. Every information about the Grimoire is being leaked to Wirata. The demon lord.

" Specialist : Dark Magic ," ....Really Dark Magic? Wirata already mastered a lot of Dark Magic. And now the damned grimoire also related to Dark Magic. " I wish I can get better Grimoire but oh well, better than nothing. Who might have thought, maybe this grimoire have some new spell that Wirata had never seen before.

Wirata went ahead and checked the first page of his grimoire.

[ Dark Magic : Touch of Darkness ] is the first spell and the only spell right now in the Grimoire. Yeah, like you thought. Wirata also thought that this spell is something cliché.

" Bruh I need to touch something in order to make my spell work?" This spell may be useful for close combat fighter or some assassin but for a mage like Wirata it kinda useless.

" Think positively, Think positively," Wirata trying to convince himself that the Grimoire shall bring him great outcome later. According to his heart contest , he would like to throw the Grimoire away. What a disappointment, a hard quest's reward turned out to be one of the useless shit that Wirata could ask for.

Title Award : [ The Demon Lord ]

Special : All stats will be Boosted by a fewpercentage. The more proficiency you have the great boost you shall receive

:- Proficiency 0%

:- Almost give the user insane amount of extra mana

:- Immune to different type of intimidating skill since you hold extremely high status title

:- The Demons cannot disobey you

:- More thing will be unlock later.

" Meh nothing special. it just a stupid title," Wirata try to defy the title. He got better title like [ The Conquer ] or [ Master of All Affinity ] all of them give kinda the exact speciality.

But Wirata is a straight forwarded man. The sentence 'More things will be unlock later' attracted him. He wants to know the mysterious. The curiosity of knowing the unknown get the best of him. No way he will ignore this title.

" Fine. I shall use this title ,"

[ Are you sure you are going to use this title? (Y/N) ] Wirata tapped yes.

[ As the leader of the demon. It make sense that you need to become one of them. Demon genetics have been put inside of you. The more you embrace the Demon culture the more demoner you wil be ]

" Really? I have to become a demon? " Wirata didn't actually like the idea of putting Demon Genetic inside of him. He already has other type of genetic inside of him.

[ The system is satisfied with your effort. Henceforth, you will receive an extra quest ]

Wirata check the newest quest that he received.

[ Bring Greatness to yourself and The Demon Race.

Become the most Horrifying Demon Lord had ever exist in the Demon Realm ]

Must done list.

: Master The Dark Magic Grimoire. ( Reach 100% proficiency.

: Conquer even a tiny piece of land from the Mortal Realm. The huger the land the better it is

: Make all leader of all the continent recognize your leadership.

Rewards =

._Exclusive Title [ The Chaos Demon Lord ]

._The progress that you made shall remain.

" More title? " Wirata wrote this down. He need to write them and send it to Aiki. Aiki's support are probably essential for the quest to be finished.

" Message ," the message spell had been used. He need to contact Aiki as fast as possible.

" Yes MiLord," Aiki responded. " Come to the throne room. I have something urgent to tell you ," said Wirata. Now Wirata have a clearer goal. If Aiki thought this quest will help him to proceed to godhood, he won't hesitate to complete it.

A teleportation magic approached the throne room. Wirata allow the teleportation to happen. Knowing that is Aiki, he doesn't need to worry about anything.

" Reporting in MiLord," said Aiki while paying respect. Wirata passed the paper that he just write.

" That is our next goal. All of them. We will make them happen ," said Wirata. Aiki observed the Paper. Splendid, in such a small period Wirata thought of a plan of his next movement. He includes the quest he just received and the plan to apply the new government.

" If this what MiLord wanted to do. I have no objection," said Aiki. A sign that the plan is allowed to be started. " You thought that, my great plan is easy to accomplish? Without knowledge you are nothing but a wild-deer," He forced Itari to be existed in his throne room by using Spatial Magic.

" Information Shares," Aiki and Itari received a knowledge through magic. The Land conquering Britain Style was descendent to their head.

" Before we use this plan fully. We will have a few simulation and try," said Wirata. He needs to know the effectiveness of the plan and know the weakness of it.

" Make it happen ," said Wirata to Aiki and Itari. Their first mission finally here. Despite being their first day of officially being the Demon highest ranked authorities, Wirata sent out a difficult mission.

" For a new government, this is quite a difficult plan to accomplish," said Aiki. But this does not lower his morale or Itari's Morale. Rather, this improve their morale even more. Hype and excited. " I cannot wait till the moment I will be participating in a war," said Itari

" You may dissolve!" said Wirata. " Aye, MiLord!"


After 20 years had passed. Wirata believe that his man are strong and perfect enough. The plan to begin conquering the world. Yes, he wants to conquer the mortal realm. He thought to himself. " Why would I take a few of them when I can grab them all?" He smirked. The thrill feeling already overwhelmed his body even though the plan haven't happen yet. His men are patiently waiting for his announcement since he called them to gather around.

It's a rare situation for Wirata to gather his men in one place. He rather meet them one by one. But to safe some of his time, he decided to gather and tell his men about the next step that they will accomplish.

" Welcome Back Fellow Comrade. It is indeed a rare situation for the Demon Government to gather around. However, I'm pretty sure you guys are curious why I gather all of you,"

" I have a pretty amazing announcement. Secretary Aiki and War Commander Itari already knew what the announcement is going to be but that is not the case,"

" Today, I declare war against the Mortal Realm. Yes you guys HEARD IT RIGHT! I DECLARE WAR!"

Such a drastic announcement. From all of those 20 years, they had remain neutral meanwhile trying to apply the new government on the Demon Realm. This aggressive announcement indeed surprised the whole entire Demon race. They have been waiting for this moment for a long time. All of the Demon had one thing in similar. They are thirsty for bloodbath that will occur on the battlefield.

The whole Demon Realm Government are hyped. This announcement is like a signal for them to go rampage against the human. From all the 20 years, the demons are restricted from causing havoc in everywhere. They refined themselves not to do anything destructive that may lead to complicated conflict.


Wirata had awaken his Demon Genetics. His voice start to sound more demonic and his appearance now look more demonic. A pair of wing start to grow behind him, A pair of horn grew on his forehead. Black and Red aura surrounded him.


" OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" The parliament are hyped. All ministry are hyped. A history indeed.

The Demon Race are more confident now. They have such an excellent leader. Strong government, strong troop. This time for sure, they will claim the winner title this time.


" MiLord that was an astonishing speech you gave there," Aiki praised. To be honest, Wirata never take Aiki seriously. He just ignore that sentences, pretend he never heard that.

" MiLord. What is our next move?" ask Aiki. Wirata declared war against Mortal Realm. He should have thought of the next move. " We going to make like a full scale of invasion," said Wirata.

" Full scale invasion? Isn't that kinda risky. The human are united in one race even though they are from different continent. The Human even have full access to the Demon Realm. Doing a full invasion style would probably bring disadvantage to us," said Aiki.

" I didn't say a full scale of invasion. I said 'like a full scale invasion'," said Wirata. He stops. " In order to win, a lot of initiative and plan are nessecary. The endless varieties make the enemy confused and unable to protect themselves properly," said Wirata.

Wirata still believe. Endless varieties will bring you huge advantage in the battlefield, it could even bring confusion. This confusion surely will let the enemy guard down.

" Itari going to have a full scale invasion with his own troop at the Diamond Continent," said Wirata without Aiki realized. Itari already inside of Wirata presences. Wirata suggested Itari to learn stealth skill and magic.

" Aiki you are going to attack the Clover Continent," said Wirata. " Don't forget to bring the elite troop," he adds.

" I,myself shall attack the Spade Continent," said Wirata. What a confident boy. This is what Wirata call 'A Full Scale invasion dummy'. Their declaration should have traveled Mortal Realm by now or later.

" Are you certainly sure that yourself can go against the whole continent?" ask Aiki. He shows his concerns towards Wirata.

" Who told imma go all out on the Spade Continent. I'm just going to disturb them. This will make their movement on reinforcing their alliance territory become later. Thus making the plan of conquering the Diamond Continent went smoothly without any third party," said Wirata. Indeed a genius plan, Having 3 continent fought against 3 different team would make the enemy more likely to protect their homeland. Making the only continent that being able to reinforce other continent is the Heart Continent.

The Heart Continent and The Spade Continent are far away apart making the reinforcement unable to arrive early. But the main reason of Wirata attacking the Spade Continent was for distracting the Heart Continent. Enemy often target the leader first. Since the leader is alone, it is indeed a great opportunity to take down the leader.

" MiLord. How confident of you about Heart Continent going after you," ask Aiki. Like I told you guys, Wirata and Aiki have a really deep understanding about each other.

" About 70%," said Wirata. Yes there is 30% chance that the Heart Continent would not reinforce the Spade Continent. However, why would the enemy do so? Both Clover and Diamond are being invaded by the demon army. The casualties that the Heart Continent had to pay there are much huger than fighting against one demon lord.

Wirata and Aiki know that, without sacrifices. There won't be any victory. This the prices that their must pay. There are no other different methods.

" Good luck MiLord," Aiki still has his fate. He believes that the man that he swore to pledge his royalty shall not fall down easily. " Thank you Aiki. You too, good luck," said Wirata.


Hello guys. it's me.

According to my wrote novel which my mate Will O burger had seen, the story started with Yuno (as the main character ) and Asta ( as a heroin )

This volume exist just to make sure all of you guys, my reader understand what the hell are going on my novel. Without you guys having a handful of knowledge it will make me hard to proceed on my story.

For the conclusion, I forced myself to rewrite/remake my old story. Yes the real story start at the 3rd volume. Yes you can skip 1st or 2nd volume but you have difficulties later in the day don't blame me!


I forgot to re-check this chapter. I sincerely apologize for my mistake.

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